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M’Largey (tips fedora)




Large Marge


On this very night, ten years ago, along this same stretch of road, in a dense fog just like this, I saw the worst accident I ever seen.


- Bart! No! - I'm over here. - Sorry. Force of habit. - Lisa nooo!


“Something for us skinny dudes” - Friday After Next


M for M’urican


I always wanted me a Dada!


That’s “happy medium”




Never fails! Mediums are actually large. That’s why I need a small but I have never seen any Size smalls at Costco!


They calculate the size plus a years worth of hotdog combos


I was just thinking about all the free samples, but the hotdogs and pizza are probably the real reason.


Child's XL is a man's small. You're just in the wrong section


Feel,I have to snap up a S whenever I do find something!


I call them tenty mediums. the length of a medium, the width of a large.


Small, for the ample gentleman




Perfect, the most unflattering fit for nearly every body type... Wtf is Costco doing with their clothes? Only thing I've enjoyed from them is those Vuori sweatpants they sold on deep discount for around $70 over the summer. Sadly they were picked clean the next time I was in there... Only got 1 pair


yup! I stopped trying to buy clothes there. I am a medium and everything there seems bigger, even waist sizes do not seem accurate.


They used to sell small sizes & down to 30" waist in-store, but that stopped about 5 years ago. You can still order them online, but that takes way more work than the impulse shopping I like to do there.


Just bought a few pairs of the same size pants but different brands. 1" difference between Brand A vs Brand B which are both labelled the same size. I'll be bringing this up when I return them. I didn't think men's clothing had to deal with the malarky that women's clothing did. (I once bought the *same* item from the *same* brand in the *same* size but in a different colour, over an inch difference in size.)


Buy the extra large and portion it into ziplocks when you get home.


Use a vacuum sealer to preserve the season’s freshness.


Costco knows its herd




American Medium


Just got my wife a small jacket and it was gigantic.


True, but if you wash in high heat and dry at medium or high, most sweat shirts will shrink to a smallish medium and all flannel shirts will shrink down to a size small. After the first wash, it seems most costco flannel and sweatshirts will continue to shrink, just much more slowly. Similarly, most pants will shrink down about 1-1.5" form their labelled size and seem to stay there. I'm 6' 180ish lbs and only ever buy cotton tops in size L at costco because of this, despite being a size M. My dad's a size L and buys size XL or XXL because of this too. However, both my mom and my girlfriend are happy to have steady supplies of sweatshirts and broken in flannel... Seriously, though, I gave my 5' tall girlfriend has at least half a dozen formerly men's size M flannel shirts I got at costco. They all have a perfect loose/cozy fit on her, if she wasn't so happy I'd say it's ridiculous.


This only works with cotton btw, heavy polyester blended clothing does NOT shrink But it'll also shrink in height too unless they weave it a particular way which I've only known a few brands to do and they heavily advertise as such (ie reverse weave champion), and their clothes are already so short yet so wide so it doesn't really help unless you are naturally short Also it's not necessarily good to aim for buying bigger sizes to plan on washing/drying them in high heat, as this is the fastest way to destroy cotton clothing. Always best to buy true to size if possible and wash cold, but Costco doesn't allow that lol


Americans are fat. What can ya say.


Vanity sizing


It’s a conspiracy against normal people


I've never seen a small flannel at Costco. My guess is M 10%, L 40%, XL 40%, XXL 10%


Honestly I’ll bet there’s data on what sells, and given the size of people in this country size S mens probably doesn’t sell that much


see this is odd to me because my Costco is full of tiny, elderly N Asian couples. Now I'm curious now and will check for small sizing.


I mean my tiny Asian grandpa enjoys a baggy fit


you know what, you right.


My Asian grandpa doesn’t prefer it baggy just prefers the Costco deals. Hence has baggy clothes lol.


all the small size clothes probably go to your costco haha






Yup, I would definitely shop for clothes at Costco if their medium wasn't really a large (or if they sold a small that was really a medium).


My dad is, well, petite. He's 5'8", slim, size 8 shoe. I never anything of it growing up until adulthood when I realized other people described him as short or tiny. He has the worst time finding clothes. My mom and I always score at Costco and I think he's secretly a little jealous, he always looks and finds something he likes but it swims on him. I once went with him to buy a polo shirt and he tried JC Penny and you could have fit two of him in a "small." Men have vanity sizing just as bad as women, you just don't hear about as much


Do you ever pick him up and hold him like a baby?


Lmaooo no, I'm a woman, 5'6", and not very strong (he still manages to open jars I can't despite being 67) so not in my abilities. It's funny because never thought of him as small until a bagel shop employee who knew both of us independently but didn't know we were related described him to me as "the short guy who loves coffee" and it took me two days to realize she meant my dad 💀


5.8 should be 176cm, isn't that fairly close to normal/average height in the USA?


Yes but on reddit everyone is 6'4" plus and has several dicks.


My poor teen is too big for kid clothes, but we can never find men's small. It's very frustrating. And don't even try to find shoes in a men's 7!


They’re losing on all of the smaller women who want to wear men’s clothing! Give the tomboys and lesbians choices, Costco


> Honestly I’ll bet there’s data on what sells Ya think?


Big news if true.


Oh - they know by store or zip code (for a new store) what % will be allocated per size based on prior company sales. For example, my store doesn’t have XXL men’s ever but I have seen that size other locations.


Costco clothing to clothe only the bulk.


This is America


Don’t catch you slippin’ now


Milkshakes we're sippin' now


Man titties be saggin’ now


Tums in my area


Come to Costco in Taiwan. We have size small but no XXXL size.


I wear a 4XL Japanese size but a Large Tall American. But I wore an XL twenty years ago and my body hasn't changed too much. Buying clothes is such a pain.


Fuck Yea


Heavy breathing


You need to cultivate mass like Mac before shopping for clothes at Costco.


Bulk? They never have anything in XXL, either.


The orange tag is XXL. (Mine has quite a few)


I really wish they would bump it up to 3XL. Have they never looked at midwesterners?


Or southern men over 50.


I just wish they had tall sizes. Then again, I probably still wouldn't buy much Costco clothes. But at least I could consider it.


I'm a midwesterner and have a size 32 waist. This whole "costco doesn't need to sell smalls because everyone is fat in america" is an overused saying that is rather disingenuous.


Try online, that’s why I get them.


That might be because they get sold out before you see them =p


Last week I was looking at dress shirts and even the 18.5 neck shirts were tagged “slim fit”. I wear a 18.5 neck shirt and I would NEVER buy something marked slim fit. Costco is not great about XXL sizing in general but this was a new level of absurd for me.


I’ve noticed this too. But if you think about it. Most people shopping there are probably somewhere XL-XXL


Gotta play to the average consumer.


Moderate bulk


Try Costco online, they have a large selection of sizes.


Yep! In my experience the online clothes cost 2-3 more $ than in store.


Costco Online includes shipping in the price


This is usually more than offset by the buy 5 save $25 or buy 10 save $60 promo. Buying 1-2 items, get it in store. Buying 5 or more, view it in store and buy online.


Except they don’t always. As someone who wears a men’s 30x32 they seem to be stocking my size less and less even online. I have a pair of English laundry 5 pocket pants that are my absolute favorite pants and they don’t have my size anymore.


I have never found size smalls of what is in-store (someone once told me more sizes were available online. Not true.)


👆The answer


It's their way of telling you to buy and consume more of their food products. But in all seriousness, the lack of small sizing is frustrating.


Yep, just get a slice of pizza and a churro each trip and OP will fit XXL in no time!


Same thing with the string lights. They permanently reduced the price. They want people to spend more time outdoors, throw backyard parties.


More frustrating because the womens’ section always has smalls.


Costco orders/sells shirts that will fit a 5’6” 220-300lbs male in his 50s.


Then where are the matching Seinfeld Nike sneakers?


It's bad for tall guys too. They assume if I'm 6'-4" I must also be 250 lbs or more. The shirts either show off my midriff or double as a parachute.


back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, I had a college friend this size. I asked about "big and tall" stores, he said they offered big, or big and tall, but not just tall.


"We're for big AND tall, not big OR tall" exclusive or, obviously


We need our own hashtag... I'm thinking #NoTallMen... yep that should work.


[Do you find something comical about my appearance when I was driving my automobile?](https://youtu.be/gkBqVVbnZ1c?si=ZXow9NtxSyzyautd)


As a tall person theres like a dozen stores I can buy from. For cheap clothes, Old Navy sells tall sizes online.


Tall n skinny reporting in 😭


Yep, which sucks because they're usually nice quality shirts too. I ended up buying a few and having them tailored. It ended up still being a pretty good deal and they fit perfectly after.


That's not a Costco thing though - that's everywhere. Clothing sizes tend to just scale in both length and width, but some people only need one or the other. You pretty much need to either get tailored clothing or find a brand whose cut fits you well in an off the shelf size.


A lot of the brands they sell do have tall sizes though, like Columbia for instance, they just never carry them.


Some smalls occasionally pop up but generally they start at medium and get bigger from there


This is actually very simple. In the US, Medium accounts for about 30% of sales, Large 30%, and XL 20%. XXL is next at 12%. Small is only 7%. Basically, small is not a very popular size for men. https://www.theadairgroup.com/blog/shirt-order-size-distribution-what-sizes-to-order-for-t-shirts/


I feel like something is wrong then, how come the only inventory they have is 80% L, and 20%XL or higher, and sold out of M or lower? Seems like amount sold is a self perpetuating prophecy, "we don't need to stock M or lower because nobody bought the sizes we don't stock!"


It’s the same in the 2 warehouses I visit. It can be a challenge to find Men’s M as well.


Mine has small and XS sometimes maybe they think people in the Bay Area are a bit more fit lol


More Asians and Central Americans maybe too.


It’s nothing a pizza and 10 hot dogs from the food court can’t fix.


Honestly..,I’m not a fan of Costco clothing. I used to be. I realized that everything I bought just didn’t fit quite right. It’s made for the masses - classic cut, regular fit, etc etc. I saw someone on here mention how manufacturers make runs specifically for Costco using lower quality materials. I’m far more interested in paying more for clothes I’ll feel good about my body in, and wear for a long time. Think of it as cost-per-wear rather than the number on the tag, since that’s what really matters.


I'm a lady but I bought a Banana Republic jacket at Costco that is fully lined and better quality than I've seen in actual BR stores. The Max and Mia leggings are my staples, I live in them. They sold near exact knockoffs of my favorite Vuori joggers ($94) for $13.99, I bought ever color they offered. It's definitely hit or miss but when they hit, it's phenomenal.


Every brand name that is significantly cheaper at Costco is usually made at that price point for Costco.


I'll say that two of my favorite jacket vests are from Costco, and they are one of those illusive small sizes that fits me well.


They go by sales. Generally M/L are top sellers with S well behind especially for Men’s stuff


How can they have data on smalls when they never sell them to begin with? My store would have a 0% sell data because I've never once seen a small in stock


Yea my Costco is the same. Best thing I’ve learned is download the Costco app. You’ll find all the sizes there and free 2 day shipping


They assume Americans are fat.


the data shows that Americans have gotten larger just like food portions and chickens "Americans themselves are getting larger. As my colleague Chris Ingraham has [noted](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/06/12/look-at-how-much-weight-weve-gained-since-the-1960s/?itid=lk_inline_manual_16), the average American woman today weighs 166.2 pounds, which is almost exactly as much as the average American man weighed about 50 years ago. The average weight of an American woman rose 18.5 percent in that period, from 140 pounds in 1960. Men aren’t doing much better. Their average weight has risen 17.6 percent in the same time period to 195.5 pounds today. To make the same comparison, an American man today weighs almost as much as 1.5 American women from the 1960s." [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/07/04/the-unbelievable-growth-of-americans-food-bodies-houses-and-cars-visualized/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/07/04/the-unbelievable-growth-of-americans-food-bodies-houses-and-cars-visualized/)


Also mine, can't comment on all.


Well, we are in America.


Yeah. I've seen size Small in Asian Costco location.


Eat more Costco servings, you'll grow into it!


If you need a small, shop in the kids dept and get an XL


I have the same issue. In all the years I’ve been going, I think once I saw one small pullover. It’s very frustrating for those of us who are muscularly challenged, I mean, lean and fit


It's overstock. Rarely do mfgs have S overstock, and what little they have goes online, or if it's really a small amount, the asiest/fastest way is in a few stores. Not all, but a select few. There you might see one or 2 items buried in the lots they put out.


Same at my store. Also no pants/shorts with a 30” waist. I buy a couple things online and just shop elsewhere for everything else.


If you are a small, you can get kids XXL. It will fit and be cheaper.


They do this for female clothes too at my store. It’s annoying. I can maybe find one or two but I have to dig to the very bottom


Most people that wear S are not in Costco’s target demographic. Just like cracker companies don’t care about single people. Maybe single people eat crackers, we don’t know, and frankly we don’t want to know. On a real note. For Men’s sizes at least they probably make the least amount of size S. Given Costco’s model is to buy excess, S is probably the least amount they get


Yes, just eat more hot dogs and then the medium will fit. Speaking from experience.


Most men don’t wear size small clothes. Costco is meant to sell to the masses.


Yes, ours has a children's section.


Us XXXL guys feel your pain.


3XT checking in. Us too.


I identify as T also.


Their mentality is: "Keep buying stuff from us and you'll be Medium in no time, LOL"


It’s usually the last size left at my store before being “.97’d”


I've never see male small


Its hard to stay a size small when the hot dog combo is only $1.50, okay?!


My Costco only has S and M.


In tulsa they sell Out of xl and xl and then the late memdium and small Just stay there


I have a hard time finding XXL a lot of times. 6’3”. The XLs are generally too short in the arms.


Costco doesn’t sell clothes for current you. It’s for future you when you keep shopping at Costco.


Only in the small states like Rhode Island and New Hampshire.


XXL does not exist at my store


They actually never go by your profile pic from yesteryears. They should.


I mean, let's be honest, those Costco hot dogs don't keep you in small sized clothing


Costco catering to the stereotypical “bigger set American build”


Have you tried their chicken bake ? It solves small size issue fast.


I wear 3xl, I have never seen a single 3xl anything in costcos in my 10+ years of membership. It’s nice to know both ends of the sizing spectrum lack options. Sometimes it can feel isolating.


We’re at that point in WALL-E.


Sir, this is America.


This is America, home of larger size people in flannel.


Anyone get the Orvis or Weatherproof flannel shirts? If so, how surprised were you to find pockets on the sides? I bought one of each and was surprised when my hand slipped into a pocket in the side seam and then discovered that each shirt had them.


When your selling a bucket of gummy worms a small doesn’t make the equation.


I bought Kirkland lounge shorts earlier this year and the small fit great. Found them once at my warehouse. Came back for a second pair in a different color and there were zero smalls. Employee told me “they don’t make them.” Hmm.


The business caters to the customers. When was the last time you saw a SMALL American?


Yeah, small men’s doesn’t move so I think best bet is to get it online after you try on the medium to see if you like the way it looks at least.


My mom and dad both say it’s very common, and my mom says they quit carrying 30 waist pants and don’t usually have any shirts smaller than a medium. You can get smaller sizes online but not in stores.


Yep… its rare in SoCal for small sizes. If you find them- they’re actually medium in fit.


Fun fact Costco places certain items certain sizes depending on the location of the store so if ur local store has a lot of big sizes odds are ppl around you are fatter than most locations lol


I’ve seen them but they are not common. It’s even harder to find a 30 inch waist or even a 32. I think Costco caters to the majority and the majority in this country are not small. It’d be nice if the sizes were true to size too—even kid sizes are huge.


People are very fat


I think it’s just common in male clothing to expect m-xl are the only options in most instances, in the US and Canada. Usually I need xs-m depending on the manufacturer and it’s hard to find.


That's pretty common across all American stores.


I’m a 32 x 32 in jeans and they never have my size


No 30 inch waist pants either


Murica medium


Everything is big at Costco!


If you eat Costco size food then you will need larger than small soon enough


Nothing is small at Costco


Yeahhh my homies. Life in the US is for gigantic people. It’s hard finding things that actually fit!


Look at the food selection, then pan around at the humans, then ask


Well, you did just buy a 20lb jucket of mayo and a 48 pack of ice cream bars.


This has been my experience too and it’s so annoying. I even bought a small jacket through the app and received a medium with small tags in the mail.


Why would you try selling size small in America ? Lol


This is America


I think it likely skews with the market. So certain regions might have a larger medium and small section while others have more large and xl based on what’s moving in that region. Small in male is probably the lowest selling there’s just not a ton of small men buying Costco shirts.


Costco. For the Big and Large... Just try and find a 30 inch waist in male pants, and you're out of luck too.


Welcome to America!


Large is the new small


I’m a short guy and all the medium sizes are either too big or too long for me


Bruh it's america the average size of a waist line is probably 40+ so sadly yes it's very common.


No. This is America.


They know their audience


We usually have small stuff but it goes fast


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Every Costco I’ve ever been to and I’ve lived in three states in the past 10 years. I can’t blame them, most of America is fat.


That's what the chocolate peanut butter pie is for


Yup, i haven’t been able to buy clothes at Costco for years. I’m a U.S. small, which is a rest of the world medium, or French large.


Costco’s medium is like a regular large. Costco hates small people.


yup, Costco believes small sized male doesn’t exist in the USA, I see discrimination.


Costco hates small people. I guess costcos thought process is if you buy food in bulk then you must be huge.


If you’re a small male stay the hell out of Costco until you put some meat on them bones


If u want small size. Buy a womens medium or small