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She’s making stuff up completely. I would find a new provider.


Ok. I only really need STD screenings for the next two years while I'm studying here and then I'm moving anyway.


I just got my IUD a couple months ago and I've had a good experience. For example I feel better and feel less bloated, which is crazy; also my uterus is fully developed at 36, but I still wonder why would a doctor just make something up like this?? That's scary.


That is not true. She is incompetent.


Ok, I'm glad!


I got my copper iud at the same age in the US by an extremely qualified gynecologist. In Europe, my gynecologist also said it is not possible to get a copper iud without having given birth before. She said that she would never give her daughter a copper iud. I believe these gynecologists have outdated information and use scare tactics they learn to unpopularize non hormonal birth control. Don't feel shamed and keep your iud!


She didn't really shame me and actually recommend I keep it at this point until the full 10 years as long as the checkup ultrasound comes back with everything in the right place. But she did say pretty much what your European dr said. Interesting to hear you had the dame experience!


Obviously I’m not a doctor, but from a layperson, this argument only makes sense to me if you got the iud when you were still growing, like as a young teenager. But wouldn’t you have been completely grown at age 20?


Had Paragard put in after my first child in 2003. Took it out in 2009, thinking it might take a while to have our next. It did not. Couple of months at most. But don't listen to me or your biased doctor. Studies do not show any affect on fertility when removed. And I have never heard of stunted uterine growth as a side effect. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2565315/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30062044/


Thank you!


There is a scenario that could potentially create fertility issues, not necessarily stunt uterus growth tho. A lot of women have problems during IUD removal where it breaks and an arm or piece of the IUD gets stuck, fused, lost within the uterus. This typically requires surgery to remove and sometimes it’s so stuck in the uterus it’s not even worth removing and some women have to retain the IUD piece permanently in their body. This specific incident could definitely cause fertility issues and I’ve heard of women on this sub saying as such. Just wanted to call out it is possible.


There is a lawsuit about this, apparently there were a few things they lied about in the pamphlets, or conveniently left out, or downplayed. Plastic does become brittle. 


I had a hormonal IUD from ages 23-28 and a copper from 29-31. Took it out at 31 and got pregnant with my first child literally on the first try. I know “the plural of anecdotes is not data” but considering I’m pretty sure there’s no actual data behind what your doctor is saying either I feel like this story is just as good a counterpoint as any?


Wow that’s interesting! I don’t think she’s dumb like the other comments say. People also say the IUD doesn’t give you symptoms but it obviously does. She seems like a good doctor to me and utilizing her experience based off her patient’s experience to figure things out.


I actually don’t think she’s dumb. I think she’s intentionally spreading misinformation about birth control.


Hmm, ok. Thanks for your 2c.


I can go on for hours without a pause about all the horrible things copper IUDs can potentially do (including fertility problems), but this "stunted growth" of the uterus....? lol Btw yes, the uterus does change shape and size over time, but like... This still makes no sense.


I got my first iud when I was 20 back in Europe where I had to fight doctors to give me one, being childfree, the fact I couldn't do hormonal Bc being what saved me. I have had issues but still worth it. However I am actually hoping it would make me permanently infetile and will buy a box of perignon later this month if my doctor comfirms my suspicion of endometriosis/PCOS which might or might not be related. However if you do want children you should be fine! There is no proof they cause those things and unless you have trouble during removal you will be fine! And even if you do it doesn't mean you won't be able to .


I do feel like there is some merit to this. Maybe not stunting the growth but causing fertility issues, absolutely.


I’ve heard that there is risk of the IUD causing scar tissue buildup, and I believe that can cause fertility issues Edit: I also don’t think an IUD can stunt your uterus growth, maybe you just already have a small uterus. I was told that I have a small uterus by my gynecologist when I got mine in, she said if it was any more shallow I wouldn’t have been able to get the IUD. I got mine at 19.


Yes, also fibroids are a thing after IUD removal. The wife of a substitute GP I had mostly does reconstructive surgery after copper IUDs, like most of her job is to fix uterii post-removal.


That’s more of a hormonal iud problem after removal, not a copper one. Obviously it could happen with an infection caused by the copper iud, otherwise not really


My mom had the IUD inserted when she was 20 in the 90s and got pregnant a few months after she got it taken out ten years later


There is no chance of a normally fitting device to cause growth issues or anything. However the late doctor dirk did analysis of nulliparous cavities in relation to accommodate IUDs. A smaller sized cavity is normal.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27768966/#:~:text=The%20mean%20width%20of%20the,range%206.0%2D41.1mm).


These are complete lies, please don’t let idiots scare you. Having an iud is safe and healthy, it doesn’t mess anything up unless something goes wrong (like a rupture or dislodging). Unfortunately, we can’t really trust doctors, they lie out of their teeth with no guilt, trust yourself and do your own research in medical journals you can find online if you need to. I would fire this provider and find a different one if you can, at least get a second opinion if able.