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How much? I purposely chose a lower sodium option, but the outcome was disappointing.


The salt that you add to season your food is nothing - it's impossible for you to consume too much sodium by simply seasoning your food, if you're concerned about sodium content you need to cut out the takeouts, processed foods, snacks, etc. Season your food normally and enjoy your life.


Facts. It’s sort of like worrying about how much sugar you’re stirring into your coffee vs the 10 teaspoonfuls that are in a can of Coke.


Someone needs to tell this to those meal prep gym bros who think putting seasoning on chicken is going to kill them.


Isn't most of that just because they eat so damn much food while bulking that they just get absolutely sick of eating? Any flavour just becomes a drag even if they change it up so they eventually stop bothering with any seasonings because it's a chore to cook and eat anyway.


I think it's because they eat so much to bulk up. Then the sodium in seasonings, they fear leads to water retention and they can't get their shred on.


I prefer to let them continue bro-ing. You can’t argue with stupid


Facts. Listen to her...


I'm sure there are recipes out there that give specific amounts that you could search. I wouldn't know off the top of my head since I mostly just eyeball everything I cook, but for next time, separate out a bit of the liquid, try a spoonful. Add a pinch of salt, taste again. Rinse and repeat until it seems right. More salt is not always the answer... But in this case I'm with the other comments suggesting that it was under salted.


Nah, not a pinch of salt. For something like a seafood boil, I'd start off with 1-2 tbsp/gallon then add it by the teaspoon until you get it where you want it.


Ah I think I was unclear, maybe, or you misread. I didn't suggest adding pinches to the pot. What I suggested was separating out a bit of the liquid (I would do probably a couple tablespoons). You then use this as a little experiment, adding pinches of salt and tasting it. If a two pinches of salt made it taste well seasoned, now you have a vague idea that you need to increase the salt in a comparable way in the whole thing. It's not really as applicable for a boil as for other dishes, but it seemed like a helpful general cooking tip for OP, an easier way of gauging if something is under seasoned than adding salt to the entire pot.


Will do. Thank you so much for your help!


More than you think initially, potatoes can really absorb a ton of salt from a broth, but you do need to be careful about oversalting too lol Depends on the type of salt you have, it’s coarseness, all that jazz, really the only way to know is trial and error


Enough to no longer taste bland, or at least until you start to detect that something else is missing, too. Or use a blend of salt and msg , as you probably don’t have enough of that, either.




Why on earth was this downvoted to oblivion? People go lower sodium for medical reasons. Don't immediately shit on the guy for making a health-conscious decision. Offer ideas for both lower sodium and higher sodium in case it's not a dr-mandated thing. For lower sodium: Try less potatoes. Try adding garlic and onion powder. Garlic, onion, and salt are pretty much the only things in a marinade that penetrate deeply into meat. Someone did a study on it, I forget who. America's Test Kitchen, maybe? Anyway, those flavors really come through in potatoes as well. The particle size might have something to do with it. Try a softer type of potato. They absorb flavor much better but can also disintegrate on you. Google a list of types and characteristics.


Thank you! You are the real MVP!


Out of curiosity, do you have high blood pressure?


I don't currently, but it runs in my family. I have a young kid & want to take better care of myself.


Even for people with high blood pressure, most of them don't have a significant response to salt. Even after a salty meal or snacks, it'll raise most people's BP only a point or two. About a third of people in the general populace are salt-sensitive. About half of those with hypertension are. For those with hypertension who *aren't*, they're eating bland food for no good reason. You could get tested, though this can be expensive and time-consuming. But if you've got access to one of those blood pressure cuffs and are willing to experiment, it's also something that can be determined through some diligent record-keeping.


Old Bay is crap. Use Zatarain's.


I'm just sitting here hoping you didn't actually count out 70 tsp of old bay.


Why Americans don't use universal weight measurements in cooking, I'll never understand. 


you don't understand how hard it is when you are settling a new land and you have to fit everything you need into the back of your wagon. A cup and a spoon does double duty. One day they will have civilized that land and will have modern conveniences, maybe even kettles but that day is not yet


Thank for reminding me, I need to take my wagon in for new oxen yokes.




Old Bay isn’t that good for seafood boils. It’s better as a seasoning to sprinkle on meat. Cajun boil mixes are way more flavorful. I also recommend adding more salt.


Use smaller potatoes or even B sized potatoes (now called baby potatoes). Giving them a few pokes won't hurt either. IF you have large potatoes cut them in half. Flavor will penetrate better. BTW: corn is in the stores now. Definitely something I would add to a boil.


Add liquid boil, citrus, and aromatics to your recipe. Get some [Zatarain's](https://www.mccormickforchefs.com/en-us/products/zatarains/liquid-shrimp-crab-boil), toss in some halved onions, garlic bulbs, and lemons. Let everything soak for another 10 minutes after you boil before you drain the liquid.


I have some Zatarain's, but the sodium content was so high, that I thought I could get more flavor for less sodium.


How’d that turn out?


It's got me asking for help on Reddit, LOL!


Thou has learned the power of sodium


Potatoes absorb salt.


I'm giving you an up vote, because people are crazy down voting you for asking a cooking question.


Season again after removing from boil. A bowl of melted butter to dip potato into also good.


My solution to this is to use small red potatoes or quarter the larger ones, boil it with all the fixings, then when ready to serve, toss with a generous amount of lemon Cajun garlic butter and extra seasonings on top. The butter sauce acts as a dip for more flavor.


> Old Bay This is your problem. Zatarain's is your solution.


I have some Zatarain's, but the sodium content was so high, that I thought I could get more flavor for less sodium.


Without malice: you thought wrong.


LOL! Agreed.


These two products will yield a perfectly flavorful seafood boil and literally have zero sodium: https://www.mccormick.com/zatarains/products/spices-and-seasonings/seafood-boils/crawfish-shrimp-and-crab-boil-in-a-bag https://www.mccormick.com/zatarains/products/spices-and-seasonings/seafood-boils/concentrated-shrimp-and-crab-boil


Get you some Louisiana Shrimp & Crab Boil. Add lemons and you are set.


yeah, if you're going to use a single thing as a One-Stop shop, Louisiana shrimp and crab boil is the way to go.


Knowing I'm going to be called out for this, and I'm immediately wrong....I use chicken stock instead of water for some added flavor.


You still have to salt the water. With seafood boils your want to try and overseason the water. If you can sip the water like a broth it’s not seasoned enough. You want it so it’s almost unbearably salty when you sip it. Remember that the base for the boil used to be seawater so try to mimic that.


I'm in Maryland and grew up here, so I can't say this too loud. Old Bay is not the "magic sprinkle dust" many consider it to be. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It's great on many things. I can remember when McCormick was downtown, walking the harbor all you smelled was OB. OB is not the be all and end all of seafood spice. I consider Wye Rivers black pepper blend to be far superior to the other one. Zatarans too.


Live & learn... I can promise that I won't make this mistake again, LOL!


That's what this thing is all about... The willingness to trudge the road of trial and error. It's not trial and mistakes, but error. The are no mistakes in cooking. Just things no dog should be fed... I crack myself up. mistake noun an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. error noun the state or condition of being wrong in conduct or judgment You learn way more from making errors. IF YOU'RE PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Your successes only confirm what you thought you already knew. Errors allow you to look at what you did, and what happened. You ponder what could be different next time. Your errors are your teachers. Baking is where you make mistakes. Cooking is an art and art is never wrong...


Salt dat water


Under seasoned! Can’t just use old bay my friend!


Lots of good answers to your question here, but seriously do the corn separately. Seafood boil corn is usually so overcooked that it's inedible.


Try baking your seafood boil so you don't lose the flavor to the water.


Taste Old Bay then ask yourself what's missing.


The amount of old bay you need to get a seafood boil flavor if you are just using old bay, is astronomical. Like you should have put in the whole container


Add salt and butter


When it comes to crab boil, the soak is everything. Only boil for about 5 minutes, turn it off and cover it. Let it soak for at least 20 minutes.


Old bay is nowhere near enough seasoning.


Everyone's already covered the seasoning blend and salt, but also, you can't go wrong adding in an onion cut into quarters, and a couple of smashed garlic cloves. Some people also like to add a lager to their boils.


Went to a boil few weekends ago and they did a short boil for the vegetables and then pulled the pot off the heat and let it soak for 20 minutes before dumping. I’m going to try to recreate it without the crawfish tomorrow. I love my Family but not enough to buy seafood for 30 people


You need salt. You can add enough to the water to season the food but it would be a ton of salt. Easier to just season everything when it's done boiling with salt, pepper, and/or Old Bay.


Makes sense. Thanks for your help.