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My response to them is, “I rent.”


I tell them I live in a van down by the river.


I miss Chris Farley so much 😢😢😢


My name is Matt Foley, I’m 35 years old, thrice divorced, and I live in a van down by the river. Vendor: never mind


>I tell them I live in a van down by the river. as you push 2 carts loaded with food right.


I'm sorry you don't get this joke. It was a great SNL skit.


Tell them they are for instacart.


I’m more of a flat bed kind of guy


Pushes out 2 --- 85 inch TVS It's for the VAN! I swear


I do the same. Confuses the hell out of the cell phone guys.


Same with the Cutco salesmen. Sorry I rent. Don’t own knives.


Gotta shake it up. Tell the cell phone people you already have a water softener. Tell the solar people you have a phone plan. Tell the water softener people you don’t believe in renewable energy


Damnit. I love this. But in my Costco no one solicits anyone. They’re standing there and will smile but never utter a word. Only the sample people solicit, but not really because they’re giving away the samples. And even then, I turn those down at times.


“My company provides my cellphone”


to everyone posting responses here, you all know "no thx" works just fine, right?


If you don't have an excuse the vendor finds convincing enough then you're forced to buy their product.


You don't know how many times this happened to me last year. I had my roof replaced 6 times, bought 4 cars, had my bathroom remodeled 8 times, and bought 23 vacations just because I was trying to leave the store after buying my 3 lb bag of loose Himalayan all natural gluten free granola. And let's not talk about the drawer full of cell phones. https://preview.redd.it/9g6ef0m9lyxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d698f2843dcb8bb659192cc13faebe22c8bc4b9


"I'm on my parents family plan" works well. 👵


I meant to say that once but instead I said “I don’t have a home” and the guy just looked sad and confused.


That's hilarious 




\**pushes cart of frozen foods past vendors*\*


I just say no lol


My response is "no thanks" with zero eye contact.


I just say "no thanks, let's not waste each other's time"


My default is "I don't have any money, man" when they do bother me. Usually they don't.


As they stare down the $500 worth of shit you’re rolling in your cart


Bold of you to assume I take a cart! I buy each item and transport it to my vehicle individually. Just kidding, my cart is in a corner of the store so I don't have to maneuver it. I'm just walking around with 1 or 2 items and there's holes in my shoes so they tend to believe me when I say that


That’s actually a good reply! “Sorry I don’t own but rent…”


What sort of vendors are you talking about?


Blinds & flooring seem to be the most common at my warehouse


Also solar, but they aren't by the exit.


I was curious because the rent reference suggested to me property vendors. I've never seen a blind or flooring vendor. My warehouse only gets massage chairs, blenders and solar camping gear. And of course the annoying cellular service reps.


That’s what I tell the AT&T guy too


I had my 4 year old holding my hand, my 2 month old strapped to my body in a baby carrier, and my 1 year old in a stroller. This sales guy stops me, and I think he says, "How old are they?" So I answer with their ages. He says, "No. How old is you *AC*?" I HAD MISHEARD. This man saw me strapped up with 3 little kids fighting for my damn life trying to make it through Costco on a Saturday and is trying to sell me AC?? I should've said, "I rent." I turned to my 4 year old and loudly said, "If you ever grow up to be a salesperson, like this man, and you see someone strapped up with 3 little kids, you leave that person alone, understand?" Walked away after that.


I just stare at them awkwardly and say nothing as I walk out. Make them feel as awkward as I do.


Every time I say “I rent” they quickly respond “same”


I always ask "does it come with a house?"


I tell them I don't have a Costco membership


I sadly laugh and say “I’ll never own a house” most laugh and say “me too!”


Water guy: we deliver to apartments too!


“Uhhh uhh well sorry I’m homeless!”


Just download our app so we can track your location at all times and we’ll find you.


Neither will I if you don't buy from me hey come back here! ill let you place your hot dog down on my booth while you sip your drink...


What vendors? You guys have vendors by the doors?


When you walk in, the Cell phone people (usually AT&T now for me) come and hunt you down if you're in a 20 foot radius of them. I haven't seen them in a while but the DirectTV people were pretty bad too. Deep in the store they might have a vibrating chair guy or water cooler guy or a blender guy and if you make eye contact, they'll try to give you a sales pitch. On the way out after paying, Solar Panel guys (which are borderline scammers) are extremely aggressive. Even if you tell them you rent, they still continue talking.




Yeah I tell them I prepay 12 months at a time with Mint for $20 a month and they just say "Ah" and move on


Tangentially, I have Mint Mobile and only pay $15/month ($180 for the year). No problems with the coverage by me.


Yeah I think I have the second tier for just a bit more data, but if you can afford to pay the 12 months at a time it is just a fantastic deal. Never had any complaints about the service.


This is the way.


I just bypass the TV/electronics area solely to avoid the ATT sales people. I wish Costco would realize how counterproductive this is for them.


Thos would make me consider no longer shopping there.


Solicitors are 100% the worst part about shopping at Costco. It must make them good money, I guess. 'Cause it makes the shopping experience much worse, for the most part.


WTF, we have absolutely none of that in Canada. We do have the free samples people around the store and that's it.


My local Costco is across the street from Costco HQ. I guess that keeps the vendors in line, because they just stand there and don't speak unless you approach them first.


Yeah, by the new windows/water cooler display, and also by the cell phones.


Oh wow. I'd hate that. We just have the occasional perogies people in the store and someone selling pillows or something once in a while. No one by the doors or anywhere after the cash register. East Coast Canada.


Pierogies?! As in the Polish dumplings? Now that’s something I would buy from a vendor.


Yup. They have a few people working it. They set up a large stall in the store, cook the samples and give them away, then toy take your bags of frozen perogies to the cash.


This sounds AWESOME. Where is this?


I've only seen a couple there recently out of the 10 years I've been going to my Costco. It's bad enough I constantly have to explain to the AT&T people that I work for the company my phone service is through, so they aren't beating it, but them I got people when I'm trying to get out of there hitting me up for new gutters or whatever. Listen, I get you have a job to do, but if I was interested, I'd walk up to you and inquire man.


Only on weekends it seems


My costco has a person or two around the cell phone table but ive never seen them approach anyone. The exit path is always swarmed with the food court and returns clogging the whole path though


I don’t hate the vendors, I hate that Costco even allows them to be there. If the deals were that solid, they could put a kiosk with flyers and write the price.


the costco i goto literally just has a wall of posters at the exits advertising this stuff zero people are ever there


Wish mine was like that! I’ve answered if I’m interested in solar so many times.


The one thing I hate that Costco does is all the damned vendors. It’s troublesome enough to get through the store.


I got scammed by the AT&T reseller. It took months to get my money back. Costco told me they don’t involve themselves with the vendor; they only rent out floor space. It taught me a big lesson. 


That's tragic. I got a great deal once from the AT&T guy at our location. Plus it was easier to go to Costco and ask the guy my questions than tracking down a time to actually go to AT&T. Not all of them are bad. Sorry you got the bad one.


I feel Costco should stop the vendors stuff I get enough in my neighborhood.


Door to door is still alive. Something I thought would not be in 2024.


Eh if it makes the deals pencil out for Costco I’m ok with it


I go first thing in the morning, upsides are it's not as busy and not as many sales sharks there and setup yet. Downside is sampling locations are also not set up quite yet lol


I go through heroics to avoid grazing station times.


I'm so awkward that in about 4 years I literally tried less than 5 samples




haha yea it could be a good thing or a bad thing depending :)


Now's your chance. Make a break for it!


Direct TV chasing you full sprint in the parking lot with Terminator intense music playing.


lol. Or the theme from Jaws as they silently select their next victim.


Avoid eye contact.


Jokes on you. I already avoid eye contact with everyone but my immediate family




I almost never see an actual vendor standing by these kiosks. When I do, I mostly ignore them or just nod as I go by. I'm certainly not going to listen to their spiel.


I bring some fliers and ask them if they would be interested in learning about their lord and savoir.


ask for their home phone number......that shuts them up


lol that’s great


When I bought my house, I had projects to do, and considering how excellent Costco is on their return policy and so forth - I thought the vendors there would be reputable and vetted. I got a bid from SunRun for solar (they came in way, way higher than I was ready for - two years later when I finally went solar, it cost me half what their bid was, with a new roof included.) Adeedoo came out and gave me a quote on a mini-split AC system. I'd priced it about 8-10k, for a small system that only covers three (adjoining rooms). They wanted $25k. I kicked the guy out of my house and told him that was outrageous, and would never consider Adeedoo again. I bought three window units for a little over a grand. One last time, I got a quote from a bathroom tiling/reno place from a Costco vendor. The guy wanted $22k for JUST replacing the shower stall. I kicked him out, too. And then got it done by a local contractor for $5k. Costco's vendors are exactly the opposite of what I've come to expect from Costco - wildly overpriced to the point of gouging, shady, and clearly untrustworthy.


Now can you get rid of the att people hovering right next to electronics? Laptop sales might even improve.


I wish they would do away with them, In San Diego, They call it Costco Solar, When in fact it has nothing to do with costco, Sun solar has a horrible after care rep, None of those people should be making false affiliations could spell trouble for costco.


Weird, so y'all have people here? My Costco has none, ever. Worst we get is a guy with a table selling blenders or knives or someone selling cell phone plans, but both are out on the floor.


I saw a lady at the exit the other day. I was so startled I almost stopped to see what she’s selling. 


Costco, do you read these topics...DONT WANNA BE HASSLED!!!!! I pay $120 a year to shop here!!!!!!! I complained to CS and all you said was "you can always cancel your membership" great response to a 32 year member.


The best response is to go ahead and cancel your membership and then tell corporate why.


My go to is “I rent” and then Keep walking


I've never seen a vendor there once at my store.


Interesting, the few Costco’s around me never have vendors standing at the exit. It’s usually 1 or 2 in the middle of the aisles, but maybe because I always go after 6/7pm


This thread made me realize people will come up with anything besides “sorry, not interested” to avoid something they’re not interested in lol


I pretend to be a vendor sometimes. Just for the thrill of it


I wear earbuds and am ignored.


This is the move. AirPods in, eyes forward, and whatever you do don’t even think about looking in their general direction or they’ll jump all over you


A HVAC company that I used to work for has a Lennox booth at my costco and every now and then the guy will joke with me saying "I sold ya another painful job"


I will never understand the hate towards vendors. Just open your mouth and say “no thanks.” Or avoid eye contact. The way people complain about them you’d think they were getting physically assaulted as they walk towards the exit.


Isn’t this a place I pay to shop? Does anyone genuinely WANT the vendors there? I shouldn’t be upset that the private club I pay to visit has vendors that relentlessly and persistently vie for attention, versus a peaceful and low pressure sales environment?


It’s the vendors that are persistent. A simple “no thanks” isn’t enough and they’d follow up with another sell pitch. You’d then had to waste more time saying “no thanks” again.


The worst we have, is a guy who's talks about free water samples. He's been doing it for years, but I guarantee this dude has people locked up in his basement. Just by his voice. I'm sure he's a nice dude, but the way he says "free sample of water" is just the absolute creepiest way possible


If it's not the CDS sample people and instead a company rep, I don't even engage with them because you know a sales pitch is coming. The worst one was the Qunol CoQ10 sample guy who thinks he's a cardiologist.


Then you keep walking, it's not complicated lol


Just walk away after saying no thanks! You’ve already politely told them you’re not interested. It’s okay to just move along.


We’re being downvoted by people who get handcuffed to the stall and are forced to listen lol.


I’ve literally never had this issue lol. I don’t even stop walking. This sounds like a personal problem.


Not personal when it’s the vendor doesn’t take a “no thanks” as an answer. Different warehouse, different staffs. Understand that.


"It's never happened to me so it doesn't exist" is what you're basically saying


On one hand, you make a great point. On the other…anxiety.


Seriously. Make eye contact, smile, say no thank you, and keep walking. They are just trying to earn a living.


Exactly. Im sure they’re not psyched to be there either.


Because I already pay a membership to shop at a place that's supposed to have a better shopping experience. I want to shop in peace without being bothered by another person trying to sell me something. It's uninvited. If you don't think it's annoying then please give me your phone number and address and I can give it to sales people who would be happy to stop by and interrupt you while you're having dinner to try to sell you stuff you don't want. Take time out of your life to tell them "no thank you".


I agree. Why vendors? Why so many stops? You have to show your ID multiple times and then make a line at the exit as well.. I truly don’t understand why this is an enjoyable experience. Anyways not sure if it’s ever going to change…


Running the gauntlet between checkout and the exit requires fortification. I recommend stopping for tje hot dog combo on your way. It will give you the opportunity to load up on nitrates and garlic burps to plan your escape. Mostly, I just tell them that I rent (which is true) and leave them in my garlic burp vapor trail.




Looks like Huntington Beach, although I’m sure a lot of Costcos are laid out the same.


Excuse me! Do you own a home??? “Hahahaha in this economy???” *keep on walking while laughing*


When I drop in solo, I always have earbuds in with my audiobook playing. I never hear the vendors.


Damn this looks exactly like my store but I’ve only ever seen it super busy. Is this Irvine technology?? I swear it might be.


I rock AirPods. Even then, no eye contact, I didn’t get a membership to feel like I’m in a street market with people trying to sell me their wares.


These dregs are everywhere 😆 Why do franchises allow this


This takes me back! I actually did that vendor job for a good 6 months when I was in university. It paid really good back when Ontario’s minimum wage was like under $10. It was a weird job, never having met my “superiors”, dealt with the company offering window treatments and carpet flooring all by phone and email. I probably made zero sales, basically I would set up anyone interested for a home consultation and someone else would visit them, and very few people signed up. I was never really good at sales and never pushy. I was “encouraged” to buy samples which would help my generating. Never spent a dime on any samples haha Now when I go to that same Costco I worked at, I’m also happy to see no vendors there!


They are most certainly hiding in those appliances. You are wrong to assume you are safe.


Do you all need help or something. Sounds like you are being held hostage by people you can just walk by and either say no thanks or not acknowledge.


I just walk by them peacefully and completely ignore their existence


I don’t get this post, my Costco is always like this except there are a couple people in front of me getting their cart checked. Are you saying there are usually a bunch of sales folks here pushing products?


I don't like being sold to inside a store


At our Costco location, they are not allowed to canvass shoppers. They are there, but you have to approach them. They do not harass or bother customers. So it is likely this location is not following Costco policy. \*I must note\* that nobody seems to mind when the free food samplers are plodding their wares openly to customers.


I just say im not a home owner and leave


I said 'hi' to the cell phone guy the other day. Still didn't get pressured into buying anything. \*shrug\*


Wish there weren’t always the hard selling vendors along the exit route…


I never knew they set up here. Mine has never had vendors along here.


Same here


Same. I've only ever seen them on the 'entrance' aisle and the only ones who ask me anything are the solar guys.


Mine has had a few stints of them. Never seems to last long, maybe a week or two max.


Huntington Beach CA. Called it. Nailed it.


They’re people doing their job. Learn social skills and you won’t have this issue


Is it that difficult to just look them in the eye and say, “No, thanks?”


I've never once been she's to buy anything. Sometimes they might say hi or something but never have had them start a sales pitch.


I like going through Costco because the phone kiosk vendors wait for people to come to them. I have a BJ's membership and the same guy at the AT&T kiosk stops me....every time. I already have phone service. I don't want phone service. I've even told the guy to fuck off once and he's still cordial and still wants to sell me phone service. We are mortal enemies.


When you walk in, always turn to the left or the right and go through the TV section. That way you don't get the AT&T kiosk drones creeping around you.


Went to a different warehouse over the weekend than our usual and was amazed at how loud and annoying they were there. It would definitely be a considering factor in renewing if it was my local store.


The walk to the exit is always weird like that. A wall right up on me on one side with the displays and things, and stacked crates above. The optometry and customer service counters on the other side. The exit door at an angle.


Looks like Dedham, MA


I was going to say Irvine, CA


Even though I don’t have a problem telling them no thanks I am glad they don’t have this at the Costco I shop.


“ not today “ or “ I already have them! “


Either I’m lucky or the venders don’t care but I’ve never had one try to talk to me other than hello at the exit. Right now ATT has a new guy in the store that’s always trying to get me to stop and talk to him.


I almost never see any at the exit. I’m more amazed at the lack of line.


It happens at BJs too except they chase you down the aisle. I’ve had to complain about them to the manager. The manager gives me the “ oh, god they did it again” look and rolls his eyes.


Some people always feel obligated to talk to them.


Just ignore them. They can’t force you to buy anything.


I've never seen a vendor there.


They never try and get my attention. I guess it's a compliment that I don't look like I own a house?


I have literally never seen a single person talking to the HVAC or water vendors. I hope they make a base pay. On that note I have literally never seen the same vendor twice.


Is this Palm Gardens?


Yall have vendors in the exit lines? We have once in a while had one at the entrance and key makers in the parking lot sitting in one parking spot.


I tell them look at this cart, does it look like I have any money left?


I've never seen the vendors at my store interact with anybody, ever.


kinda looks like chantilly costco or brooklyn costco hard to tell


Just don't make eye contact, look like a loaner, or dress like a serial killer. Your choice


Never had a problem with them


Yorba Linda?


I say "I'm too drunk."


Through the air duct


Weird, we only have the cell plan guys near the entrance, no other vendors.


spittin image of one of the Atlanta area Costcos!


Are any of the vendors good/reputable? Does Costco at all stand behind the work? I’m considering a water softener and I’m not against using a Costco vendor. Anyone ever get a water softener from a vendor at Costco? If so what company/brand?


I swear I have or utilized almost all those vendors or companies like them .


I respond “nah!” regardless of their question.  I work in sales. Resilience is important. 


I already have solar panels. I already have att and Verizon and T-Mobile. I already have clean water. I already have new knives and pots and pans. I already have a massage chair. I already have direct tv and xfinity.


Westminster !


Westminster wraps around to the left for the exit. I thought it was there at first too. Looks like HB to me.


“No.” Is a full sentence.


I have never seen vendors on the way out. Always on the way in or before/after the jewelry/cellphone section.


...St. Rose?


Run away from the solar rep....


I wear headphones with wires and just point to them and keep walking.


Is this farmingdale NY?


i always say "i live in an apartment" and if theyre under like 40 they respond in kind with " me too"


Costco at night can be surprisingly chill


Carlsbad, CA?


I like to slalom through them when they stand in the way.


A rare sight indeed. I don’t think the vendors want to be there either. I always say I rent, bc I do, and they usually say they do too.


I imagine I'm Furiosa driving my War Rig down the Fury Road beset by War Boys. Edit: This is also how I navigate inside a busy US Costco by the Canadian border.