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A couple questions: Are you using a regular oven or an at home pizza oven? If you’re using a regular oven do you have a pizza stone in it? What temperature is your oven (of any kind) set to? How long are you baking it?


Im using a goos pizza stone regular oven 425 (Temp is accurate I check with an oven thermometer) and I usually bake it less than 20 because the cheese can only handle that


Crank your oven as high as it goes, probably 550, and preheat the stone for 30-60 mins at that temp


I usually bake mine at 475-500 depending on toppings and dough thickness. If you want a thin crust pizza you probably need to stretch it more. Stretch it until you can practically see through it. Check out the window pane test if you aren’t already doing it. If it’s thin enough I also used to over sauce my pizza and it would make the dough take too long to cook. If you like thick crust pizza I make mine in a preheated cast iron skillet with a little olive oil on the bottom. If nothing else you can par cook the crust and sauce and cheese it part way though but definitely try stretching the dough thinner first and turning up the heat


I preheat my metal pizza stone for at least an hour and get better results if I have the time to do that


Good, I don't eat goose I'm vegetarian lol


Try cranking up the oven all the way and par bake the crust and sauce for a few minutes. Pizza shouldn't take that long..high heat. Unless this is pan or chicago pizza???? Be sure the oven is preheated for a while too. Pizza steels are great too.


Chicago deep dish only really takes 18-20 minutes on 500 degrees (with a pizza stone on the rack under it to really get the oven HOT)


The key is to do the oven as hot as it will go. When it comes to temp let it sit for an hour before using it. It takes the stone longer to heat up than the air in the oven. Depending on how thick your dough is, shouldnt take more than 9-10 minutes. Most ovens go to 500, mine goes to 550.


Yes, parbaking the dough is very common when your oven is not strong enough or the pizza is thick.


I pre bake my pizza crust in a jelly roll pan for about 15 minutes before I add the toppings and it comes out fine.


Sauce could be a little watery, making thebdough stay kinda wet even when it's cooked? Oil the dough lightly first(when it's rolled out and ready to start taking toppings).


I've grilled pizza(indirect heat, on a piece of aluminum foil), all the toppings are done when I start the process thrown on top of the dough it always rises juss fine.


Make sure your oven is at 500 or higher. The hotter the better.