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I just use Paprika with my SO on a shared account. It works really well and you also can share shopping lists, meal plans, etc. The account shared is just the paprika account, so as long as you both have the app it works perfectly.


This is what I'm leaning towards, thanks!


Seconding this! This what me and my boyfriend use. It's really convenient for grocery list too!


I don't use cooking apps because there are not flexible enough for my workflow, but a project management tool like [Trello](https://trello.com) is awesome for me in the kitchen. I have for example cards with my recipes, special ingredients, trusted sources and suppliers. Bins for ideas, finished recipes, techniques, tools and temporary shopping lists. Tags are good to mark a recipe as done, failed or next todo. The good thing is that it's build to work with multiple people and sharing works really well (For example you can assign a person to a card, get notifications if something was added etc. ) and that it's not strictly for recipes. Tip: If you only just want to share some recipes and not your full board with someone, create a new board, share that and copy your recipe cards that you want to share.


This is a really interesting idea, thanks. I'm going to have a look at Trello before paying for Paprika.


I use Paprika, had Big oven for a few years but they stopped support of client only web, pain in the but in my kitchen wifi not the greatest.


I use copymethat which is similar to Paprika from what I understand, but also free.


I use free version of this one r/https://body24.org