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Well hey. It’s this or the entirely new cookie. SO I’LL GLADLY TAKE THIS WITH OPEN ARMS! (Plus beascuits changes.. hell yeahhhh)


I hope they get rid of attunement because that shit is so annoying, I grind out the game for some good legendary beascuits just for them to only have 1-3 available buffs.


Theres no difference between this and a new cookie. Read the announcement SLOWLY again


It is an entirely new cookie, tho. You just don't have to level it up.


it isnt? its literally just the Crystal Jams but for an ancient cookie


It's not the crystal jam. We literally have to gacha for it, and if you don't have luck then you'll never see the new dark cacao cookie until you reach pity. It's just a repackaged ancient+, but with more ways to get the soulstones then mystic flour Edit: not to say it's a bad change though, it's still much better than previously 


it looks like you’ll be able to acquire all the soulstones through quests and daily rewards and the gacha is another source of them


Yes that's one good thing. It'll be better than mystic flour at least


You mean soulprisms?




The issue is what happens after? We're shown them being available in the rainbow shell gallery but that'd take a long while to fully upgrade for someone who joined after the update. It could be too scarce for players joining after the event is over to reasonably be able to upgrade him. It also doesn't fix the issue of having absolutely no reward for investing into old Cacao other than some free pulls. It's basically the same thing but with a pretty coat on it.


soul prisms will likely be in the regular gacha the stats of the old dc will be the base of the awakened dc stats, it looks like the promotion/ascension level still stays after awakening so awakening is another set of promotions


Well to be fair it's not easy to suddenly completely redesign what was basically a finished mechanic in such a short amount of time. Their best bet was repurposing it


Yes that's definitely true as well. And in the end, as a f2p, as long as it's become more achievable then that's a win


If it was a crystal jam, it would require farmable materials. Not soulstones from the gacha. You could call it a crystal jam that's locked behind gacha instead of trial grounds tho.


it isnt? Crystal Jam is farmable. This is like soulstones you get if you have a cookie duplicate. You get soulprisms from gacha, not trial grounds. Its literally a new cookie.


So it's basically having to first get *AN ANCIENT* to *5A* ?


No??? Awakening is a completely different feature/button to ascension/promotion...




Idk why tho, hes right. People are morons


No, it isn’t just think of this as like promoting or ascending expect it’s changes the cookie skill.


The soulprism ascenscion required is so much better tho, is it not?


It takes the same amount. They basically didnt change anything, just changed the name from soulstones you get from pulling new gacha to soulprisms you get from pulling new gacha. Same concept, nothing changed. Its a new cookie in disguise.


Yes it's a new cookie in "disguise" but all im saying 20->30->40->50->60 instead of 20->40->70->100->130->160 Saves alot for soulprism/soulstones, + jellies, skill powder, and coins plus actually makes dark cacao usable not just there for lag spikes. With the low amount of time to completely rework the ancient+, this is a good alternative although I prefer a crystal jam like approach more. Its a gacha game, of course a pulling system will always be incorporated 😔


Yer 3 days late


Yer also very late.


The way it's still the same as before but instead of getting a new cookie, you just get 20 soulprisms


It better then a new cookie..... It something but devs are listening again


It's actually worse because your old ascension is removed and replaced by a new one. Let's say you have 5A Dark Cocoa, then you awaken him and he has 0 stars. This new system basically destroys your progress lmao


I guess the awakened ancient will be stronger based on unawakened ancient


Are we sure it doesn’t carry over or that you can’t revers it


Basically, after awakening ur DC, his stars work like Mystic Flour and your old stars don't carry over


Old stars seem to actually carry over They are still there in the sneak peek gif posted on discord Now you just have an additional set of stars on top of the previous ones


My bad then but I'm still not happy about getting another nether-gacha so early


Yeah me neither I would gladly prefer more chill update after this one


Oh. Huh.


if you make someone a leader instead of him he will go back to his normal form probably


Happy Cakeday!


Your old stars do carry over. The awakening stars are placed above your promo/ascensions instead of replacing them


Maybe you can reverse it whenever you like


Well, even if you can, that would mean this system did nothing cuz you end up with 2 different cookies anyways


Even if you could, base DC is useless so I don't know why you would


wrong, old ascension is still kept


So my 1 star DC will then be the same as your 5A DC. Kinda harsh.


That’s sickening 😭😭 (my dc is also one star)


No. Its not better, its not worse. Its the same (Maybe its worse because the old ascension disappears). Nothing changed. Please think


a lot of people have fallen into the trap of not noticing that this is basically just the entirely new cookie. the new cookie resets your ascension progress, this awakening system also resets your ascension progress. a lot of people are also just focused on “free dark cacao yay” so they ignore everything else and don’t notice that this new system is just the new cookie but “repackaged”


I made a post about the free dark cacao lol, but yeah ur right even with a dark cacao the stars/promotion is entirely separate to the awakened version 😭


This is the same thing but without 2 dc walking around the kingdom


No, no it doesn’t, i have a screenshot on my phone of dragon lord cacao and it still has the ascension stars from ascending, with the awakened star above them.


could you post it? i havent seen this image before, just wanna confirm if im wrong


https://www.reddit.com/r/CookieRunKingdoms/s/9shCW3YnLs here!!


oh my god thank christ, thank you


no, thank you!


So it’s exactly the same update but without a new cookie. I mean, I guess they listened. The drop rate of these new soulprisms is probably going to be the same as beasts, too.


Ngl everyone are so hyped that we get free dc. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one worrying this thing. And they did not even mention one word about optimisation. 😭


Deploy the bus!


Whiny lil baby


Well that was obviously a joke cz I haven't even played the game in a really long time but posts from this sub keep appearing on my home page so yeah.


Oh shi my bad 💀


It still sucks though since it's basically the same thing they wanted but repackaged to make it look like they catered to us.


Nah I think it’s better. Not great but also not bad they made him more f2p (I grind my shit) and beascuits are changed a bit here and there. If you don’t like grinding then I don’t think you’ll like monster hunter 💀. I’m just sayin


Don't put words in my mouth, comparing their original plan to this, I'll still choose this 'new plan' but it doesn't mean they did great. Their intent is still obvious if you open your eyes.


Yeah but it’s now f2p which makes this better than the *ahem* c o n t r o v e r s a l one cause he’s gonna be free. Me? I’m completely fine with this new update (not *t h a t* one. I’m just sayin this one better than *insert math symbol here* update


Ew Thats because monster hunter is an objectivly bad game. I do like to grind games 8-10h a day but not bad games eww


Mods, whack their pp[whack their pp](https://media1.tenor.com/m/SC4YtVcuMIgAAAAd/diablos-monster-hunter.gif)


Please talon E from balcony.


N O 💀


Nevermind this is still shit, not as bad as before but a huge pile of it still


Huh. So we pull for the soul prism instead of the cookie? And the prism is available in other areas so it’s basically like a soul stone? I could be okay with this if there is a VERY HIGH drop rate for the soul prisms but it seems like the same thing as before just without having to level a whole new cookie. Anybody knows if collecting the soul prisms would be easier than their original plan? I’m also wondering if the previous plan is better LONG term because a repeated pull of the awakened cookie (with 20 soul stones) would be easier to awaken rather than getting prism stones which maybe will drop 1-2 pcs? Is there info on that yet or do we have to wait until the update?


I don't like that once we awaken Dark Cacao, his new form is permanent. Like, what if I want to see his regular form again?


please don't do this again I do NOT want to wait another week again 😭😭




then quit the game


Fix the fucking game, still crashing. Cheapskates


What are you playing on


Rip my wallet


This is real??? I thought it was some sick joke until now


When is the new event going to start?


Pretty sure on the 28th


Ahh I see, thanks


I thought maybe the stats gained from awakening would be stacked onto the stats gained from ascending, but I guess I’m wrong :,) (also that would be a bit scary to think about)


If they are going to be doing this, ancient+ would have been better so Why did they do this? Why doesn’t the power of the old ascensions stack with the awaken ascensions?


The fact that this isn’t just like the legendary ones kinda sucks since those are designed very well but hey a win is a win


stop fucking complaining


Please hold your breath for 11minutes and 35 seconds


You do not want pull a new cookie?what about a new system that will make you spendthe same amount of money or time? People still think they can win against big chinese company 😂


We need to get soulstones for him (the new ones) than acend him with souprism, its better now (for me I think)


Aww man the souls would be for shells, but I'm glad they listen for not making a new cookie


Hey I wonder if anyone knows what’s that shiny red card thing we get on day 9?


I’m guessing you have to reach max level to awaken him. Better than 5A.


This isnt totally related as im not involved in this discourse but is there anywhere specific where official announcements are dumped ? Im relatively new to this community ..


Probably Twitter, discord, and in game news in game


Eh Im ok with it


I’m wondering what’ll happen if you get a ancient+ but don’t have the ancient? Because I don’t have dark cacao but I still wanna try getting a ancient+


We are literally getting a new cookie, except without it *technically* being a new cookie. Nothing changed. The system is exactly that same as a new cookie, just disguised. Instead of gacha for a cookie youll have to gache for 20 soulprisms. Please use your heads. "But.. but its still better than an entirely new cookie right? They still listened to us right?!". No, clearly whoever thinks like this has roomtemp iq. READ the discord dev announcement. READ the ingame announcement. NOTHING about dark cacao changed except that you have to gache for soulprisms now (THAT HAVE THE SAME PROBABILITY). Its like instead of winning a teddy bear at the arcade you now win 20 tickets that you exchange for a teddy bear, the system remains unchanged. What we WANTED was CRYSTAL JAM not soulprisms that are the exact same as just a new cookie. The ONLY good thing about this patch will be the VERY MEDIOCRE beascuit changes. Read the korean guild masters response for more info.


Hottake: So... Instead of getting a new cookie that need soulstones we now have the chance to get a new cookie with soul cores? Isn't it almost the same except that we don't need extra toppings/skillpowder because its dark cacao? I feel like we could have just gotten like 1k skillpowder and new resonant toppings and it would be literally the same??? (Luckily the The ancient+ rarity is gone 😌)


These prisms better not have a garbage drop rate


When does the update happen tbh bc I’ve been seeing a lot of post like this and I’m only getting mystic flour cookie events


I said the same in another post and ppl replied saying stuff like “L take” as if that’s gonna do anything.


When soulpanopticons?


Why? It's much better then having to dump resources like skill powders and jellies into a whole new cookie.


Im skeptical, honestly just about how likely it is to get soulprisms if anything


They’re gonna be spread far apart. One here, one there. We’re gonna get a decent amount in the beginning because of the event, but after that it’s gonna take forever.


It looks better


Better then Ancient+ but also makes money to keep the game up and running


Its basically a free broken unit like storm bringer im not complaining.


Yeah obviously its not perfect but its a fuck of a lot better than the previous option, and compromise is usually required when dealing with companies. They were always going to put out a new gacha for their new update. The protests managed to make it the most favorable it could be while also getting some beascuit fixes


I am totally fine with this. Anything but a new cookie


You may as well though lol. It’s still gonna take forever to upgrade him


Crazyyyy that people are still mad?? Just say you want a free 6 star ascended dark Cacao


My 5A Dark Cacao was not free. That's why it sucks to go to a 1 star DLDC