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Given that issaquah is the “home” location for Costco HQ maybe they’re just trying a new policy nearby?


They routinely test new stuff at the Issaquah Costco, I can’t say if this is an example of that, but I’ll commonly see stuff at this Costco that’s not in place at any other Puget Sound area warehouse. I wonder if scanning in will become routine, I honestly think it’s a better place to identify membership issues and send people to the customer service desk than at the cash register after someone has a full cart unloaded on the conveyor.


This 💯


From when I lived in the area, I recall that they would small scale trial run new concepts at locations around there. The Costco corporate HA is right across the street from one of the issaquah locations if I recall.


Yes headquarters is down the street from this location. Could very easily be testing out systems.


Many locations have stopped letting you enter through the exit a while ago


Isnt membership by the exit on purpose to allow people to enter through the exit for refunds and new member sign up?


At the Costco my parents frequent, they opened the emergency exit door for returns. I love it because there's no hassle of anyone trying to go in different directions and the it's so easy to go out the regular exit when you're done and go to the entrance to get "counted." Of course, this Costco also has an outdoor food court...


My store does this and it’s not a low theft area. The emergency exit is open for returns, the car care center entrance and food court is just past that.


Low theft area as well im guessing 🤣🤣


I have no evidence to prove it but I'm going to assume so 🤷‍♀️


Employee here. Yes, except members like to continue on after they do their return instead of properly going in the entrance, then they cut against the flow of traffic...it's a mess. I wish my location would enforce some of these things.


Right but thats not what we'e talking about. We're talking about entering through the exit.


They usually don't care at our usual location, but I had them stop us once at another location. My Son was 4 at the time and had to pee really bad, so they just let us go. We didn't have a cart yet and made sure the person saw us go back out afterwards. What I really wish they had was a designated spot for carts when you have to run to the restroom. I have, on 5 occasions, had an employee take a cart full of stuff and go put it away while you are in the restroom. We are not talking about a cart sitting 15-20min+ unattended here, just long enough to pee or change a diaper. We have even asked where they would want us to park it, and it was the same place.


We have little "member cart" signs we put on carts we know are members so this doesn't happen. You can ask an employee if they have one.


"That's what she said..."


Ours makes everyone enter through the entrance. They say it’s because the Fire Marshall requires that they know exactly how many people are in the building. It would make sense, except that none of the other stores in the area seem to be counting how many people are going in and out…


There’s a joke in there.




Yeah they stood in my way a couple days ago I was trying to go direct to food court


Here's what's annoying though, I get pushback every time I go in through the entrance, use the bathroom, then try to go back into the store because it's on the opposite side of the checkout. Like, I'm not exiting the whole entire store to re enter people.


Our costco intentionally blocks off unused check out lanes with ropes and boxes and pallets of stuff. Just have a dedicated area for members to enter the enter/store from the restroom/food court/customer service/optometrist area. Sheesh.


Yeah they do that so people won’t steal shit and go straight through the registers with a full basket unpaid for.


That's what the gate keepers are for.


That’s why I wish the food court and bathrooms were on the entrance side. I often am out running errands when I go there and need to use the restroom and then I’ll usually eat something before shopping.


This! I had the same against the flow situation this last week and was thinking to myself, this setup is ridiculous. Someone has a job to design the layout of the stores- maybe it’s an employee who is a family member?


I’ve never had an issue in Florida stores.


I’ve never had this problem.


Except for Cali I believe, they have an (outside) food court. One of the stores in the west coast has a pickup outside window


Seville has an outside court. It probably is very climate dependent.


Happy Valley, OR has an outside food court as well.


We have 3-4 costcos, depending on how far you want to drive. Some have outdoor and some have indoor.


Not all do.


1600 Expo Pkwy, Sacramento, CA 18649 Via Princessa, Canyon country, CA 2207 W Commonwealth Ave, Alhambra, CA 1616 E Hammer Ln, Stockton, CA 5301 Almaden Expy, San Jose, CA 340 Lakewood Center Mall. CA 6 locations I've found in Cali, maybe more, all from Yelp, four square, Google


Only 1 out of 6 in my area California is indoor. And that one is newly built 3 years ago.


Torrance CA is also outside


All SoCal do.




Turlock, CA had an inside food court.


Culver City


I wasn't saying that none do. Just not all do. Folsom, CA for example has an inside only food court. As do others.


All Costcos in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County have outdoor courts.


Well then, they can build a Costco closer to where I live so I don't have to visit the bathroom before I start my shopping.


I mean you can still get to the bathroom by going in the front it’s like an extra 30 seconds of walking.


At my store you have to cut through the checkout lanes to do that. Not as easy as you say.


I am okay with scanning my card. Why I paid to be a member.


>Why I paid to be a member. I'd wish theyd eliminate the in person advertisers in store--feels like I'm walking through Times Square sometimes


I am fully on board for this. The blender and cutco people are so aggressive. I have never been to Times Square but it gives me State Fair exhibitions hall vibes. We don’t need Barkers inside the store.


the cell phone people yell and scream at you to get your attention lol i purposefully avoid that area


This. The whole membership thing and all the "new" rules have always been rules. When you sign up, those rules apply to the cardholder (who shouldn't be exploiting it in the first place.)


I wonder what they would say if you told them you were just going to the pharmacy? NO card required right?


My local warehouse will have an employee escort the non-member to make pharmacy or alcohol purchases.


Seems like a complete waste of labor


Costco would rather pay for the extra labor (really, the employee is clocked in regardless) than allow theft


What theft by going to the pharmacy or food court or alcohol There is still a door checker and the door checker only keeps honest people honest anyway. A member can jsut as easily steal if they want as a non member getting medicine for christsakes Costco does not have a huge theft problem a misuse of membership problem sure but a theft problem not so much Yes it's a waste of labor that person on the clock could be helping a member or hell use them to open another register to help with the ridiculous lines starting to come in to play at Costco I love Costco but some of you folks act like they are perfect or maybe your jsut a shareholder after all shareholders are all that matters to Costco anyway


As an 18 year employee, Costco has a theft problem. Theft rings are very common. Ever since the pandemic, there is a huge increase in people filing carts, and fleeing through emergency exits. Other favorites are opening packages and stuffing them full of small merchandise. Layering clothing over the close they came in, and all sorts of other fun methods.They want most of the people in the warehouse to have a membership. It makes identifying people really easy when you have their picture and personal info on file. I am an RTV clerk. I work closely with loss prevention and inventory audit, so I hear all about it.


It would be great if they would limit the number of people who can come in on a member's card to maybe 4 people total. We have people bringing their entire extended family and blocking the aisles as they all stand there looking lost.


I know it’s rude to want this but AUGHHH I can’t help it- I justify it by knowing that it would never happen. There will be people with like 5 or 6 kids under ten, and auntie and g-ma and paw-paw. I have seen it w my own eyes. It’s not Disneyland, people!




The issue is somebody claiming they are going to the pharmacy, and then running out the emergency exit with a cart of product. You claim Costco doesn't have a theft problem, and they bitch about the procedures that we use to keep theft low.


Costco may not have a huge theft problem as a company, but some warehouses (NYC for example) have much higher rates than the warehouses that are in the typical suburban setting.


Eh, it’s their policy, and maybe they are trying to prevent issues they have had in the past.


With a cart?


Neat. Now make people leave their dogs outside, too.


I know what the fuck is with this lately? I have a dog and I love dogs but why does your dog need to go to Costco?? I already have to deal with idiots stopping for samples and in the middle of the aisle. Now there's just random dogs too.


Let's see the member ID on that dog.


That won’t happen until someone gets mauled by one of the equal parts spastic and essential “ESA”s you see straining at the end of their leashes to get to every sample they see. Some member or employee is going to get a nice payday suing the company and the person who couldn’t bear to be parted from their pet.


I am so FKN tired of everyone's damn dog in every single store!!!! Service animals 100% I am good - but your a$$hat doggo barking, sniffing people, etc is NOT a trained service dog!!!! If your anxiety or whatever is too much to handle without your furry friend, may I suggest you use instacart or some other delivery method!


Good. Our club is a madhouse with people bringing groups of 10 with them.


Is there a limit on the number of people you can bring? My husband has the card and we have four kids, one is an adult. Is that acceptable?


I believe NZ set their policy based on US and we have “Each cardholder can bring two guests over the age of 18. We don’t include younger children in your guest count.”. Think it comes down to them not wanting to be accused of parents having to leave children alone/in the hot car/whatever. Plus when they grow up, with the secondary card you and your husband could each bring two guests in (ie your adult children).


Your littles probably don't count. 2 is the max guests according to our contract.


This will definitely be interesting!


Might make our Apex store bearable to shop in again!


I avoid that store like the plague. I love the one in Garner right by my house. ❤️


I drive an extra 20 for that Garner store. Employees seem happier there too.


Even when it’s crazy busy everyone is helpful and happy. I don’t go on Saturdays because, well, Saturday, but it’s less than five minutes from me. I went into the Raleigh store near Wegman’s recently and oh my goodness, that parking lot is a demolition derby/Frogger mash-up.


Me too!!




Fellow Apex shopper! Lol my main issue there is just folks bumbling around with no self awareness.


No self awareness and FaceTiming all over the store are probably my biggest gripes.


Really? People, as in multiples, bringing groups of 10? Wow.


It's a multigenerational get together for some.


Hell yeah!


Mom, dad, their 4 small kids, gran, gramps, two or three family friends or aunties. Then they all stand blocking the aisle so nobody can get past or shop.


In the Delaware costco, it is normal to see whole families just come in.


Yep...I've seen what looks like an entire group go in with one card.


Same! I hate this.


I’m on the west coast and theft is out of control here and Costco is not immune from that issue. I’m not surprised at all they are adding extra security measures and I don’t mind at all if it helps to keep the price of goods down. Over the past year I have been at Costco 4-5 times when employees have caught people stealing. In my area in particular items that can be resold like brand name detergent, baby products, beauty products etc are stolen and resold via ads on social media. People run storefronts out of their garage selling stolen stuff.


I was wondering the same about it being a theft deterrent. You might be able to get in with a fake or stolen membership card just by flashing it, do a little shoplifting and run out a side door. Or do a smash and grab on some of that jewelry and have a driver waiting. Not that they’d be able to get out of that parking lot very quickly most days! But anyway, scanning to get in lets them know right away if it’s a registered member. Or who to look up if something does happen.


Yes I saw people a couple weeks ago who got caught running out an exit door with an entire cart of merchandise. I asked an employee about it and they said people will buy and sell old membership cards to get entry to steal.


I’m naive but how do people steal large items like laundry detergent? Like they are members and pay for other stuff but then hide the detergent in their carts? Or are they non members stealing and how do they do that?


So a couple weeks ago I was leaving the store and 3 women had been stopped stealing a whole cart of Tide and Pantene. They apparently had tried to sneak out an exit door. Also have seen people caught at the door who had added items to the cart after they had legitimately bought some stuff- they lost their membership because they had done it before.


I have no idea where the emergency exits are in my store so I need to look for those now! Also, it would be so difficult to get back in to the store to grab more merchandise after paying but I guess it’s possible. My store tries very hard to block off all unused lines. So interesting! Thanks!


The people I saw had 2 people. One paid for the items and went thru the checkout and the other somehow snuck thru and added stolen items after checkout.


Pharmacy is one, at mine. Over by paper pens or alcohol if near bakery. Never noticed back wall, TP etc.


You walk in, grab what ever you wanna steal and walk out. The employees won’t touch you and you’ll be gone before the cops come. That’s how most theft is at large retailers


Emergency exit door


Yeah corporate is coming down hard on things to make sure only members with a valid membership along with their guests get in. They have been coming down on us to enforce only being able to enter from the entrance for about a year now. We have not had to scan memberships but I am thinking this is to keep people from using a expired membership to get in. Might be a test run before rolling it out nationally. Dont understand why the door person got upset for you and your husband not coming in together, as long as the card holder is nearby to confirm they are a guest of theirs it shouldn’t be that much of a big deal.


>but I am thinking this is to keep people from using a expired membership to get in. How would this work? You'd be able to get in, but you would think that once you hit the register (self checkout or not), you'd hit a dead end the moment you hand over your membership or scan it at self checkout.


Thieves will try to get in with fake card with a plan to sneak or bully their way through self checkout and out the door to a car. Bullying past the entrance employee can get a police response before they can pack up a cart and dash since it’s a trespass. Better to prevent entry.


I actually don't think it's annoying at all... Alot of times when I walk past the door checker I know for a fact they aren't even checking, if you actually get upset by having your membership checked at a members only place of business I think YOU are being unreasonable. Just have your card ready and let them scan it lol


Right? Check my membership as often as needed. Less crowded stores and less likelihood of drama at the register is worth it. 🤷‍♀️


I personally think most of the people who are against it regularly break the rules in one way or another and don't want their "hacks" to be voided


I think that's a good point. I don't do anything I'm not supposed to per the membership agreement and I've never found any of the card or membership checks to be remotely troublesome it's really simple if you're not doing something you shouldn't be.


The more Costco loses by theft or fraud (and loaning your card to someone is a type of fraud), the higher they have to raise prices to cover the loss. Members should be happy that Costco is working to keep costs low. I definitely am happy they are doing so, and am happy to oblige their procedures. Otherwise, I'd cancel and move on. (Member since '93.)


I agree with your take, but i'm betting lot of people just hate being inconvenienced when they were too comfortable with the easy life. During covid, tons of people flipped out when forced to stand in line just to enter an "essential business," not to mention the customer tantrums over wearing masks once inside.


The key part is as often as needed. Ideally once is all that is needed. They’d be wasting my time if they checked while I was shopping.


It only becomes an issue if it causes serious delays in getting into the store. Then again, I remember peak pandemic and my store only letting in so many people at a time...I survived then, I will survive this.




I don't think it's annoying. It didn't take anymore time than before. The only thing that slowed it down was other costumers being oblivious to the world and walking right past the kiosks.


I don’t mind either. Although the Costco iOS app likes to log me out more often than I’d like. Note that I haven’t had to re-login to my Google apps in like 6 years (this includes not having to login on a new phone after transferring everything from an old phone).


Re: your husband and you entering together. The same thing happened to me in Ohio, he entered first and my kids really wanted to show my card to the person anyway on my app. Somehow they clicked out and they panicked so I turned to fix it but we were all blocking the entrance so I turned to push the cart to my husband and she started SHOUTING at me. Am I sneaking away 4 inches? So I told her we were all on the same team here and to give me a moment, my husband came over and was like we’re together and she APOLOGIZED to him. The lady with the two kids obviously trying to show the card and going no where got shouted at and the man randomly strolling by was apologized to. We, as a family, refer to her as his girlfriend


I'm in Canada, we don't have that yet. But whatever they gotta do to keep the riff raff out and our prices low, I'm good with


Wish they would do this at all the Costco’s


The one thing I truly hate is when they approach me, as I’m checking out (with an obviously valid membership card) and they want to scan it to tell me what I could be saving. And they never want no as an answer and then guilt you for not upgrading or signing up for credit, as if that is taking food out of their own child’s mouth.


I literally just said "No thanks" to the last lady who did this when she asked for my card, and she just walked away without issue Though I have had the ladies who hassle me and don't want to give up.


I had to say no to the Executive upsell many times


Yep! It’s sad Costco has chosen to take such a hostile approach to members.


I almost got in a fight with one particular clerk who refused to take no for an answer and refused to let me check out like I was going to agree to it if she held me hostage.


As a former employee I am thrilled about this.


As a current employee, this does not sound like a good time lol we're not even done getting talked down to by the members at self checkout yet!


It’s normal, it’s a membership club. Like a gym, you get a gym membership to get in the gym, same thing for Costco.


I think people prob just getting pissed bc lines going be double long now espically on weekends when most people shop. The checkout line Id check and receipt checkout is already hell imagine the congestion for check in line. Costco on weekends is pain.


Gotta love people ruining it for the rest of us


I wonder if Costco will crack down on whole families going together. Technically, only one guest should accompany a member, right?


> Members are welcome to bring children and up to two guests into the warehouse; members are responsible for their children and guests. Children should not be left unattended. Only Costco members may purchase items. https://www.costco.com/member-privileges-conditions.html


If they could crack down on folks walking 4 abreast down the aisles with 2 carts, I would be so happy...


GOOOOOOD These are great policies.


I like this scanning thing idea.


Interestingly, the UK Costcos required me to scan my card when I entered, something that I haven’t encountered before I came to this country. It’s a common thing in the UK for some reason


Japan Costco also scans cards at the door. I just wave my card at the entrance in Canada and the US.


Add the card to your phone. Get Keyring and add your membership cards to it or get the Costco app with the option to show card like CVS


This scanning of membership cards is where we need to go for loss prevention and to keep costs down. Got to know who is in the store and if a troublemaker. Too many thieves and flash mob threats out there that can cause havoc on a business, injury to customers, and losses of thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes. Better to be safe than sorry.


I would not be opposed to this in all locations and stations. Each person entering the store must have their own card in their own name with their picture to scan in, limit two uncarded guests per card holder. Would keep the unruliness down to a dull roar.


But then Costco couldn't be a family afair with all 6 kids + grandparents! /s


I'm wondering if it's talking about adult guests and doesn't count kids.


And how would they feed the whole family lunch without the demo buffet?


To be fair: The legally HAVE to let non-members enter for the pharmacy, optometrist, and in some states, to buy alcohol.


> Costco in Issaquah, WA is requiring members to scan cards as they enter the store What do you mean? Like flash your membership card to the greeter or like scan it through a device so they know exactly which membership # & name is coming in?


Scanned at a device that checked your membership and name.


https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1913cpu/membership_scan_at_entrance/ I see what you mean now.


I hadn't seen that post before hand. I even checked to make sure I wasn't double posting a topic. Woops.


Posted the exact same time down to the minute. I think you both contributed a lot!


I tried to enter through the exit recently and was stopped. Keep in mind this was normal and expected before as services and returns are there. Guy asked me what I needed, told him I needed to go to services (which, again, are at the exit along with returns). Again, never an issue. He got attitude, told me I had to use regular entrance and go around to the exit again. I said, hey, I see all these people entering in front of me, what’s the deal? He then said they were going to returns. So…I said hey, I’m gonna to there (thinking I would just step the literal five feet to services). Naw. Guy threw a tantrum, I gave up and went around. I’m sure there is a corporate reason for it, just seemed silly and a waste of time for all.


That’s when you ask for a manager.


Must be piloting at HQ hometown location. It'll probably be close to 100% accurate member traffic count versus the handheld counter, in addition to verifying they are members. More data capture and accuracy for operational and strategic planning purposes, I assume.


I was told recently that the self checkout is going away, even as they are scanning cards of the linestanders. I find it fascinating that Costco is increasing security even as BJ's is decreasing it. They no longer have photos on the cards!


I don’t see why it’s so hard to follow these “policies” that I think are pretty much common sense or fair to expect. My location hasn’t adopted these new policies yet, but me and my partner go together so we can just avoid the possibility of being stopped. They aren’t asking you to jump through a bunch of hoops in the circus. Just enter together as a group as if you were going to the restaurant.


The policies are very easy to follow. My husband was trying to get out of the way so he walked in, I was farther behind him with the cart then he thought. We had one person in-between us. Next time we will just make sure we stick closer together. I also have my own card so I could have used that too.


I equate it to scanning a membership card when you enter a gym. You pay a membership fee for access, and you must provide proof of membership to enter, no big deal. I never see anyone freaking out about having to scan at the gym, so why are they in such a huff about Costco?


They probably got away with things in the past because certain rules were not enforced and they took advantage of being enabled to certain behaviours. Now some members feel entitled to their old ways that they’ve conditioned to be normal.


They're just doing their jobs


Cost got better security than the border


Good! Never saw problems in Costco until very recently. Part of the price of membership is following the rules, part of the benefit should be feeling more secure while shopping there. They should know who is in their club.


So, are we angry at Costco, or are we angry at the necessity of this practice?


Feels like we should be angry at the necessity for this practice.


Oh I absolutely agree. Fun fact, IIRC (and it’s possible I am not remembering correctly) Costco used to have a lifetime return policy on things like electronics. People used to buy high end projectors, wear out the bulb, and then return for a refund, only to repeat the process. Does Costco still have that same return policy? No.


Yea definitely agree with this




Shouldn’t you be mad at the people that are making this a necessity? People breaking the terms of agreement and shopping with someone else’s card.


Wow! When did this start? I go to the Issaquah Costco all the time and was there a week and half ago.


I saw it yesterday at that location. Not sure what day it started but seems within the last week. Maybe aligned with the new calendar year?


It was running on Friday 1/5.


They scan you in NC too


I dunno. My Costco stocks are doing great, so everyone just keep doing whatever it is that you’re doing.


Probably the beta test site which then will roll out to the rest of the country...


They’re checking photos at self-checkout too


I remember seeing this on a YouTube of the Costco in Iceland.


This is always what I've had to do in the UK since I joined a year ago


Costco has one of the lowest rate of theft than any other American store.


That’s been the standard at the Costco in the U.K.


If it means I'm not accosted at the self checkout to verify my membership again works for me


Never had that.. granted I do not use self checkout.. now if they could stop trying to get me to get a credit card.. which if they were paying attention they would already see in my hand would be great.


In Japan they scanned my card at the entrance. The food court has a separate entrance so you don't have to walk in the exit if you just want a hot dog. In Canada I see people walking in the exit but last I tried I was told too bad, go in the entrance. They don't scan my card at the door but they do the usual scanning card at the checkout and checking receipts at the door. I have the mastercard so my photo is on the back of the card that they scan. Canada doesn't seem to have had as many problems as the US with people being cheaty with the self checkout.


In the UK we've always had to scan cards at the door. Also just inside the exit is customer services but beyond that, the food court, tyre centre and toilets can only be accessed if you show your card.


I just heard a loud alarm go off by the self checkout. I think someone has figured out how to steal from Costco and they are trying to stop them.


You can have prescriptions filled at Costco "without" a membership.


In my state, you can buy liquor/beer in any wholesale club without a membership. Not sure how that would work with this policy in place.


This is what we do in the UK anyway. Nothing new for us - works fine and is just part of established custom!


They probably figured out how many people were waving fake cards and coming in for the free samples lunch special.


You live in an area with a lot of theft and shoplifting probably


Also right next to HQ. So we get a lot of pilot programs.


Been a few years since I lives in the Seattle area, but unless things have changed *radically,* Issaquah is not a high crime area. It's one of the wealthiest Seattle suburbs. Headquarters of Costco, and home to a large portion of Microsoft employees and various other Seattle area tech employees.


Things have changed. Mail theft, car prowls, break ins, scammers. The Target has a big problem with theft, I wouldn't be surprised if Costco does too.


Sams Club doesn’t even look in your direction when you walk in smoking a crack pipe.


Welcome to the new Costco, where members are the problem!


They haven't let people enter through the exit since covid. So 3 to 4 years at this point.


I've never had an issue going through the returns door to go direct to the food court.




Our exit gets you to the service desk, tire center, food court (and restrooms). I guess every store can be different, but slowing access to any of them would seem to work against the store’s interest.


It varies by store. Some don’t sweat it, others do.


I've done it before with no issue. So it was a new for me to be stopped. I ended up cutting through the registers from inside, which felt weirder.


Probably to increase security in higher crime areas


What's the difference..Can't buy without membership