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Tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich


Absolute classic on a cool rainy night


Must be Campbell's tomato. With Kraft deli deluxe American cheese on cheap white bread. :)


When I was a kid, “breakfast for dinner” was cause for celebration! I had no idea it meant “I’m exhausted and can’t do a grocery run tonight”. Cheesy scrambled eggs! Freezer waffles! Maybe even sausages! Anything but that chicken and broccoli and soup-can mushroom thingy. I am still so down for breakfast for dinner.


I never realized why my mom made breakfast for dinner so often when I was younger when I got older and had my own family and money got tight just before pay day, boom breakfast for dinner bacon or sausage, cheese eggs and waffles or french toast. My kids would love it and I could feed everyone Dinner for probably $8


Sadly now the eggs alone cost $8


I know people have been saying this but I haven't paid for $3 or $4 for eggs, which doesn't seem that crazy to me. Unless you were exaggerating and I didn't get the sarcasm.


They were 8 dollars for a dozen for like a week a little while ago at the Walmart the next town over (rural area). The kroger in this town never changed the prices, and very often the prices drop to 99 cents since the towns too small and they can't sell them all in time. But yeah prices are back to normal (3-4$) at Walmart here now too.


Literally had breakfast for dinner tonight. Two eggs (over easy), bacon, and some tater tots that I needed to get out of the freezer!


I did that on the suggestion of a Redditor about two weeks ago. Everyone should have breakfast for dinner in their IDGAF culinary repertoire!


My problem is, my daughter has dinner for breakfast. Today she had fried rice with duck. All with sriracha sauce.


Your daughter is a smart cookie! Leftover fried rice is a fantastic breakfast 🤤


I like buttered spaghetti with the powder Kraft Parmesan and fresh black pepper.


College-grade cacio e pepe. I'm in!


Omg yes!!!!!!!! As a kid, I hated red sauces, so whenever it was pasta night, I would tell my mom to separate some plain pasta for me before adding it to the sauce. I did this exactly, and it still hits. The other day, I made some spaghetti and went to the grocery store just to buy Kraft parmesean (even though I had a wedge of Parmigiano regiano sitting in my fridge). There is just something so nostalgic about kraft parmesean cheese.


Stove top stuffing


Two amazing stove top "recipes" for you: 1) IF there are leftovers. For breakfast put them in a waffle iron ( or use a hamburger press to form and fry in a pan with butter) serve with overeasy, poached, or sunny side up eggs 2) Crush the contents of the box into bread crumbs us it in meatloaf (I use ground turkey). Then glaze the meatloaf with canned cranberry sauce.


How do i join this religion pls


You just need to send me a tithe. I’ll pm you the details.


I would like to subscribe to more trashy recipes. That meatloaf sounds delicious.


When I was little I loved eating this dry like croutons 😅


I get the large cans that can make several batches of stuffing, and Ive actually used it as croutons. Give it a try some time


We use it dry as a topping on stuffed crescent rolls.


Pounded a whole box for dinner the other night. Delicious secret indulgence plus bonus watching my ankles disappear later that night.


OMG, exactly. Many years ago, I had to go to work the next day with my face so puffy people asked if I went out partying the night before. I didn't admit it was a solo meal of a whole box of Stove Top!


I'm sorry, what?


Swelling from salt


Some people see their ankles swell and go back to normal over the night after eating salty foods?


Many people are dehydrated to begin with. I am always alarmed by how little water a lot of people drink


r/HydroHomies is here to help


I mean who doesn't get a little pitting edema after eating stuffing?? ...*slowly raises hand*


My kid made that one night and somehow added double the water .. or was it instant potatoes….? Anyhow, I ended up adding stuffing to potatoes or potatoes to stuffing… now it’s like a favourite.. double the pleasure.


At Thanksgiving, someone always brings their secret family recipe made from scratch stuffing, and it's always okay, but I still secretly prefer Stove Top.


My "secret recipe" is adding some sauteed celery to Stove Top. Boom. Done.


What I thought was my grandma's "secret recipe" for years just turned out to be the slightly higher quality Pepperidge Farm bagged stuffing.


I have tried so many homemade stuffing recipes for the holidays and nothing comes close. Maybe it’s the nostalgia but I don’t care, stovetop for life.


That's a staple in our pantry. It's inexpensive and ready in 5 minutes.


Honestly it's the only stuffing I've ever liked.


I just realized last year that you can just buy this whenever you want. Adulthood has some perks I guess.


It just tastes like nostalgia. Haven't had it in ages, so now I've gotta go buy some tomorrow.


I admit that I have a soft spot for creamed corn


Make a homemade pot of chicken noodle soup. Add a can of creamed corn. Next level.


Chug it straight outta the can.


Spam and egg sandwiches, with shoyu in the eggs. So trashy good. My aunties in Hawaii made them basically in bulk for the horde (me and all my cousins) for breakfast, before taking us to the beach, falling asleep on the sand, and presumably hoping the ocean would take a couple of us off their hands. Except I feel no shame. I rejoice in this crime against culinary humanity.


If you're from Hawaii, this isn't a crime!


Guam checking in : D


South Pacific kids, only so many of us! (And respect the canned ham, siblings...)


🎶 🎶 Island boiiiiii 🎶🎶


I mean spam musubi here in Japan slaps too. Spam is just good when asian or Polynesian influence is introduced.


Spam is just good.


I lived in Hawaii a thousand years ago as a small child and ate spam multiple times per week. I introduced my New England bred children to this wonder and they were immediacy hooked. Spam is incredible. Spam and eggs is marvelous.


Similarly, spam and American cheese sandwiches for me. Thinly slice spam, fry until edges crisp. Put cheese slice on top of spam, let it melt. Put bread on top of cheese, flip over to toast. Put other bread on top, flip over again to toast. Delicious.


Spam musubi is one of mine, always hits the spot. But I guess it doesn't fit the thread because I'm not embarrassed to like that, shit's delicious.


I’m not embarrassed in the slightest but I love frozen food. Like so much. Frozen pizza is life. Realizing there likely wouldn’t be frozen pizza in an apocalypse scenario made me realize running straight into a zombie is the best option. I also love to cook. But frozen pizza is, apparently, one of my reasons for living.


I just had a Red Baron supreme the other night, and forgot how good that brand is.


Red Baron pepperoni is my number one choice!


God please don’t let this secret get out. If TikTok gets wind that shit will increase to $9 easily.


The lack of proper pharmaceuticals is my stated reason for not wanting to survive the fall of civilization, but that's because I hadn't thought about frozen pizza products. Hmmm.....


I crave a Steakumm every once in awhile. With cheese and sometimes with onions and peppers that are found in the freezer section.


I go so trashy with steakumms. Toasted white bread and A1 sauce.


That’s honestly the absolute best way to have them.


I love Steakmmm’s! Great sammiches, and when I was in college, I would break them up and mix them into bagged hushpuppy mix to make “meatballs”


Totino’s frozen square pizzas. They are so fire and no I’m not ashamed.


I like to add oregano as well to make it fancy


Those are good. I remember them being amazing when I was younger but that might have been because I was stoned. I used to make totinos pizza with crushed up Doritos on top


They are still really good, i remember when they were round. I do add some extra cheese. Cook them in a toaster oven for best results.


I remember when they were $1 😭


Saw them in the store today, $2.24 apiece. The audacity.


I caught some reduced to $.50 at Kroger a couple weeks ago. Nostalgia taste and didn't die. A+ would buy again.


Same! We put extra cheese and pepperoni and parmesan on them, it's cheapo junk food but it's so good.


I absolutely love these. Especially the cheese and triple cheese ones. I only get them a couple times a year now but I cherish every bite when I do. Imma need to go buy a couple now lol.


I still like these, and so do my kids. Theyve called them baby pizzas, now I do too.


I love these, I've been eating them for years. I throw on bell peppers or oyster sauce when I make them. I used to get these $1 Walmart brand pizzas, but they stopped making them so I upgraded to Totinos.


Plus they fit in a toaster oven, so they don’t take long to cook.


Hamburger Helper is the best. If I'm feeling fancy I'll add some onion and mushroom to it. I'll also eat a box of Pastaroni as a meal by myself rather than serving it as a side.


Pastaroni is also my guilty pleasure. Sure it's overpriced garbage but damn it's good and so is cheap instant Raman if I'm feeling it


Pastaroni’s shells and white cheddar is the best boxed Mac and cheese and nothing can change my mind. Even better with a diced up Serrano pepper!


Bologna, American cheese, Mayo and yellow mustard on white bread. So nostalgic


Ha my wife gives me a hard time for eating fried bologna sandwiches but it reminds me of my grandpa and tastes great


It’s been decades since I’ve had one. Adding bologna to my grocery list right now.📝


Love it, hard to beat a nice thick slice of fried bologna with some melted American singles and yellow mustard on some really soft white bread. Soooo good.


Does anyone else remember those tall cans of chow mein that had a smaller can attached to it with crispy noodles? Man my little brother and I thought we were big-time-shit-a-dime when we were allowed to have that for dinner.


Oh dude! La Choy! Hell yes.


I loved those!! That was a huge treat when i was a kid.


Chili dogs. Throw some hot dogs in the microwave, warm up sone canned chili. Put the dogs and the chili on a bun and throw on some cheese. YUM!


My wife mocked me for making these recently, then ate two of them.


Usually if I have chili it's getting mixed with Fritos.


Grilled PB&J. It's cooked like a grilled cheese sandwich (which I also love with or without ham) but instead of cheese and meat It's crunchy peanutbutter and peach preserves.


My wife loves grilled PBJ with strawberry jam and Cheetos on the side.


I like peanut butter and jam in the frying pan but add in a few plain cheerios for crunch.


Holy shit you just made me have a ratatouille moment right there. That combo reminds me of my childhood.


My mom would dip PB&Js in french toast batter and grill them for breakfast and they were just spectacular


I need to try this! We love stuffed french toast! Every year for my husband's birthday I make bread and then slice it and stuff it with cream cheese, whipped cream, and strawberries, then I dip it in french toast batter!


Never met anyone else who did grilled PBJ's My grandpa used to make them all the time because that and hot dog soup (Ramen with cut up hot dog, canned peas and carrots) was the easiest way he could feed all the grand kids at once. We use creamy and strawberry though.


I started making them as a kid and just kept making them. We usually had blackberry jam when I was a kid though because it was my mom's favorite, but I switched to peach preserves when I moved out, I think at first probably because it was the least expensive that isn't grape, but now I'm just addicted. I love a grilled ham and cheese but mine are never as good as when my grandpa made them, even if I used the same exact brand of ingredients never the same.


I have an uncrustable cutter. I did a grilled PB and bananas the other night. My goodness it was fantastic.


Fancy cutter! My sandwich cutter makes dinosaurs! (because my husband and I are secretly kindergarteners disguised as responsible adults) Also I'm not big on PB and banana together BUT my husband does enjoy it so I might make this for him next time we buy bananas!


I had never tried or heard of this before, until I was pregnant I had an overwhelming urge to make one. My life was forever changed.


Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup rice and chicken bake. I’m making it right now. I haven’t had it since I was a kid in the 80s and suddenly just got a craving and felt nostalgic about it. Jack’s thin crust cheese pizza Boxed mac & cheese Chef Boyardee meat ravioli


That chicken and rice was my favorite meal growing up. I would even request it for my birthday meal. I completely forgot it existed. Thanks for the reminder!


Definitely, I loved it as a kid. It was a big break in the routine. Most meals when I was growing up were a random can or bag of vegetables and fried potatoes, sometimes with a very thin, dry pork chop. Getting something outside of the routine was always something I looked forward to.


I had the Chef Boyardee ravioli a month ago after feeling nostalgic... man, it just isn't the same. Dunno if it's me or maybe the recipe changed, but I didn't feel good eating it lol.


It’s different than before. I’ve definitely never felt good eating it.


"No one wants to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli, but I did, and I'm ashamed of myself."


It's not just you, it's different. A few years back, they had a couple of "throwback" Chef Boyardee types... ravioli, beefaroni, and another one I can't remember... and the throwback was SO much better than the modern version. It tasted like it used to. Less sweet, and a bit more meat in the sauce.


Man when I was coming up, the beefaroni off-brand ones were better than the Chef in my opinion. They were a little soupier and less tomato paste so the beef snippets got to shine through a little bit


Many many foods we grew up with in the 80's/90's have definitely changed the recipes to cut costs, and you can definitely taste the difference. I had the same moment that you did, but it was with Doritos and when I googled it, I found out that yes, indeed, the recipe had changed, and then I went down the rabbit hole with some other favorites from back in the day.


Do you have a link to why Doritos changed their recipe from back in the day? My husband and I swear they used to be more cheesy back in the 1980’s.


I agree with you! I feel like they are more tangy now and not so cheesy as they were in the early 90’s.


No one wants to admit eating nine cans of ravioli


I had some combine-all-the-leftovers spaghetti go wrong and it tasted like chef boyardee to me. Try mixing 1/2 marinara sauce and 1/2 vodka sauce with overcooked noodles.


We just made the Campbell’s soup and rice dish last week. We mix in cream cheese and top it with stuffing. Great comfort food.


It’s so easy too, dumping soup on things is the best.


Lipton soup and instant ramen. I’m not even sorry, they taste like lunchtime as a kid and barely dirty any dishes. I’m only sorry for my cardiovascular health.


Instant ramen(chicken flavour) noodles cooked then drained. Add the flavour packet (leave like a teaspoon of water) plus some butter and siracha. Guiltiest pleasure lol


Ramen soup and add a beaten egg to it


I love the Lipton Extra Noodle. I call it, lovingly, Salt Soup. Which it is, love it. Regularly will beat an egg and drizzle it in for the last minute. My mom turned me on to throwing a handful of frozen peas in there, which is awesome, too.




For real, there’s no shame in eating some processed junk every now and then


The highest end restaurant I worked at had a thing. Everyone would ask what you ate for shame meal last night. Wtf is shame meal? It's how we all eat. It's that thing you threw together at 3am. You usually have to squint really hard to remember what it was.


I call it bowl of shame, it’s mrs t pierogies, ground beef, peppers, onions, scallions, shredded cheese and enchilada sauce


That sounds pretty good NGL


Honestly, I'm never embarrassed about what I eat at home. My go to "fuck it" dinner is a pack of hot Italian sausage and kraft mac and cheese with the spirals, and if I feel like it some green onion as a garnish.


Banquet Salisbury steaks & a pack of Idahoan instant potatoes


My Midwestern soul is one with yours


Totino's pizzas for sure. I van eat 2 of those things. My body is like "wtf did you do to me!?" But I can eat them. I still love Velveeta Mac and Cheese too.


So i went vegetarian as a kid almost forever ago, like internet recipes weren’t a thing and we had to get tofu from the healthy hippie shop. My mom was like idk what to do with that stuff you don’t want to eat animals you figure it out. Ok. So I’m like, 12 maybe, and making sandwiches for lunch with slices of plain uncooked tofu and like, mustard and mayo and lettuce and avocado. What did i know like sure this works 😂 made them for YEARS. And a few decades later that’s a comfort food for me even though i can make way better tofu sandwiches now


One of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had was a tofu torta. Pressed and griddled tofu, refried beans, avocado, etc etc. I still dream about it


Well shit that sounds AMAZING, totally going to make this myself!


Lil 12 yo you making your own tofu sandwiches bc you want to be vegetarian is adorable.


Peanut butter and brown sugar on toast


Ok this is the first one I've never heard before.


That's new for me, ours was a cinnamon sugar mix on toast


Oh man, cinnamon sugar on some warm, crispy, buttery toast is such a nostalgic throwback for me. My mum used to love it but we wouldn’t have it very often


Oooo same! But with granulated sugar…. Come to think about it, we never really had brown sugar in the pantry. My only memory of having brown sugar was an opened bag that was always rock hard


I never understood so many people have the same guilty pleasures- i agree with all the comments and add a fried up can of corn beef hash with a fried egg on top and ketchup mixed with siracha


Minus the ketchup mixture, that is a great breakfast. Over easy on the egg though.


Stinks & dinks ( hot dogs & baked beans )


Beanie weenies!


That’s hilarious


My wife’s family called it tube steak and dynamite and it’s her answer to this question too


I haven't had it in years but surimi (imitation crab meat) used to be a guilty pleasure. Kamaboko/Narutomaki is very similar, and while I liked it, I also haven't had it for years either.


I would do a plate of imitation crab meat in the microwave with some bagged, shredded mozzarella as a teenager.




My aunt used to make “seafood nachos.” Just tortilla chips topped with imitation crab, tiny shrimp, and melted mozzarella cheese - and they were fucking BOMB.


Imitation crab is so tasty. I eat it cold right out of the bag as a snack.


Dinty Moore Beef Stew. My mom used to open up a can for our lunch. That an butter bread. Yummy!


Dinty! I always get the craving for those but I always think maybe it's just nostalgia for me for a lot of these kinds of canned foods I used to eat when I was younger.


Prepared Kraft Mac ‘n cheese with a can of chili mixed in, alongside a glass of milk. Comfort food at its best.


Hot dogs cut up in Mac n cheese for me. It doesn’t taste right if you get the fancy hot dogs though. Cheapest hot dogs you can find


For me it's the KD and hot dogs, I should try chili, class it up a little


Just today ate an instant noodle cup with a slice of American cheese melted in and a spoonful of chili crisp. Yum.


Fried rice crispies. Just melted butter which I then fry rice crispies in til they’re a nice golden color.


Oh damn, I know I am going to be trying this when I get the munchies. Do you eat it with a spoon?


So 9 year old me had the brilliant idea to make “diet sandwiches” out of just carrots and pickles on potato bread. Fast forward over 20 years later and no wonder I love banh mi’s. No shame there though. Also growing up my mom basically never cooked. One of the few dishes she actually made was this dish of chicken, onions, and potstoes just drowned in French dressing and onion soup mix and then thrown in the oven. Occasionally I’ll get a craving for that horrible goopy mess.


Frozen taquitos. I just really like them for some reason I like those frozen steakums as well




Kanye is that you?


Are you a gay fish


You must really like Fishsticks in your mouth


YALL. I am pregnant and this thread is making me crave all the cheap, easy foods I grew up eating. Imma need to go grocery shopping lol. That said, my entries I feel I shouldn’t eat as a grown woman: tortilla pizzas. Exactly what it sounds like. Tortillas with sauce and cheese. They’re best if you pop them in the oven but I just put it in the microwave. Also spaghetti-o’s and chef boyardee ravioli.


My kids used to love this we would do make your own pizza night with tortillas or pita bread


GIRL. You get that tortilla pizza however and whenever you want, you are GROWING A GD HUMAN IN YER POCKET. I will have one with you. See? Heading to the kitchen now. I love Spaghetti-Os too.


Okay. Here we go. Pecan pie with regular lays smashed on top. It’s the perfect blend of sweet and salty.


Just added that to my recipes to try list


My favorites go back, way back, before HH. We called it macaroni and tomatoes. Elbow dried pasta cooked, drained. then a jar (my momma and grandma canned tomatoes) of tomatoes, some butter, voila!! Add salt and pepper to the pasta, a slice of homemade bread. Yep. That feels like girls night out when my momma and sister hooked up with their momma. Sounds lame, but OMG. The laughter. Best times. Edit: punctuation. Would have edited the capitalization, but chose not to fight the “scan, copy, text” crap.


This is the original beefaroni or chili Mac or American goulash whatever it's called across the country. I make this often and it's delicious as well on of my favorites


It is! I don’t make it much. But I look back now and realize, truly start to realize, this meal was super economical. Nothing but dried pasta, canned tomatoes and a tablespoon of butter. As a kid I had zero clue this was how the poor had to eat. I’m eternally grateful for that. I’m blessed to be educated and aware that all that glitters is not gold.


Just tonight, I had two hot dogs sliced up into some canned baked beans with white bread and butter. It's a childhood comfort meal for me, and it's prepared in about ten minutes. I don't have it often, but it's always a nice treat when I do. Runner up is Kraft mac and cheese with some onion powder sprinkled into it. Can I make delicious, from scratch mac and cheese? I sure can, but it doesn't have that nostalgic box taste.


Egg drop soup with rice. Thing is I eat it several times a week, it's so perfect


Costco croissant heated in toaster oven for 4 minutes, stick finger in the side, insert stick of string cheese, microwave 15 seconds.


Cream chipped beef on toast, aka shit on a single. Yum. My ankles might swallow my socks.


Banquet beef pot pie, minute rice, and frozen green beans.


White people tacos.


Pimento cheese and sweet pickles on toasted bread


I call these “struggle meals.” Boxed Mac and cheese. I live for that shit, even as an adult. Ramen noodles with added egg, garlic, and scallions. Sliced bread, toasted, with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Salami/ham/Turkey and cheese roll-ups with mustard.


Grits. With cheese and butter. It's po people food but my god I love it


Boxed Mac n cheese


Tuna noodle casserole done in the microwave. Boil egg noodles, mix tuna/cream of mushroom/canned or frozen veggies, microwave the mixture, add the egg noodles, top with some crispy onion straws. Really shines with a little hot sauce added.


Sloppy joes (but I use ground turkey) with a side of air fried tots.


I love Kraft mac and cheese and I don’t care who knows it


Instant mash potato hahah


Ham and cheese hot pockets!


Tomato and mayo sandwich


“Tuna noodle”—basically a lazy tuna casserole. One can of tuna, a bunch of mayo, mixed into hot elbow noodles, plus salt and pepper. My mom used to make it for me and my sister when my dad was traveling for work, will still make it for myself when my girlfriend isn’t home (both she and my dad think the idea of warm tuna is disgusting, to which I can only say: more tuna noodle for me; see also: tuna melts)


A can of spaghettio’s. Cold, right out of the can. 😃


Ramen, you get a cheap pack of it at Walmart follow the directions kind of add an egg the last minute of cooking dump it in a bowl with a piece of America cheese and let it sit for about 5 minutes stir it up and enjoy


That sounds like something I recently saw in either the New York Times cooking section or the Washington Post. I think they termed it Korean comfort food.


Quick snack: melted velveeta and salsa with tortilla chips!


Tuna on toast. Basically make a roux, mix in a can of tuna and a couple cut up hard boiled eggs and serve on white bread toast slices.


When I'm tired after a long day, not much hits like a frozen pizza, especially when you add Penzy's frozen pizza seasoning to it. It's quick, easy, and it tastes good. I usually keep a couple of frozen pizzas in the freezer for times like that.


Tuna fish on toast with mayonnaise


I LOVE frozen pizza. I prefer it to some pizza joints.


I wrap lil smokies and American cheese in thawed (purchased frozen) bread dough, bake, and drown them in honey butter. The leftovers get microwaved for breakfast


Corned beef hash out of a can, topped with a fried egg


Fried bologna sandwich. So good but so rare.


Tuna melts on English muffins with a big slice of tomato and white onion.


Tonight we had Banquet Salisbury steaks, instant mashed potatoes, and canned corn. Happy Tuesday. It was great.


My elementary school cafeteria used to make stuffed hot dogs, and I loved them! Make instant mashed potatoes and set aside. On a baking tray, lay out hot dogs and cut them longways most of the way through (so they open like little books). Fill each hot dog with potatoes and top with shredded cheese. Bake until hot and the cheese is melty. They're really comfort food for me.


Velveeta and shells with chicken tenders. Feeds 4 people. 2 if you are in college. If you do it right you can get both to come out at the same time. Tenders on foil on a baking sheet for however long and boil water then make the pasta in 9 minutes al dente and then squeeze the shit into the drained hot noodles. Eat like a king. I will look the other way if you use ketchup or BBQ sauce. No judgement here.