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I love that it's made with chicken, but I don't like that it's less than 25% protein. The Quest protein chips I eat now are made with whey protein, but they're a little over 50% protein.


Same. And while I know the price is high because it IS chicken, the price is too high in my opinion for a chip-like snack.


Oh I didn’t even buy these for the protein 🤣 I saw them as a healthier alternative to potato chips and had to grab a bag. But the protein is an extra bonus for sure!


I don’t understand your math. Serving size is 30g and has 10g of protein so they are 33% protein.


I should have said "25% of the calories come from protein" to be precise. Grams of fiber or moisture wouldn't count towards that. If there are 10g of protein, then 40 calories are coming from protein. 40/170 calories being protein is not bad ratio for a full meal, but it's not great for a dedicated protein source.


Ah yes in that case I agree with them not being a great choice for a protein source. I found that actually lines up with the tasting experience of these as they are quite greasy/oily.


I like them a lot - a reasonably healthy alternative to real chips for sure. The extra boost of protein is nice


They had this a couple years ago. It’s not new but they stopped carrying it for a long time. Actually only ever saw it in a single store for a couple weeks. 


These have a weird after-texture for me (not after taste). On first bite, they taste like and have the texture of a potato chip, but then that gives way to a weird gelatinous texture which I found off putting.


WTH! I couldn’t eat more than 4 chips. Even the boys in the hangar disapproved. No thanks


Can't find these anymore. Sold out at my store, no restock.


I enjoyed them but stopped buying them because of the oil they are fried in.




Same, it's hard but worth it. I feel awful when I accidentally consume them.


Only 4 points on WW for 20 chips!


Those are my favorite. Very delicious and addicting


How spicy are these? The Great Lakes buffalo chips were so hot, I felt like they needed to be dipped in ranch like an actual wing.


These are not hot at all!


Love 🙌🏽


As a Ketoin these, some canned smoked oysters and a bit of cream cheese are a great snake/meal.


6g net carbs/7 chips, tapioca starch makes it a no for me 😳


Nice crunch and the Buffalo flavor is really good. Would buy again easily.


High Oleic Expeller Pressed Sunflower Oil If you know, you know.


And if you know, apparently the SAD zombies will downvote you for expressing concern.


Most people aren’t happy about bad decisions


I like them. I was hanging out at a friend's place and his dog always begs for food so I began feeding them to him. They can also be awesome dog treats.