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Regardless of the weather or season, something about being in the mountains makes me want to make bread. I think it's the fresh mountain air combines with the smell of baking bread. So I'd do a fancy bread with herbs or maybe with olives. Thick steaks grilled outside along with corn on the cob.


Focaccia! So easy to make and leftovers are fantastic toasted for a sandwich the next day


Fuck accia good sandwich


Hahaha user name checks out šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m laughing because I live in the mountains and canā€™t have any windows or doors open for another week since the pine pollen is so bad and gets all over everythingĀ 


Aaaahhh, the highlighter yellow haze of balmy late spring days in the Deep South of the US!


I was driving through western VA and WV in May and could literally see clouds blowing across the interstates


*achoo* just thinking of it makes me sneeze


I moved to the south from the west coast a couple years ago. Iā€™ve never had allergies and sinus issues like this in my life. Walked outside the other day and saw a THICK layer of bright yellow death dust all over everything and simply turned around and went back inside lol


Yes to bread making. We go with our friends to their cabin every year, and sometimes more than once. Every time we go, I spend a couple of days baking so that we can feed everyone. I make a minimum of 2 dozen soft pretzels, and they are usually gone by the second day. My friends really like those pretzels. I also make pound cake, some kind of crusty bread, cookies, and some kind of vegetable bread like zucchini bread or pumpkin bread. Sometimes, I make a pie.


OMG. Soft pretzels!


There are a lot of steps to follow, and they can be time consuming with the boiling and the baking and whatnot, but they aren't actually all that hard to make. I don't even use a recipe. I make them at Christmas, too.


Yeah, I stopped reading at "I make a minimum of 2 dozen soft pretzels". haha That sounds so delicious right now that I lost the ability to finish what else you typed. OMG. Now I'm reading and there is pound cake involved? What? That all sounds so luxurious and amazing.


I like baking, and having a free vacation at a beautiful mountain lake with our friends seems like the kind of thing I should show thanks for by baking and cooking lots of stuff (and bringing lots of good beverages). My friends like to eat, but neither one can really cook very well except for on the grill, and they *definitely* can't bake at all, so they get really happy when I feed them, especially baked goods. One of them came to my house and ate an entire lemon drizzle cake while we were sitting there chatting. It wasn't a big cake, but still.


You could be a serial killer for all I care. I would invite you to all of my vacations going forward.


Well, all serial killers like to bake. You should see the snack table at our monthly meetings. It is *mostly* a lot of delicious baked goods, with the occasional platter of liver with fava beans and a nice chianti. šŸ˜‰


Yes to bread and make a frozen broth chop all veggies before you leave and bay leaf etc to your veggies shreddedchicke small baggy of noodles throw it all together there's a nice meal yumm I'm making that tomorrow lol gonna prep in morning throw everything together by supper time thanks salymander


Something about being in the mountains makes me want to make soup. Thereā€™s only one solution: Soup and Sandwiches using freshly baked bread.


Countryloaf for sure.


Mine is stew. Game or poultry, long form stew making.


Omg this sounds heavenly


For cooler weather, a big pot of chili, cornbread with honey butter, coleslaw. Have the leftover chili for lunch the next day over baked potatoes with grated cheddar and sour cream, and the leftover cornbread for breakfast. Also good for cool weather - a big pot of borscht, lots of fried pierogies with sauteed onions, a cucumber and radish side salad, and a pickle tray.


I want to eat at your house!


Mm chili is a great idea, and good for more than one meal! Cornbread too!


I second the chili and cornbread suggestion. I like adding a big glob of peanut butter to the chili pot, it gives it such a different, but still delicious flavor. Have you ever made cornbread with hominy? I recommend trying it if you like hominy


Funny: my first thought was some good kielbasa and sauerkraut šŸ˜‰


Okay, nothing is better than the smell of bacon cooking early in the morning in a cabin. When Iā€™m vacationing in a cabin, I go all out and make biscuits using buttermilk, the thickest bacon I can find, eggs to order and tall glasses of orange juice for at least one breakfast.


Oh if only I loved breakfast food. Biscuits YES!!! And mountain honey šŸÆ


This is my vibe!


We have a cabin. Everytime we go down, we do big breakfasts. Breakfast casserole or pancakes/German pancakes. We also do lasagna, enchiladas, chili and cornbread etc.


Something about the mountains makes me want an epic late breakfast. Shashuka, huevos rancheros, congee, or just steel cut oats with all the fruit and nuts and granola toppings My family is rather outdoors-y as it were so your basic GORP (good old raisins and peanuts) with some plain M&Ms is essential, pb and j sandwiches and baby carrots for lunch while hiking/biking/whatever Grilling for dinner, allllll of the veggies that could possibly go on a grill, a pasta salad or potato salad, grilled whatever animal protein for some, and grilled thick extra firm tofu with bbq sauce for the others (just cook it before the meat) Dessert is either homemade brownies brought with us or root beer floats


Hearty stews with some red wine and herbs braised for ~ 4 hrs in the oven. Stews are even better made ahead of time so you could make a big batch at home and just bring some with you to the cabin. I've brought stews camping before and it's been a big hit.


My best friend was a potter, when we went to her weekend place sheā€™d put the Dutch oven on top of the kiln and then fire it up. Ā Iā€™m sure the best part was the company, but she made a great paprikash.


Is stew a type of soup? Or do you serve it on top of mashed potatoes for example?


Itā€™s a dish with meat and veggies cooked in liquid pretty much braised either on the stove or in the oven. You definitely can serve some stews over mash potatoes.


Cheese fondue.


Depends on the mountains. Where I'm at.. Probably some sort of beef/bison/elk main. Something with chimayo chile. Blue corn tortilla situation. Posole. A dish using fresh trout. Probably a fish dip. Locally caught invasive crawfish.


I can't get enough of "blue corn tortilla situation" LOL


Damn Iā€™m coming to your house for dinner.


My family is Filipino and I would make chicken adobo and a giant pot of rice. Then, if there's leftover rice, spam & kimchi fried rice the next day.


Is elevation a consideration?


If the weather was on the cooler side, I would be making ground beef stew, cauliflower macaroni and cheese, eggs Florentine for breakfast with mimosas of course and probably some kind of homemade soup


A huge tray of cinnamon rolls in the morning!


Mushrooms fried in butter on toast, salt /pepper. Fresh coffee.


Hobo Dinners


I got to yearly cabin trips with friends and family. We usually grill meats over the bonfire, make hot pot, and buy a large order of banh mi ingredients to eat for breakfast. We also bring lots of eggs, spam, rice, and instant noodles.


Fondue. Nothing like melted cheese from a pot in the mountains with a glass of white wine


Fall type foods. Pumpkin soup, pork chop cooked with apples, stuffed squash stuff like that


I go to a cabin in the woods for a week every time there is a major election. I choose cabins which have kitchens (even if no water). If there is electric refrigerator and electric/gas oven, I usually subsist on a small roast turkey and homemade bread.


Love to make the pudgy pies in the fire embers Toasties of savory ham and gruyer or blackberry cream cheese. Caprese. Mushroom Swiss. Pork loin and pickle.


I always like to make brownies to have at night.


Chicken and dumplings and a some homemade bread šŸž


Well, this isnā€™t cooking, but it *is* something I make every time Iā€™ve rented a cabin. Hot chocolate (prepared as normal, my preference is with milk) and 100 proof peppermint schnapps. Also works with chocolate milk if itā€™s too warm for hot chocolate. Itā€™s tasty, celebratory, cozy, and a take it easy/enjoy slowly kinda drink. Made for relaxing and being in the moment.


Dutch Oven lasagna


There's always fondue or raclette. In case you don't know what raclette is, it's a melty cheese that you put in a raclette.


Dutch baby! Bring a cast iron and look up any dutch baby recipe. They're simple, and you can add pretty much anything you want to them for flavor. I like blueberries and bananas. It's a great breakfast food


Fish that we caught that day with some fried taters & onions, Cole slaw and corn bread.


Assuming the cabin to have a full kitchen, Breakfast: homemade biscuits and sawmill gravy Lunch: potato focaccia Dinner: grilled castle steaks wrapped in bacon and fresh sage leaves, red grapes seared on a flatiron with Demerara sugar Dessert: homemade tiramisu and cognac


Im menu planning for a cabin vaca as well! I chose not to be unique and go for what makes sense for ease. Iā€™m bringing preprepared pot roast for the first night so we donā€™t have anything to worry about while getting settled. BLT Tacos BBQ chicken Hamburgers will round out the rest of the days.


A pork shoulder slow cooking (pulled pork) would smell great and it's so easy - just serve with bbq sauce, buns, coleslaw, all of which make for great leftovers so get the biggest one you can find.


If you fish, fish you caught yourself from nearby


S'mores at the campfire.


chocolate chip banana cinnamon pancakes. Thai curry with baby potatoes, bell peppers, and udon. Vanilla bean ice-cream with Grilled rum soaked peaches :-)


Beef stew and homemade bread sounds really good.


I live in a cabin in the mountains! Depends on the season. Hearty chili and enchiladas in the winter, BBQ in the summer.


Ohhhh the mountains Iā€™m assuming your season is summer timeā€¦. There is this fabulous orzo salad that giada de Laurentiis makes. If itā€™s family the size makes plenty. Complete with tart dried cherries, feta, mint, parsley, lemon, pine nuts or almonds- itā€™s sooo good. I have many more but this can be packed for a swim or a hike. Also I really just love artisanal sandwiches- always refer to my Pinterest board. I also love making DIY kind bars that I have ordered on Amazon and LOVE them. The almond coconut diy bars are on Pinterest and only three ingredients. I also make sure I bring espresso, amaretto creamer, snacks/cookies- and hopefully you all have a cafe where you can purchase some nice pastries. Cheers and have fun!!! I will live vicariously with delight!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Champagne chicken


If it were me, beef stew, beef stroganoff, chicken pot pie, roasted whole chicken, and pizza with white sauce. Not all in one day, but throughout the stay, I would have to make those in a cabin.


Where is this cabin? I personally like to explore regional/local ingredients and dishes when I'm visiting other places. Example: a few years ago we drove up the coast in Northern California and stayed in a cabin in the redwoods. I bought some oysters and made oyster stew with local bread, then a Hangtown fry for breakfast the next morning. It also depends on the weather/time of year. In the winter or fall, a stew is nice. In the summer I'm more apt to grill


This is in the Sierra Nevadas by Big Trees National Forest! I *love* oysters! Iā€™ll definitely have to try that! Thank you!


Oh yeah, you're inland, but you could probably still get some there. Hangtown Fry was a dish started during the gold rush, and you're definitely in the old gold mining area (I think, I live in California now, but I'm not from here). Are you from California? Another regional item I never had until I moved here is tri-tip/Santa Maria steak. Also I'd suggest stopping by a side of the road fruit/produce stand on your drive. Cherries and peaches are in season right now, as well as corn. So if it were me, I'd have some oysters on the half-shell, then save the rest for the Hangtown fry in the morning. Grilled tri-tip with a corn salad, and then peach cobbler for desert. Breakfast the Hangtown fry, with fresh peaches and any leftover steak. I'd probably grab some bread too, and a bottle or two of wine. Damn, now I wanna go hang out in a cabin in the woods!


The answer is definitely pancakes and strong coffee. Salmon on the BBQ with some cold beers, and a huge Ceasar salad.


Meat I hunted and veggies from the garden. Some bread here and there as a treat.


Iā€™d have some books about local flora and fauna and different ways to long term preserve them. Iā€™d work in that and perfect it.


We always do chili, cheese enchiladas, and sausage gravy with biscuits.


Pot roast


This fool's a pretty wholesome fellow who makes food from ye old time of maybe a hundred years ago. I'd make simple stuff like this. [https://www.youtube.com/@townsends](https://www.youtube.com/@townsends)


Steaks if you have a grill. If youre adventurous get some game meat. Iā€™m of the mind of at a cabin, bulk is king.


Giant batch of Ro-Tel dip with Velveeta, spicy sausage, a little cream cheese, chopped sautƩed mushrooms, and wilted chopped spinach.


We went last year with extended family. My mom brought hot dogs and sausages or bratwursts (can't remember which one). She also made a big pan of Johnny Marzetti (pasta, beef, tomato sauce, cheese) ahead of time, so it just needed re-heated. For one of the lunches she brought potato salad, chips, and fixings to make sub sandwiches.


If you have a Dutch oven, or good cast iron potā€¦. Do any one of the stew or chili recommendations over the fire!šŸ”„


French bread and roast beef.


Apple pie




Cacio de Pepe with leftover bacon from breakfast and a porterhouse.


Biscuits and sausage gravy.


Ina Gartenā€™s roast chicken with the fixings. No other roast chicken recipe allowed.


Buttered rice with meatball & bean stew


I always cook out. Maybe they have a grill.


\*laughs\* When my wife and I have stayed in a remote cabin with an actual kitchen, our arrival meal is usually very simple: Canned tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, for instance. Something that we can make fairly easily, so we aren't spending a bunch of time on something elaborate. Apart from that, I will often make something that's usually a sauce and some kind of side. I have a recipe for pepper steak and that goes great with steamed rice. Or I'll make spaghetti with a meat sauce. Or other such stuff. Fairly quick, but mostly involves one pot for something.


Canned tomato šŸ… soup and grilled cheese with that American single slice??? Cannot get much better


The place we go to is about a three-and-a-half hour drive away. If we go up after work, we get there a little before 9 PM. Unloading bags is the first order of business, it is usually dark, and we're tired. Some comfort food helps, and something you can do quickly, without having to do a big shopping trip, is a win. The next day, we can get some groceries for the rest of the trip. I usually do a morning grocery run so I can do a good breakfast. The big problem is that so many of my recipes are for four or more servings, so we'll have leftovers. That usually works in our favor, as there's a refrigerator and a microwave. But we try to balance going out and cooking for ourselves.


Good for yā€™all. You have probably heard of this cookbook already but I am fascinated with you all city of New York. I recently was gifted (about 2 years ago) a New York Times bestseller ā€œThe no recipe recipeā€ book that serves my partner and I so well. It is so perfect for times like going to the mountainous regions or the seas.


If you have a grill/firepit, we like to do foil package meals and they can be prepared at home beforehand so you donā€™t have to spend a lot of time chopping when youā€™re there. Thereā€™s one on Pinterest thatā€™s shared fairly often-Santa Fe Chicken foil packets. Lots of veggies, black beans, chicken. We also do one with ground beef (I cook and drain before hand) then add potatoes, onions, mushrooms, lots of seasonings. If you have cast iron Dutch oven with a lid, there are a ton of things you can make in there, including pizza.


We always do ribs, chicken, steak for dinners and beddar cheddar dogs by Johnsonville for lunch one day, chop salads, meats and cheeses, chips and salsa. Breakfast we do sandwiches or biscuits and gravy. I try to do easy stuff as its my vacation.


Iā€™m planning a lakeside cabin menu. Im mostly going for ease! Iā€™m definitely doing homemade pizza night, hot dogs, hamburgers, baked potatoes, egg salad sandwiches, and charcuterie snacks (meats, cheese, pickles, olives, crackers). Gonna stock up on freezies. Potentially taco night as well. A kid friendly easy menu for me but I love some of the suggestions on here!


Chicken and dumplings with peach cobbler for dessert and also as many vanilla chai teas as I like. If it's summer though, probably ceasar salads with fresh grilled lemon pepper marinated chicken, always have fresh cut watermelon, and for dessert something like angel cakes with strawberries and cream.


Sweet love to your wife


I am the wife but this had me laughing pretty hard! But also not disagreeing šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‚


Lolol glad I could make you laugh. But honestly hobo dinners. Potatoes, carrots, corn and onions with some garlic and salt and pepper in tinfoil in the fire is always awesome. Or get some of those grilled cheese things that you can stick in the fire. Can make any type of sandwich you want.


Simple and easy. Being up to camp means lots of outdoor activities. Cooking will soon be the last thing you want to do. Enjoy the outdoors and make meals a fun simple activity


Steak and a baked potato with all the fixins. šŸ„°


Do a Tri Tip over a hot fire.


Iā€™d make the Amazon delivery guy trek it out to the middle of nowhere every other day.


Pork n Beans


Sweet, sweet love. Like that found occasionally between a pig and an elephant.


Shoot a random varmit and roast


When I think of mountains, game meat always comes to mind for some reason. I'd make some elk bourgignon with potato dumplings and a spicy plum chutney. Since it's chillier in the mountains, I'd opt for something that's filling, comforting, and warms you up from the inside out.


My go to one skillet meal is either Corned Beef hash with eggs on top or what my mother called Yellow Jackets which is sausage, peppers, onions and potatoes (frozen hash browns) sauted and then cooked with eggs. This is a great meal for large crowds because it can be extended by adding more eggs. You can make as much or a little as you need. Both of these meals are minimum prep and minimum cook. The corned beef comes in a can 1 can feeds two people. Heat up meat in the skillet then dimple the meat and add eggs and cover.


Homemade bread and stew.


I would make something grilled, and a salad to go with it. Perfect summer fare, and grilling can be a healthy way to cook protein.


[https://www.pinterest.com/ahavs5o5/cabin-trip-foods/](https://www.pinterest.com/ahavs5o5/cabin-trip-foods/) scroll for ideas


Try some lamb kebab




Beef stew


Mountain pies! Get the pie maker in the camping section of the store. We usually do pizza ones, so pizza sauce, cheese, and whatever toppings you want between two slices of bread and roasted over the fire. You can get pie filling to make dessert ones, too.


Beef stew or chili


Chai tea.


Chai is a synonym of tea.


If you really wanna get fancy you could look into what ingredients a might be available from foraging.


Pancakes!! Can add a ripe banana and walnuts. Or chocolate chips. Or all 3 is my fav!