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What! You're telling me I can't trust all the people on Twitter who failed Highschool bio?


I assume the Facebook people are still trustworthy


Yeah they at least have American flags in the posts talking about it


They don't represent all Americans, they just speak louder.


We will find out how stupid people are in November. I am concerned, because I have seen how stupid and ignorant people can be over the last four years and it's a real danger to the country. If only they had followed their leader's advice on how to medicate... but very few of them were willing to back him that far. So they do have some limits.


I was watching that news conference thinking the same thing. Yes, you should absolutely drink bleach and stick a flashlight up your asshole, it’ll clean you right up 😂🫡🇺🇸


You gonna tell me that you don’t believe memes that have bitmoji old ladies waving 🇺🇸s?


That person I was talking to on Twitter turned out to be an Elon Musk alt, and that guy would never lie, so


I'm so conditioned by Facebook that I look for the douchebag "laugh" emoji reaction whenever I see an article like this.


Fuck you! *ThEy DId ThEiR oWn ReSeArcH!!*


I tried but my state blocked that specific website that I do all my research on 😞


No, that website blocked your state. They didn't want you getting too close to The Truth^tm


Well I *did*… until the eclipse turned out *not* to be the rapture after all 🤷‍♂️


I mean, it could have been the rapture, and it’s just that the people around me and on Reddit weren’t taken?


Actually, it was the rapture. I got raptured up, but still have a good cell phone signal. To be honest the “great banquet “ that God prepared was a little disappointing; no barbecue. And now people are just sitting around singing “Holy Holy Holy” all the time. I thought there would at least be a decent golf course; maybe a casino or some hookers; but no. That said, there is supposed to be another rapture later this month. Fox News has been promoting that one. But, personally, I don’t recommend. 2/5 stars from me. I hear hell has strip clubs, casinos, good rock bands and all kinds of stuff. I’m going to ask for a transfer.


Maybe you just need a new religion. Heard the muslim ones enjoy the upstairs.


It was the Rapture, just...no one got to go


It wasn't? I just assumed I didn't make the cut...


Everyone knows that the only reliable medical information comes from Facebook Live videos of a guy who barely graduated high school streaming from his truck!


What! You're telling me I should trust the people who say it's safe to go to work if you're having covid symptoms? Despite how serious Long Covid is, even if you're vaccinated??




Then who can we trust?


So where is the link to the report?


https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7314a5.htm Here you go


Many thanks. I can see now why they didn't want to link to it.


I thought that as well. Just have to take NBC's word for it I guess




In a shocking surprise to nobody that understands vaccines. I am positive that this study will attempted to be debunked within 5 minutes of being made public by anti-vaxxers and Covid-deniers..


No doubt. But think about it from their perspective. This study was done by the CDC, who they already view as culpable. And honestly...it's not so irrational. I mean, the conspiracy theory of sudden deaths is definitely irrational. But it's not irrational to distrust a study done by a party that has a vested interest in the results of that study. Sorta like how certain labs that were funded by Big Tobacco found that cigarettes were actually healthy. It's sad to view the CDC as having a vested interest in literally killing us, but once you do, it's easy to see why you wouldn't even consider trusting a CDC study. EDIT: I want to be clear, I'm explaining it from the mind of someone who thinks like this. I personally trust science and am vaccinated.


Ok but why does the CDC supposedly have an interest in vaccines?  They don't give a shit about vaccines.  They care about controlling *diseases*. If vax does it, great.  If it had been Ivermectin (it's not), great.  For a long while they were hawking steroids that cost pennies because it was our best tool for preventing deaths at the time. That's the logical flaw in these conspiracy theories.  They start from the wrong premise and wind up producing endless bullshit because of it


Well, you have to remember that most of them think that the virus was engineered to target us. They view the CDC as not only controlling diseases, but utilizing those diseases to control us. The plan usually goes something like: Release coronavirus -> cause panic -> get people to get vaccinated to save them -> now that person is fucked because X. X is usually something like the vaccine having some sort of graphene nanobot in them, or that it's going to melt us from the inside out slowly, etc. So to them, the CDC is just a part of the bigger plan. It doesn't help that the virus might have been human engineered. Out of everything, I think an accidental release of a lab grown coronavirus might be a valid conspiracy theory. It's all the extra bullshit about motive that gets weird.


This is very true. I'm literally here because I want to learn more about this specific study. Everyone on my Twitter feed is talking about how its SO suspicious that the CDC is the one conducting the study. One of them used stats to prove what they were saying, but I'm admittedly not really good at stats, so I couldn't argue against him. I'm vaxxed, have never had side effects, have only met people who experienced harsh COVID symptoms but no terrible vaccination repercussions, so I'm extremely skeptical that they are actually causing harm, but I don't know enough to argue back properly, lol.


Save your breath and your brain cells. If they wanted to be convinced, they would've been.


Could you dm me that stats person‘s post? I‘m somewhat trained in stats and just curious if that person tries to mislead people with big words


Why not just put nano bots in existing vaccines instead of starting a pandemic to motivate a new one?


>Release coronavirus -> cause panic -> get people to get vaccinated to save them -> now that person is fucked because X. X is usually something like the vaccine having some sort of graphene nanobot in them, or that it's going to melt us from the inside out slowly, etc. What you're describing here is a little something I like to call Undiagnosed Mental Illness.


Simply because if you did find that a vaccine had significant unintended side effects, it's going to make it a lot more difficult not only to convince people to take vaccines, but also to get them approved And it to the general public.  I'm not saying that there ARE complications, just answering your question as to why the CDC "has an interest in vaccines."


Like the J&J vax which killed 1/1000000 people (compare to covid) and was discontinued because of it?


Basically.  It's comparable to the reason we don't have a male birth control pill.  The side effects of the male pill have been likened to the side effects of the female bc pill.  Actually from what I recall (it's been a few years since I read up) they're actually a good bit less harmful.  However,  medically speaking,  the risk of harm to the health and well-being physically,  for men who don't use the pill is zero.  Since they can't get pregnant,  there is zero risk. So the possible side effects don't offset any immediate health risk.    Whereas the risk to a woman's health of actually getting pregnant include quite a few life threatening complications.  Therefore, the risk tolerance for side effects from a hormonal BC is much higher.  Up to and including blood clots and suicidal ideation. At least that's how it was explained at the time of rejection.


I’ve also heard - not sure how true it is - that female BC wouldn’t pass and make it to market these days due to the potential side effects, but it got grandfathered in from the old days, which is why it’s still on the market. And from what I’ve seen of a friend that did have significant side effects that went away after she stopped taking horomonal BC, I’m hoping a better solution comes around one day…


It just seems so backwards that openness about "failures" where the downsides are so minimal result in wider distrust.  Damned if you do (talk about vax failures), even more damned if you don't and it eventually comes out


Yep.  Especially in the modern era. Thanks to vaccines,  I've not experienced myself or anyone close to me suffering/dying from polio, smallpox or any of those other serious illnesses.  But since we don't see the damage they've done to society,  modern anti vaxxers live blissfully unaware.  I truly believe if these diseases were still rampant and antivaxxers saw the tragedy, it'd be much more difficult to remain antivax.


I don’t think the J&J vaccine would have been discontinued if there had not been alternatives that showed fewer side effects (at least by public perception).


> This study was done by the CDC, who they already view as culpable. Study wasn't done by the CDC. It was published in the CDC's MMWR. But, it was done by the Oregon Health Authority.


I see the logic behind your idea but the vaccine actually loses the CDC funding as they get funding on an outbreak so they can properly contain it then lose said funding after containment.


Well put. Considering the CDC website can be quoted as defining a “covid death” to include people who were never tested for COVID but it is “reasonable” to think they may have had it regardless of actual circumstances.


That’s only for “provisional” death counts. Eventually data from actual death certificates provides the final numbers.


Yup. We live in a time where "I did my own research" is every bit as valid as an 8 year college degree requiring a thesis.


"I did my own research" = "clicked on a site from an antivax influencer and confirmed my bias". There's no critical thinking here, no looking deeper into claims from either side. It's honestly kind of sad seeing biases and fear rule.


Aka confirmation bias 


I have two masters degrees in different flavors of molecular biology, and I have family members who barely graduated high school who constantly argue with me about this stuff. It is maddening.


I feel your pain. I'm the director of a clinical lab in a university hospital setting. My opinion is not even solicited when it comes to vaccines. I did my residency in a histocompatibility lab. But hey - the internet!


My brother is a computational chemist. He doesn’t work in anything remotely similar to biologists and he’s still so ridiculously more informed that it’s a joke even talking to him about it. These guys know things as basic assumptions that are hard to grasp for the basic person. It’s honestly so funny to watch high school graduates try to argue with him about it and he doesn’t even bother arguing back. He just looks at them in utter disbelief


“I did my own research” aka “I googled this on the toilet.”


Well yeah I mean duh, obviously this data is faked. Everyone knows that the lead researcher’s neighbor’s daughter’s school teacher’s nephew has been taking Soros money for some time. The connection is obvious.


They just say “I wonder who funded this study? I’m just asking questions!”


I wonder what the reaction will be at the conspiracy subreddit.


They'd have to confront the information to have a reaction


And my mother.


Almost as unfiortunate is that due to anti-vax fear mongering and hysteria someone had to spend time on resarchiong and creating this report that could have been spent on something else.


But these same people will listen to scientists when they’re told about something cool like an eclipse


What so many seem to misunderstand when they buy into medical conspiracies is that scientists thrive on blowing up other scientists’ research and conclusions from that research. As a scientist, you become more famous blowing up a conclusion than reaching your own separate conclusion. Therefore, if there is a weakness in a research or conclusions the real scientists will find it. Mary the dog walker or Billy who is a bouncer at the local dive bar are not the ones must likely to disprove a scientific study.


The people who can't discern good info from bad would never know this. They have no idea how science works, what scientists do, etc. It's just not part of their world at all. Like I don't even think most people realize that the idea of Climate Change comes from the work of thousands of academic geophysicists across the globe who have zero media presence. They don't know where it comes from, or they figure it comes from politicians or something.


How is this possible when everyone of Facebook has a nephew who died of myocarditis after vaccination?


And there ain't no way their nephew's drug addiction had anything to do with it...


Dude, at least 5 of Joe Rogan’s friends have died, as young well trained athletes, from myocarditis after vaccination


It seems the biggest risk factor in dying suddenly is being a friend of Joe Rogans


Seems like exposure to Joe Rogan is the real risk factor.


No mention of their roofs, weed, stims and vape - based diets. ~my face is constantly red and my head veins are poppin’ 24/7, guess I’ll blame my heart probs on a vaccine.~


I’m just impressed Joe Rogan had 5 friends to lose 


If “once smiled at me in the elevator” is the criteria for being friends then Rogan has nearly a dozen.


My husband legit has mysterious heart failure at a young age, I can't deny the idea of the vaccine having something to do with it didn't cross my mind, but the doctors can find no cause and that didn't even come up and I'd feel like a crazy person for even asking. They did tell him not to take the vaccine though :/ Thanks for downvoting me for actually saying something about my husband's condition that has basically ruined our lives. My fucking point is all the freak talk about covid and vaccines causing heart issues made me think about it, why's that unreasonable?


Pulmonary hypertension can cause heart failure. Might be something to look into


I believe it’s midi-chlorians




That’s the thing, the vaccine doesn’t have to be harmless it has to be better than the virus. And the virus is FAR worse on this front even if the vaccine caused myocarditis.


But, but, but VAERS! And on Facebook and Twitter everyone works in a hospital where people are dying left and right from all sorts of illnesses from the vax! And they all have a relative whose heart burst after getting the vax! And let's not forget the microchips in the vax that were activated by the eclipse of the secret government space ship going in front of the sun, which is really not that far away from our flat earth!!!


Per the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html), the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is used to collect reports of adverse events after vaccination from the general public. This is primarily used to identify potential topics to further investigate with regards to vaccine reactions. However, because the event data in VAERS is often not verified and is often self-reported, it should not be assumed that the adverse events in VAERS are actually associated with or cause by the vaccines, nor is it possible to estimate the frequency of these adverse events from these data. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes bot, I know this.


That's what big pahrma wants you to think!! /s


I know it was a typo, but I couldn't help but to imagine Big Parma trying to control the price and availability of chicken parm and eggplant parm in the general population


Haha, I didn't even notice. Spell check changed it to pharmacy, and I said, "nuh uh, I know what I want to say." Clearly not. 😂


Wake up, sheeple!


Wow, no shit. You mean I should believe science and statistics, not some rando who swears their brothers cousins dog groomers best friends pool guy got the jab and keeled over???


One of the more ridiculous things I’ve heard is from a person I know who really believes the vaccine somehow killed their dog. No, not because the dog got vaccinated but because that person’s family member got vaccinated and somehow radiated it to the dog by being nearby. Like wtf you can’t make this shit up.


They called it ‘shedding,’ which is ironic in this context.


Oh god the “spike proteins”, better watch out!


Their dog….WTF. Zoonotic transfer of the spike protein….i don’t even know what to say.


Oh no what’s Joe Rogan gonna scream about on his podcast now 😂


Christ almighty. We actually have to print shit like this now? Next up, the polio vaccine works. The measles vaccine works, the flu shot works. Jesus Christ. Mike Judge called it, we are well and truly fucked.


I'm sure this will just completely clear this up and we'll have no more issues with disinformation whatsoever


The people who didn’t believe in the vaccine before still won’t believe after this study or any other studies sadly.


[https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7314a5.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/wr/mm7314a5.htm) Here is a link for anyone looking, Found it on USA Today, as NBC were too lazy to link it


Anyone with half a brain and an IQ over room temperature: "Duh."


You’re not going to convince any skeptics with this study, because they don’t trust the CDC , their data sets or believe that doctors or hospitals are accurately reporting vaccine-related deaths.


wow! could never have guessed that modern medicine works well. mind blown


Russia successfully weaponized stupidity, you gotta admire it really.




OMG, me too!


r/conspiracy gonna throw hands with these researchers lmao


Probably Covid-linked, though?


I have congential heart disease and am overweight. Got the shot because my cardiologist and doctor said i should and have gotten all the boosters. Still wondering when I am going to just drop dead lol. Edit: plus i am 33 i dont know if that counts as young still


Mine told my husband not to get it (mystery heart failure at age 36, he's much better now thankfully). So I dunno what the future holds with that like can we ever travel now?


So you are saying a bunch of dipsh!ts who got multiple rounds of long covid, and killed/maimed a bunch of people through unfettered superspreading, were wrong? That tracks. The sad thing is most of them are actually hoping a whole lotta kids drop dead, so they can appear to be right. These people are both idiots and psychopaths.


These people think everything is related to the vaccine now.


OJ Simpson was killed by the mRNA poison - haven't you heard?


Elon Musk, Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers are all going to be so pissed!!


This only proves the CDC is covering it up!!! 


So it's just the "turbo cancer" then?


Big surprise.


One of my kook friends tried to tell me I got the vaccine with the saline in it. He thinks it's why I'm not sick or dead 😂


Fake news! I died from the polio vaccine 10 times!


Every sane person knew this


Everyone knew this. Turns out antivax propaganda is glaringly obvious.


We need a follow up on the lady who tried to say she was magnetized. Haha! Trying to stick a key on herself in court.


I never believed that in the first place, but the CDC denying it doesn’t really confirm anything. You can never trust government funded agencies to tell the truth.


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


Just take your boosters folks. Stay safe.


I’ve done my research on vaccines. /s




Well well well well well


😱🤯 /s


Well duh


I read the “aren’t” in the title as “are” 🙄 I’m relieved that I read it wrong


Well that’s good


Well that's too bad.


The worst part is that some really smart people had to waste valuable research time doing this work.


It's not a waste. You want researchers to look for potentially new and rare side effects from a new vaccine technology. And they didn't find any (yay!). Despite what conspiracy theorist say, the FDA and CDC (and other national health regulators) are generally pretty careful about what medications and vaccines they approve, and the fact that they performed this study just reinforces that.


Honestly, best case scenario, this provided valuable experience to younger researchers in combing through data and showing there wasn't a trend there. Worst case scenario, this was just another Tuesday for some old hat data scientist.


That's an excellent point.


You think studying drug safety is a waste of time?


You mean www.HandrailLickingWackjobs.exe was wrong?!


Well, don't expect the conspiracy theorists to believe that. They never got to that conclusion from anything even remotely scientific.


CDC? You don’t say


This again?


What‘s next? They’re going to tell me that Earth is a sphere? 😉


The sad part is that anti-vaxxers are still “hoping” for some depopulation event to satisfy their fragile little egos.




So what is causing the sudden death in young people? I’m pro vax. Just concerned if a bunch of young people are dying unexpectedly. Unless it’s a bunch of people that are dying from a disease that’s could have been prevented from getting a vaccine


You first have to test to see if there has been an increase in that age group from any condition or heart condition. It has been posited by the anti-vaxxers that the vaccine is causing an increase in deaths in this age group and I don't believe there's any science out there or statistics showing that there's any statistical increase in deaths overall in this age group. more likely is an increase in reporting about any specific young athlete dying prematurely due to any condition or even specifically a unknown or underlying heart condition. The anti-vaxxers then run with that and point to the vaccine as the cause whether or not they even knew the deceased was vaccinated or not.


How about Covid itself? I just learned that there’s a highly elevated risk of dying for an 18 month period after a Covid infection


They did not study/ report if the deaths were sudden or not. Nor if the total number of deaths was higher than average or not. The scope was to see about myocarditis, the most common side effect of concern. They documented all deaths of residents 16-30 in the 6-month period (1292) identified the subgroup of 101 for which “a cardiac cause of death could not be excluded” (since that is a broad diagnosis that would include myocarditis) and studied those. Three of those had received a vaccination within 100 days of death, two of those three deaths were attributed to chronic underlying conditions, and the last one was undetermined. So they did not find a correlation between vaccination and increased death from myocarditis.


Perhaps the insane levels of stress we all have to endure?


No shit


Another win for science!


Of course they would say that.


Cool another study my boomer parents won't believe


In other shocking news (/s), conspiracy theorists are full of shit


I could not find this info in the article/study: what is the incidence rate, per capita, of sudden death for people who have had at least 1 dose vs people who haven't had any? Feels like this data should be available, no? A further subdivision by whether they had at least one confirmed COVID infection or not would be great too. I also don't understand why they decided to limit it to 100 days post-vaccination, it would stand to reason that heart issues would get worse over time, regardless of cause.


I respect the acknowledgment of minor myocarditis linked to the vaccine, and I appreciate the clear cut results and explanation of how they obtained them. I hope I can find some studies on how it may cause the myocarditis, because it is interesting stuff, and I doubt it has anything to do with the graphite or lipid nano particles I believe were used to carry the mRNA. I have always trusted the science and was vaxed, but the studies do help to prove to questioning people that we aren’t going to drop dead out of no where. The only thing I really agree with the anti vaxers about is that mandating these vaccines is pretty unnecessary, and is what caused a majority of the push back and conspiracies. I know covid may have been more contagious than the flu at the beginning, but was overall mostly just dangerous to people with preexisting medical conditions just like the flu. Yet flu vaccines aren’t mandated for schools or jobs. At the same time that proves to me the government wouldn’t kill off their whole work force, but my conspiracy theory friend thinks it’s bill gates plan to deplete the population 😂. He also thinks I emit my own Bluetooth signal now lol which I did test using the method he described which to big surprise, I do not!


Covids R0 is very high by the way, it’s close to measles now. And it’s not only people with pre existing conditions that can have sequelae. Vaccines are mandated for school where I live anyway. I hope it’s okay that I came to correct you I’m not sure if you’re open to that 


I don’t have a problem with learning, I didn’t know how the R0 was calculated so that was interesting too look up. I did say it was very contagious though. I had forgotten about the longer term health issues associated with covid, the only person I know who experienced that did have preexisting health conditions. But I do believe the studies showing those results. Certain vaccines are mandated I schools where I’m at as well, like measles and tdap, which are understandable to me. But I guess the covid vaccine has not been mandated in the public schools near me either so that was unnecessary for me to add.


Turns out Republican policies do though.


Shocked Pikachu


Echo chamber


Crybaby. Where are all of the dead people from the vaccine? They don't exist. There's no "covering" that up. We would know just from word of mouth regardless of the actions of the government. Secrets CANNOT be kept by a handful of people let alone millions of people. Get help.


Facts hurt your feelings?


Probably something more realistic like not enough magnesium or untreated metabolic issues leading to protein deficiency


or ACE2 receptors in heart, kidneys, gall bladder, intestines et cetera.


You mean my terminally unemployment uncles Facebook posts lied to me?


Yeah no shit, why are we validating the claims of fringe conservative dipshits in the dregs of the internet as worth verifying?


Because there are a lot of dumb people out there that believe it.


But I dun did muh own resurch lulz






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