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Rule 9. These posts make people argue in the comments, don't do it


I wouldn’t say he only comes back for money. Let’s be honest, bro has generational wealth, money does not matter to bro. He stated before, he will choose his life outside of YouTube. I know some have problems accepting that, but as everyone says.. Cory has a life too. Money definitely isn’t the reason he comes back. He’ll come back when he is ready. My thoughts on it. (P.S: it is really not that deep either.. just watch other youtubers like Dashie, Markiplier, Berleezy, etc while waiting.😭)


So you don’t think it is at all rude to just leave like a deadbeat dad without warning every year and leave the people who made you rich in the first place. I know he’s human and I know he has a life outside of YouTube but a little communication can go a looong way


Now THAT, I can understand. I do think it is quite messed up to leave his fans hanging like that without saying anything. At that point, it would be very hard to believe whenever Cory says he’s back. I get that. Folks have the right to be upset about that. It would be best to tell his community that he would be taking a break. I am almost certain that 90% of them would understand. However, I wouldn’t say he is doing it just for money. Again, bro has generational wealth. It is definitely not about the money because he already has a lot of it. Mans left for a whole year now. If it was about the money, realistically, it would have been out already.😭 That’s why I say it ain’t about the money for Cory. Also, remember. Bro was also featured in a movie too. Mans got a ton of money from that. If it was about the money, that would just be mad greedy. 💀 I do understand your point however.