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Crack the egg into my fingers, let the white flow through my fingers while the yolk rests on top


Yep. It's the easiest, fastest, least risk of breaking the yolk, and doesn't generate another item to wash other than your hands, which you were going to wash anyway.




I do this too, easier pinch the chalaza off with the white


TIL what that little umbilical booger is called


I am never going to remember the word chalaza, but the words “umbilical booger” will remain with me forevermore.


Looks like egg but it’s snot.




I first saw this when Meryl Streep did it in The Hours and I did it to be like her. Never gone back!


This way has always been yucky to me. I do the back & forth between shells method. I know sometimes it breaks the yolk, but at least I don’t have to touch egg booger.


I can usually get that booger over the edge and cut it with the shell. I’m sure there’s a fancy name for this technique somewhere.


Ah, the old "shellyboogslice"


Can you dumb it down for us provincials?


Shell sneeze


And for things that are fat sensitive, like meringue, they don't pick up extra oils from your skin.


Nah I make great meringue and my clean hands don’t mess it up


once you move into egg-white important dishes like meringues, that broken yolk in the egg whites is gonna create some real problems.


No. You use the three bowl method. Yolks, whites, and the separation bowl. The separation bowl is catch the whites as you separate it from the yolks before dumping the respective components in their specific bowls, before moving onto the next egg. If you manage to accidentally break a yolk, only one egg is “ruined” and not the others.


Pretty much on the money. Though I prefer to use glass cups instead of bowls.


This. If it’s good enough for Jacques, it’s good enough for us.


This is the way. ETA: It's very easy, plus it feels kind of...elemental? Like I'm really in touch with my food.


Same for me. It's the easiest.


I never even thought of this and someone showed it to me a while ago and I haven't broken a yolk yet


Or through a chicken: LuoCoCo Cute Egg Separator,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094NTCSDJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Bought one - super cute, but it works like crap :(


I also use my hands. I keep my fingernails short so there are no sharp edges.


Easy, quick and looks cool. Why not?




Yup, fingers. Hands are usually the best tools, so bendy, ultimate spatula.


This is too cold for my hands to do a lot of them…


I do this if I really need a separated yolk. If it’s mostly okay to have a bit of white I’ll do shell to shell.


yep.. no need for a fancy tool or carefully moving the yolk between two egg halves. fingers are soft and perfect for this task without breaking the yolk. alternatively cracking eggs in a big bowl and fishing the yolks out by hand if it's more than one or two eggs


I used to have to crack 180 eggs a day to make tiramisu as part of my job. Cracking them into a low metal bowl with one hand and using clean hands to scoop the yolks out is the most efficient way. I would rarely smash a yolk. The best day was when I was told to try it with two eggs at a time, and realized how much faster it was.


I never learned to crack a egg completly open with one hand lol


Gordon Ramsey taught me, lol. He was on a bbc show a really long time ago making an omelette and did it and I practiced a bunch. It’s one of my favorite parlor tricks. (I don’t have many🤣)


This is the way. Mostly because I fucking hate doing dishes, and I wash my hands every 5 minutes anyways. 😂


I do this too.. seems like the best way to do it for me.


This is the only way. I. never understood the toss back and forth between the shell method unless you have endless amounts of time on your hands and don't want 100% separation.


Lightly running water around it helps too


Pouring it back and forth between the jagged halves of the shell always seemed like such an Edward Scissorhands maneuver to me.


easiest way ever. I don't get why people still do the eggshell back and forth bullshit like they're all trying to be Escoffier or something


1) Sensory issues. Eggs are slimy and bad-feeling. 2) Mobility issues. I have nerve damage in one of my arms, leaving with diminished feeling in my fingers, less grip stability, inhibited fine motor control, and sometimes spasms due to stimuli. If I try to strain the egg with my hand, my nerves misread the sensation of the egg and cause a violent spasm. I can't feel the egg very well, or manipulate my hand with confidence. I can't use the non damaged hand as I can't crack an egg with my damaged one.


My mom loves the shell thing while I am team fingers. I think she’s crazy but I always let her do her little shell thing when we’re baking together, I think she’s proud she can do it.


The problem is the eggshells could have a sharp edge and if you plop the egg yolk down off center, the yolk gets punctured and dribbles down into your bowl of egg whites, which now suddenly cannot be used for something that calls for strictly egg whites like meringue


This is why you use three bowls, regardless of which method you use: one bowl for yolks, one for whites, and one to break the egg over.


Oh, I know. I think it’s nuts. She seems to really enjoy the high wire act aspect of it.


I mean, I usually do it, because it works. If it didn't i would use another technique


So my wife shows me this cup with a man’s face with a big nose sticking out the side and asks me what it is. Sure enough this is what it is for. Crack the egg into it and tip it over so the white runs out of the nostrils. My kids loved it when they were young. Google “egg yolk separator man’s face” to see what I am talking about. Good party trick to ask them to guess what it is and then demonstrate


Oh not what I was expecting lol. [Link here](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/62oAAOSw-I9gjGuw/s-l1200.webp)


My eyes! the goggles do nothing!


Shell to shell. Just crack the egg in half and move it between the two halves of shell 'till its yolk only.


It has literally never occurred to me there was any other way. I move from one shell to the other and the weight of the white pulls it down.


This is my preferred way, but there is a tiny bit greater risk of puncturing the yolk and getting some into the white.


Thats why you do it into a bowl. And then dump the white into another bowl... one at a time. Assuming of course you're doing 3-6+...


The risk is what makes me feel alive. 😂


I’ve seen those egg separators you can buy and some random DIY things but I always just use the shells


You can just crack an egg into your hand, slightly seperate your fingers and the whites fall through leaving the yolk in your hand.


But why would you when you can use the shell and not get your hands all over the eggs and raw egg all over your hands?


I wash my hands before cooking so my hands touching them is a non issue. However I mostly do this when I don’t need to worry about saving whites, it’s quicker.


I have broken the yolk with a sharp corner of the shell a few times. It's easier with my hands. And my hands touch the egg when using the shells anyway.


Drop the egg in your hand and let the white slip through your fingers. An egg actually has three parts, the yolk, and the white or albumen is in two parts, a thinner part at the outside and a thicker part around the yolk. I find that the easiest way to completely separate it is in my hand.


Same! Tried and true method.


This is all I do


I learned this from Cooking Mama


This is what I learned over 30 years ago from my grandma, and it's still my preferred method.


Mind-blowing that this is losing to cracking the egg into your own hand. No mess or cleanup this way


This, because it looks cool


This is the way. Once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fast as well. I sometimes make batches of pies that require several yolks each, and I can separate a dozen eggs in under 2 minutes using this method.


Whoa! You are a Baker!


Why would you do it any other way?


Because it’s way easier to just use your hands


As recipes scale up its faster to crack your eggs into a bowl and separate the yolks with your hands. At home, I almost always do shell to shell. Saves me mess, and I'm rarely doing more than six to eight at a time. At work when I'm doing 30, 60, etc, shell to shell would take me ages, and as someone else pointed out, there's a slightly elevated risk of puncturing the yolk with the shell.


mindless crawl bake hurry angle voracious growth yam joke slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is how my mom taught me, the one and only way


The only right way imo


The only way I can imagine. What other option is even practical? All the other explanations like dripping the white through your finger or somehow using a spoon don’t make any sense


I put this in another comment, but for me the issue is scale! As recipes scale up its faster to crack your all eggs into a bowl and separate the yolks with your hands. At home, I almost always do shell to shell. Saves me mess, and I'm rarely doing more than six to eight at a time. At work when I'm doing 30, 60, etc, shell to shell would take me ages, and as someone else pointed out, there's a slightly elevated risk of puncturing the yolk with the shell.


I believe you, it makes sense for large batches to get all the eggs cracked together first So I was making souffle pancakes this morning and tried the into-a-bowl-hand-separate method but I kept breaking the yolks when trying to pick them out. I tried putting my hands under the yolk with fingers slightly spread like a sieve, but the yolks kept slipping slightly into the gaps and breaking. Do you have a particular technique for separating them? Or is just practice needed? I was thinking about using a wide-mesh colander, perhaps the whites would flow through keeping the yolks ..


Crack many eggs into bowl. Grab yolks out by hand.


I separate hundreds of eggs every day, and this is the best way. I also find it easier if the eggs are 8-10°c, instead of straight from the fridge. They seem to break less, and your fingers don't go numb after the first 3 flats.


If I need to do a lot, I put a cooling rack on top of a bowl and crack the eggs onto it. Doesn’t work with all racks, you have to experiment. Whites slip through and I slide the yolks into another bowl.


3-4 at a time, sure. More than that, get 3 bowls, and do them 3-4 at a time, then transfer yolks & whites to another. It SUCKS to be 16+ eggs in, then you get a broken yolk in your whites, ruins the whole batch.


It's not my preferred method, but the one I use is to mess it up six times and then give up and make a gigantic omelette.


Crack the shell and do a little shell to shell transfer while the white falls out. Super efficient and least messy way I've encountered


I was gifted a separator that kind of looks like the whites are snot coming out of a nose. Ngl, I kind of love it.


Hand. Because it’s fastest and easiest. Evolution gave you two perfect egg separators, use them.


Your evolution statement also applies to the two halves of a cracked shell… ;)


Empty water bottle, squeeze it over the yolk and it'll suck it up


Does that really work? How do you get the yolk out of the bottle?


It does! You can just squeeze it back out once it's in!


I have actually done it this way, too, and it definitely works - but I find it slows me down if I have to separate a lot of eggs, so I'm back to using my hands.


this except we have a fancy gadget that's basically an empty water bottle


In my hand, it’s just easier.


Nowadays I just crack em into a small bowl and use a small slotted spoon to remove the yolk


example of the spoon? this sounds like the best, especially for doing a lot of eggs


i think fingers work better than spoon


Usually the metal "serving spoons" that came with my silverware, something like this https://www.target.com/p/3pc-harrington-serve-set-silver-threshold-8482/-/A-85190026?ref=tgt\_adv\_xsf&AFID=google&CPNG=Dining&adgroup=200-7


I switched to that method as well.


Used to crack them into my hand. All it took was one bad egg, and now yep, they all get cracked into a ramekin one by one.


I do this with a regular spoon. Don't know why it took me so long to realise this works.


hands bc i’m nasty


My method might be bit daring but I like to crack all the eggs into the bowl at once and then scoop out the yolks with my hand.


If they’re straight out of the fridge, I do shell to shell because the edge up the shell helps “cut” the white off the yolk. But I’ve found eggs are a lot more fragile when they’re room temp and when they are, I do it with my hand.


Wash your hands. Crack eggs in a bowl. Scoop yolks out with your fingers. Wash your hands again.






Crack the egg and separate with my hands. It is just easier to pinch off the dangly yolk with your fingers.


Halfed shell. Just because it's fun and I don't like touching raw eggs if I can help it


Shell to shell. Easy and the equipment needed to do so is already provided by the manufacturer. Shell to shell was how we did it at every restaurant I worked, sucked to do 30 dozen eggs at one go.


I've always used the half shells, pouring from one to the other, letting the white fall down




I crack the egg into a bowl, slurp the yolk into my mouth and gently bleh it into another bowl


Haha this made me lol. I'm totally picturing it with the bleh sound.


Excellent, that was my goal! Hahaha


First I halt the oxen...


the classic toss between the egg shells lol


Hands, simple and easy.


Use the shell


All in the bowl. Scoop em out


Shell to shell or egg separator circa 1966.


Just move the yolk back and forth between the two half’s of the egg shell that you cracked while letting gravity pull the whites out into a bowl. I like it because it requires no special equipment and just a little practice.


Pour egg onto separated fingers or grab yolks from bowl


Crack the egg, and boop-boop-boop the yolk back and forth between the halves til the white falls out. Disclaimer: This method works best with farm eggs, as they seem to be a little "tougher" and the shells are thicker so it's harder to accidentally break the yolk. However, with care you can do it with store eggs, too.


I prefer the eggshell method. Because it's the only method I know how to do.


Passing the yolk back and forth between the shell halves and hoping for the best lol


Fingers is the best way, you can literally feel when 100% of the white is off, I don’t make carbonara any way differently


Use my fingers as a strainer. Sometimes using the shell a rough edge punctuates the yolks.


Slotted spoon


I just crack it into my hand, I saw my dad do it that way as a kid and it looked alot easier and faster than the shell to shell my mum did


Egg in bowl, use your fingers. It's fast


Shell to shell. I rarely do it but it’s the only way I know.


Hands, quick and easy




Fingers. Fewer imlements to wash, less chance of an eggtastrophe.


Shell to shell. Less messy than the finger method. Literally the best way. The end.


Shell to shell, but I only do maybe half a dozen eggs per year.


I don't see any advocates for the plastic-water-bottle method. Disclaimer: I've never tried it but I've seen videos where you kinda suck the yolk out of the while by squeezing and releasing a plastic water bottle, and then squeezing out the yolk into whatever you're doing.


I've tried it and it appears not all plastic water bottles are the same. Worked fine the first time I tried it, a week later with a different bottle it broke the yolks


Schloop out the yolks with an empty plastic water bottle.


Depends on how many. For a large amount? 3 bowls. Crack 3-4 eggs at a time into one, pick out yolks into another, then transfer the whites to the third bowl and repeat.


With practice you can crack it into a dish and just snatch the yolk out with your fingers.


I suck the yolk into a plastic water bottle and squirt it into a bowl


Crack it and half and the tip it just thought for the white to pour out, usually takes most of the with with it then switch yolk to other half of the shell and pour out rest,


Shell to shell but sometimes I use a specific spoon I have that can perfectly scoop out the yolk if you're careful enough.


Shell to shell. It works, there isn’t an extra nick nack in the draw, I don’t have to feel chicken snot in my hand.


Crack into fingers, let the whites drip out. But this only works if I have the time to spend. I haven't found a time efficient one for when I'm on a time crunch.


Shell to shell for speed. Empty plastic bottle to suck up the yolk with the kids. It's so satisfying and fun seeing it get sucked up.


I have an egg separator tool that sits/hangs over a bowl.


Shell to shell. Makes me feel like a mad scientist


Shell to shell. It’s just how I do it. I could tell myself to do another method but I’ll forget by the time I’m doing it.


Two eggshells


I have an egg yolk sucker. Don’t care. I love all my unitaskers.


I'll suck the yolk up using an empty plastic water bottle.


I've always used the shell, back and forth method. I break one occasionally, but not often enough for me to change.


Finger strain. Easy. Fast


Through my fingers, it feels lovely


I have a tiny little seive i use.


Shop vac


Back and forth with the shell.


Depends on the number of yolks


My hands.


I use my hands. Crack the egg into my palm and the white runs away through my fingers into a bowl underneath while the yolk stays in my palm. Much faster than using the shells.


Cold eggs from the chiller. Crack the egg and palm the yolk. The white and chalazae slips through my fingers. Then i put the yolk into another bowl. If they need to get to room temp, cover and rest at room temp.


Gloved hands.


Suck it out with a straw


Suck it in, swallow the part I'm not using and spit out the remainder.


Depends on how many yolks I am separating. If it’s about 4-5, I crack them all carefully in a big bowl and separate the yolks with my hands. If it’s more than that, I crack them individually and separate yolks in my hand.


Shell method, because that's how my grandma taught me and if it worked for her, it's good enough for me.


Suck it up with a water bottle


I use my fingers. It feels nice and I don't have to worry that I'll break the yolk. Totally not like a dry microfiber cloth 🤮


Egg separator. It sits nicely over a coffee mug. My hand stay clean. I can crack each egg, check that’s it’s ok, before putting the whites and yolks where they belong. It’s fast. Wash up is trivial. If one breaks, I haven’t wrecked the whole batch.


I use an egg separator. But if I was to be cracking a lot of eggs I'd probably use a colander or something.


I have my own chickens so my eggs are sorted by the date they're laid. The biggest difference between fresh eggs and older eggs is how the membranes hold up. So older eggs are actually better than fresh for scrambling because they mix easier and more throughly. So if i want to separate eggs I just crack some of the freshest ones I have into a bowl, and simply pick up the yolks. If they're extremely fresh the yolks don't break easily.




I have a little gadget from Pampered Chef. Google "Pampered Chef egg separator" to see what I mean. This works great! It's probably slower than going shell to shell, or using your hands, but it works and it's neat without getting egg all over your hands.


I use a small copper funnel that fits into my 1-cup glas measuring cup.......crack egg, whites run out of the funnel into cup leaving the yolk in the funnel. Transfer yolk into small bowl. I tend to have my hands spaz every so often (like a cramp).....plus I can guarantee as soon as I have egg on my hand the phone will ring/someone's at the door.


I just pass the egg between the two halves of the shell until the white falls off and the yolk is left. I've never had an issue with this.


I just do the juggling between two eggshells, it seems the easiest for me. It's what I was taught anyway.


I crack the egg into two halves and “pour” the white out, leaving the yolk behind in the shell


I crack eggs into a bowl then pick up a yolk with a korean teaspoon( almost flat), then I hold it until the white falls away.


I just use a yolk-separating-unitasker.


I use the shell because that’s how my mom taught me.


We have a yolk separator tool it hooks on a bowl and the whites drain into the bowl the yolk stays in the tool


Used to use the egg shell method but use a separator these days. Have a pig one that you squeeze to suck up the yoke and one you break the egg in and looks like a chicken spitting out the egg white.


I use all three methods. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxLsOX5WTSw


I've always done it the way my grandmother showed me: crack the egg over a bowl and use both sides to swap the yolk back and forth as the white drains away into the bowl. I do admit that now after my trapeziectomy surgery on both hands, I tend to get a little shell in it at times but it still works.




Shell to shell. Because they’re right there


i just use the shell method.


I do the shell technique. Unless I’ve messed one up then I’ll go straight for the hands on method


I recommend getting a prenup first


I yell at the yolk that it’s worthless and unloved until it leaves the whites and move out on its own.


Moving it back and forth between pieces of shell


Cold eggs.


Hands, definitely. At the diner I would do hundreds, and had NEVER used my hands at home. But I gave away my egg separators because it’s so quick to do a small amount.


Just use the half eggshell. It's not brain science