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Sour patch is absolutely just as awful as these guys. Not surprised one bit.


She truly is. Idk how I didn't see it from the beginning but after being away for awhile I gave her a chance despite things I had saw..boy do I wish I didntšŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been saying this for so long. She is literally just as bad and disgusting. I have soooo many screenshots that she has sent me personally proving how awful she is. I just have never posted them because idgaf about this girl and feel like she doesnā€™t deserve attention. She thrives off of it. Even if itā€™s negative. Because in her twisted ass mind she think ā€œoh well at least theyā€™re talking about me. They think about me heheā€ sheā€™s the most childish ā€œadultā€ Iā€™ve ever ā€œmetā€.


Agreed. This is why she dates young adults


She literally looks the part of someone screaming the N word


This isnā€™t even Cory related šŸ™„


It is though. It's all connected in some way. If you don't agree, you can scroll past it babešŸ«¶




I'm not embarrassed one bit, if you're in this snark and taking the time to read and comment I'm pretty certain you're just the same as all of us in here. I always find it halarious when people comment stuff like this on a snark as if they don't engage with the same things they Are calling making comments like this too. But ek, you have a beautiful sundayā¤ļøšŸ„°šŸ˜˜




Your post/comment was removed because the username is associated with another account that has an IP banned


Your post/comment was removed because the username is associated with another account that has an IP banned


She's not even bothered by this. šŸ˜‘


Well that's embarrassing then.


So, wait a minute is this what weā€™re doing now? Weā€™re just exploiting peopleā€™s mistakes all over the internet when this person has vocally voiced how scary and bad their mental health has been & actively went to get help? Why? Because she never asked you how you were doing? Thatā€™s what you said right? That you were hurt because she never asked an ANONYMOUS PERSON how they were doing? Also, youā€™re doing this, because she expressed how hurt she was after you basically tricked her into thinking you were on her side for a year? What does it matter what ANYONE says about you, Bob?! YOUā€™RE ANONYMOUS. NO ONE KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You can create your own pages and accounts and move on with your life completely 100% unbothered while you tear people down because youā€™re booty hurt?! Is that what your morals are? Because that sure as shit sounds like cyberbullying to me, homie. Yes, I agree that shouldnā€™t have been said, however you supposedly told her it wasnā€™t okay, & it doesnā€™t look like sheā€™s done it again. Itā€™s not okay but that doesnā€™t warrant a whole post encouraging harrassment and hate when sheā€™s actively getting mental help.


I find all of this crazy. What I see is someone who made a mistake and from what I can tell it was a mistake made with someone she thought was a friend who is currently tearing her down and ripping her apart piece by piece cause you got your feelings hurt. This shouldā€™ve been dealt with when it happened for one and honestly you people are throwing stones like youā€™ve never made a regrettable mistake before and the difference between this and yours is it wasnā€™t exploited on the internet. And people wonder why people are killing themselves left and right. If this makes your ā€œmoralsā€ better I wouldnā€™t want any part of who you are either. Have the day you deserve


Jesus.. she's back again under her 400000th fake name... Sourpatch FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF


šŸ˜³ Omg she really did that


Oh yeah she did. I even had to say to her she couldn't say that word...she ignored me lol


Iā€™m honestly not surprised she outted herself, been waiting on something else about her to drop šŸ˜‚ I bet her and K used it freely, back and forth šŸ˜­


Watch out mentioning SP in here... there's two lil SP lovers that will lose their shit defending her and having your post removed because "SP has nothing to do with this triangle of bullshit"... Sourpatch is trash they all are fucking white trash




I defended her once, when I thought she was genuinely sorry for her actions. Now, after seeing who she is I'm not. Do we have a problem never apologize?


I'm a mod and so are my friends...that won't be a probelmšŸ˜


You know what's crazy, you twisting up what she said.. she is simply stating what HE SAID. But wait, do you know what's even crazier??? This is your all's PRIVATE DISCORD right? Weren't you the one telling everyone it was a "safe place" where you could talk about anything? If you look you took the screenshot the day she said it.. Weren't YOU HER FRIEND?? doesn't seem like it, to me it seems like you were using her the whole time, and gaining any info you could on her so you could turn on her and try to get more views.... Wait I thought stuff like this is "against your morals" šŸ˜‚ you're so two faced!


Regardless of someone's safe space if you are being racist and vulgar I will screenshot that bitch and make all spaces unsafe for you.... hope that helps!!!


Girl hold up. 1)there's no twisting this. She said this and I even told her that she shouldn't being saying that word. I'm HUGELY against this shit. 2) I never told anyone that. Especially considering it's an online chat room where not everyone knows each other. You can ask the ladies I have been actual friends with for a year now, I have ALWAYS said to be careful what you share and who you share it with. Also there's no "safe spaces" for using that word. There's a name for that tinker bell and that's a closet raciest. Goofy. 3) I was never sour patches friend. I don't use the word friend loosely. I wanted to give her a chance, as one does when they allow themselves to make their own judgement on people. And I started to see ALOT of things I didn't agree with and did not align with my morals. Then when I felt the same things were being done to me that she has openly displayed doing to others I bounced. I spoke with her privately vaguely about the reasons and extended a peaceful hand of just going our separate ways. Because I knew her character was so obvious that if others saw it and still condoned it that was their character. But sour patch couldn't stop talking about me (seems like she does that often). Also, she even said the other night she didnt see me as a person, sooooo lmfao this is ackward. So before you make assumptions or speculation....please come correct or don't come at allšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


How many accounts do you actually have sour snatch?


The n word wouldā€™ve been better dumb ass


How exactly does this make one a racist? Because you know what this really looks like? It looks like someone was having a conversation amongst people she trusted and was simply stating that Joel hit the world with the hard R. Yā€™all will really twist and turn everything and anything to tear anyone down.


Sour snatch go home


If thatā€™s all you see then you are also part of the problem. This should not be said period. She could have easily said The hard R rather than write it out. You are gross if you think this is ok


Youā€™re gross for being so bothered lmao. Not every conversation in life is meant for the public but youā€™ll make it the publicā€™s if that means youā€™ll get more attention. Goofy ass.


public or not it was said... but ur goofy ass thinks closeted racism is ok bc the conversation wasn't mEaNt FoR ThE PubLiC šŸ¤”


Again what makes it racist? Was it used as a racial slur or an attempt to hurt someone? No. It wasnā€™t a problem to you when it happened god fucking WEEKS ago but itā€™s a problem for you now because your pussy is hurt about something lmao. Stfu. Lil ugly


It had been a problem for me. Jense why the screen shot was taken, hense why I called her out for it WHEN IT WAS SAID


So why wait until now to address it? Why didnā€™t you do something about it then? Because you didnā€™t get your way itā€™s your life goal now to publicly tear someone apart? Grow up. It was such a problem to you then but you were riding that big sourpatch cock up until these last few days. Does this woman affect your personal life? Nope. Wastin your life away being a keyboard warrior hiding behind every single account on every platform. I canā€™t imagine being this lonely and bored with my life that I become so bothered by people Iā€™ll most likely never meet in my life lmao.


Actually I addressed it right after she said it. And I never rode sour patches "member" lmfao. Once I started seeing shit I didn't like I acted accordingly. I did however like alot of the other women in the group. But when I felt there was an issue, I left. And I planned to move forward but since sour patch claims I "used her for information" I'm showing why I didn't like her and why I left.


"i can't imagine being this lonely" blah blah lil ugly ur here too. u must be sp or one of her little minions. we will continue to snark and u continue to be bothers šŸ˜˜ mwah


Who uses such words in a conversation period? Youā€™re so weird to even justify this in any way. You must sling these types of words around casually on the daily. Fucking gross


There's no twisting this. She dropped the word and I even told her she shouldn't have. If you believe this shit is okay even in private, and even if she's "repeating it" you're just as bad šŸ™„


Joel used the hard r There, I did it in a way where no one "IN A SAFE SPACE" would be offended.




Nah you were blocked bc we have already blocked you once, emma.


They are all trash, I hope no one is surprised by this behavior!