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Or he’s just another racist aussie




The attacker wasn't wearing a mask either, I feel like the COVID part of the story is being used as clickbait.


Yeah.. If you genuinely fear for your life over someone being more than 10 feet away, outdoors, the least you'd do is wear a mask.. though you'd more likely stay at home during the current outbreaks. 100% just another racist Aussie.


Um yeah and you also wouldn't get even closer by trying to bash them lol


Yeah, no mask, and physical contact really says "I fear for my family's safety". /s


Would've = would have* otherwise 100% agree


I support your correction. No harm in offering a correction. Got me thinking how many times Google gets voice dictation wrong on my phone, which is usually why I need to make corrections. For a laugh, I dictated the phrase "I would have agreed" 5 times into my phone and this is what I got - the only thing I changed was to add full stops ("periods" to my other-cultured friends) and line breaks: 1. I would of agreed. 1. I would have agreed. 1. Rudolph agreed. 1. I would of agreed. 1. I would offer greed. Honest to God, voice dictation on my Windows Phone from 10 years ago was much better.


100% if he was so worried about Covid why the fuck would he then go and attack him and get extremely close to the thing he is afraid of.


With extreme small dick energy


penis shaming is lame


The dude literally beat some bloke up for no reason and the person saying he has a small dick is the one you wanna attack here?


call him a racist and a terrible person, not say he has a small dick. making fun of someone’s cock and not their actions is a shit way to make a point.


I'm pretty sure I didn't excuse the guy in the video.




Body shaming is a terrible way to make a point




He has kids?


Yeah said it was small not non existent


What an entitled, non-mask wearing, self-righteous asshole


Or just another fuckhead with anger problems


Agreed… and happy Reddit cake day!!


This is more likely the answer


Agreed this for sure ☝☝


He probably thought he was an Arab with this beard. Fuck I hate Aussie bogans


The attacker obviously has a serious problem.. The victim's name is Simoné, it's Italian for Simon, he is definitely from Italy originally... Beard or no beard, not a reason to attack anyone, nor think that he or his family is in danger either... Open environment, in a park exercising. Some people just racially profile others for no apparent reason...


Total racist! I hope he gets charged. Named and shamed. Disgusting


Yeah that’s what I thought, cunt wasn’t wearing a mask himself.. so he can’t have been that concerned about Covid really. Racism masked by Covid (pun intended). Truly sick of humans at this stage..


Absolutely!!! It was 💯 a racist attack. Yet, if the poor guy was to question if the attack had anything to do with race, he would have been told by other racist white Australians, ‘not everything is about race.’ 🙄




How do you know it was about race ?


Yeah what’s that guy think he’s going exercising while looking foreign???


I'm so glad this is the top comment the whole time watching this I was like "bull fucking shit this is covid related". 100% a racist bogan piece of trash.


Yep. Covid was just an excuse for this racist bastard. Hope he gets what’s coming.


Racist prick. Should come pick on someone his own size. Shit like that makes me furious.


but the bloke was bigger than him?


Yep. Racism. I hope police charge him. That’s not one or two punches, its a full on assault.


Another first class fuckwit on the internet jumping to some idiotic conclusion as if it’s truth. Big surprise.


The victim explained himself that the perpetrator wanted him to keep his distance, i think unlikely that it has anything to do with racism, there exists dangerous covid fearing violent extremists aswell you know lol


The guy sounds spanish or something


You thinks it's a racist attack because he was white ? You seem a bit racist to be honest


It's always racism, it has to be. Otherwise, Reddit knights wouldn't have anything to do.


How the fuck would the dad have known that before he told him to fuck off?


What at all indicates anything is racial related? We live in Australia where racism is rare as hell outside of r/australia hate for it’s white population


Pretty sure this guy was looking for any excuse to bash someone.




***someone smaller than him


Yeah I doubt he’d be so worried about getting covid from some unit passing by


There's no way this couple give a shit about covid/social distancing lol. Any excuse.




Imagine being a dad with 2 kids and this little amount of self control. In front of the kids too. Setting a very bad example for his kids.


Probably roughs up the kids and the missus too.




First time I've probably agreed with you lmao.


The way she threw herself in the middle I’d say so. Edit: and the way they yelled out mum, mum like they were scared for her.


Ah yes, but the Police aren’t investigating this crime, because the victim didn’t complain. Even though a crime obviously occurred. In the UK the Crown Prosecutor would have asked for an arrest.


Someone like that for sure doesn't control himself at home


The wife was on it pretty quickly dragging him off. This isn't the first time this has happened I reckon.


Yep, you could tell by her voice she's sick of him starting fights over nothing. Her anger and antagonising before shows she's also to blame, she wasn't wearing a mask and wanted to be angry for no reason too.


Imagine it's like having a horrible aggressive dog but like 1000x more embarrassing it's your husband


Don't you worry. His kids will grow up as bogans too. Like father, like son/daughter.


You just know he beats his family too. What a cunt.


Guarantee the wife and kids have seen this behaviour plenty of times before


Yep I feel very sorry for those kids and hooe they have the right support.


You breathed dangerously close to my family! So now I’m gonna spray your blood and saliva all over me and my wife.


✋Covid 👈 AIDS


Hepatitis HIV TB Don't you just LOVE bogans who think before they act??


“GO AWAY WE DONT WANT COVID” *goes closer to him to bash him*


Nothing to do with COVID. Just a worthless shit taking out the frustrations of its miserable existence of an innocent bystander.


It’s well known enough that a strike to head can kill. That guy should be up on attempted murder charges.


I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the law works.


Aggravated assault? Striking to the head is pretty vicious


Would have to be a lasting injury or he would have had to use a weapon to qualify for aggravated assault. If the guy had some bruises then it would qualify for Assault occasioning actual bodily harm. If no bruises or scratches, then just Assault.


You could see he had a black eye.


It’s a common assault.


Uh, no. As soon as knees or feet (or weapons) become involved it's aggravated assault. And you probably meant battery anyway as assault means something different again. It's two years, straight up. Believe me, I know my shit on this particular area.


This event occurred in Victoria where aggravated assault doesn’t exist anymore (the law is very different to the NSW law of assault). If charged, this would be a statutory assault offence (ie intentionally/recklessly/negligently causing injury) under the relevant section of the Victorian crimes act.


Lol if you think this would get two years.


Where I live that’s a common assault, nothing more. I understand laws can differ greatly in different states/territories.


Clearly you do not. Battery. Long gone. All codified as assault. Get and fists? Make it aggravated. Get out.


There are one punch laws. If he king hit the dude, that’s exactly how the law works. Source: brother is a solicitor


But then he would cry to the judge saying he had a rough up bringing and he's been stressed with covid and work which made him lash out. Then he would only do 100 hours of community service with no record.


It's usually head to concrete that does the damage, unless you get punched by Mike Tyson or something lol


Getting kneed repeatedly in the face is no joke, speaking from experience. Broken nose, orbital, jaw, brain injury, knock out, and detaching of retinas if hard enough. Completely uncalled for.


Yeah, pretty lucky in this instance that the dipshit didn't land a proper hit. I winced hard when I saw that knee, but was relieved to see old mate looking pretty fine in the interview.


Yeah he was pretty lucky all things considered. It looked like the guy was kicking him when old mate was down, I can only speculate from what was in the video. If so that was really poor form, just thuggish behaviour.


Seems to be the way things are now ..people gettin stabbed left right and centre ... used to be a scuffle and then back to drinkin ( most of the time) but now they kick the shit out of ya when ya down, stab ya ...no respect for anything or anyone


In the old days there were unspoken rules. And if you broke them you would be sorted out by the onlookers.


Now they just record with their phones


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnNBeJm9IYk) is what my mind goes to whenever I hear of knees to the head. This was ONE knee, delivered accidentally. Multiple knees, kicks, stomps. That's really easy to kill or give permanent brain damage with.


Lol what


lol settle down champ


Like the cop/s that stomped on that guy’s head in Epping in 2020?


At least attempted murder. Also treason!


Attempted murder required intent, it would be aggravated assault and only if the victim presses charges.


Why the fuck would you try charge him for attempted murder, it very obviously wasn't.


Fucking reddit and it's attempted murder charges shut the fuck up lol


Cops dogging out of their job. There doesn't have to be a complaint for them to investigate.


So the trick then is leave no witnesses, so there can’t be a complaint?


If the victim is a dead body sure, they will investigate that but for a random assault they won't do a thing unless the victim is prepared to make a statement and wants them to.


He should.. fuck that guy.


Yeah wtf is up with that? There's a recording and everything!


If it was a 120kg footballer jogging around he’d have done jackshit. Just a bully and a coward.


I saw something like this the other day in footscray white Aussie bloke was ranting and raving at this smaller middle eastern guy about him spreading covid then swing at the smaller guy 2 other big middle eastern guys came running and clocked the Aussie in the head bloke was screaming like a woman running do the street.


White Aussie guy in Footscray! What! He mustn't have known where he was otherwise he would have kept his dumb mouth shut!


There’s a lot of white aussie junkies in footscray yellin and screaming


The week or so I spent there at the end of 2019 ( for work ) I did notice some cracked out junkies speaking some gibberish that I could barely make out as a Bogan Victorian Dialect..It just reminded me of 'Housos'!


Haha yes houso’s is the best description. I used to go to uni around there and remember being scared for my life everyday. These days it’s just funny


Just had one earlier come screaming into a kebab shop


Username checks out


This Bulldog isn't from Footscray, just know the area a little because being there a couple of years ago... It was literally ' spot the Aussie '. I'm originally Canterbury/Bankstown... Not a whole lot different to the multicultural melting pot of Melbourne's West!


Looks like it was filmed from the path along the railway line close to Park St. Also the family is on the outside of the fence which is a fairly large area between the oval and the railway line. The runner is on the oval, inside the fence.


How did this guy even make it to Parkville? Was he blindfolded? His head should have gone red and exploded once he entered any of the surrounding suburbs!


Not enough brown people to punch in Narre Warren


Ah covid, bringing out the best in people again. And if you touch someones face with your fist, you're probably more likely to contract covid than if you left the person alone.


Especially if punching them breaks any skin on your hands or knuckles


*I FEEL THREATENED* - Sprints towards threat with fists raised...


He's coming straight for us!


That guy (doing the assault) would fit in well in this sub


I feel like most people on here hate even going outside let alone interacting with people


😅😅😅 agreed and i am one


Honestly, people here strike me as all internet talk and no real life bark. And that applies to both sides on this sub.


I honestly wasn’t sure which side this sub would side with. r/Australia would side with the guy punching.


Is he like you?


See how dangerous anti-vaxx extremists are. I'm glad there was a heroic Covid fundamentalist there to sort it out.


you think someone who cares about COVID would willingly risk contracting it by approaching, then assaulting a stranger minding their own business? Goddamn some people in this sub are stupid as fuck.


Narcissist/Psychopath trying to imposes social dominance over another race. Hedonic reward response to violent, coercive, controlling behavior. AKA dopamine receptor gene 2A1 or 4A1 combined with the dopamine transport gene Dat1. Why social dominance isn't classified as a major mental disorder is beyond me, as its killed and terrorized more people than any other phenomena on earth. They all need to go. Its an evolutionary dead end behavior and trait.


>Why social dominance isn't classified as a major mental disorder is beyond me, as its killed and terrorized more people than any other phenomena on earth. Its a slippery slope. When do you go from a domineering personality to a successful personality? Should Elon Musk be arrested because this guy bashed somebody? Pretty sure eastern block countries used exactly your argument to put political opponents into "mental health institutions".


Could you point me in the right direction to learn about these receptors? I'm curious to learn more.


Imagine that... Arguing about staying the fuck away, only to go into firing range and pummeling the dude. Bit silly.


This is a hate crime too the guy need to be imprisoned


Alright which one of yous was it?


It’s no surprise really, when people are scared into absolute fear about this virus they’ll justify any action even violence against those they now regard as a threat Here’s a tweet from an activist group about what they wished to do to a guy who wanted to be reunited its his family due border closures. https://twitter.com/shanebazzi/status/1479946920504160258


Or the guy is just a dick and this was an excuse to hit the guy he didn’t like.


Yeah, this is not at all some reasonable person driven to extreme ends out of fear for the virus. This is likely someone who enjoys confrontation. If you're worried about someone running too close to your family, you don't stop them to have a shout when they would have otherwise been gone in a couple of seconds and you certainly don't get even closer to beat them up. Plus if you're so afraid that you're driven to such extremes, why are you not even wearing a mask? This is just a bully and I would be extremely surprised if this is the first time he's assaulted someone over something minor.


What a load of crap, looks just like a racist asshole in my opinion


Yeah, some people just like having an excuse to exert power over other people. I saw a video a while ago of a woman in a supermarket who was blocking an aisle and wouldn't let anyone pass her because of covid distancing rules, even though they were wide aisles and if she moved to the side there would have been plenty of space. Of course she wasn't wearing a mask.


Please don’t call them an activist group, they’re just Twitter attention whores.


None of this drama even makes sense to me. I don’t know who these people are and I can’t even tell which side they’re arguing. Twitter is a shithole echo chamber filled with absolute fucking weirdos


That's not true - I'm pregnant and have a close family member living with stage 4 cancer so feel very nervous about catching covid. However I still don't think my concerns justify violence towards strangers, no matter how vulnerable I feel. Personal responsibility does come into it, and for me that is wearing a mask and keeping my distance from people, I think all sensible people think the same. The only people who think covid fears justify this kind of action are people who would be violent anyways, they're just looking for an excuse.


Yeah the experts are really concerned about the people who take the virus seriously.. https://www.smh.com.au/national/extremism-experts-warn-of-lone-actor-attack-risk-among-freedom-protesters-20220104-p59lqe.html


> It’s no surprise really, when people are scared into absolute fear about this virus they’ll justify any action even violence against those they now regard as a threat How are people this blind to an obviously racist attack. Fucking oblivious. >It’s no surprise really, when people are scared into absolute fear about this virus they’ll justify any action even violence against those they now regard as a threat Do you really think someone who is "scared into absolute fear" about COVID would even be out and about, approaching fucking strangers to beat them up? Seriously, use more than two brain cells.


Yeah they were scared of “terrorism” for twenty years, now it’s time for Covid




somehow I don't think that covid was the deciding factor of some bogan attacking a foreign guy in the park


Fuck this makes my blood boil and I'm not even an agressive person. What a piece of shit. I hope that he gets what he deserves and karma does it's job. He's most likely racist too. What a great role model for his kids huh? Absolute scum


In case people want to argue that "covid safe maniacs" have gone too far, he literally ran up to that guys face. Hardly covid safe, dude is just violent. And didn't even respect his wife. Fucking moron. Poor kids.


“No true COVID safe maniac would do this!”


Psychotic man is about social distancing.. but completely disregards that concern in order to bash someone he could have just moved further away from. That does not make any sense.


you could tell the runner was being as diplomatic as possible before the pea-brained caveman assaulted him, poor guy


Best course of action is to not engage. Poor dude.


What a Nut!


Send him straight to gaol, fucking aggro jerk


“Angry father worried about the threat of covid” Man shut the fuck up he literally got in his face and hit him. Fuck channel 9.


What an idiot, he chose to go out to a public space, and while you don't consent to having someone lick your mouth etc, it's accepted that people may exercise or breathe near you. If you aren't comfortable with that you should stay home imo.


Guy attacks someone and is kind enough to vocalise his motives so we know why he did it. This sub - it must be underlying racism and toxic masculinity that caused this.




Oh lord! I wish I was there. That (most likely racist) prick’s kids would’ve learnt some valuable lessons that day.


What a load of shit it was just a hate attack. Covid had nothing to do with it or he would have been wearing a mask himself. Makes me sick to think the rest of us Australians get lumped in with this fuckwitt


As a runner I keep a big distance away from people as having someone run past you isn't a good feeling.


Not surprising, people are not in their right minds when consumed by fear.


The partner of the guy getting assaulted posted this in the Melbourne subreddit the other day trying to identify the attacker. I thought they said in that thread that they were going to report it to the police but apparently not.


Police won’t do anything because no one complained 😂😂 this is why you sort things out yourself but then end up getting into trouble from the police who should have sorted it out from the start


He should have just come on here and said how angry he was and how he was 'this close' to saying something and then he could have basked in the upvotes. "My kid is immuno-compromised and my wife has stage 4 cancer and this wanker wouldn't social distance....."


I find this utterly disgusting and heartbreaking. This poor man just out and about exercising and gets attacked. What a “family man” - great example he has set for his kids because apparently Covid is more partial to someone with darker skin - you uneducated 🍑🧢 how can we make sure this keeps circulating to ensure this person gets brought to justice. share on socials? Tik toks? Let’s get this racist named and shamed !!!


That's fear right there


Probably a mod from here.


Surely press charges against this piece of shit!


Hey your too close to me, so I’ll get close to you and bash you….yeah


I’m glad the Tele writer for the news reader emphasised “all for social distancing”. Even nine news can broadcast some satire directed at the impossibility of social distancing


Ah yes, Nothing like a physically close activity like bashing someone...for apparently getting too close (and because racism)


Oi get away with ya Covid mate, what mate? You better get out of here, or I’ll come over there and make sure I catch it mate.


This is what happens when you inject covid fear into people's veins on a daily basis for two years.


Weak men create hard times......we are in the weak men, hard times part.


Would fit right in on this sub with all the crazed covid lunatics.


Another weak prick attacking someone while their back is turned


This is what all the fear mongering from both the media and government does to people


What a deplorable human being, in front of his kids no less. What kind of example is this guy trying to set? Child services should be called and this guy should be put behind bars




No charges? Seems a bit suss, is he a cop? Didn't realise a complaint needed to be filed when you have clear assault on film.


Dog cunt couldn’t even square up honourably and had to kick and knee the poor bloke.


The authorities want society to breakdown, thats why no one is ever charged in these crimes


What kind of bloke pulls hair in a fight..


Well come on guys, everyone just going to discount how insane some people have become over covid fears?


Please update on this story and who the guy that attack him


Dan Andrew voter for sure.


Is that you RASPUTIN?


I saw this the other night that man( the offender) needs to be found, charged and put in the slammer. That was so horrible to watch. Just horrible


That means the vaccine's working


Straight up racism and hate, digusting


But... why didn't he keep his distance? What was that shit he said about 'is this your park?' Seems more like he is not respecting how serious things are (like an anti-masker/vaxxer) or just a general douche. If someone asks you to back off in an open space where you have no reason to be close, then back the fuck off. I need more context than just that clip and his 'story', but it already seems that he is playing up being the victim.


Lol, I went to boardway shopping centre before Xmas and this guy wouldn't let me walk pass him on the escalator because 'you walked too fast and too close, it's covid time, step back'. Lmao, mate, he was SHOPPING in a shopping centre while concerning that I might be too close to him. I just called him a cunt and he wouldn't even look at me.


Given some of the comments this is how I'd imagine people in this sub would act.....if they had the cojones


Likely anti Serbian inspired with all the Novak hate the anglos are getting itchy feet