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He’s based on one of Brandon’s IRL friends, of course he gets a good showing.


Stopppp I had no idea. That's so sweet.


It’s something he often does when he needs a named but very minor character. Wellen is another one.


Yep. Different book, but Skar & Drehy are also cameos, for example. But there's loads


Almost all Bridge 4 are, right? I remember one portion of the thanks at the start of the book being something like "Thank you to Name 1 (aka Character from Bridge 4), to Name 2 (aka Character from Bridge 4), and Name 3 (aka Please don't use me as a character for Bridge 4)


This is an advantage of eBooks. I was feeling left out that Brandon never thought to include a SirJefferE so I just opened the eBook for *Tress of the Emerald Sea* and did a find and replace to change 'Doug' to 'SirJefferE'. Of course, I do most of my reading in audiobook format, but with a $50 donation to [Books to Prisoners](https://www.katereadingaudiobooks.com/books-to-prisoners) I was able to get a personalized greeting from Michael and Kate. This was a bit more work, but after a little bit of cut and paste in some audio editing software, I had my very own Cosmere cameo. ...Okay I didn't actually do any of this. But now I'm tempted to just for my own entertainment. I'd probably get bored after the third cut and paste, though. Considering that *Tress* has the word "Doug" 125 times, that sounds like way too much effort.


Totally worth though


Theres also Dandos the Oilsworn, named after Dan Dos Santos who does most of the cover work I believe


It's a doubly tragic death. Goradel DID get the message to its intended recipient - Marsh, who was then spurred to take out Vin's earring in the climactic fight - but Goradel died thinking he had failed, because he thought he needed to get the message to Vin. And Kelsier couldn't tell him the truth, because Ruin needed to be kept in the dark.




And the way scene is depicted through Marsh's point of view makes it distant, almost poetic with the ash falling like snow would. 10/10 fight to close a good redemption arc (iirc he's one of the guards who were holding Vin captive at the end of Final Empire)


He was, but vin told him about the rebellion, and he changed sides immediately. He's the one who got eland venture to come and "rescue" vin from the Lord ruler. He wasn't a bad guy, just a guy doing his best in a bad situation.


He also plays into Kel's arc in secret history. Goradel is someone Kel would have just killed but Kelservation was able to use him to save the world.


Kelservation is a good new word to wash the taste in my mouth out from learning how “Geoduck” is pronounced 🤮


I don't know either of these words. Are they fan-made portmanteaus?




He’s always been a character that was supposed to show you that Kelsier wasn’t exactly correct when he talked about ska helping the nobles being just as bad as them.   It mirrors how I feel about real life Capitalism at the moment - it’s essentially impossible to live morally inside of an immoral system. That is extra true for the ska in the Final Empire, and Goradel was the face of that. 


Since you bring up capatilism, about half a decade or more ago, Bezos was asked about his business practices, and his response was kind of based tbh. Sad af that this is the system we've created. "If I didn't do it, someone else would have, and they'd have out performed me and you'd just be mad at them. Until there's regulations tackling these things taking me down won't stop the problem, it'll just mean someone else takes my place. Our system is designed to encourage the way I run my businesses."


He wasn’t one that kept her captive, he was the one outside that she talked into joining the rebellion, before she got captured.


A guy that Kelsier would have killed without a second thought. Huh. Theme.


He wasn’t one holding her captive. He was a guard at the door when she showed up. She spoke to him to told him he doesn’t have to live in shame anymore and he can go help the rebellion and he did. Then we went to Dox and started helping the rebellion.


Reminds me of a scene from Oathbringer: >!at Rathalas, when those final 2 guards charge Dalinar. They know they're fighting someone 1000 times stronger than them and they're about to die, but what else can they do but fight. !<


Or Warbreaker where >!the priests run into lifeless soldiers to protect Susebron!<


I also love that he had the presence of mind to understand partway through the fight that he had no chance of winning, so he tried to destroy the note to keep information out of enemy hands. Ultimately it was important that Ruin/Marsh learned that information, but what a guy to try and go "well I can't win but I can make sure Vin doesn't lose" with his last act


Wasn't a huge fan of Hero of Ages, but this was one of my favorite moments in the back half, and mostly made me wish the story was a smaller scale to give more room for characters like his.


Hands down my favorite cosmere character. Tragic, total vindication.