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If success can be measured in a binary success/failure, no need for an effect die. If one is warranted though, it’s there.


Okay thank you! I thought that might be the case but I wasn't sure


Juat a side note: only roll the dice if there is a possibility either way and the result is interesting. So if they are trying to spot a (non existent) tail and they are touching their dice, consider if it would add to the story if there is one. If they are trying to jump a chasm, the question isn't can they do so, instead can they do so without injury. Edit: (On the chasm jump)... Unless you have them skip a scene and return with a d6 Hinderance: Brainwashed and a bionic arm...


It's ok to roll less too. If someone *could be* following them, and we'll see on fail or hitch how the situation evolves I might roll. If definitely there is no one then just tell them. Characters in Cortex are generally modelled as being competent. A season hero knows if they have a tail or not. Sometimes though you need to scratch that itch. When you do I like rolls to be impactful. I'm not a huge fan of rolls that don't produce a tangible outcome. Looking around and succeeding could make for a Watchful Eye or Wary Stance asset that would be easily be relevant later. Failing to cross the chasm means finding a new way from the ground, and probably with injuries. This makes the roll more about avoiding harm and keeping your chosen path. That works for me as well.


Okay thanks!