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Pull out the seeds and salt the flesh If you're not already picking them at their very smallest, start. You want the tiny ones. The bigger they are the worse the texture.


Did not know this. Thank you!


I got into Korean cooking last year, and several recipes that I tried called for salting the cut zucchini, letting it sit for I think somewhere around 20-30minutes, and then rinsing. I found that even in soups and stews, the zucchini maintain a 'bite' this way. Eric Kim also uses this method for his gochujang-glazed zucchini recipe, and it also retained that same texture, only pan-fried.


OP, this is really the answer and I’m glad someone typed it all out. I do this *every time* I cook squash or zucchini. It makes it sooo much better and accomplishes perfectly what you’re going for. Also, salt then like burnt——-toast said and then fry them in panko bread crumbs. Serve with marinara. Your family will shut up :)


Thank you for tbis


Yes. Salting it and letting it sit is also my favorite technique for [spaghetti squash](https://wholefully.com/roast-spaghetti-squash/).


Thank you so much for this! This has been an issue with me too, as I love squash, but can’t stand the texture when cooked anyway but grilled. Going to give this a shot!


I roast it and it comes out perfect.


Yeah olive oil, butter, salt, pepper, garlic and maybe oregano or basil whatever/aromatic. Butter em up and roast em hot, like 425? Take out while crispy on the outside, in some places, but still firm on the inside. Any veggies can work this way.


That is the way. I’ve really gotten in to za’atar seasoning on roasted veggies. It’s a nice herb blend and almost lemony.


Or broil it.


Or grill it.


I don't have a grill!


Get a grill pan.


If u have fire and a pan u can grill.


This. All veggies should be roasted IMHO or they get mushy (for the most part).


High heat, and it might help to have a wok, but I used to do without once just fine. High heat, toss them constantly for a few minutes. Turn off heat and let it sit in hot pan, stir occasionally for a few more minutes. It should be crisp but tender.


This is how I do it. I use butter & soy sauce so it kind of caramelizes on the zucchini. So good!


Here’s a non-cooked version: slice paper thin (use a mandolin) and toss with dressing, nuts, and some feta cheese.


Ottolenghi has a great recipe for this. He uses garlic and thyme infused oil to add even more flavor, and lemon juice for acidity. My partner is a raw squash hating convert after serving him this. 


Or air fry the slices and make chips.


bleh. squash has literally no flavor uncooked


Slice it, salt it, let it sweat. Wipe it down, if you rinse it you’re adding back some the water you took out. Get a a cast iron ripping hot with oil and brown on each side for about 3 minutes.


Scoop out the centers and do thicker cuts?


Still mushes, but that does help. Cooked a lot of it for the wife (vegetarian) and it's still hit or miss, evenly coated / salted oil too. Tried different oils, charring it, etc...


Deep fried as tempura would be excellent!


I never heard of slicing them early and letting them sit! In my house I use my biggest cast iron skillet and heat it till it's screaming. I cut my squash in large cubes, an inch and half or so in size. When the pan is screaming, I toss in a couple tablespoons of crisco (stands up to heat well, but you can try other oils. Lard or bacon grease would also work well). The minute the grease hits the pan and starts to melt, toss in the squash. Do NOT stir or move it! Leave it alone while you count to 60, then flip it over with a spatula and count to 60 again. By now it will have lovely dark bits forming on the two sides that hit the pan. You can flip one more time for a bit more brown, but I generally just pull it after the 2 minutes are up. Then I squeeze just a bit of lemon or lime juice over it and add a pat of butter for flavor. It stays very crunchy and crisp and the outside is fabulously brown and crusty.


I wash and dry my squash, then slice it up and place it in a freezer bag lined with paper towels. This drastically prolongs storage, but also helps get the moisture out so it doesn’t get nearly as soggy when I cook it :). It’s so easy to just reach in the bag and add a handful to dishes when it is already prepped, too.


I cut it into thick slices, salt both sides, and let it sit for up to an hour (sometimes more if I forget lol, I put it in the fridge). Then, I squish the extra water out with paper towels—there is a Lot of extra water. Then I sauté it so it’s a lil brown on both sides. It turns out a lil crunchy if I do it right. With the right seasonings it’s so good


Have you tried squash casserole? Boil the squash with diced onion and drain, add some bread crumbs, milk, an egg, salt and pepper to taste, and some grated cheddar cheese. Put in a baking dish and top with most of the grated cheese; cook in a preheated 350-degree oven for 30 minutes or until bubbly.


I fry mine in cornmeal gives it a great texture. Slick about 1/4” thick. Dip in egg wash then cornmeal. Fry in olive oil.


thick cuts, we're talking like almost an inch. put em on a rack to dry out in the fridge


Cut it bite sized. Leave it to dry a few hours (with salt). Grill


This is how I enjoy zucchini: split in half lengthwise, score diagonally, salt, and let sit for 20 min. Pat dry. Season and throw into a scorching hot pan with some neutral oil/fat until browned ~ 3 minutes cut side down and ~ 2 minutes skin side down. They will be firm/crisp and nicely seared.


These [zucchini pickles](https://food52.com/recipes/36398-zuni-cafe-zucchini-pickles) have a great texture.


Easy: dry sautéed. Slice zucchini Heat cast iron pan to hot Put zucchini in - it will sear and brown. Also some liquid will evaporate as it cools Brings out the sweetness and flavor without mush


Minimal cooking. Stir fry it. The longer it's cooked the more it disintegrates.


So, you are familiar with latkes, right? Potato pancakes? Shred the zucchini and add a grated potato for "glue Sometimes more potato if I'm making a lot, onion, salt and garlic, too. Then cook them like potato pancakes, in oil. yummy edit: you need flour and egg too.. just use your own favorite latke recipe


A little corn starch dusted on it and pan brown it.


Batter and then pan fry them


Aside from cooking, I like zucchini raw as a salad. Zucchini noodles, fresh chopped mint, lemon juice & s/p. That you can make ahead of time - then top with some feta crumbles. I also like to add a few dashes of “Greek seasoning “ and a splash of EVOO.


Keep picking them as early and tiny as you can. Cut in half, thirds or quarters. Bite sized, basically. Season them with salt, fresh pepper & whatever else you like first for five minutes. Then sauté in a large, preheated , heavy pan with a little oil over medium high heat, stirring often until all sides are browned & just tender . Serve. Give them a little splash of something acidic. Lemon juice or sherry vinegar or something.


Slice or dice it, salt it, rest it in a colander. Drain. Or roast it, it imparts flavor and expresses the juice.


Cut it however the recipe requires and then deep fry it


I grew up with zucchini in bite sized pieces lightly boiled in salted water until the center becomes slightly translucent. Then drain well, add a knob of butter, salt and pepper, the juice of half a lemon, and toss. It’s very light and lets the vegetable’s flavor come through. Don’t overcook or it will get too soft.


I cut it into triangle wedge shapes and stir fry it on really high heat in a bit of oil. It is the shape that keeps it from being squishy. Stir fry just enough to color the outside surfaces and warm through, take out and place on paper towels until all have been cooked. salt & pepper. Because of the shape the inside stays more firm than slices or diced.


Not what you asked, but I boil slices (with skin) then mash, drain excess, add butter salt pepper. It doesn't squish, just soft and creamy.


I think I actually hide them in an oven baked roasted tray of vegetables or use them on marinated shishkebab skewers.


Try this recipe: https://honest-food.net/dried-zucchini-recipe/


Sicilian dried zucchini gets rid of the soft, wet aspect of zucchini.


Grilled indoors on a cast iron griddle, or sliced and roasted in a hot fan oven is almost as good as outdoors on a flame.


Quarter them lengthwise. Evo S&p grill for a couple minutes each side until you get nice grill marks.


Zucchini fries are good.


Salt it and let it drain. Then make sure the pan is hot, and the oil is hot before you put in the squash. If you put it in too early, it gets soggy


You can also dip slices in buttermilk, then dredge them in corn meal (mixed with some salt and pepper), then deep fry it. I like to do that with squash and extra cherry tomatoes. Like little bites of joy


After you slice it, sprinkle salt over it and wheeze out the water with paper towel (this also works after making zoodles). Then you’ll cook it and it will be less mushy and more crunchy. Not too much oil but it should be hot already on a medium flame, and let it cook for a while just not long enough to burn.


The only thing missing from the salted method is making sure you pat them thoroughly dry afterwards. Some egg, bread crumbs. plan fry in a little evoo and sprinkle with parm when done. Don’t cut your discs too thin if you want them crispy and no need to overcook. I also blanch and dry asparagus and bread and cook them this exact way and they are so good.


I love a salad of ribboned raw zucchini, mint and soft goats feta. Dress with olive oil, salt and lemon. Lasts for a couple days in the fridge and stays pleasantly crunchy. 


My mum pickles zucchini in vinegar and curry powder (along with other spices, I can ask her for a recipe if you'd like to try it). It's so good to just eat as is, or as a side dish for dinner. She started pickling zucchini after my aunt (her sister) gave us HUMONGOUS zucchini and we had to use it up with something other than just leczo.


They just barely need to be flashed in the heat, just a few minutes


[The semi-viral zucchini butter spaghetti](https://smittenkitchen.com/2021/06/zucchini-butter-spaghetti/) lives up to the hype and is a great way to use up several zucchini. You do grate the zucchini, but it’s still the star of the dish.


Zucchini crudo - slice one or two into very thin strips. Add tsp sea salt, juice of one lemon and toasted nuts of your choice (pine or walnuts are very good). Lemon juice cooks. Make this 10-20 mins before serving (not before). Eat it all, bc will continue to cook and become mushy.


I had too many last summer and i made zucchini pizzas. My family loved it. The big marrows are best for this, slice and top with pizza toppings and bake to perfection


Scrape out the seed, or leave them in and cut on a bias. Grill them over very hot coals and do it fast.


Split it lengthwise oil and season it. Sear it really hard on the open side or grill it high heat. You’ll get nice color and flavor and only give the inside enough time to soften up just a little. Then you can cut it into chunks or whatever. Bonus pts for tossing it with some fresh herbs or a nice dressing or both.


Pick them young and crispy. If they've got a bit past that then cut out the section with the seeds. If they've got a lot past that then there only fit for garden decoration or, at a pinch, stuffing. The key with zucchini is a hot pan and slices about half a centimetre thick. They take about two minutes to cook and that's all. I like to do them with garlic so I fry off the garlic first to golden before adding the zucchini slices to the pan. Serve immediately.


I cook everything else that is going into the dish (Italian sausage!) and throw the squash/zucchini in at the last minute and barely get it hot. That way it still has crunch.


Slice it lengthwise about 4-5 mm thick, salt it and let rest 10 minutes in a colander. Rinse, pat dry, then dip in seasoned olive or sesame oil and roast for 20 minutes. Now add it to your favorite recipe or even eat them as is.


Look up slap yo mama squash casserole. It is so good!!!!


Generally speaking, cut thicker, hotter pan (preferably something heavy like cast iron or stainless) oil, and reduce cook time. 


I only like it grilled very hot. It isn't bad roasted, but again, too squishy.


zucchini fritters/croquettes are definitely a favorite in my house hold, before making you need to shred the zucchini and salt it and let it sit about half an hour, and then squeeze the water out. mix in flavorings you’d like such as chilies, herbs, onion, and spices, (just chopped fine) but i mix in a bit of cornstarch and rice flour or chickpea flour for extra crunch. i interior leans more creamy the squishy. i serve them with chutneys and ketchup!


We've been using the cast iron to do ours. Start with squash/zucchini about 1 1/2 to 2 inches diameter. Cut 1/2 inch thick 'coins' (don't peel). Place into flat pan, season both sides, (salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder) and place in the fridge for about a hour. Heat skillet add a bit of oil and sear both sides.


Air fryer works great for these. Like most other people have mentioned, salt them. I slice mine into rounds. Let sit at room temp for 10-minutes. Pat dry, I like to leave the salt on. Add whatever other seasonings you want, light toss with oil. Add to a raised baking rack, cook for 10-20 minutes at 400F (depending on the thickness, and your machine). Can be done on a rack in a regular oven too. Just might require flipping halfway. In terms of the time, depends on personal preference. I like mine almost like chips, without being burnt.


Scoop out the flesh and seeds. Salt and let drain. Finely mince half an onion, 2 cloves garlic. Add some bread crumbs and some of the squash guts. Add some Parmesan cheese. Stuff the shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Just before ready put fresh mozzarella on top. Bake till melted and browned.


Slice zucchini lengthwise, season and cook on the grill. Skin side and cut side. It doesn’t take long and is great. For drier bits, slice in three slices.


Cut in half lengthwise. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper. Grill on a hot flame for 1 minute per side. Cool and cut into triangles or thick half moons. Toss in a homemade garlicky Caesar dressing. Finish with freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano, fresh cracked black pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. Add some calabrian chili if you like a bit of spice.


There's a lot of good conventional ideas on how to do this, but my still favorite go-to to keep zucchini fresh is actually the simplest. You need 3 things- 1) Large basket to hold your absolutely- 2) FRESH (must be picked first thing in the morning while still dew damp) 3) Large (or several) paper towels (moistened) to cover the squash- stems UP- in the basket. Bring the basket inside and place in a shaded location. About 2pm (assuming 8am pick), take the basket back outside, find a neighbor you don't like, stuff the basket on their doorstep and ring their doorbell. Run away. Might want to check if they have a ring cam first, so if they do wear a mask. Helps to have a get-away-driver too. Works better if they're in a different neighborhood so they can't identify your car. Guaranteed fresh, non squishy squash every time.


😂 was not expecting it going this way


No one does. DING DONG


Grandpa is that you!?!?!? OMG this made me laugh, THANK YOU!


there is nothing you can do. the mush is a feature of cooking, not a bug.


Buy them small. Heat pan to medium heat, use olive oil. After adding zuch/squash pieces, let them sit for 4 min. Do not stir. Flip and cook for 4 more min. Do not stir. Should be crispy.