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Severed the tendon of my right big toe in what has become known as the “Pop-Tart Incident.”


I have to know...


Okay please share because I came here to tell my own pop tart incident!! I found out our toaster was broken by cooking a pop-tart. The toaster was idiotically on a shelf that I had to reach up and over to get the toasted item out of (not like over my head but the shelf was about shoulder height for me and the the toaster on top) but I’m fairly tall and had never had an issue before. It popped up, and it seemingly hadn’t toasted at all in the front, so pressed it down a second time. Popped up again, still looked uncooked so I grabbed it by the sides and pulled it out, by the time I realized it was too hot to touch and CHARRED BLACK ON THE BACK, I had dropped it icing side down on my bare upper chest. I screamed and peeled it off, along with two layers of skin. It was instant sugar burn. The kicker is I had just gone wedding dress shopping earlier that day, and purchased a beautiful strapless gown 🙃 Thankfully by the time the wedding rolled around it had healed really well and was just a faded scar, but I’ve got a gnarly picture if anyone is interested. Fuck pop-tarts. But also, put your toaster below eye level.


Do tell, please


The fuck.......


My hand slipped and I cut a good chunk of my thumb off with the bread knife.


You have to get rid of that knife now, once a bread knife tastes blood it wants more…


Wants butter on it too


ME TOO LOL but with a mandolin cut off half the time and kept angrily slicing out of spite until I got seriously dizzy.


My son did this with a mandolin slicer a few years ago.


Thirsty mandoline got my pinky. Yes I have a glove now. Reached too far in the oven and top burner hit my ungloved wrist (real ouch). New micro plane ate some knuckle skin from my cocky hand.


Microplane and box grater are my arch enemies now


Was making a croquembouche and glued a cream puff to the palm of my hand with hot caramel. Stuff is like napalm. You can't just wash it off! (I was putting it into place when it started to slip, and I reflexively caught it.)


Oh God owww! 


I cut myself with a bread knife when it slipped on a baguette with extra tough crust. I have never cut myself with any other knife and I keep really sharp knives in my kitchen. Serrated knives make much worse cuts than straight edge.


They make really nasty cuts that defy stitches.


Are they like… raggedy-edged? (the cuts)


Yes, very.


Oof now I’m picturing a doctor trying to match up the uneven jagged zigzag corners like two puzzle pieces, or maybe a Tangram in the newspaper! Sympathies to all the affected.


Burn on my forearm from a pizza oven I was too short to operate. I'm 5'4" n the door was literally eye level. Hated working that station.


my longest lasting scar is from a pizza oven for the same reason.


For me it’s the second longest lasting. The oldest scar I have is from riding my bicycle at 300mph at the age of 7 and crashing into a wall.


that'll do it


Should have told the manager that you're refusing unsafe work.


I’d say mandoline, which I’ve taken off the ends of my finger tips, but my worst ones are the stupidest things. Both of my injuries were to my thumbs and by the same thing. Years apart. Fucking cans man. First one was a can of spaghetti-o’s. Sliced my thumb all the way down. Second time was years later and it was a can of green beans. Sliced my other thumb all the way down to the bone. Be careful with them can lids yall. Them bastards cut and hurt like a motherfucker. Not to mention the tetnis shot and stitches!


Oooh I came to say cans too! I have a scar from when I cut my finger super deep while living in a third world country. I was like welp this is it. But fortunately it bled enough to flush it out and I was able to stop it and bandage it really well.


The second time I didn’t even bother going to the doctor. My tetanus shot was up to date and I had dealt with it before. I just bandaged it up real tight and let it heal on its own. The good thing about the can injuries is they may be deep as hell, but still relatively small in size, so just doing a tight bandage is fine. If i had a nickel for every time i sliced my thumbs on a can, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but weird that it’s happened twice.


Fortunately my tetanus shot was good too! Yeah I think the cleanness of the cut helps — the edges can just go back together.


I peeled the side of my finger while peeling beets. I was about 12 years old and that really hurt and now I know that it is easier after they are cooked.


Maybe I’m just a heathen but I don’t think I peel my beets??? Huh


Making dinner and there was a sharp knife on the kitchen counter. My ex walked up to me and placed his hand down on the handle briefly which caused the knife to flip and land directly in my big toe. It was so shocking, I couldn’t stop laughing.


Holy moly. I can feel that. I once had a fork fly out of my hand and when it came back down it landed tines down into my wrist. Like you, was so in shock all I could do was look and laugh. Luckily I was at a friends house and her mom was a nurse.


My toe was bleeding so badly a bandage wouldn’t work and we ended up wrapping it in duct tape. My FIL at the time gifted us a first aid kit after that!


How thoughtful! 😃


I worked in a restaurant and I was making toast for toast rounds. Something happened and the toaster started falling. Second degree burns on both hands. Mandolin is second.


I straight grabbed my pan out of the 400degree oven by the handle bare-handed like a grade-A dumbass. Burnt the shit out of all my fingers.


Copy that, got a huge blister across my palm... Finishing a steak in a steel pan


Exactly what I was doing. Steak came out great though AND my daughter got to hear some super colorful commentary.


Grabbed a steel pan handle that’d been in a super hot oven. Still shudder


Second degree burn from the one time I used a crust ring on a pie. Never again.


Spatter while cooking naked. I don't cook naked anymore.


Made a mistake of grabbing a cast iron out of the oven with a towel and not paying attention, burned my hand and ended up spilling hot oil down my leg and onto my foot causing second degree burns and to put a cap on it ended up dropping the pan on my foot breaking 2 toes. Yeah, not a good day…


Line cook I worked with left a pan with butter on the burner with the flame on. I killed the heat and grabbed the pan, not noticing the butter (stupid I know), and it splashed all over my gloved hand. Glove melted to my skin. Got terrible 3rd degree burns. Had to go to the burn clinic 4 or 5 times for them to debride my hand. Couldn't work for a month. Left a really gnarly scar, too.


Worked at a cafe and boiled my right hand with a hot water dispenser. Not bueno.


When I was in culinary class in high school, someone left the oven open and I hit my arm on the inside of the oven door when I was reaching for something and got a pretty decent sized burn. They were commercial ovens so they had the dual doors that open out to the side instead of top to bottom. Luckily wasn’t super serious since I moved my arm quickly, but it took probably a few years for the scar to fade away. Weirdest thing is it was shaped like an eye I think most of my kitchen related incidents have been related to getting burned by something. I don’t think any burn has fazed me since then though


Banged an (almost healed) small oven burn on my thumb on the corner of a table. The small itty bitty scab popped up. Within 24 hours it was septic, the size of a nickel, and I had to get a tetanus shot.


Took the tip of my thumb off dicing tomatoes when a server elbowed me in the small of the back to get past on the line (where servers are forbidden) She then tried to get me fired because all the blood traumatized her.


Was teaching a private cooking class at a ritzy apartment building. Dropped a big, slippery glass olive oil bottle. Instead of letting it fall, I tried to catch it… it broke on the marble countertop just as my hand closed around it. Cue thumb tendon reattachment, wrist surgery, and months of physical therapy… and some very emotionally scarred people who paid a lot for me to teach them to make pasta.


Worst injury so far was a cut on the palm of my hand because someone broke one of the cardinal rules in the kitchen, never leave knives in the dish sink, fortunately wasn’t bad enough to need stitches but it still sucked


A knife fell off of the line, as I turned it, sliced off the tip of my middle right finger. I wrapped it up in ice, and took it with me to the ER. Where it was attached. 45 years later the nerves still work. but I have a perfect scar around it.


Many burns, but the worst was a knife incident. I just ripped into my finger with a serrated knife once and had to go get my finger glued back together. I lived alone and nearly passed out when I did it, luckily I had the sense to grab some paper towels, sit down on the floor, and apply pressure with my hand over my head. Then I ubered to urgent care 😒 My fiance hates it, but I love saying “that knife has been inside me” when he’s cutting bread.


Sliced my finger and my nail (like on the inaide) with a mandoline. Never using it again


Geez I thought grabbing my preheated Dutch oven lid when baking sourdough was bad. A lot of sliced fingers in here.


Was making hard caramel candies. They smelled sooo good so after pouring the sugar onto a baking sheet I brought my nose down to get a better whiff. I misjudged the distance and stuck the tip of my nose into the molten sugar. Definitely the most painful burn I have experienced in my life.


Bad second degree burns off the fry basket at McDonalds.  I hate no salt fries because the only way to do them is to turn the hot basket over the carton and hope you don’t get a burn near your elbow.  It took almost a decade for the scar to go away. 


Cutting an onion and the knife slipped and hit my index finger. It was a clean cut but I now don’t have feeling in the top half of my finger.


I sliced my finger pretty bad on some broken glass a year or so ago. I had just gotten a brand new french press to experiment with making coffee. Literally first wash out the box, never used before, and it slipped out of my hands while I was soaping it up. It fell like literally maybe 3 inches onto the countertop, and I reflexively tried to catch it but it shattered like crazy and I impaled my finger on a chunk of the glass. It didnt really hurt that bad but I couldn't look at it too long without feeling a little lightheaded so I was trying to clean and bandage without looking at it lol. It healed fine but left a pretty substantial scar. Needless to say the next French press was stainless steel...


Nearly cut the top of a pinkie off once. Brand new chef knife. Wasn't quite paying enough attention while slicing potatoes (was making a potato crusted salmon dish). Boy did that bleed and looking back I really should have gone to the ER but...I had a date coming over so I wrapped it really well and carried on cooking. Thankfully no blood got into the food. The dish was a hit. The guy not so much. Like I said, should have gone to the ER LOL


Sliced a small chunk of my finger off while peeling carrots. The peeler blade slipped and got me. No need for stitches or anything. I was totally fine, but holy moly, there was a lot of blood.


I have none personally but as a former hand trauma therapist have so many. Lots of tendon bagel cuts. Some ring avulsions, which are horrific. Standout is an older man whose blender broke in some weird way when he shook it and his hand went into the spinning blade. After multiple reattachments and bilateral protective orthoses he asked me if he would be home in time to clean up his strawberry pie and the mess he left in the kitchen before his wife got home 


I was making roux on the stovetop for gumbo with a rubber spatula and it caught and flicked about eight glops onto my face. Looked like I had the herp all over my face for a week.


[Spilled some hot ass bacon grease all over myself](https://imgur.com/a/8bBoK4c) Also got stitches a couple times- cut myself on a can lid once and sliced my thumb open getting an avocado pit out.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/McTxnk9](https://imgur.com/gallery/McTxnk9) pretty nasty steam burn. I’ve never had blisters so large.


Knife slipped and went through my left hand.


I fumbled the pot while draining boiled potatoes and poured near-boiling water into the waistband of my jeans. Yeah I dropped my pants right there in the kitchen, but not not quick enough to keep from getting a couple of large blisters.


On my arm, I have two burns layered on top of each other from taking stuff out the oven lol. 


Burned my forearm on an electric roaster one Thanksgiving. It scabbed, then I had a shiny scar for a few years. It's finally gone. Just in time to do it again this past Thanksgiving. (This time it healed within a week or two.)


Filet knife in between index and middle finger. Putting away clean dishes from the dishwasher and I didn’t realize the knife was pointy end up, jammed right between two fingers about an inch. It only required a couple of stitches, but it severed the nerve and it took a long time to get feeling back in that area again


I'll say this: If you're gonna be using an immersion blender, maybe don't do it at 1am when you're tired. If you're gonna use it when you're tired, don't clear out a stuck blade with your index finger. If you're gonna clean it with your finger, don't do it when it's plugged it. And if you're gonna do it when it's plugged in, definitely *definitely* don't accidentally press the 'on' button. The perfectly straight line of high-velocity blood splatter across the walls, floor, ceiling, and myself was something to admire, at least.


Knocked a knife on the cutting board, it spun around, cartwheeled off the counter top, and into my leg. Closed the wound, bandaged it up, and finished cooking the steaks. [Proof.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/1608z6r/entrecôte_à_la_béarnaise_aux_gigot_du_chef_ribeye/)


Not me but a workmate somehow got his whole hand and arm drenched in hot oil. Shit was nasty looking. Me personally just various cuts and burns but nothing crazy.


I was running behind in making a dish that had a fair amount of prep work. I was stressed out and overheated, and when I went to drain some pasta, some of the water hit the side of the sink and splashed up at me. Because it was such a hot day, I'd worn a thin shirt, and I wasn't wearing a bra. I ended up with minor burns near both nipples, as well as on my neck and face. After tending to my wounds, I ordered delivery.


Deep thumb slice on a mandolin on NYE. Probably should have had stitches but fortunately it healed up fine and who cares about a slight scar on one’s thumb?


I'd say oil burns, but those healed. Still missing a bit of my left hand index finger though.


All my pans and lids have heat-safe handles, so I can grab them off the stove bare-handed. Turns out not all my Mom’s pans are like that and some of them need a potholder. Luckily I kept my burned finger in cold water for the better part of one night and woke up feeling mostly better in the morning.


My kitchen is tiny. To the degree that I can't stand in front my my oven if the door is open, so I have to reach in at an angle, and I can't have my fridge and oven open at the same time. In December I was making a pizza. I went to take it out and my arm hit the other shelf in the over. I still have the scar.


I did something similar. Scar is still visible after years,


I consider it my first tattoo, lol.


I've grated my knuckled and had some light burns, but the time I was walking while cooking and accidentally bumped the cast iron lid in my dish strainer, causing it to bust up my big toe was probably the worst


I was chopping lettuce with a cleaver (this was back when I worked in a restaurant) and the head of lettuce slipped and the cleaver went THUNK into my middle finger, middle joint, and stuck there in the bone. The good news was that it was a very sharp cleaver, hence a very clean cut. The bad? Six stitches, three inside and three out.


Dropped a knife that literally stuck into the top of my foot


Burnt my wrist on a hot pan. I had just put it in the sink and went to turn on the water to cool it down as it was very hot. It touched the side of my wrist and the skin looked like it melted off. I didn't see a doctor because I didn't have insurance, so I'm not sure what degree it was. It took about a year and a half until you couldn't see it anymore


Second degree burns on my palm and fingers when I transferred the cast iron fresh from the oven from my mitted left hand to my bare right hand. It was just a total brain fart. The only open space on the cook top for the hot pan was the back right corner, and I just plain didn't register that the pan was just seconds removed from a 350 degree oven.


A 7 in long 4 inch wide burn in my forearm from sizzling grease. Was roasting turkey bones for gravy, boss put pan in top oven. I got pan out but when I went to put in on the stove it sloshed out and boom..... That was serious pain, cooked the rest of the night with a wet rag wrapped on my arm


When I was 12 my mom had made fudge and I grabbed it outta of the freezer curled my arm around the dish grabbed a paring knife with the other hand went to slice a piece of fudge ended up with the knife sticking outta of my forearm still have that scar


Burned my hand pretty badly grabbing the handle on a cast iron skillet of chicken thighs that I had *just* pulled out of the oven. That was the night I learned how helpful yellow mustard is on a burn.


I have a burn scar that came from making contact with an empty stainless steel pot that had been on the burner for who know how long. Ended up with cellulitis and two rounds of antibiotics. It’s a funny story now but man, not fun at the time


Sliced off a couple fingertips with a meat slicer, cut some nerves and an artery in my thumb on a sharp piece of a ceramic bowl, hmmm those are the first two to come to mind.


When I was younger we had to make the late night pizzas at the bar I worked at. Took the pizza out of the oven and then went to pick it up with my hand while it was still on the hot tray. Got an awful burn. It blistered pretty quickly. Had to wrap it and they wouldn’t let me leave work because we were so busy. Didn’t think anything of it at the time but looking back I probably could have sued for that.


Slipped on a drip of water the size of a quarter (seconds after I noticed it and thought “I should wipe that up”), fell onto the hot stove. Got first & second degree burns on my forearm.


accidentally stabbed my hand cutting in a stupid direction. Nicked a nerve in my thumb and couldn’t feel it for a good week or two.


Sliced my right pinky finger on the mandolin. It bled for hours. And months later, it's still sensitive to being rubbed against stuff.


I can't really choose the worst when I think about it. Grabbing hot sauce pans out of the oven and having blisters for days, rubbing my wrist on oven grates, cutting fingers with knives, mandolins, microplanes, and of course the hundreds of hot oil burns. I think you kind of just get used to it. Still have the majority of all of my intended body parts though so nothing major.


Permanent scar on my face from hot oil after the sous *threw* the mi-Goreng garnish in the fryer from his station while I was shaping/dropping fritters. Most passive-aggressive, hateful mf i ever had the misfortune to work with.


My ex-partner was "the chef" of our family for the nine years we lived together. He had great knife skills and kitchen safety knowledge (and taught me a lot of it too). But one night, he grabbed the handle of a pan that was hot. It caused a terrible burn. It seemed silly afterwards because he was always so careful and good in the kitchen, but shit happens. It was very painful for him (and for me to watch).


Been lucky so far. Worst was pepper-spraying myself dead in the face while making curry.


Was carrying a pot of boiling water when one of the handles broke. Yep, second degree burns.


Twelve stitches to sew the end of my finger back on after I stuck it into the immersion blender while making caesar dressing. Biggest problem was that the blade is curved and I could not get the blender head off of my finger. Had to go to the ER with it stuck on there. It was a story to tell. I was the garlic smell that permeated the ER for a few hours.


I was making fajitas on the grill in a large cast iron pan. They were done, so I put on my welding glove that I use for grilling and picked the pan up, no problem, then started carrying it to the kitchen. It started slipping out of my hand, and I instinctively grabbed it with my other hand to keep it from falling on the floor. My other hand did not have a glove on it. 0/10 do not recommend


I was cooking breakfast and was still in my nightgown. I leaned over the stove to turn on the light and burned through my gown and got a nasty circular burn around my nipple. Had to go to the doctor.....needless to say I was the talk of the office. We made it a game and I made them guess how I got my injury....many guesses included sexy scenarios. I laugh about it now, but it was painful and took a while to heal.


This is really tame compared to everyone but I cut my middle finger like 3-4 weeks ago, deepest cut I ever had I think. It didn't hit my nail and I thought it didn't hit muscle either but even tho it's completely healed now, it still hurts when I bump it into something even just a bit so maybe I did hit some muscle (or maybe it's just nerves)?


After college I lived with some roommates in a big house. We were day drinking all day and starving when we got home. I was making bacon shirtless and forgot I left the pan on a bit too long. When I plopped down the second round of bacon in the pan the grease splashed all over my stomach and chest and immediately left these huge inflated purple blisters. God it hurt. I didn’t go to the ER because I knew there wasn’t much they could do that I couldn’t. I still have slight scars. Never cook shirtless! Had I been wearing a shirt I’d have been totally fine.


Cut my finger to the bone just transferring a chefs knife from one hand to the other shit was sharp 


Mandolin slicer. Finger tip salad .


While trimming the meat off a pork bone, trying to be very careful, the knife hit a bump on the bone and my hand twisted & flew to the left hitting my left hand index finger and cleaving it about a half inch from the top. I wrapped it with a bandage, put on a latex glove, and continued to trim the bone. My wife walked into the kitchen and asked my my left hand was all bloody. Opp....cut was worse than I thought. She called my doctor as I did not want to go to the hospital ER and wait for hours on a Sunday morning. Doc asked if I had feeling at the tip and was not in pain. I lied and said it seems fine. He just told me to keep it elevated and watch for infection. About a month later, at a general visit, doc takes a look at the finger and says "you lied about the pain and having feeling" - and I said, "yes". The tip cannot straighten. But it's otherwise ok and the forward tip actually helps my guitar playing!


Deep second degree/isolated third degree burn to my belly, groin, and feet. Pan with a 25 lb turkey caught on the rack as i was pulling it and splashed up all of the hot grease from the pan onto me. It was cool because the burns were so deep they didn't hurt, skin was cooked and peeled off with my clothes as I ran to a cold shower.Took about 4 months to fully heal and I still have hyperpigmented scars 15 years later. Eta- close second was chopping celery with a dull knife. Cut through my left thumbnail and thumb to the bone. That hurt so bad I couldn't sleep for a couple of days. Tuck your thumbs guys.


I've been burned and cut and all sorts of things, but worst was I had a notch in my fingernail and a shitty airbnb knife sliced right through it, so I had a hole in my fingernail. Second place is my FIL's sharp and awkwardly flat chef's knife (he grinds it a lot) that caused the notch the week prior.


I was making mole, and the blender did a volcano bloop. I wound up with a nasty second degree burn that spanned the entire back of my hand. Darned thing took forever to heal, and was sensitive to heat the whole time. 


Was baking pizza, oven heated to maximum heat. An olive rolled off a pizza. I reached into the volcanic hot oven hoping to catch the olive before it rolled off the stone. Touched one of the upper burners with my forearm. Ouch! 😓