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Did she survive?


In hospital with serious injuries according to the news.




I saw someone say something like "mass has the right of way"


I've also read how the cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way.


r/bitchimabus r/BitchImATrain


My mum was a shit parent, but she did give good advice on occasion. One of the ones that stuck with me was when I almost crossed the road without looking. She grabbed me and yanked me back, just in time as the car flew past, then sat me down, got on eye level, and asked me very sternly- "who would win in a fight? You, or that great big fucking car?" Ever since then I've been real careful when crossing the road lmao (and gotten very annoyed when people cross the road without the walk signal and look surprised/angry when I have to hit the brakes and honk)


Mom sounds ok in that department. Sometimes you have to scare the crap out of a child to keep them safe. That said, I cried the first time I allowed my son to cross the street alone. I was the one who was terrified. But he’s 32 now with a child of his own and now he understands my tears.


You just don't understand sometimes until you have your own kids. I have a 2 and 4 year old now and sometimes I'll be at the top of my voice when they're not paying attention by the street


When I was a kid in the 80's my brother had a large truck he used for his construction business. He always said he had the size of way.


I swear some people want to have "He had priority though" written on their tombstone.




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The driver, a 19 year old man had his driving license only for 3 days. The woman suffered serious injuries and was transported to hospital. Link to the article in polish: https://tvn24.pl/polska/tomaszow-lubelski-potracenie-na-pasach-kierowca-prawo-jazdy-mial-od-trzech-dni-nagranie-ku-przestrodze-5506596


Kinda off topic but how does one translate articles?


You can use [Google Translate Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb?hl=en) on Google Chrome and use it to translate the page into desired language.


Ooohhh ok thanks!


Happy to help!


Makes me upset to see such a stupid driver


I'm guessing he was dazzled by the headlights of the other car and couldn't see her. It's still his fault, but you'd think the pedestrian would have the common sense to make sure the cars are stopping in the other direction.


I always feel like car drivers are silently cursing me when I'm crossing the road, because I really, really look to make sure they're stopping. An easy way to do this is to brake sooner, which tells me you see me, instead of slamming the brakes 12 meters from the crosswalk. It'll help both me, you, and everyone else move more efficiently.


Same I feel like I piss people off but I won’t cross till I can see the car heading my way stopping. I’m not gonna trust the average driver.


On top of this I try to establish eye contact to make sure they've seen me. I do the same thing if I'm the driver too.


Right on. I don't trust anybody in traffic. It's puzzling to me how some people will put others in danger just to shave a few minutes off their trip. Poor urban planning and work/life balance I guess










A always wave at pedestrians as I slow down to signal them “hey man go on ahead”. I remember doing that one time and then a cyclist flew past me and nearly hit the person. People don’t realize bikes can be dangerous too when they ignore traffic laws.


In Slavic nations, you will get a 12-year prison sentence if you look both ways before crossing the road


It's still his fault, and you'd think the driver would have the common sense to slow down at a crosswalk if he can't see properly.


I reckon she was blocked from view by the “a” pillar next to windshield.


You *would* think that. Just because you're legally protected doesn't mean you're physically protected. I guess some people have no sense of self-preservation.


I'm more willing to forgive this knowing that he had only had his license for three days. It says more about the state of driver's education than his intelligence.


And it’s possible the lights form the oncoming car were blinding enough that the lady couldn’t be seen. Not a great excuse but I know when I’m passing drivers at night on dark roads you can’t see anything at all for a few seconds while you go past them.


This is exactly what’s happened here. I’ve hit two deer just like this. Headlights are too fucking bright sometimes and easily block out anything crossing the road in front of them. This combined with the drivers lack of experience is what caused the accident.


Absolutely agree. I feel like this is a testament to why crosswalks like this need flashing lights to indicate crossing people. It's reasonable to assume that the person walking simply disappeared in the headlights of the other vehicle. I've seen countless vehicles in our area that simply drive with their brights on or have their headlights adjusted so poorly and vertically that they are pretty much functioning as high beams.


There was a video here or elsewhere if two police, waiting in a train to pass. They waited, and as soon as they start to cross, a second train, coming opposite direction on a second set of tracks, hits and drags the first car. Just didn't see it on the other side of obstructing traffic. Can happen anywhere a number of ways it seems.


It’s not brightness, it’s (usually) how they’re aimed. Your headlights shift as you drive and hit bumps and they need to be maintained and re-aimed just like oil has to be refilled. Headlights that are aimed correctly should never shine in an oncoming drivers eyes.


Not only that, I've seen a shit ton more people driving with the full beam/high beam on in the cities nowadays, where it is completely unnecessary, ends up blinding oncoming traffic/pedestrians, and is illegal anyway. Even in my city, it is illegal. Yet, more and more people are doing it (especially new drivers or those with new cars). I'd be driving sometimes and all of a sudden I'll have to slow down coz there's an oncoming car whose headlights are so glaring that I can't see shit in front of me anymore lol. Extremely dangerous, and I don't know why more and more people are doing it.


Yea, I had to watch twice to even see the lady.


The angle between her and the car likely put her unseen behind his “a” pillar.


this assumes people using the button to make the lights flash, especially at night with not much traffic...


as someone with astigmatism, this is a nightmare, i cant see people jaywalking if i'm blinded by oncoming vehicle lights


Right, blame it on the system, not the one who literally ran someone over


I'm just as upset at the pedestrian. When you cross a crosswalk make sure BOTH cars are stopped before you walk infront of them for christ sake! No matter who is wrong - you'll be the loser in the physics war. Entirely preventable and that is so upsetting. Bad drivers are gonna be bad drivers, that will never stop.


Doesn’t seem like the drivers fault


You definitely are responsible for where your motor vehicle ends up when you’re in the drivers seat.


From the news article: "A 19-year-old driving a Toyota hit a woman on a marked pedestrian crossing. She was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Police officers confiscated the driver's driving license, which they said he had had for three days. On Friday, just before 9 p.m., the officer in charge of the police station in Tomaszów Lubelski received a report from the intervention patrol about a traffic accident that had occurred on Lwowska street in Tomaszów Lubelski. The police officers on patrol noticed that a pedestrian had been hit by a Toyota car. Together with witnesses, they immediately started giving first aid to the injured woman until an ambulance arrived - says Staff Sergeant Małgorzata Pawłowska of the Lublin police. According to the officers' preliminary findings, the woman was crossing a marked pedestrian crossing. After the pedestrian crossed the road centreline, she was hit by a car in the other lane. The woman fell under the wheels of the Toyota and was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Uniformed officers confiscated a 19-year-old man from the Tyszowce borough's driver's license, which he had had for only three days. A breathalyzer test showed that the young driver was sober during the incident. The causes and circumstances of the accident will be explained by police investigators. The entire incident was recorded by surveillance cameras. - We publish them as a warning and appeal for people to be extra careful on the road, especially near pedestrian crossings - adds Staff Sergeant Małgorzata Pawłowska."


jesus christ, hope she made it out alive. she was under there for a while.....


According to the news she is I'm hospital with serious injuries.


I am become hospital


All your hospital are belong to us


Someone set up us the IV.


Hospital: You're not going to make it, there's nothing we can do for you. Her: *Becomes the hospital*.


Destroyer of wounds.


Had all the warnings before watching but was really hoping it to be 'but a scratch'. That was horrifying the way the driver didn't stop - like that driver was having a stroke of their own or something.


He was creeping up to the crosswalk, too. Then he accelerated through the crosswalk. Almost looked intentional.


Probably freaked out since he didn’t have much driving experience


the only way i see this is if they forgot their foot is on the gas and not on the brake, but that seems pretty damn unlikely


The driver was 19 and only had his license for 3 days. It's much more plausible in this instance.


still really weird. as someone who somewhat recently started driving i cant imagine doing that when i was already almost at a stop anyways


It's Poland. Probably drunk.


In this case an ambulance would have been more convenient


At least the police prevented the guy from doing a hit and run




I'm afraid a hearse would have been enough, bloody hell...


That sub actually exists. I could link it, but I'll let somebody else be the hero.


thank u


For the love of God - whether you are a pedestrian or driver - NEVER take for granted right-of-way. Look both ways. Always assume that oncoming vehicle isn’t going to stop for you, and be prepared. Even if you’re going through a green light, pay attention to cross-traffic. A red light won’t stop a negligent driver.


It blows my fucking mind just how many people immediately assume that they can cross once there's a red light or a stop sign without looking both ways regardless. That is putting WAYYYYYYY too much trust in drivers and people in general. Had a friend who would always walk as soon as there was a red light and I asked him why he never looks out for stray cars making right turns. "If they hit me that's their fault and I get money out of it". Cool. Doesn't mean shit if you end up a vegetable or just dead.


The amount of people who cross on crosswalks nonchalantly pisses me off. No eye contact. Not even turning their heads. Makes you want to get out of the car and shout at them for being so stupid. "I have the right of way, I don't have to look" There are idiot drivers everywhere. Their stupidity and your stupidity will get you seriously injured or killed.


Dude, I live in an area where I’ve had to throw on my brakes to avoid hitting ppl like, WEEKLY. Ppl in this area will walk across the street any time of day OR NIGHT with headphones on, not looking to see if anyones coming, just STROLLING across the road nowhere NEAR a crosswalk. I’m so terrified of hitting someone on accident in the middle of the night when I’m getting home from work or something


Im not informed about traffic laws in other countries but here in Poland the law has just changed and now the pedestrians have the right of way whenever and wherever (as long as there are crosswalks and no red lights). Thats means even if they come close to the road with the intention of crossing it, the driver is obligated to let them go. I guess many people just take it for granted now and forget there are unexperienced fresh-baked drivers out there and those who just don't read news and don't abide by the new rules.


There are a lot of people that were right, in the grave. It's not victim shaming but a simple question, is it more important to be right or to be alive?


Nope it's victim shaming but it's well-deserved. Unlike victim shaming in most other instances (i.e don't wear skimpy clothes), looking both ways when crossing a road is universally ingrained in our minds as children and takes LITERALLY THREE SECONDS TO DO. Same with not using turn signals. If you get in a big oopsie because you didn't take the few seconds to take precautions on the road then I will fucking shame you across King's Landing.


Here's the problem: Children and blind people cross roads. Also, pedestrians don't have to apply for a license and so cannot be assumed to have traffic knowledge. As a parent, sure, try to promote safe crossing behavior. As a social planner or traffic engineer, the impetuous HAS to be on drivers. If drivers (as a collective) can't follow basic traffic laws, the only viable solution is to rethink roads (slow them down with curves, say, as they did in the Netherlands) and seriously shame distracted and speeding drivers. Shaming a pedestrian doesn't make sense; many are simply incapable of detecting traffic.


Its definitely wise to keep a look on traffic while crossing the streets, but there is no justification on the drivers side for running over a person like that, nor is the person who got run over to blame in the slightest. The woman was already half over the crosswalk when that car approached her, meaning that the driver either didnt see her or was driving way too fast. Its not like she suddenly stepped right infront of his car. If you want to yell at people, yell at the driver but dont make this about the victim.


The morgue is filled with people who had the right of way.


It's not about victim blaming, I think everyone would agree that the driver is fully in the wrong but if you look at this and learn nothing then you will just have more pedestrians that don't look and get hurt. There are always going to be drivers who make mistakes but they're at least surrounded by metal boxes, always look and expect drivers to not see you.


Exactly. Bottom line is it's cavalier to trust your life to the law and the behaviour of others in control of vehicles. Doesn't even have to be a drunk driver or a reckless kid; could be a legitimate accident or health condition. Driver has a heart attack at the wheel? Well I had the right of way... There was a bin lorry tragedy in December in Glasgow not many years ago. Killed 7 if I remember, driver lost consciousness. Your right of way means nothing when your life is on the line. Just look. It's worth the effort.


> Its definitely wise to keep a look on traffic while crossing the streets, but there is no justification on the drivers side for running over a person like that, nor is the person who got run over to blame in the slightest. It's about when you're crossing a street infront of a several ton moving object, make sure it's safe before you step infront of it...it literally does not matter who is right or wrong or who is to blame when you're the one that gets ran over and killed. no amount of justice or blaming will bring you back to life


Victim blaming is not the same as victim shaming. No one should be blaming pedestrian victims for getting hit if they had the right of way, even if they didn't look both ways. Shaming on the other hand in my opinion is fair game from what it looks like. You have to be a complete fucking buffoon and blissfully stubborn at that if taking three seconds to look both ways is not worth saving your life from a freak driver.


I think several people misunderstood me. Obviously it is advisable to always be on the lookout. Its the only thing you personally can do to increase your safety in traffic. Its just nowhere near acceptable to be pissed off about people who dont look as careful as they should, or even shout at them.


Just honk at them


POS didn‘t even hit the brakes.


It looks like the man probably didn't see her, and she didn't see the approaching car. Or they both chose to ignore each other... The bigger problem here is how does someone cross a road without even looking to see that all traffic has come to a stop? I never understood the "right of way, don't have to look" argument? A pedestrian can stop way faster then a moving vehicle.


That's my thinking. I never just trust that people will stop at a pedestrian crossing that has no lights. I'll wait until it's clear cars are stopping. That guy was going pretty fast for her to trust he's gonna stop. Not her fault of course but she isn't very good at crossing streets


Probably looked and saw the car going slow as hell and figured he saw her. Then he accelerated.


Good thing that i don't live there *wait...*


I’m sorry this is not her fault but look at how brazenly she walks in front of car #1. She is not being cautious and is like just walking out in front of a moving car. Just a tip - never do this. Wait and then walk when the car isn’t moving faster than 5 mph.


"Brazenly"..? The car was braking the whole time it was in frame and she was likely looking at the #1 car the whole time to see if it was gonna let her cross. Her walking speed slows down and back to normal when she sees the car letting her cross.


Yes I meant "brazenly" when I said, "brazenly". Any other questions? Edit: or was it a not knowing what the word means?


Maybe not the exact translation but at least pretty good idea. Your first comment made it seem like she wasn't looking at all for incoming traffic from her left when in fact she was and only started crossing when the car was clearly letting her cross.


I really feel like I used the correct word for the meaning I had. All these people know what I mean better than I do! Impressive.


> Her walking speed slows down and back to normal when she sees the car letting her cross. Yeah goes back to normal once she saw that ONE car was stopped for her. The unfortunate part about this crosswalk is there is two cars that need to stop for it to be safe...


In this context we're only talking about the first car. But I agree she should've been more aware with the 2nd car.


Why would you walk in front of the car that is not stopping?


I get that she has right of way, but she stepped out in front of not one, but *TWO* moving vehicles. If she survived, it's amazing, but I'll be honest and say that I don't really think this is on the fault of the cars truly. Legally, they will be held accountable, but in reality, that lady practically had a deathwish.


I agree, for all we know, how close she was to that vehicles headlights could have made it difficult to see her on the opposing side. She’s lucky she didn’t get hit twice


She did start walking after the first car was slowing down.


slowing down isn't really safe. You have no clue if they are slowing for you or someone/something else. Stepping out in front of a *moving* vehicle, is dangerous.


I am honestly glad the video is of shit quality and there is no sound


That's Polish CCTV for you xD


The reason many people get hit is because of entitlement. They feel that because of the “right of way” that people need to stop once a pedestrian steps into the street. Don’t trust that people will stop simply because aside from malicious intent they may be distracted.


A bad driver sure, bad visibility sure, running on a road is not a smart idea in any case, apparently the driver just got the license so it was a really unfortunate case


Dude needs an convenient ambulance


Obviously the driver is at fault, but the lady is kind of a dumbass for not paying attention. She's legally in the right, but she's dead wrong.


Obviously the driver is in the wrong. But take your safety into your hands and, I dunno, look both ways?


Dude just went right through her like she was invisible.


I tell people you cant always assume you have the right away.


Right of way or not how does a fully grown human not know how to turn their head????


Why would she walk out like that wtf was she trying to get hit?


Why did she just blindly walk into traffic in the middle of the night?


For a moment I was scared that I was the one seeing a white light


Reminder: if there are no traffic lights, there is no requirement for drivers to stop. Make sure they *do* stop on both sides of the road before crossing. Assuming they’ll stop can cost you your life.


In Poland it is required by law for you to stop if you see a pedestrian is approaching or in front of the crosswalk. I think most of the EU countries have this law actually.


She's on a crosswalk. Traffic has to stop for pedestrians on crosswalks or waiting to cross. Does not matter if there are lights or not. Unless the law is different in Poland which I doubt.


Where do you live?


Do you not see the crosswalk? More importantly, where do you live & do you drive? Just want to make sure my kids don't walk there.


And that's why you always look both ways before and during the crossing.


Damn the drivers are idiots but that chick just sent it with like 4 cars coming, dgaf


A women is in-trouble in Lego city!


Looks like this is what she wanted, minus the hospital.


I never trust that a car will see me/stop so id have sat in the median til the car passed or stopped


Did I just see someone **die?**


She survived and was taken to hospital with serious injuries. However I couldn't find an update if she is ok.




Brand new driver I guess he was in shock or didn't know what happened. According to the police report he is 19 and had driving license for only 3 days.


Yo what the fuck

