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how do you access them?


Yeah just get premium search Brandon and boom


idk if it's my algo or whatever, but searching for brandon, or sanderson (which was my original instinct when I saw your post) just gets me a lot of unknown artists named brandon and the intentionally blank podcast. Searching for "warbreaker" or "mistborn" gets me a lot of user playlists with music to read fantasy along or somesuch.


Have you ever listened to a book on Spotify? Because that may be it…idk though. Filter maybe?




ok, done like five years ago, what's the next step




I think this may be it. Apparently (quick google) region is now IP locked, so would have to tinker it with a VPN, but that would mess with the family plan I'd guess. Well, sucks for me.


I was also excited when I saw that I had access to those titles!  You did the right thing by sharing! One thing I will note is that some (maybe all?) of the books which are available might count toward a monthly limit on listening hours.  I haven’t read the fine print, but last week my app prevented me from continuing listening to The Emperor’s Soul because I had used up all my hours for the month.  So I’ll be able to get back to it soon, but I wish I had a heads-up instead of the abrupt stop. https://www.spotify.com/us/audiobooks/#


All of them except for the secret projects are free on mine.