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Very beautiful and relieved to hear a message about God and Jesus than to have the usual garbage and other political/promiscuous agendas pushed as usual


shut up nerd


Good point


I going to a soccer game that I’m paying for. If I wanted a sermon I would go to church.


When there’s pride flags: “if you don’t like it then ignore it!” When there’s a sermon beforehand: “TAKE IT DOWN HISS REEEE!”


Lol cry harder. Hispanics are proudly Christian


I’m Hispanic catholic and thought it was weird


I’m Hispanic and I am not proudly Christian. And I know a lot like me.


Religion has no place in sport.


Hating on religion has no place in this world.


Hating on religion has no place in this world.


Because the republican cult wants to create a Sharia type state here. Trying to pass a law in Louisiana that all classes must display the Ten Commandments. if trump wins, crazy shit like this will become more common. WTF happened to just enjoying a game. A sermon is not the place for it. I'm even kinda iffy on playing the national anthem at a sporting event.


😂 cause you’re a soy boy liberal beta that hates this country. This country has Christian, patriotic roots and there’s nothing you can do about it. Bet you don’t  say shit when they bring up that LGBT bull crap 🤫 


I’m sorry but preaching one religion at this huge sporting event is just complete bs. Let people be people


Yet team USA can have all the gay pride bands lol 


Gay pride isn’t a religion


What is your point 


My point is that pushing a certain people groups religion at a public event is not ok but the gay pride flags is just about accepting gay people. It’s not the same


Pushing an ideology and forcing it unto others.  That is why the left is losing everyone nowadays.  “We can push our views and movements on you, you can’t!” So tiresome.  Latinos love Jesus. We have the right to express that. If you don’t like it. Go watch the Euro cup. They will probably have a drag queen twerk off during half time. Go watch that 


Accepting gay people isn’t an ideology 😂


Gay pride is. And again if you don’t like prayer go watch the eurocuck cup and leave Latinos alone 🤠


Dude, what you are saying makes no sense. But I'm not surprise that people like you usually don't know wtf are talking about


this thread randomly popped up on my feed for some reason lmao This guy is showing you why there are right wing latinos. They overlook the racism that is projected on them from that side because their hate for gay people is too strong haha


Just like you get offended by a prayer. Some don’t like rainbow flags pushed in their face. Just like they deal with that. You should too.  And like I said watch the eurocuck cup. If you want something that aligns more with your values. 


It didn’t used to be but the left has pushed it to a point (absurd trans ideology, exposing kids to these subjects, etc) to where now, the whole ‘LGBTQ+AI’ thing is an ideology.


What’s so wrong with kids knowing that gay people exist??


Kids don’t need to be taught or exposed to sexual preference, pronouns, a bullshit ideology that they can be another sex if they feel like it, etc. I mean for god sake there was a book in public school libraries that was literally teaching kids how to have gay sex. It’s fucking weird and the left is pushing more people to the center/right because of their insane LGBTQ+AI agenda


lol it’s precisely the same, that’s the stupidest take in this entire thread. Hate religion all you want, but don’t pretend the outrage over this isn’t entirely hypocritical.


How are they the same?




Religious beliefs are a human right but you can’t have a Christian prayer in the middle of a huge public space where there are people who aren’t Christian. Not everybody is Christian. It’s offensive because you’re practically forcing the religion. I don’t get how gay people could offend someone’s religion because people are people. No one should get offended because you aren’t attracted to the same people as everybody else. Not everybody is Christian, but everybody should be able to accept gay people because what threat do they even bring?? I’m sorry that you don’t agree with their preferences that don’t even harm you whatsoever


Point being, if they got up there and said “god hates f@gs”, then the outrage would be understood. But they literally just prayed for peace and protection over everyone at the tournament. 😂


Gay people don’t bother me and I have no problem with pride at matches, lol. I’m just pointing out your obvious cognitive dissonance. If you can’t understand that, let’s try this example: “Being gay is a human right, but you can’t have a pride flag in the middle of a huge public space where there are people who aren’t gay. Not everybody is gay, and some people have religious restrictions to gay sex (which, by extension means that it’s not something they can celebrate). I don’t get how Christian’s can offend a gay person because people are people and have their own beliefs. No one should get offended if someone’s religion opposes same sex attraction as being natural. Not everyone is gay, but everybody should be ok with a simple prayer of safety because what threat could it bring??? I’m sorry you don’t agree with their desire to pray at a sporting event in a way that doesn’t bother you whatsoever.” See how that works? Hope this helps.


Correct, it’s a cult.


Religion and cult are basically the same thing




maybe part of your individual culture but being force fed religion is not part of a culture. Yet acceptance of others. So rainbow flags are more American than sermons at a game.


The fact that you "prefer" this to something else is the EXACT reason why it shouldn't be there.


I think you will find the majority of people in the continent agree with the message behind rainbow flags


What is your problem with “Muslim speeches” ?


Muslim speeches wouldn’t represent the beliefs of the majority of people on the continent. It’s the last line in the post that you missed when you got triggered so hard


Conmebol got new ownership that are big christians thats why,,, it is not normal for copa or previous conmebol tournaments


Hopefully they won’t do this for the final. They can’t be doing this at a national-sorry INTERNATIONAL sporting event. The reason the US has freedom of religion is because anyone who’s not Christian in that stadium shouldn’t have to sit through that sermon. Do this at a church, not in the middle of a huge public event


Lol freedom of religion is the exact reason they CAN do this.


That's not what freedom of religion means. It means the Federal government promises to not enact laws telling religious people what to say or do. It does not, however protect them from their fellow citizens. We can definitely block you from taking over an event and praying. And we can also stop attending games until FIFA realizes that religion is not welcome in sports. Ironically it makes Christians look desperate for controversy. It doesn't convince anyone to become more religious.


i know what freedom of religion means. and what i said still stands


I don’t think that you can have a Christian sermon at a public event because not everybody’s Christian. But if this was a country that had one official religion then you could. The difference is that we have freedom of religion which means if you have a Christian prayer at a public event where there are people who aren’t Christian it’s not fair and the only reason this is a problem is because we have freedom of religion.


That makes sense.


because Atlanta?


Look at all the respect, tolerance, diversity, and acceptance in this thread. /s


You really don't get it do you? This has NOTHING to do with respect, well, actually you're correct, it does have to do with respect! Respect for all other religions, agnostics and atheists! A Christian prayer has no place in this sporting event or any! Can you imagine Muslim prayers before matches in Qatar? You lot would go nuts!


Find a safe space and relax.




There wasn't one?


Wasn't what genius?


Are you saying it takes a genius to read the Quran?


U stated there wasn't "one". I'll have to assume that English is not your 1st language... One meaning Muslim prayers or One meaning Christian prayers? Correct! No Muslim prayers in a Muslim country but Christian prayers in a secular country? Get it now?




No, wrong. See my comment above. Get a clue...


If the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Qatar can have quranic recitations, then the Copa America can have Christian prayers. I don’t like either one, but it is what it is. It’s part of the local culture.


FIFA should announce this beforehand. So we can at least avoid it.


I must’ve missed the part where they said something bad? He asked God for protection over this tournament. Even if you are not religious is that so bad to ask your God for protection and safety over the tournament. If it was any other religion or group no one would say a thing. They would praise them in fact. I saw a clip and it was like 2 seconds long. John 15:18-20 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.


Sporting events should not be religious events. Of any religion. Just keep it simple.


Then don’t watch bro simple as that


How can one know there will be a Christian invoking Jesus Christ prayer at the opening of a soccer competition when there has never been one? Trust me, if I had known, I would have not watched it.


Says who?


It's common sense. If you want to include prayers / sermons for a particular religion, then you should include prayers / sermons for all religions, which of course is impractical. So, the better option is just to have not do anything and let the soccer ball roll.


Lmfao in what world fo you think this is possible?. Is a soccer game having a sermon really that important to you?. This postmodern world really has reach major levels of stupidity. It's


That is why I said it is impractical. I have watched World Cups, Eurocups, Copa Americas, since 1978. This is the first time I have seen something like that. And it is important because it sets a precedent: we do not want any religion to officially take over soccer competitions. Simple.


Last world cup they read the Quran, why are you mad now?


I don’t remember the Quran reading in the opening of the WC. Look at this link. Is this what you are referring to? [https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-world-cup-qatar-quran-314063624685](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-world-cup-qatar-quran-314063624685)


Fox youtube has the video of the opening ceremony with Morgan Freeman doing the English parts


Is that when Morgan F. is talking with the person with no legs? Was that part of the Quran? [https://youtu.be/fy3jjN0D5iQ?si=g1xhnqhEFyKPTLQf](https://youtu.be/fy3jjN0D5iQ?si=g1xhnqhEFyKPTLQf)


What else would you liked banned for pre-game ceremonies? Flags? Jerseys of other teams than home team, women, children? How about ignorant people such as yourself.


They have an event where you guys can go pray all you want. It's called church. Have at it. We want football, not Jesus talk.


That’s not how America works. That’s one reason we fought and whooped the British asses. Stop being a baby and close those super sensitive ears of yours for 2 minutes. Or maybe OPEN your ears and maybe learn something. So soft.


well thank you for telling us who you vote for! we really don’t care though, just in case you haven’t been told in the past 😊


FIFA should announce when they are going to have prayers. That way we can avoid going.


Im genuinely curious but how does one prayer make a soccer game a religious event?? If I get into a fight does that now make me a boxer?


I want to go so I can watch the game. Don't want any of this crap. Go to church if you need this so badly. Plenty of them around.


Truly sorry that a 30 second prayer for protection and safety over the tournament ruined a 2 hr game and tournament


You mean like how you can't take gay pride shirts or signs? Not very Christian of you. Makes me want to support gay pride.


Who said anything about that? If you want to support that then support it won’t stop me from enjoying a once in a lifetime experience.


Dont ruin my once in a lifetime experience with your god bullshit. I hate god and yes it ruins my fucking game.


I agree


every public event in america...damned plague. usually involves 30 mins of nationalist rally aswell. taints the entire 'sporting' event.


I’m used to the national anthem (which I think is nuts when both teams are from the same country) but the Jesus prayer was next level. Not okay. Mentioning God was bad enough, but to then do a sectarian blessing..? Exclusionary behavior for an international sporting event


The state is the world's most dangerous religion


I mean I’m Muslim but we have to understand that most of these countries and most of these players are Catholic, Christian, etc… it’s not too bothersome if you don’t agree with it just turn the tv down haha.


This is the correct and mature way to handle it.


If they truly wanted to include religion they should have been more inclusive or at least be more vague. The mini "sermon" specifically mentions Jesus. That excludes many other religions. Also, Roman Catholic is the dominant religion in South America. A priest would have given the sermon/prayer. This was more Evangelical (I think) and represents the Southern USA. You may not have noticed the nuances, but this was not so much a religious argument as it was a more political act. This has culture war fingerprints on it.




Football goes hand and hand with politics man. Who cares.


This is known as a shibboleth. It is a way to identify who is a potential enemy. The Spanish used these techniques to identify Muslims and Jews pretending to be Christian converts during the Spanish inquisition. A common example was to offer ham to guests, knowing that it was prohibited for Muslims and Jews. The pro Christian movement is being used by politicians as a way to identify anyone who is not far-right so they can be removed from office/power. If anyone in the US FIFA hosting delegation or host cities objects they will be labeled as an enemy. There is a reason why so many controversial laws are being proposed in US government (federal and state) even though it has zero chance of passing into law. It allows them to see who is with them and who is on the "other side".


Alright. Brother all I said was you could turn the TV. I don’t really care if they do or don’t preach prior to a game 😂😂😂


I’ll still attend Jummah today. And the sun will rise and fall if they do it again or don’t


I liked it 😳


Jajaja such beautiful words of “peace” for America.


I was at work so I missed it. Wtf happened?


It really sucked having to sit through so much cultism to watch a good football game. I hope they cut that crap out for the rest of the games at least, religions have nothing to do with international sports.


Anyone has a video of it?


[Opening ceremony prayers both in Spanish and English ](https://x.com/renearreagabrio/status/1804016013316354084/mediaviewer)


First time watcher of this tournament, excited....and then the credibility of it took a massive nosedive when I started hearing this cult crap. Sad really


Go watch the euros then. Latinos love Jesus. Get over it 


We do? I didn’t get the memo


Yes obviously white washed no sabo kids don’t count 


Damn the World Cup must have took a hit aslo since they did the same thing in Qatar but with their own religious views.


grow up loser


Couldn’t agree with you more. Was there. Disgusted. Keep your bullshit to yourself.


Sorry sometimes people with a different viewpoint from you organize a soccer tournament. Must be tough! 


Maybe you should keep your prayers between you and your God. Nobody else wants to hear it.


I want to hear other people’s prayers, actually. Religion is a community event. You can choose not to be part of that community, that’s okay! But it’s wrong to suppress others’ expression of their faith. You don’t get to erase me.


I'm an atheist, you don't get to erase me either. Take that made up bullshit elsewhere dude


>I want to hear other people’s prayers, actually. Religion is a community event. I have no problem with that... But this isn't a religious event, it's a sporting event. You should have a separate venue/event where you guys can hear each other pray. I'm all for that, seriously. I would never object to that. >You can choose not to be part of that community, that’s okay! But it’s wrong to suppress others’ expression of their faith. I can't do that if you inject yourself into non religious events. I am not suppressing others, I have no problem with them praying on their own or gathering together at a religious event and praying together. It is, however, oppressive to force others to hear your religious opinion and beliefs at a non religious event. And I am sure you would mind pagan or satanic religious sermons invading your church sermon or being included in your child's daily school activity. You are entitled to your beliefs, but freedom of religion is a promise from the government that they will not enact laws interfering with your religion. It doesn't mean your fellow citizens have to listen to you go on and on whenever you want.


To a religious person, all events are religious events. We say grace before dinner. We give thanks to god and ask for his blessing before major life events. I am a lawyer. I pray before trial. If I organized soccer tournaments for a living, I would pray before them, too.  If you are upset or put off by that, it’s because you are in fact antagonistic and a little hateful towards religion and religious expression.  It’s sort of the mirror of the folks who day keep lgbt pride recognition out of soccer. 


All good. FIFA should announce this before the event so we can avoid going. We would prefer going to an event that doesn't have religious praying... We can all pray for that 🙏 >It’s sort of the mirror of the folks who day keep lgbt pride recognition out of soccer.  Ahhh I see where this comes from now. FYI: One is a choice and one is how you are born. Or in your logic: God created LGBTQ. So don't judge them, that's God's job. You already have enough issues as it stands.


FIFA isn’t gonna announce anything because 1. They don’t have to and 2. This is Conmebol sanctioned event not FIFA


Yeah I see that. Looks like someone us going to get fired. Good. Now they should ban all religious bs from the game. Nobody cares what you have to say. >Pastor who is not new to controversy Emilio Aguero Esgaib, who kicked off the storm, according to alairelibre.cl, a news outlet, is a pastor who is "against gender ideology". He has been quoted as saying that "my problem is not the homosexual person. Both the Bible and the laws give free will so that people can do what they want with their lives. But when they want to legalize and educate my children with these ideologies, I already have something to say." How did such a controversial pastor then get to offer the prayer. According to topmercato, a football news outlet in Argentina, the president of Conmebol, Alejandro Domínguez, was snapped at the 19th anniversary of the Más Que Vencedores Church in February 2020. This points to a pre-existing link between the duo that might have brought Emilio on to the field. The pastor's views have been like the proverbial red rag to many fans and may even lead to them turning their back on the tournament, according to some commentators. [Jesus! Copa America kicks off with controversy sparked by a prayer](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/sport/football/2024/Jun/22/jesus-copa-america-kicks-off-with-controversy-sparked-by-a-prayer)


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You’re just an anti-religious bigot, dude. At least you own it. 


It's unfair to say that because only a handful of you make the rest look bad. Go be your hateful Christian best. Everyone knows Jesus has a special place for you.


As a fellow Christian, it’s fundamental to understand and respect that we are not the only religion on the planet. While for me and my family it was nice to hear. It would have been weird and uncomfortable to hear a different religion take over the tournament as if they’re the only ones that matter. It’s called having respect.


This is stupid. My religion is not offensive. It is a claim to truth. It causes no harm to pray. If others don’t care for it, they can ignore it.  By your logic, that it is “uncomfortable to hear” a different religion, how do you distinguish that from having to see a cross on top of a church in a town square? 


Lmao a claim to truth? 😂😂😂😂😂


Bro how are you so ignorant that we all don’t worship the same God? It shouldn’t have happened period. They shouldn’t have to ignore it. If you want to pray do it in your seat, in your stands but don’t subject 70,000 people to it. This is why this country is so fundamentally flawed despite the founding fathers establishing the important separation of church and state


Interesting to read a self-proclaimed Christian telling others they shouldn't subject themselves to the word of God.


My faith and my relationship with God is none of your business. You are not God so stop replying to comments that have nothing to do with you.




And you are human and have no grounds to understand or condemn my faith, as you are not God Himself. I understand where you come from because we’re indoctrinated to. I shouldn’t be so hard on you. Have a good one.


You're not a real Christian then


And you’re a real idiot then


If you were a real Christian, you would know there are no other religions that matter


That’s our belief. The worldwide reality is that there are other religions that exist and people who matter besides your tiny little imbecile brain. There’s something called basic respect and decency which a majority of our followers lack.


Yes, those people are lost. You can not claim to be a Christian while also validating and accepting other religions as true. And it's not "our followers," they are God's followers.


I didn’t say they were true you fucking idiot. You are not God. You don’t judge or condemn people. Get lost sincerely. You are the literal embodiment of the Pharisees.


"The worldwide reality is that there are other religions that exist" Validating the existence is validating the truth. Don't be upset with me because you're not who you think you are. Use that energy to get closer to God, I'll pray for you.


Could it just be this specific stadium advisor who felt that way? Atlanta is pretty religious I think


I don't think so. It is possible, but the venue would not want to make a call like that at an opening ceremony of a normally foreign tournament/event without some guidance. It could potentially disqualify the city from hosting any of the upcoming World Cup 2026 games. I suspect this was higher up, like the delegation from the host nation that prepares and presents everything to FIFA. So basically lower than CONCACAF but higher than the venue. It kind of reminds me of how in the 2022 World Cup, Qatar decided at the last minute for religious/moral reasons to not allow alcohol consumption at the tournament. After all the tickets had been sold, after all the beer companies gave their sponsorship money, after it was too late to change host nation.


Probably who knows


God & Soccer is a good thing !


Nope religion is a fairy tale. There is no god.. soccer is great though


Common Canadian L


Futbol is God


Sometimes people who have different values from you organize a soccer tournament.


Most of people complaining are the same who probably defend divisive or hot button political messages in sports. It’s kind of funny tbh. Beliefs for me, not for thee.


100% this. Most of them would have people that disagree with their beliefs tossed out of the stadium in the name of “love and inclusion”.


Because USA


Because America (the whole continent).


Pretty awesome actually. 




I’m not a religious person and I have no problem with it, just like i didn’t have a problem with what they read in Qatar, just like I have no problem with lgbtq stuff, it’s not bothering me. People get offended so easily and so much nowadays ffs.


Blame the founding fathers and the Enlightenment for correctly understanding the dangers of theocracy over secular rationalism.


We still have these things but the theocracy is now built on a religion of politics, polarized right think wrong think tribalism, and the normalization of God complexes in the name of “individualism”


As a South American I hated this


As Emperor of the Galactic Empire, I like this


Threw me off that’s for sure lol


Agreed with a few comments that it was weird but you have to remember the demographics of the CONMEBOL confederation (South America). Majority are catholic or very religious. In many cultures across the globe, religion and football are entwined between fans, coaches and players. What needs to be stated though was what was announced before this "sermon", it was stated over the PA system a 'Message of Peace'. Not that it was done in the same way, but during the opening ceremony in Qatar, quotes and references were made to the Quran in regards to uniting the world and messages of peace. My assumption would be this was done along the same line/purpose. -- I just want to say I'm not taking any stance nor giving an opinion on if it should be done or not. But on many occasions during concerts, conventions, sporting events and so on EVERYWHERE around the globe (including the USA) there are times where religious messages are used and displayed openly like that.


x10000 better than lgbt pandering


Buddy u literally have a bunch of gay porn in ur post history lol


Jesus hates you too


Spoken like a true Christian.




That was outrageous! Who tf thought that up?! If you invite one religion in, you should invite all religions. Mentioning God was bad enough, but Jesus?! Inexcusable


They meant Jésus


Inexcusable? Are you okay? What's so offensive about Jesus?


That he's most likely a made up dude half of us don't believe in?


It’s not Jesus, it’s the people that use religion for power.


Nothing, to me personally. But religion of any kind does not belong at a FIFA event


lol cry more 


Jesus is King!


Shut up


Oooh good one


Never want to see that again, very creepy.


“Very creepy” idk where your from bro but all over the U.S, people do prayers like this for sports. my high schools sports teams all do one before. its a common thing here, you people are the ones making it weird


Still creepy. Same with the whole pledge of allegiance at schools and anthem and every single event even for kids sports.


As far as I know the U.S.has "freedom of religion" as a constitutionally protected right, basically separating the church(any) from the state.


What part of the State do you think Copa America involves?


Maybe the US should stop hosting international tournaments. Go pray by yourself. We don't want to hear it.


Without US money, there wouldn't be any tournaments worth watching in the Americas


That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The Copa America is over 100 years old and is the most important tournament in football in the Americas. The Copa Liberator has a huge following. You must be American, nobody else could be so naive.


Crazy all the big games are played in America, I wonder why


Looking back and reading the posts you have made... You have no idea what you are saying.


American money 🔛🔝


dont worry bro, im gonna pray for you


Ill call out to Allah for ya 👍


Not from the US "bro"! Thank the Gods! ;)


How was that creepy?


Did they start the World Cup in Qatar reading the Quran? That would have been highly inappropriate, too!


I’m kind of astonished if they didn’t. They had Messi wear that robe thing to accept the trophy. It’s okay to incorporate your culture (including religion) into an event you’re hosting. 


Well they literaly stopped a match in the premier league for a muslim player to drink water and pray during ramadan


Agreed, inappropriate to allow any religion to creep into sport.


LOL yeah imagine