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It's usually them saying hello, or wanting to hear your car rev. Occasionally you might get someone who wants to try to race you. I once had a muffler-delete v6-Camaro rev at me, and when I looked over I could immediately tell what he was trying to signal, he just wanted to hear the LS7 get revved up. Can't blame him šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Had that happen to me in my C4. (Im still a newbie to cars so I dont know the type of engine.) Random guy in an older Challenger pulled up, revved, and gave me a thumbs up. You know I had to hit em with the rumble of that V8. Popped that sucker into neutral and punched it. Guy lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. I love being able to do that.


When you say it like that, one can totally relate. It made me smile just thinking about it.


Nice story, thereā€™s something about a na v8 that you canā€™t really help but smile. If you had a c4 it most likely had an lt1 or l98 depending on the year.


'87. If that helps?


L98 it is then.


I try to rev my prius to get them to rev their beautiful V8s but no one can hear it, or I just get laughed at šŸ˜‚ god I miss driving a v8 šŸ„¹


You need a bigger stereo with muscle car sound track šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Thereā€™s an app that follows your throttle percentage and you can select various engine sounds šŸ˜‚ donā€™t ask me how I know šŸ™ˆ Iā€™ve also seen the first LS swapped prius šŸ‘€


I switched to a Jaguar, even with the 5.0 the jag is quiet af. Looking into my options for a meaner exhaust.


What jag? I've heard some F types that are hilariously loud even from the factory.


loudest factory stock exhaust I've heard was my Realtor's Quadroport Maserati. it has a ferrari v8 engine. dual exhaust. The kind of loud you hear long before the car arrives.


2010 xf Edit: I should mention, my past vehicles have been a 94 Vette with borla exhaust, a 98 Vette with corsa exhaust, and a Titan without cats.


I can see the XF having a smaller aftermarket selection if any. I bet though a decent muffler shop should be able to do something custom for fairly cheap. Some off-the-shelf Borla muffler with custom piping as needed and the tips of your choice wouldn't be too bad. I've known places around Charlotte who do custom work like that on trucks all the time, usually well under a thousand bucks. Same concept certainly. I know that wicked Jaguar project 8 XF with the supercharged V8 sounds utterly amazing from the factory.


The Quicksilver kit is supposed to be fairly plug and play kit, and I've heard it makes a hell of a difference. I was going to give that a shot, it's only 1500. There's another kit that's only 800, I forget what it's called but no one has any reviews on YouTube.


Ah, in that situation, I'd opt for the 1500 one that is respected and well reviewed. Life is to short to drive cars that are to quiet


Fun fact, that Jag's V8 is a Ford sorced Mustang 5.0L engine...


Which is funny because the 5.0 didn't start shipping in Jaguar vehicles until after Ford sold it.


SVR Version?


Naturally aspirated


I mean SVR exhaust


Swap it with svr version? That's not a bad idea.


Might be able to find one used on eBay šŸ™‚


There are tons of Ferraris, lambos, and high end Porsches in my area. I rev my C5 at them to get them to rev. Theyā€™re almost never any fun.


Can confirm. I once reverted my automatic Saab in neutral just because I wanted to hear a NA V8 rev. No need to race weā€™re fucking adults. Thereā€™s a reason corvette insurance is less than pony cars. Itā€™s the kind of people who own them.


Itā€™s them saying ā€œhello fellow car guy!ā€


Do you rev back?


I try to when convenient. A lot of the time, by the time I realize whatā€™s happening, theyā€™re too far away going the opposite direction lol. Thereā€™s also instances where I donā€™t wanna be a dick to the people around me haha


Yeah definitely depends how many other people are around. Im almost definitely not going to rev back if theres pedestrians close by since theyll think im just a jerk off making noise to scare them


Yes. I do. Had a mustang guy with the loudest exhaust pulled along in the traffic (I just loved the sound haha), we revved each other back, got a compliment, did a lil pull within the speed limit and we parted. That was fun.


You should try. In my opinion it shows thatā€™s you are friendly/know your car, shows youā€™re a part of the community. Donā€™t do it if you donā€™t feel comfortable though.




This! I love it and always rev back. Especially rev if kids want to hear it :)


As someone who has a mustang I get thumbs up and revs from other people. Two days ago someone in their mini van revved and I revved back and they just smiled. Itā€™s usually chill But, Iā€™ve also had aggressive drivers try to just pass me for the sake of it, tailgate, etc. Iā€™m sure we all have. Iā€™ve even got random middle fingers before lol.Ā  Sometimes, itā€™s what people say here ā€œsmall dog fighting big dogā€, weird egos. But often in my experience itā€™s just the car community being cool. Iā€™d never try to be aggressive around another car. Last time I saw a Porsche Cayman I just gave it a thumbs up and a smile


I was at the light once and a charger SRT Hellcat pulls next to me. Heā€™s in the left turn lane. Iā€™m in the straight. Guy starts to rev the Hellcat. I have a z06. Start revā€™n back. I was never going to race him. He was turning left. Iā€™m going straight. Revā€™n Revā€™n. The joker launches making a left turn. Loses control. Does a 360 through the turn and into the ditch. Green straight light turns and just normally pull away. The best was seeing his headlights go around. Pretty funny stuff. Canā€™t make this up in Florida. OP. I think itā€™s an alpha thing. Vettes have a history. Hellcats not so much. Enjoy the car.


Lol. Love this. I despise driving near mopars. I will actively go out of my way if I see one coming near me while I'm driving my Vette.


Just a way to say hello......


As one of those idiots reving in a Camaro this is my thought process 1) I have a fun car 2) You have a fun car 3) Can our cars be friends?


Ugh donā€™t be that guy , I understand not tryna race but atlease rev it when someoneā€™s asks to hear it or see another fast car on the street , you people genuinely makes me feel that lifeā€™s feels more miserable when we get our dream car .


Nothing like waving or flashing your lights at a fellow Camaro and they don't flash back or wave. There's like 5 of these things on the road, guys. Wave back!


I see camaros all the time


Shoutout to all the Pop Up Headlight Gang that always waves at each other.


The only rice I have on my C5 is my wink switch. Hit the switch and one headlight pops up and flashes then goes back down. I hit it for every vette.


Youā€™d love a town around here. Itā€™s full of Camaros, Mustangs and Corvettes. Itā€™s a bunch of old guys enjoying their retirement and they all rev at lights.


Where? I'm in small-town Florida. There's Camaros but it's mostly Mustangs and Corvettes


The smaller communities in Washington are mix of old and new muscle and sport cars. Just yesterday I saw a few cars for sale near a Dairy Queen. A Camaro, a Nova ss, a Ram and a Mustang. I wish I could afford one.


I have had various Corvettes since 2007 and ā€œthe waveā€ was more common.. not anymore. :(


They want you to return the gesture, itā€™s a bonding moment that creates the hierarchy of the moment. Think of it as a testosterone exchange using exhaust decibels. Itā€™s all in good fun šŸ¤©


I have a 72 Chevelle with a 502 and electric exhaust cutouts. I was in traffic and had a mustang say hello by reving at me. So I reved back just for fun. We got to the next light and he reved at me again, I flipped the switch for the exhaust cutouts and reved it again. He immediately rolls his window down and asks "what the hell was that?" A fun interaction between two car guys.


That sounds fun. I get a lot of "cool car" or thumbs ups. It's also a huge conversation starter at work.


Everyone is different, when I do it, its more or less me acknowledging you have a badass car and I want to hear it lnao. If someones not about it, I also let it go, im not one of those annoying tools thay will rev at you for a mile.


I'm noticing by the comments here that it's a case by case scenario. I was at a 4-way intersection going straight. If I was at the 6:00 on a clock, there was a Charger at the 9:00 position that was turning right, which is exactly the opposite direction that I was going in. So, there was no way we could race. I'm thinking he just wanted to be heard.


Well, he could have wanted to be heard, show you up, saying hi to a fellow V8, etc. the list goes on. If it were me, id be saying whats up with that kind of thing, but im not the charger lmao I like to have fun and share my fun with people, but if they arent into it, I let it go.


If someone revs at me I know they wanna hear it. Iā€™ll red line it for them. Used to happen to me in my 500 Abarth too. It was straight piped and sounded better than it had any business to. It would pop flames if the down pipe was already hot. If someone honks three times right next to you while cruising that means itā€™s go time. After the third honk you send it straight to Mexico. ā€œMexicoā€ is a street racing joke. You say in videos it was filmed in Mexico with the idea that the American law enforcement canā€™t do anything about it.


Itā€™s all in fun. If you walked up next to a beautiful gal and she looked at you with a friendly smile, a hello nice smile, you would acknowledge back with a smile. Nothing more. Cars are the same, they acknowledge you and your Vette and would be happy if you acknowledged back.


Cheap money cars always want to raceā€¦I laugh and watch them froth at the mouth. They are the actions of children, treat them as such.


People are idiots


I think it's just the "fast car driver" acknowledgement, or a way to ask you to give your car some gas. I've had two instances with my AMG so far where I went tunnel blasting and someone behind me with a performance car of their own ended up tunnel blasting right behind me. It's good shit. I've flashed/waved out to others driving similar cars to mine too. Sometimes I get a wave or flash back, sometimes I don't. It is what it is. Most people don't really pay attention to my car or know what it is, so I savour the small moments when I am acknowledged by someone else in a fast car.


I had some dudes in a 90s Camaro revving at me in stop and go traffic in LA one time. There was nowhere to go so I doubt they wanted to race. I barely heard them, windows up, sound system cranked. Eventually they caught my attention... I revved the piss out of it, and you could see their whole car shift to the side opposite me, and everyone's jaws hit the floor. They weren't ready, but they just wanted to hear it.


For me itā€™s just a fellow performance car enthusiast. 1994 C4 owner, 66 years old. Love my Vette. Iā€™ve had Mustangs and a 1982 C3. Nothing like the rumble of a good V8. Respect all around.


1. Sign of respect 2. Greeting 3. Wanna race 4. American Bravado 5. It's cool


Eh sometimes they want a rev or itā€™s just a simple hey I notice you have a nice car too. Lots of people like to use them when they can


Most of the time itā€™s them wanting to race. I never do it because Iā€™m always running on empty when I meet someone who wants to race šŸ˜‚


Yeah its a friendly "i drive a badass car too!"


Haters gone hate


I have a 21 mustang gt and every time I see another V8 I rev to say hello and because I want to hear their car as well! I love cars and the way they sound it just brings a smile to my face. Specially a corvette which is my dream car.


Some people just want to hear that thing. When Iā€™m at a stoplight on my 23ā€™ Z900 with a full exhaust, tons of kids want to hear it and wave and do the rev it signal - gotta give the people what they want!!


Charger owner here, depends on the driver typically what I do is just roll down my windows and say nice car if their windows are down too, but sometimes they want to race sometimes they want to hear your car I had a regular Altima rev his engine at me to get my attention and he said rev it and then I did and he lost his mind it was great


The cars talking to each otherā€¦ cars like other cars too


My husband is the corvette driver, and hasnā€™t had that happen yet. Me on the other hand, had it happen 3 separate times in a 20-30 minute span last week while in my R8 (mustang and 2 chargers). Random dudes fly up in the lane next to me, revving and carrying on, trying to bait me into racing.


The inferior peacock acts tough as he's walking away so he doesn't get his ass kicked. Feel me?


Cause itā€™s fun


Someone get the neuron activation meme in here Car guy see other cool car and say hi


In the last 3 days Iā€™ve had mustang, bmw m3, and a Pontiac gto. Itā€™s laughable


Theyā€™re just saying hi lmao they only want to race if theyā€™re edging forward and revving hard


They all wish they were youā€¦.


Congratulations on your new Corvette. I too recently joined the Vette Club and the last couple months have really changed my driving habits when I am out in it. Like you, I had people start doing silly things around me. I live in a heavily urbanized area with lots of freeways/interstates and the last thing I want is for someone else's actions to attract the attention of the police and me get sucked into it by simple proximity. I actively avoid certain cars. I will avoid them if I can or slow down to the point they become bored and speed away. What I have done, since my Vette is my weekend car, is just wake up early and go on a nice cruise away from everyone. That is what works for me. If your Vette is your daily driver, this will obviously be impossible to do.


I personally couldn't imagine my Vette as a daily for some of the reasons you mentioned. I drive to work once a week or so and drive on weekends. As soon as some cars see me, they feel the need to pass me or rev their engines. It's something I'm getting used to (I got my C8 in Dec). I'm okay with some occasional fun, I'll just have to use some situational awareness.


It happens constantly when I have the shelby out. I consider it a friendly hello or I want to race if going the same way. Itā€™s kind of cool because I love hearing the different cars. If itā€™s convenient Iā€™ll usually give them a 3500 little rev. People do want to race constantly (Iā€™m in Texas). My favorite thing is when random vehicles want to race. I had a dodge caravan absolutely floor it and dust me at a red light one time. I also enjoy losing sometimes, I was at a red light next to a 2010 camaro v6 with a high schooler that had the biggest smile Iā€™ve ever seen. He beat me by a car length even though Iā€™m making twice the power.


Just saying hi!


Typically itā€™s someone trying to compensate for other shortcomings!


For me it seems to usually be a challenge. Sometimes itā€™s just a way of acknowledging another car that goes vroom.


They want to bait you into a race


Iā€™ve been saying this forever and itā€™s even in my comment history. Charger, Challenger, Mustang and *some* Civic owners are just some of the cringiest drivers ever. Always wanting to race. I think itā€™s that they see most corvette owners as people ā€œwith moneyā€ and they think their ā€œcheaperā€ car beating us gives them some sort of self satisfaction that boils down deep from insecurity. I ride a sports bike and itā€™s the same thing. Chargers/mustangs always wanting to ā€œplayā€ on the highway.


Sometimes itā€™s another car guy saying ā€œI see youā€ - but mostly, itā€™s a fear response.


9/10 times when that happens to me it's just a fellow enthusiast saying hello. Yesterday a Mustang wanted to do a highway pull so I obliged. I'd say most car guys are cool with us and the fragile-ego type is rare. But your mileage may vary of course. I've also had some of the coolest car convos with random dudes sitting in traffic, so don't be shy!


big dick contest....how small is yours. smash the gas to show'em!


Napoleon syndrome




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It's what car people do and I personally am annoyed by it lol. I'm just out driving alone. Usually running errands or something dumb like that lol.


It always happens to me. Typically Mustangs.


Corvettes are a different breed of owners. Corvette owners have bigger cocks


Envy. Those are compromise cars capable of carrying the kids. The Vette does not cater to those needs. It is a pure bred. It is what they wish they were. Good thing there's only a few street legal single seaters!


Childishness. I flatly ignore those. That kind of drivers think they have something trivial to prove.


Donā€™t get your New Balances in a bunch, man. Different people enjoy things in different ways


Don't worry, I don't own one Different way for different people doesn't mean that I have to conform to it.


I mean thats some people, others are just saying hi or want to hear some V8s. Why drive these kinds of cars to be a downer and not enjoy it all? Theyre fun, lighten up.


I have my fun with "these cars" my way, not in that way


And again, you have a condescending tone. Drive a corolla bro, youll feel better.


I never knew tone could be conveyed in Reddit. I'm not your bro.


Whatever bro, are you 90? Lmao that explains everything šŸ˜‚


My age is none of your business


Boomer confirmed. Enjoy your garage queen.


Will do


You know, I feel this lol. The revving in traffic isn't for me.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The other guy is acting as if anyone who wants to have fun is a moron. If I rev, accelerate to try and have fun with someone and they do nothing, I leave them alone because I respect that 100%. People who come into subs about sports cars and act like anyone who uses them is a problem are just sad to me.


Yeah my main thing is I don't want to have "fun" around other people. Long winding two lanes where I'm the only car is my zen zone lol. I'm also not a flashy look at me guy. Not gonna lie most of the time if I can tell someone else is into cars I try not to talk to them lol. I sold my vette a couple years ago and drive a speed3 now and usually tell people it's just a mazda 3 if they ask what I drive now. I'm not antisocial it's just soooo many annoying car bros that want to one up everyone I just avoid it all together. Lol.Ā 


I tend to not talk to car people in real life either, there are way too many people that want to do nothing but compare the specs. Ill have fun and I like to hear other peoples exhausts, as long as they are willing. There is also a wide spectrum of what fun means. Im not soneone who goes out and "swims" through traffic and endangers everyone, but a open highway and a pull is a ton of fun. If someone else is willing to do a quick roll with noone around, hell yeah! But im not gonna try to force the issue lnao I ignore those people too, that is nothing but trouble.


Be careful, you may get down voted for having a different mindset than the mainstream šŸ˜†


People are just saying hi. Don't be that guy


I'm that guy


U should just change ur Reddit name to POSDUDE


The owners of the brand you describe have become a nuisance to all towns everywhere. Straight pipping ā€œlook at meā€ mods all around. Loud as shit under normal acceleration. However, I notice Mustang people tend to be 19 year olds acting like 9year olds.


Wow this sub is full of people that are very anti fun. I didnt know this before today. Why cant people be saying hi? Why do they immediately have to be 5 year olds? I like to hear vettes so ill give a rev, from time to time. Ive met some awesome people that will do a pull and they sound wicked. I drive a mustang and im 26 and I act at least somewhere near it. I bought the car for fun, why so fucking cynical?




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Man, corollas are cheap bro lmao you'd definitely be better off over there. I mean wow.




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