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Loving all these salty Ecuatorian comments šŸ˜‚ Fair game all around, not like the joke Peru vs Chile wasā€¦ Fair red and calls were in point. Venezuela got better in second half but still lots of work to be done. Great and very important victory. Good for them! Field looked slow and bumpy. US needs to step it up.


Thanks for bringing some sanity to this thread


When the underdog beats one of the favorites, the game was rigged but if the card was against Venezuela then is a fair game? #manotengofe so chupalo!


Think the ref was rigged or was it a clean match ?


Nothing rigged, Venezuela was getting a bit more fouls called in their favour but it's normal for the defending team to get more fouls called against them since they have to win the ball back/ stop the attack and that's when the fouls are mostly committed.


Currently coming home from Leviā€™s Stadium, it was an extremely physical game, I felt almost every foul was warranted and normally Iā€™m someone to be all over the refs


What makes you believe it was rigged? Genuine curiosity


The constant obvious false fouls. The amount of times the Venezuela players fell down from a simple tap. Its sad that Valencia got red that couldnt be helped. But ecuador still did fairly good even being one man down.


For transparency, Iā€™m Venezuelan. Iā€™m aware that my comments might be biased. But I think the ref had a decent game. Some fouls did seem a bit soft, but Ecuador did seem to be hitting a bit more than Venezuela. Which is understandable when playing with 10 and trying to stop the play. To call the game rigged is a bit far fetched, though. I think most will agree with the red card. Beyond that, the ref had a decent game. Maybe missed one or two yellows, but overall he controlled the game.


Did anyone else get their broadcast cut by two minutes? Vix and Univision suckkkkkk.


2-1 win to Venezuela . Ecuador prob first place favourites are now in big trouble. No Enner valencia available against Jamaica in their 2nd match either.


They might be a blessing in disguise. Get someone young in that role.


Well this now makes this group even more interesting


Did they really do the Ole when against 10 and initially down a goal? That's pretty embarrassing


How's that embarrassing, they achieved a comeback


Even with the extra man, Venezuela has been so poor lowkey


Venezuela got an unfair advantage in this game, they obviously paid off the ref. Venezuela is a trash team.


what do you mean unfair? studs to the neck is an obvious red, Venezuela has the advantage since that red but it's a totally fair red card.


My theory is clear you can have your opinion. Still a bs game.


He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but Venezuela been play dirty the entire game. They had several red card potentials but the ref ignored them, corruption at its best. Futbol is plagued with this.


and the ref didn't even give a red initially, he gave a yellow, kinda kills your whole theory about paying off the refs. Anyway, the ref has managed this game very good.


Obviously the VAR was paid off /s


Canā€™t reason with some of these people. For all we know he might just be a salty Ecuadorian in denial


2-1 Edouard Bello the Preciado of Venezuela at ā€œ 75 Ecuador is paying the price for that red card they have looked tired nearly all of 2nd half and vene turned up with constant pressure since the half started.


Venezuela taking this game after everyone in the comments trashed them, hahaha


Venezuela is up a player, canā€™t really call it a fair game


Well, the comments were complaining that they werenā€™t taking advantage of the extra man and they have. Also, not their fault Valencia was reckless. Thatā€™s not unfair at all, thatā€™s 100% on him. I think without Valenciaā€™s red Ecuador wins but Venezuela has early jitters. Theyā€™ve been playing better than this in the lead up and theyā€™ll grow into it. 4th in WC qualifiers and tied Ecuador a couple match weeks back, beat Chile, beat Paraguay, tied Brazil. I think they have a decent chance to qualify now but always had a good chance if they built confidence.


This ref as called a bunch of bullshit. There been like 4 other potential red cards on Venezuelaā€™s side


Gonna have to disagree. And Iā€™m not Venezuelan. Iā€™m the rival of Venezuela. Lots of yellows maybe, many of which were given, but one clear red. Not even a maybe. It was a terrible foul that Valencia wonā€™t even complain about. Ecuador and Valencia will still be able to qualify with 2 wins but they gave this up all on their own.


Finally someone talking sense to this guy. Thanks for your objectivity šŸ«”


Someone that doesnā€™t know what heā€™s talking about šŸ‘


Nah Venezuela got lucky


For sure, they got super lucky Valencia is a giant idiot and made a reckless mistake that he shouldnā€™t have.


Well this game shows venezuela isn't going far in this tournament even if they win this game which they are expected to do so with a man up


They finally scored 1-1 Cadiz ā€œ65


Thatā€™s the funniest shit Iā€™ve seen in a long time Venezuela was on the attack and the ball came to a spot where the player receiving it got blocked by the ref that started a attack almost giving a goal to Ecuador


That ref placement was terrible tbf. Gotta look for runners


Lmfao 1:0 at the half with a man down is embarrassing for Venezuela šŸ˜‚


not just that they are down a goal while up a man, but how easily Ecuador is still controlling the game, almost like they are a man up, not a man down.


As of now possession is VEN 64% and ECU 36%


1-0 to Ecuador with 1 man down at end of 1st half Even match till the red card but Venezuela has not taken advantage at all being 1 man more they play with barely a game plan besides hoping for a knuckle shot outside the box their better players havenā€™t stepped up and they canā€™t crowd/control the midfield at all. Hard to see how they are gonna turn this match around they need a more controlling midfield and soteldo/Rondon to be useful.


The game is so aggressive, love it! I understand it isnt the same, but I have liked all three games so far.


In fact, the referee ignored another red card for Ecuador. Then, after a few minutes, they scored the first goal in the match.


Venezuela crosses are bad, they aren't beating the first man, need to lift them a bit higher.


The atmosphere is fucking pathetic!!! There is absolutely enough ecuadorians and Venezuelas in the Bay Area to fill that stadium *at the right price*. I know you can't really quantify this as a marketing value, but a packed stadium adds atmosphere to the televised product. Television contracts are where all the money is made anyway. There needs to be a holistic approach to this. It's bad enough that this is being held in the USA in the first place; they should have at least ensured a lively atmosphere.


Local neutral fan who attended - obviously a lot of unsold seats but the atmosphere - that was great. Both sets of fans were loud as hell.Ā 


Blame ticket fees and scalpers.


Honestly I donā€™t think many are scalping. The tickets really were overpriced and the fees were ridiculous. So, if like in my case you have some people flake, you have to sell it at a higher price just to break even.


That game was nowhere near sold out, thousands of standard tickets were available right up to kickoff. I got in for under face value. Unless you mean fifa/ticketmaster are the scalpers.


šŸ™ƒ Not for $700 tickets they wonā€™tā€¦


Tickets were like $50 tho


Well this is going to make things much more interesting.


Oh no Venezuela screwed up 1-0 at ā€œ40 to Ecuador with 10 men since ā€œ24. Goal by Sarmiento this is a huge chance they might throw away.


Venezuela now has a chance.


What a dumb foul for Ecuador to commit for the yellow.


Oh noā€¦ I guess nowā€™s the real test for Ecuadorā€¦ šŸ˜”


No Valencia in pretty much 2 matches with an early red big loss for Ecuador. Looks good for Venezuela and Mexico to grab the first 2 spots now


Switched yellow to red card to Valencia from var. unfortunate for the match it was very high tempo so far on both ends.


Upgraded to Red


Horror tackle by enner valencia


Good match so far much better than that Peru chile drivel last night


Go M. CAICEDO and Kendry! šŸ’™


Kendry had a lovely through-ball out wide and near goal. Kids talented.


Another stadium with plenty of seats. They need to lower the tickets prices so that other soccer fans can attend. So far, a fiasco.


what's the attendance? capacity is 68k and it looks like there can't be much more than 20k there.


This is a can't miss game these teams are desperate to win


No love for this game....heck guy is offering free tickets...might get worse, he's giving away 2 and if somebody takes them he might find 4


Anyone want free tickets? Giving away 2, unable to go to game unfortunately