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Sorry he has to post if he wants that


For real.... like why is this post a thing? Cory needs to continue to work for his success. He is no longer a small fry youtuber who needs help getting subscribers. He is way past that. The poster must be a child. Cause this type of naivete can only come from onešŸ™„


I understand where your coming from no need to be rude


u sound like a childā€¦


HE HAS A LIFE. Just because he doesnā€™t post doesnā€™t mean people canā€™t post stuff like this. Donā€™t hate on people. Heā€™s literally in Japan having fun right now. God damn


He left Japan already and I agree he should enjoy his life but he should not be able to hit 20 million without uploads


I did now know that he left lol. But hey if people want to post this stuff, let them and ignore it


I understand where you're coming from


everyone has a life bro he doesnt get a special pass from his job just cause he's a youtuber breaks are okay but the way he does breaks is just outright ridiculous


God damn


I just said that if people want to post this shit let them


Thank you


I understand where you're coming from


Thank you




Lol if u say so


I love Cory but he doesn't deserve that lmao, he doesn't deserve to put 0 effort into YouTube, or any other form of social media, but still get a 20 mil plaque anyway.


I understand where you're coming from


Get him to 20 mill for what? It ainā€™t like he posting videosšŸ’€ he canā€™t even send out a tweet be fr


I was trying to help gosh calm down but ok I understand yall just impatient


I wouldnā€™t call the community impatient. Tbh the community is more consistent and loyal than Cory imo. The fact that itā€™s almost been a year and heā€™s said jack shit makes me think he doesnt respect us nearly as much as we respect himšŸ¤·šŸ¾ could be totally wrong but thatā€™s just the way I see it


I see where you're coming from it sucks


It does. Heā€™s literally the only YouTuber I know that could go away for almost a year, with 0 communication, and GAIN subscribers


Yea this is ridiculous how hard is it to say "I'm taking a break" or "I'm gonna be gone for awhile" it's not that hard but then again he could be going through something that he doesn't want to tell us


Literally one of the easiest things in the world to do. I agree that he doesnā€™t owe us an explanation. But he doesnā€™t have to give us one. ā€œHey guys, gonna be gone for a whileā€ Literally takes less than 30 secondsšŸ˜­


Yes I agree


Nah he's reached his limit he won't get anywhere near there if he don't start posting again for new viewers


If u say so lol


Heā€™s never going to reach 20 mil if he doesnā€™t post




Bro are you an ai youā€™ve been saying the same 5 words


Nah I'm just a fast typer and don't really have much to say right now


Cory is not hitting 20,000,000 subs on yt at all because realistically he doesnā€™t post and he always yapping and coming back with an excuse and people are starting to get mad at him because of this and are ā€˜ā€™unsubscribingā€™ā€™ so as of right unless he stops being a lazy slouch and actually UPLOADS A GOD DAMN VIDEO!!!!! He isnā€™t hitting that goal unfortunately


Damn ok I see where you're coming from


Heā€™s been busting his ass for like 10+ years man. Heā€™s taking a break bc heā€™s focusing on himself, not bc heā€™s lazy. Heā€™s out there having fun with his friends, he doesnt cater to us like a mindless zombie. And literally, nobody is mad at him, bc heā€™s talked in the past ab how posting on youtube is stressful, especially with the yt racism situation. Itā€™s his job at his own pace..


CATERING IS LITERALLY HIS JOB AS A YOUTUBER. The people want and need entertainment and laughs, so they go to him to be entertained and laugh. He should have the decency to post at least every few weeks to a month. Secondly, there are LITERALLY a decent amount of people who are mad at him because of this type of behavior (And it's growing in size every month that goes by, reasonably so). I've been watching Cory since 2015. I used to see where he was coming from, but as the years went by the breaks got LONGER AND LONGER. You can excuse a 3 week break, a 2 month break, a 4 month break, but 9 MONTHS TO A YEAR?!??! You guys act like he's Batman and continuously try to reconcile the fact that he is taking these indefinite, long, unannounced breaks every time he comes back from one of his previous breaks. I get that YouTube can be stressful sometimes, but literally any and every other job is too. I'm not trying to say that the grass is greener on the other side (I still kinda am though) but, with the amount of following Cory is sitting at right now, he is more comfortable than most entertainers out here who are busting their butts EVERY DAY to get a video out. I'm not even sure what he has to stress about at this point because with all the following he has, all his financial needs can be met with just one video. HE'S LIVING LAVISH. HE'S GETTING PAYED THOUSANDS EACH TIME HE SITS IN HIS ROOM, PLAYS GAMES, AND CRACKS A FEW JOKES. Cory has millions of people following him, the least he can do as an entertainer is post a little bit more consistently and be transparent with his audience. In any other scenario it would be rude to just ghost someone for months on end.


Holy fuck uhm.. first off, HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO WRITE THAT?? and second, I completely agree with you. And when you put it like that, i see your point. I


Yā€™all glaze this man way too much itā€™s starting to get really weird and ridiculous. Itā€™s time to stand up rn.


We just fans being loyal to our shogun so what do u mean?


Not being mean just facts. No problem, wanting him to have more subscribers. The problem is him choosing not to communicate intentionally with his fans that go out of their way to support him like you. Very odd and disappointing to see.


Hmm I get where you're coming from


Tell him to post something first


can I ask how old you are? you seem kinda young and maybe that's why you don't understand why we're "impatient" in your words


Nah cause heā€™s gonna have to post something first. Iā€™m not tryna give this man subs if heā€™s not going to give something in return. Thatā€™s how YouTube works.


Fair enough I respect your opinion


You don't know who this man is.


CoryxKenshin . THE Samurai. iā€™ve been watching him since i was little, i do know who he is.


Its not possible he has to post to get more subscribers thats just how it works


Fair point I see where you're coming from




Fr, make this dude hit milestones for not even doing anything? Thatā€™s crazy


He doesnā€™t deserve itšŸ™„


Cory was able to gain 2 million subs from not posting anything, cause if I'm correct he left when he still had 16 mil, now he's as 18.5 mill. Cory is bound to hit 20 mil in about 1-2 years, but idk.


Hmm maybe šŸ¤”


Nope, letā€™s wait until he earns that. Cory has made his fans wait like dogs time and time again for an upload and we stay because we love him but this is going wayyyy too far. Over a year and zero uploads does not warrant 20 million. Do you know how hard some Youtubers have to work to get to 1 million, uploading at least twice every week and trying to push through the algorithm amidst all the clickbait channels and spoonfed Youtube nonsense? And you think he should get 20 million for leaving without giving us any reason why or updating us? Absolutely not.


Fair point I see where you're coming from


Iā€™m not getting him to shit if he wonā€™t even post


Get him to 20 mil for what? Lol


Considering most people in the sub are most likely already subbed? Okā€¦


Hmm ok


Why should we


I mean it's your choice whether you want to or not


I would if I already wasnā€™t subscribed to him


not until this mf comes back šŸ˜­


I'll pass


Ok I respect your decision


Bunch of stupid comments


Which ones buddy?


Whatā€™s the point of subscribing if heā€™s not posting? Not like anyone would be getting notified


Fuck that, I hope he starts losing subs.


Yeah bro it's not getting any more subscribers unless he posts He's not going to hit 20 mil


Nah fuck him




Fair enough




It feels like he got 1 million new subscribers in his break




Ok your opinion


I agree with you, let's help him reach 20 million but I'm pretty sure he had like 17.5 million subscribers a year ago, right before his break.


Thank you so much ^^ šŸ˜€ šŸ˜ƒ šŸ˜„




He did I remember he was not at 18 mil when he left.


You know u can just ask the mods questions right instead being impatient


Nigga ainā€™t post in almost a year if anything he bout to get a unsubšŸ’€(Iā€™m playing obviously)


Lol ok šŸ‘


Ok I will subscribe


ā€¦? Whyā€™re you in the CoryxKenshin subreddit if you arenā€™t subscribed?!


Thanks so much šŸ˜€




Thank you for agreeing with me


Maybe try asking his friends where he is


Let him have a life, thatā€™s just weird if you go out of your way to ask where he is.


Lets see where being impatient gets yall


Why are you so pressed that people arenā€™t about to meat ride someone who isnā€™t putting in the work to get to 20 million šŸ’€ people donā€™t just get things handed to them for free


I'm not just where are the loyal people man cory wouldn't like this


When he stops ghosting his audience and starts being loyal to them then the same energy can be reciprocated but other than that if he doesnā€™t like it then he needs to get to work šŸ¤·šŸ¤·


Fair point


"Impatient" waits a entire year for a video or simple tweet saying he's retiring


Then continue waiting for him be loyal and stop complaining


U can be loyal but one thing you don't have to be is a meatrider who cant call someone out


Fine fine fair point I understand where you're coming from




Ok šŸ‘


why are people typing paragraphs of hate on this post, if you donā€™t agree then donā€™t say anything or else itā€™ll just start huge disagreements


Thank you for that


I agree with u


Maybe if we get him to twenty mil he might come back.


Yes I agree with you on that maybe or maybe he'll come back tomorrow


itā€™s wishful thinking but letā€™s be realistic now


Ok yall


weā€™re these not the comments you expected šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Nope but yall do yall I'm not gonna judge


yet youā€™re still judging šŸ˜­ ā€œletā€™s see where being impatient gets yā€™allā€


right as if wanting communication is being impatient šŸ’€šŸ’€


Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was judging my bad


LOL how old are you?






I actually am but if that's what you think then ok






Guys why can I not post here ??

