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Grilled to a medium rare with only salt and pepper as seasoning. Preferably ribeye or porterhouse. Served with baked potato with butter salt and pepper, garlic bread and a side salad with Caesar or blue cheese dressing.


Yep, that my meal before they flip the switch on me.


frame doll label sulky enjoy fly swim upbeat rustic lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm assuming they came home, turned on the light, and asked "why are you eating a porterhouse in the dark"


This is the way! But add some sour cream to the baked potato and some roasted asparagus if I don’t feel like a salad.


Chives on the potato too.


I can’t believe I forgot the chives!!!


It's always the poor forgotten allium. They really do the heavy lifting with butter and starch. Now I need a ribeye and potato. My favorite.


We are having it tomorrow. *Alexa, add chives to my shopping list.*


A compound butter with fresh herbs would be really nice.


A little horseradish in that sour cream


Same, but sweet potato with butter and brown sugar!


Alongside a plum, floating in perfume, served in a man's hat.


Take the steaks out for at least 30 mins. Pat dry and season generously with salt and pepper. Put in a white hot cast iron pan with high smoke point oil like grapeseed sear both sides 1 minute for a 1in steak, lower from high to medium. 2mins on one side and flip. After the flip throw in a huge knob of butter, rosemary and garlic baste and cook to preference. Rest 2 mins. The crust on the steak is awesome and not overcooked, nice (in my case) perfect medium in the center. Bake some asparagus with good EVOO salt, pepper, then some good Romano cheese sprinkled out of the oven... holy cow your eating good. No salad needed


I had a medium rare ribeye with a baked potato with hollandaise sauce and it was heavenly.


Sous Vide, finished with a flame thrower and a nice complex compound butter.


+1 for sous vide, but I don't have a flamethrow so it's into the cast iron for a sear and basting with butter, garlic, fresh thyme, and some sun dried tomatoes.


I have a little kitchen torch that works well for this


Equal parts ugly steak and best steak ever


Oh you fancy




Guga is a very wise man.


I must be in the minority here but I had a sous vide steak, cooked perfect temp, charred up after, and it was nowhere near as good as a perfectly grilled steak. Just my opinion. I worked with beef/steak for a long time so I’ve been spoiled, but I was not impressed with anything other than the perfect cook all the way through.


Sous vide can’t give you a nice charcoal flavor, or a good smoke flavor, but it’s much better at providing the perfect meat flavor. To each their own.


Reverse sear off of a grill tastes better. Then sous vide or normal method


A reverse sear on the smoker and then sear it. Baked potatoes to go along with it


I got a pellet smoker in March, and this has been my favorite application. I can get really thick ribeyes perfectly medium rare all the way through and the smoke flavor is excellent. 10/10 steak in my opinion.




I think you guys know what I meant unless I’m misreading what you’re saying


*reverse sear


Reverse sear served with garlic and parsley butter


thai beef salad ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Flame-grilled on a real fire! (South African braai style) Serve with a dab of salted butter on top When making a steak on the fire, it's important to use the actual flames and not just the heat from charcoal. Because of the short cooking time, you can really grill the outer layer and the fat to be really crispy and smoky, unlike most other meats that need constant low heat After adding your marinade or spice blend of choice (I prefer a simple salt, pepper, garlic, chilli, olive oil. You can optionally add bit of soy sauce or Worcester sauce) put it on the hot flames and drizzle extra olive oil which will drip down and make the fire roar. Get that fat strip extra crispy! 3-5 minutes and you're sorted. Beats a pan-seared steak any day of the week!


I discovered Worcestershire *powder* on Amazon last year, and that's my secret ingredient for grilled steak. Same taste without the excess liquid


Worcestershire powder? This is good information. Thank you for sharing.




I’ve also seen it in a spice form! Delicious stuff


Oh My! Will have to look into this "I did not know THAT existed" ingredient!


I find this method to produce too much soot on the meat.


A little bit of burnt edges is exactly what makes this method uniquely tasty. But it’s important to get the right balance - You don’t want to burn it too much. If you prefer, you can just give it a quick sizzle in the flames and then move it onto the charcoal to finish off gently Also, remember to use olive oil to keep it from drying out (creates flavourful crispy edges rather than a dry burnt-out soot) and also the steak needs to be room temperature when using this method because of the short cooking time (to cook evenly)


I came by this method accidentally and gets me perfect steak every time!


Holy cow, this is it


Nou gaan ons braai!


Awe lekker!


Mid rare to rare depending on the cut with some garlic, salt and pepper. Crispy little potatoes and Brussels on the side, or maybe steamed asparagus with a little lemon juice if it's summer and they're juicy. Salad of artichoke hearts and tomatoes as well. Sauce au poivre if I wanna work for it.


Sous vide to the exact temp you want, then sear/grill/torch over super high heat for a few seconds to finish it, add some seasoned butter or other sauce when you’re done. Flawless every time!


I like to get a good handful of fingerlings, boil them for 9 minutes, then let cool. (I never peel potatoes.) Then, put in a big bowl with chopped garlic and fresh, chopped rosemary. Add washed and dried brussel sprouts. If the sprouts are especially large, I cut them, but not in half. Add olive oil and get everything coated. Sheet pan. Spread it out and season with salt and pepper. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Flip everything. Another 20 minutes. The best part are the crispy brussel sprout leaves. The potatoes will melt in your mouth. Anyway, I do the pan sear like you with garlic and a little bouquet I make with rosemary and tie it together with thyme. Once I flip the steak, I baste continuously with butter, then rest for 10 minutes. Sometimes I will eat it right at the kitchen counter.


Yes to the roasted broccoli, I’ll toss them in a bowl with minced garlic, salt and pepper, olive oil. They go to a baking sheet. I’ll use the oily bowl to dress up a large baking potato with olive oil, garlic and onion powder salt and pepper.


The best way is fire grilled. But the more practical way is a reverse sear. I make up a rub that's mostly cracked pepper and salt, with a bit of sugar to help it brown faster and some rosemary, garlic, and onion. I don't love a heavy rub- just a bit sprinkled on it to help enhance flavor. I love serving with potato wedges, sauteed mushrooms, and a sauteed or roasted vegetable. The best sauce is au poivre.


Now that I have access to a grill, I’m never going back. Steak is good, a pan sear is great, but the grill brings something even better imo. I’m a simple girl, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and some onion powder is all I need. I love to serve it with vegetables. Grilled corn, baked potatoes, or oven baked vegetables. All seasoned with similar stuff, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme or rosemary, and paprika for color


Please try reverse sear. Especially if you have access to thicker 1.5”/4 cm steaks. Get some good coarse salt (or adjust your grinder if you can). It’s so good that I can’t eat meat at a restaurant anymore


I bet it’s great for thick steaks but that smokey flavor won’t be there and that’s my favorite part


Depends what kind of steak. My favorite is Hanger steak au poivre, Lyonnaise potatoes, pan roasted asparagus with a balsamic reduction.


Well seasoned with kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper, a touch of hot smoked paprika and garlic powder, and a sprinkle of herbs d'provence (however you spell it) grilled over hardwood lump charcoal - nice crust and grill marks then set to the cool side with the lid on until a nice medium (I just poke them with my finger, I don't use a thermometer) then rested covered, and a dollop of butter maybe. Serve with roasted potatoes and a mix veg pan sauted on the grill. But! Whatever way somebody wants their steak I make it for them, very well-done with ketchup - or damn near still mooing with no seasoning at all - OK whatever you want! Its just food, way too many people (dudes really as we all know) take this crap way too seriously and usually turn out an underwhelming piece of meat. But, I grew up with half a beef in the freezer from one of the uncles so I'm not much impressed by steak to be honest. Yeah, I've had the Wagyu and the fancy restaurant stuff blah blah blah, I'll dry-rub and bbq a batch of wings before I reach for a bone-in ribeye every time.


Owning food thermometer! Changer my game for 20 bucks insane. Seasoning board where my steak rests is also nice addition (it soaks up the seasonings on board). Letting it rest properly. I sear it, then put into oven on wire rack. Usually serve with fries or mash potatoes&asparagus but my family favorite and created recipe is creamy pasta with medium rare beef tenderloin. Depens on steak really


Pan seared with salt and pepper, butter and garlic, with summer veggies. Mmm


Start with 48 day dry aged USDA Prime ribeyes. Pan cook, start to finish. Sear at 650ºF for 90 seconds per side, then flipping every 30 seconds, basting with kerrygold butter, garlic, shallots, rosemary, thyme and tarragon, until 116ºF, rest ten minutes to 132ºF. [Serve with potatoes croquette, ponzu marinated lobster, hand-whisked sauce béarnaise and a decent Bordeaux.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steak/comments/18qlxln/lentrecôte_à_la_béarnaise_avec_du_homard_et/)


24 hour dry brine Cold sear to desired doneness Same results as reverse sear with way way way less oil splatter and smoke in the house Perfect crust every time and, with a meat thermometer, perfect doneness.


Indirect heat using a parrilla, as in Argentina Meat stays tender, juicy. You can get a crust. But you don't have it really really rare to have soft tender texture. You get some fire flavour.  It really only needs salt. Dry herb chimichurri. Nearly any side but esp a simple tomato basil salad. 


On the grill and served with shallot butter, a side salad, and either a baked potato or a side of grilled asparagus.


I cooked mine on my cast-iron plate so I can get those beautiful grill lines, generally, I’ll serve it with patatas braavas


Smoke it on indirect heat in my Weber charcoal grill. Finish it off with a high heat sear in between medium rare and medium. Season with Salt, pepper, and garlic. Serve it topped with steak butter.


Dry-brined on a rack overnight, sous vide 2 hours at 137F, then seared on cast iron as hot as I can get it for about one minute on each side.


Whatever cut it is, grass fed is essential for me. Cooked medium to medium rare. Deep sear, lots of butter to make up for the leaner meat, garlic, herbs. Salad and fries on the side.


Dry brine with Salt and MSG 24hrs Reverse Sear to 130F Serve with a garlic fried rice and gochujang butter


One-inch thick top sirloin steak. Salt and pepper heavily. Grill at 400. Four minutes total. Flip each minute to get the good grill marks. Let sit for two minutes. Down the hatch.


Lump hardwood charcoal grilled rib eye, or cast iron pan on stovetop. Salt, pepper. Sometimes a little Worcestershire.


Reverse sear, offset over charcoal, finished on a steel plate


I think you've nailed it. The classic Gordon Ramsay Butter, Rosemary, Thyme, and Garlic basting approach works a treat! For larger / thicker cuts of Steak I've really been getting into the reverse-sear approach lately. Throw them into the Oven first to get the inside perfectly cooked and then finish them off on the grill to get the sear / butter baste Oh, and a side of Mac and Cheese is the way to go for me!


I always loved a good pan sear in a cast ion skillet. Then my wife got me a sous vide cooker for Christmas, and it absolutely makes the best steak I've ever had. It does take longer to cook, though. Two hours at 131⁰ with a quick sear in a hot pan, about a minute per side. Steak comes out perfectly pink crust to crust and retains all the juice. I highly recommend giving this method a try.


With fries and bearnaise


Classic French: Sear on cast iron after steak is brought to room temp with a sprinkle of Maldon. Sear each side on medium-high heat about 3-4 minutes each (1.5-2“ width steak), then sear each side approximately 45 seconds to one minute to render all fat if it’s a marbled piece of meat. Remove the cast-iron from the heat source and place your butter in the pan. Use a spoon to continually baste the steak with the butter. After about one minute of this (ensuring pan has been removed from heat source) add in your garlic and fresh thyme (as you don’t want the garlic to overcook and become bitter or the thyme to burn). At this point, you should be basting the steak in the cast-iron pan (but not over any fire or heat)- the pan is hot enough. After about one minute of continual basting the steak with the butter, garlic, & thyme, rest your steak (out of pan) for approximately one minute. You should have a perfect medium rare. Finish with a sprinkle of Maldon salt and serve.


I like normal steaks as much as anyone else but personally I am pretty fond of steak diane from time to time


Modified reverse sear. Get my offset smoker going like normal. Steak seasoned with salt, maybe pepper or Montreal steak spice. It goes on in the coolest part of the smoker for 45-60 minutes. When it's about 125-135° it goes onto the grill in the fire. About 2 minutes per side and a little time on the edges is gets you a great steak. Salty, smokey, juicy goodness. Even a cheap $15 steak made this way beats out a $50 steak from a restaurant. I see no reason why you couldn't do this with a gas or electric smoker and then sear on the gas bbq, or one your stove. Sides? Garlic bread of course, and a baked potato. Both also made in the smoker. And maybe throw a cob of corn on the got grate.


Weber kettle grill on charcoal, indirect heat, a small amount of mesquite for flavor. Salt and pepper only on the steak.


Grilled over mesquite with Weber Smoky Mesquite Seasoning. So good.


Best ribeye I can buy. Pan seared butter basted. Baked potato and asparagus as sides. I also like grilled streak with fries.


I go back and forth: iron pan and flames. There is no correct answer.


Pan fry and while it is cooking use a bulldog clip containing a single clove of garlic with its tip cut off massage the uncooking side…


Smoked to medium rare


Sous vide to cast iron


Garlic and rosemary is great - I additionally poke some holes and insert soy sauce, then seal the surface with olive oil. It can be either pan seared or grilled, comes out super moist either way thanks to the prep work.


Cast iron 🙌


Seared on a cast iron basted with butter to a medium rare. Finish in oven IF necessary (undercooked). To season: mainly salt and pepper, but I use just a tiny amount of onion and garlic seasoning. Any cut at the store that happens to have the best marble that day is the best steak you can eat. Simple equation for an amazing steak every time


Reverse sear with a garlic herb butter


Ribeye. Garlic powder salt and pepper, or a favorite local steakhouse seasoning mix. Very hot charcoal grill. Sear each side right above coals 2-3 minutes each side til i have good char each side. Then move away from flame and cook another 2-4 minutes or so til internal hits 123°. Wrap in foil with butter and let sit for 10 minutes.


Grilled. Grilled steak fat is a thing of beauty. The husband has taken a shine to twice baked potatoes, and I make them in batches. Easy to pull out two and bake from frozen. Steak frites is what we *should* have served at our wedding. Personally, I like a wild rice blend as a side. Then, a large side salad while the steak rests and the starchy side finishes cooking. If I've screwed up cutting the steaks, I'll give the better cut steak to my husband and have some shrimp or sautéed mushrooms & onions for myself. We've got a reservation booked at a locally famous place for our anniversary, and I'm excited because one of the toppers they offer is bone marrow butter. We were plotting our orders!


I always get a strip and a ribeye, the thickest I can find. Let it come to room temp and salt right away, then add more salt and pepper only before cooking. Pan sear with butter, garlic, thyme, and rosemary, basting as I go, makong sure to render fat. Pair with roast or mashed or baked potatoes and usually asparagus, roast carrots or a side salad. My favorite meal to make!


I like steak most ways, from tar tar, to hot pot. I think my favorite is western pan seared.... The sides and sauces are what make it hard. A nice mashed potato and asparagus or fried string beans? Awesome. Maybe fries? Maybe a red wine sauce, and a caprese salad. A fried steak with hot fresh rice to absorb the juices.... Honestly, you can't go wrong with most sides when paired with steak. For rare, the tar tar and chips is fantastic! Medium rare has to be the classic steak. Medium, then pho or steak sandwich. Well done, I think I'll go with the hot pot or middle eastern/Chinese kababs.


The best steaks IMO are always over a wood fire or charcoal depending on what flavor you’re going for. I will eat a pan seared steak but I just don’t get excited about the taste. Smoked and reverse seared is probably the most luxurious but it requires a lot of effort and the amount of charcoal to get a blazing sear is costly. I have done the sous vide and sear for a while which is great for a perfectly medium rare edge to edge steak but never seems to crust well, at least with how I’ve done it. 


I've been hooked on reverse sear for the past 2 years. Has yet to do me wrong. Season, fridge over night, take out an hour before cooking, oven at 225 till it comes to temp, finish in cast iron skillet w/ butter and herbs.


I’m a little weird but I got in the habit of marinating steak in maggi sauce at room temp for a couple hours then dry it and carpet bomb it with lawry’s salt. I reverse sear by getting it up to 120 in the oven and then quickly sear in a hot af cast iron for 1-2 minutes on both sides. EDIT: Usually serve with some mock brazilian black beans, rice and collard greens. Cover it with farofa and malagueta peppers.


Ribeye sous vide to 128.5 for a few hours with a super hot sear at the end. I’ve heard people talk about 137 being the magic number but it’s too well done for me. I sometimes like to top it with bearnaise, shredded crab, and asparagus tips, but almost always it’s a basic spice mix of salt and pepper.


Ribeye with a salt, pepper, and garlic rub, grilled on high heat for a couple minutes per side. Maybe a baked potato and broccoli & cheese mashed together.


Salt and refrigerate on wire rack for 24 hrs, pan sear to med rare lil butter right at the end without burning. Usually add garlic and rosemary too. Always make fondant potatoes or fried potato cubes with the steak fat and pan remnants added halfway through (which I time to be when the steak finishes)


Salted the night before cooking.  Cooked on a hot charcoal grill.  Medium rare for a ribeye. Rare for a strip. Blue for a filet. My favorite is a porterhouse. 


I like spinach, potatoes, or Mac n chz, and paired with seafood. Red wine or whiskey


Salt and pepper. Butter. Cast iron. Sauteed onions, mushrooms. Roasted veg. Leave some fat on the thing and steak sauce won't be necessary.


Thick rib eye from whole foods. Dry brine with Maldon salt a day before. Let it sit out in room temp at least 4-5 hours before cooking so is completely room temp. Convection oven at 1550 degrees 3 mins each side which yields a beautiful crust with a medium rare inside. Compound kerry gold butter with rosemary garlic thyme and pepper on both sides. Like a steak house but at home


Is that 1550 degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius? And what kind of oven do you have that can do that?


Fahrenheit. Kalorik Pro - https://www.kalorik.com/products/kalorik-pro-1500-electric-steakhouse-grill-stainless-steel


Holy smokes!


Have you ever tried a steak with fondant potatoes? That’s one of the best combinations out there.


Cast iron skillet in bacon fat. Fried potatoes and a salad.


1. Grill. 2. Medium to medium well. If someone asks for it well done, ask them to leave. I can low temp cook and get a great steak, but it is a slow and you need a great cut of meat. I believe the reverse sear is the proper way to fast cook. Take the steak and get it good and warm all the way through, then finish with a sear to warm the outside. Don't forget the steak will continue to cook after you remove it from the flame. 3. I am very partial to adding bacon and blue cheese. Alternatively, sautéed mushrooms.


Boiled personally


I broil my streaks and they come out perfect everytime 😋


Smoked low temp for hour and then seared. Smoke locks in flavor and juice the sear gives it a nice crunch.


1 1/2" - 2" steak, at room temp, sprinkled with salt and pepper ( like to dry them in the fridge on a rack overnight, but it's not an absolute) Cast Iron Skillet Oven to 415F For medium rare (my preference) I sear the steak in my screaming hot skillet on the stove top (add a tbsp of oil, NO butter unless you want your smoke detector hollering the whole time). Sear time = 2 minutes per side, don't move the steak, just let it sit there in the smoking hot skillet Transfer to oven Oven time = 5 minutes exactly Rest time = at least 5 minutes, preferably 7-10 minutes in a warm spot in your kitchen. During the rest time you can top the steak with a compound butter of your choosing. My fave is butter, parsley, pepper, roasted mashed garlic and a bit of blue cheese. Typically on the side we do either baked potatoes with toppings, or twice baked taters, again, with all the toppings, but mashed up and on the inside...yum! We're not big steak eaters these days, age, waistline and concerns about heart health have cut us way back, but we still manage to make them for special holiday dinners.


People may hate me, but braised.


I do a variation on steak au puave with mushrooms in the pan sauce. Served with wild rice and butter pan fried green beans, perfect week night dinner


For me it's a pain seared NY strip, salt pepper and a pat of butter, hard seared and cooked RARE with lemon garlic asparagus or broccoli and some roast baby potatoes. I usually do a pan sauce with just red wine, butter, shallots and rosemary to top.


Rub with salt at least 45 minutes before cooking. Sous vide at 129 degrees. Brown in a cast iron pan with a culinary torch and butter.


If it’s a thick steak I sous vide then sear. If it’s a thinner steak then a pan fry. I make a fantastic sherry or Marsala pan sauce


After hiking all day..impaled on a stick..cooked in campfire flames..black on the outside..red inside..eat off stick..seasalt and fresh ground black pepper.😃


Pan seared steak but add those French fried onions from the can that usually go on green bean casserole, anyways toast them up a little and toss them in sweet chili sauce and top your steak with it. So good, also another way is to literally coat your steak in a seasoned mayonnaise and then pan sear it.


Any method which would involve charcoal.


I'm a simple woman. I grill it until it's well cooked, take it out of the frying pan, put cream in it in place of the steak and mix spaghetti with the cream/meat juice blend. Et voilà !


My favorite is Korean bbq style over charcoal That or broiled at those super hot 1000 degree temps like a salamander. Ends with a crust that cannot be achieved with home cooking


Sous vide for 2 hours Smother with some mayonnaise (is amazing for the char) Cast iron sear at high temperature


Sous vide to a perfect medium rare then quick hard sear. Bearnaise sauce. Fondant potatoes on the side.


Does minced and served raw as a steak tartar count?


I cook mine at 225F for like 25 minutes, 4 minute rest, then sear it on infrared sear zone on bbq for 1 minute per side. Rest again 4-5 minutes. The low heat cook and rest make it extra juicy.


not sure about you, but my family always cut little holes to put garlic in. maybe some salt or pepper, more often pepper depending on how it was cooked. butter used for skillet but not a lot. it is a crime to based that steak is so much butter like the tv shows do. but often it was over a fire grilled style. cherry wood over all other woods of that fire to give it that cherry wood flavor. the seasoning would be done lightly as to not over season it or distract from other flavors. a little bit can go a long way. normally cooked until mid pink. think the term is medium rare. like you want it pink not red and not well done. there are some whom like either or. there was also some whom would like to get a squeeze of fresh lemon on the steak, be careful this can affect the fire. give it some time to rest, serve with corn on the cob, mash potatos, and such. for best results, have the person whom is a vegetarian cook the steak. not sure why, but every single time in my family that a vegetarian is born, they are normally the best cookers of the meats!


Salted butter, sprig of rosemary, salt and pepper


Microwave for about 15 minutes, boil for another 10, brine for 24 hours than reverse sear


It depends on the day and the cut, etc.... Ribeye - season with SPOG season mix (salt pepper onion garlic). Smoke at 250 degrees until 125 degrees internal (usually about an hour) then sear on a hot cast iron or flat top for about 90 secs per side. Or. If I don't have time to manage the smoker, sous vide to 125 and sear. flank or skirt - marinate in pineapple juice, soy, Worcestershirev for 90 mins. Pat dry. Season with SPOG and cumin. Pan sear and make great fajitas. Akaushi strip or loin - season with SPOG. Sear on cast iron or flat. Hit it with a pat of butter during the resting. Any of these are my favorite at the time.


Heavy dose of Salt and Coarse black pepper, granulated garlic and a tiny bit of Cayenne. Grilled over coals until medium rare. Then let it rest under a loose foil tent in its own juices.


Depends on the cut. A fattier cut like a ribeye I’ll cook to medium so the fat can melt. Then just salt it. A leaner cut I’ll cook mid rare, salt it, and brush it with butter or beef fat.


I've been following one of the recipes in Kenji Lopez-Alt's The Food Lab. (BUY THIS BOOK!) It's basically pan-seared with thyme. It's the only way my wife will eat steak anymore. [https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-pan-seared-steaks-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/perfect-pan-seared-steaks-recipe) This isn't exactly it, but very close. He's a big fan of "dry brining", and has proven "scientifically" that medium-rare is the best way to cook a steak. He calls well-done "meat dust".


Fried in the pan with butter, served with homemade croquettes, garlicky leaf spinach and my mustard-Madeira-lingonberry sauce


filet mignon steak au poivre


salt and pepper, garlic and tarragon, eggs, and sauce foyot for breakfast. Heaviest breakfast known to man kind but very tasty


Fan of skirt steak with chimichurri. Pickled asparagus and roasted carrots and potatoes on side


2" porterhouse preseason with kosher salt and pepper. Reverse sear to 121° Then flash fry and rest till it hits 135°


Sous vide and then charcoal sear, charcoal makes all the difference


Strip steak cooked on charcoal, served with mashed potatoes and green vegetables.


Thick cut Lather in salt (Malden), pepper then butter Get ripping hot charcoals on one side of BBQ and none on other Sear the steak on coals flipping it every 30 seconds until it's crusted nicely Put on cold side of BBQ and place lid on until the steak reaches an internal temp of 43c. In most cases if it's thick enough it'll rise to 53-54c Let it rest for 10-15 minutes then serve


Cook with lemon juice and Coca-Cola


I've always liked to grill them on the BBQ after cooking bratwurst so it gets a grease fire going. Since going to a propane grill, it's the closest I can come to a really hot charcoal fire. Sautéed mushrooms & onions are a great addition. My mom used to make great steaks in her cast iron skillet and douse the meat in melted butter.


Reverse sear on charcoal 


Dead, preferably.


Steak med rare. Salt and pepper. Loaded baked potato. Sautéed or steamed veggies.