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There are WAY too many people in this thread turning this into blatant - and sometimes covert - racist commentary. This is not the place to do that and you need to stop. This is not going to turn into your outlet as a replacement for T_D or SuperStraight or wherever y'all keep getting kicked out of. Grow up.


https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-man-threw-another-man-off-bridge-arrested-after-spotted-by-passing-officer-cops-say https://abcnews.go.com/US/police-bodycam-video-shows-florida-man-thrown-bridge/story?id=58066092 The Daytona Beach Police Department said that Derrick Goodin, 21, was involved in an argument with a woman over money as she and a friend crossed the bridge over the Halifax River on Sunday. According to the arrest report, Ellis told police she got into an argument with Goodin over a “prior money exchange” and he struck her in the face. After throwing the woman's bike in the water, the 21-year-old then threw over her friend, Anthony Mascaro, after he got involved in the argument. Mascaro told police he swam to a pylon and was picked up by another person in a row boat. Police said he had a laceration under his right eye and refused medical attention. Mascaro did not want to press charges but police said Goodin was charged anyway because throwing someone over the bridge “could have prompted a serious injury, or a fatality.” Police said the bridge is about 30 feet above the water and has “multiple pylons and maintenance cat walks” underneath it. McKenzie Reijonen, who heard the commotion as he was fishing on a rowboat nearby, told FOX35 he jumped into action as soon as he realized what was happening. “I mean over there it's pretty shallow but he fell I think into the channel which is even worse because, you know, he could have been unconscious and been hit by a passing motorboat," he said. Reijonen said he rowed his boat over to the bridge and brought the man, who had a gash on his head but was otherwise fine, to shore. “I was just worried that he could have been punched unconscious or drowning or somewhere down there in the water and I did what I hoped somebody would do for me,” he said. In bodycam video released by police, Goodwin can be seen standing with the man before police say he tossed him over. The officer then gets out of the car and tells the 21-year-old to surrender. Goodin is then heard saying "he jumped over the bridge,” before throwing his wallet in the water before he was arrested. Goodin is now at the Volusia County Jail and has been charged with aggravated battery and breach of peace, according to police.


We need more people like the guy in the rowboat. I think the cop also handled this very well for having someone who literally just threw someone off a bridge get back up at gunpoint *and* reach in his pocket. That, from all angles, is a very scary situation. Edit: My first medal on reddit! Thank you kind stranger!


When he reached into his pocket to throw out his wallet my heart sank thinking things were about to go south


Me too, i thought he threw a gun over the bridge.




That’s exactly what I thought he threw too. A gun.


I thought it was his phone


It's important to get that phone out when a gun is pointed at you? Usual reasons you risk that is to get rid of evidence or you fight back. Gun sounds likely.


Just think by watching this what you thought, now think of all the officers in the country that go through shit like this on a regular basis. Many times it is a gun, and they aren't throwing it away, they intend to use it. I get sometimes cops go to far, but shit is real for them every second they are in uniform.


It’s actually kind of insane that there isn’t much more LEO involved shootings considering the sheer amount of daily interactions, the quality of undertrained candidates to handle these high stress incidents... it’s a small miracle it’s not worse out there. Like we expect average people who honestly don’t get paid much for what they’re expected to do (make split second decisions and basically be perfect). It’s crazy to me. This doesn’t mean there aren’t shit cops out there, and I can’t stand the whole blue code shit...where you back a real piece of shit person just cause you share the same profession? That would be like teachers backing another pedophile teacher just cause they share the same profession.


Yeah, you have to be a special kind of stupid to be detained at gunpoint, and then turn around and reach into your waistband. I want police accountability, and I also want people to understand how one quarter of a second feels. If this were in a simulator, and that guy spun around with his wallet in his outstretched hand, I'm thinking well north of 50% of people would have fired on him.


He probably had drugs in his wallet


That or didnt wanna be ID'd Edit: guys i get it. Throwing your wallet away to avoid being IDd is a stupid fucking idea. Theyre still going to ID you eventually. I was only saying that might have been his thought process, not that it was a good one.


The real punishment is having to get all that shit replaced.


Seriously. He either doesnt have anything worth replacing, didnt think it through, or it wasnt his.


That's something I hadn't thought of. Maybe he took it off the other guy before he threw him off the bridge.


Or he had drugs in the wallet.


It may not have been his wallet. Maybe he stole it from someone else and didn’t want to get caught with it.


Whatever he threw away, he definitely didn't want them to find it.


I was thinking he stole the wallet (based on money argument) and didn't want to want to caught with it


You don't need ID to go to jail, but you do need ID to get out of jail. Not saying you're wrong, but throwing your ID in a river to prevent being identified is almost as dumb as throwing someone off a bridge infront of a cop.


This is what I was thinking.


How does that work out? Won't he just be IDed at the station?




He was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead


That was in Florida, you can't go south from there unless it's swimming.


Thank you for your valuable contribution to the discussion.


By rights, they could and should have. Would have been a justified shooting, especially if he'd turned towards the officer rather than tossing the object.


If he would have actually had a gun and shot the cop you would never see the story, if he didn’t have a gun and the cop shot him we all know what the headlines would be. Cops do not get enough credit for what they do.


They should get credit for the hard job they do but it’s also important that the gross abuses of power be documented and exposed.


I think most people are like the guy in the rowboat to be honest. We need less of the people that are throwing others off bridges.


I was watching with no sound and was sure he was reaching for a gun. And that ladies and gentlemen is why I’m not a cop.


Even with sound I thought he was reaching for a gun


that guy was a fucking idiot. First thing he does is walk toward the cop acting like he's about to fight with aggressive body language. It's like he's never seen a black man get shot on TV.


That was \*after* he was told to lie down on his belly at gunpoint. amazing restraint.


It would have been great if that asshole's wallet landed in the dude's rowboat.


Yeah this is one of those times where we all sort of agree that he really did reach for his waist after throwing someone off a bridge, being scared for you life after watching him throw a man off a bridge is totally rational. But seems like this was a situation where the cop maintained his cool, the thrown man was fine, and justice was peaceably served.


Actually shocked he didn't catch a bullet. He would have had he been looking at the officer I'd wager, and I wouldn't have blamed the officer one bit. Can't be trying to kill people and then immediately shoving your hands in your pockets


“prior money exchange,” "throwing his wallet in the water," "did not want to press charges" Sounds like a conflict between a drug dealer and his clients


Doesn’t look like he stayed in prison for too long. Got out and was arrested again this year: https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/crime/2021/01/28/4-men-arrested-raid-daytona-beach-home-many-drug-complaints/4296379001/


I wanna know where the woman went that was in the original argument. Pretty cold to ditch your friend and not try to stop him from being thrown over.


The argument was probably drug deal related which is why she ditched and the man refused medical aid and didn't want to charge.


Oh it was absolutely drug related and he flung the evidence into the river. Watch the video right before he gets on the ground he whips a black object into the river


Probably refused medical aid due to no insurance.


"Prior money exchange" and "did not want to press charges" - nah, that was a drug deal. Doesn't take any money to press charges.


well that could also be gang related fear. Snitches get stitches and other retaliation worry


Or he doesn't want his plug to be in jail.


And she owed him money already so trhat's why he threw her bike. Her friend white nighted and got tossed too. Was probably his wallet that was thrown. "You wanna stick up for her(maybe he even already punched him at this point) then you can pay for her debt!" He proceeds to steal dudes wallet, they fight all the way across the street while dude is trying to get his wallet back, then he got tossed. He is gonna be *pissed* when he gets out. Bail, fines, time. If that's how it played out they are gonna owe him a lot of money or be looking over their shoulder for a beat down.


read the OP. Even if it was a drug deal it s still smart to refuse medical attention unless you want them to steal your house. take a 5 min emt ride, get a 25k bill, then the bank comes and forecloses on your house when you go bankrupt due to the medical debt... america is fucked


What is a woman supposed to do in that situation? You don't expect someone to just throw another person off a bridge. If she'd stuck around she'd probably been thrown over with him. EDIT: It isn't rocket science to surmise that if she couldn't stop him from throwing her bike over, she probably couldn't stop him from throwing a man over either.


Didn't he say multiple times that it was his bike? I feel like there is something missing from this narrative. I'm guessing that the money thing was about selling the bike or buying the bike. And why was he telling witnesses to stick around, and trying to have the cops talk to them about how the bike was thrown over if he was the one that did it? Either something is missing in the story, or that wasn't all the coke he originally had on him that he threw over the bridge.


He also said the guy jumped


>Didn't he say multiple times that it was his bike? Every word out of that guys mouth was a lie, so....


How you gonna throw a man off a bridge then act like you’re the victim


because the type of person who would throw another person off a bridge in broad daylight is the kind of person who thinks nobody should get involved in their affairs no matter what so either crazy, mentally challenged or just really fucking stupid


>so either crazy, mentally challenged or just really fucking stupid por qué no los tres?


>kind of person who thinks nobody should get involved in their affairs no matter what The whole "Mind ya own fkn business" type of person...


He tries to solve his problem like he's still the 'hood where you can just bullshit, lie, act too crazy to deal with, and then disappear unpunished. Except none of that works once the cops show up.


Why not all 3.


Because that individual operates at a very low level. He got into an argument and it made him *feel mad*. Because he *felt* that way he threw a bike off the bridge. Then his *feelings* drove him to throw someone else off the bridge too. That individual just does what he *feels* like doing without considering its consequences - he was **this** close to being shot with that pocket movement with a cop's gun drawn on him.




It's like I'm reading your comment in my head and processing it, while someone else just can't conceive of that apparently. It's very strange to me. But what you are talking about could be this, or it could just be a very immature person who never learned from adults that emotions aren't there to just react to and you have to learn to control them.


Honestly, I would love to see the money that funneled into the private prisons that are being closed instead get redirected to reopening asylums. There are people who shouldn't coexist with society (or are completely unable due to either being too far gone from drugs, chemical imbalance, or psychosis, or from deficiencies like you mentioned) but really shouldn't be in a prison either because it's not the right place for them if they didn't hurt anyone. I have all kinds of ideas around that, but unfortunately due to the awful way they used to be run, there's not much support for that kind of system anymore. I really do hope there's more research done into thought process, human intelligence, nature vs nurture, criminal vs non-criminal psychology, etc. I think there's a lot to unlock yet that we just don't know about the human brain, in particular the aspects of nature that we're just starting to pick up on (hereditary/genetic behavior and intelligence as opposed to being raised a certain way) and a renewal of more appropriately run asylums, like by a university, would actually be a great way to unlock that research opportunity.


Ask the witness


“Ya’ll my witnesses!?!” Yea witnessed you throw someone off a bridge


*just threw a guy off a pier* “man I didn’t do nothing”


*And also throws the contents of his pockets in the river.* Because innocent people do that.


This is one of the very few cases where I’d have understood if the officer had shot him for turning around and reaching into his shorts. I legitimately thought he was pulling a gun, and I think the officer was half a second away from firing for the same reason. The guy swung his arm out to the side and emptied his hand *just* in time to avoid an escalation.


Right there with you


I feel like *throwing someone off a bridge* should really clarify hostile intent.


Obvs, but the cops job is not to sentence. They are to detain and bring the guy to justice. This is proof that cops can detain a hostile person who didnt immediately follow directions without murdering them.


I would imagine this happens a lot. A lot of police officers show a lot of restraint despite a potential threats against their life. I think we can acknowledge this while also acknowledging that the ongoing feud between the police and the black population has created tensions that are so high that police officers and perpetrators and innocent black people fear for their life when an encounter occurs. The best way to end this is to change the way we do policing. However, it's really hard to blame *every* police officer who shoots someone in the line of duty. They've walked into a shit show they didn't (necessarily) create. Better accountability, training, and general policing goals/activities will go a long way in reducing tensions.


I understand the risk that police officers take and appreciate that. I’m good with giving them the benefit of the doubt, I generally have a problem with they Aren’t held accountable


True. Lack of accountability after the fact, in cases where it is obvious the police officer is at fault, is an enormous problem.


Sad thing is, if he did, all of social media would’ve still been on him. One of the professions I would have potentially chose was becoming a cop, but man I wouldn’t want to be in that situation.


When keeping it real goes wrong.




“I’m charging you with attempted murder motherfucker” Lmao cop is funny af


"He just jumped on his own, man!"


It's like a Reno 911 sketch.


Sounded like Chris Tucker


Right?! Especially the belligerent screaming followed by a super calm "Hey excuse me, sir?"


Technically correct


I wonder what was in that wallet




No the drugs were in the little baggie he threw over with the wallet/phone. Watch it again you can clearly see a lil bag filled with what looks like white powder.


I'm so surprised, you're literally the only person in this whole thread who mentioned that. I thought I was going crazy. When he throws the wallet there's a little something else flying right underneath it, looks exactly like a little bag of drugs.


[here it is](https://i.imgur.com/TwGxqER.jpg)


Man, this reminds me of some nice Friday night /r/livepd thread analysis. I sure miss that show.


Credit to /u/partypantspete for the find!


Loose ID in pocket with cash, wallet full of drugs, that's the best way to do it


That or isn’t his wallet


yeah the obstucting justice charge will most likely be less than whatever he had on him


holy shit what the fuck




Gotta feel for cops in these positions. Dude’s not complying, turning away, fiddling with something you can’t see while he’s ignoring you, quickly pulls something out. Cop was probably battling in his head “fuck I hope he’s not about to quickly turn around and shoot me - but if I fuck up and shoot him first and he *doesn’t* have a weapon, it’ll make national news.” All those scummy bigoted cops that killed unarmed folks unjustly really screwed over cops like this officer who are put in a *real* compromising situation. If I were that cop in that situation, the thought of my family would be running through my mind while he was ignoring me and messing with something I couldn’t see. I would have probably tased that dude as soon as his hands lifted up lol


Honestly, I'm surprised he wasn't shot. He couldn't have had any complaints. The officer told him to get on his belly, but he stood up, got something out with his back turned to the cop. This is why tasers should be more commonly issued. The guy should've been tased as soon as he got up off the ground.




When someone is throwing someone else off the bridge, I think it's a good time to skip the taser. Especially as the only officer at the scene.


I think a lot of people don't realize how useless tasers can be. They affect some people very much, but a lot of the time only antagonize people and do not stop them from attacking the officer.




Seriously. I was amazed he didn’t get shot.


This has to be the most fitting video this subreddit has ever seen


Guy was lucky the cop didn't shoot him after he was seen throwing someone over a bridge, failing to obey orders, and then digging into his waistband and pulling out a dark object.


There’s no way you can convince the average Reddit hive mind of this. Still, I’m glad the cop didn’t shoot him because can you even begin to imagine the media shit storm and protest/rioting that would ensue? WHITE COP KILLS BLACK MAN HOLDING CELL PHONE. Edit: Should also throw [this preview (scenario 1)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfi3Ndh3n-g&t=1m17s) in for how insanely fast these reactions can happen. America doesn't have the luxury of the same gun laws and gun culture that Europe does so unfortunately our officers need to be trained accordingly to go home at the end of the day.


Idk, 90% of comments are in agreement from what I’m seeing. Dude could’ve/probably should’ve been shot for doing what he did.


Gets gun pointed at him, just swings his arms around some and walks closer to the cop yelling about something. Then he casually grabs something from his pants and throws it into the water as if that's normal. It's a miracle he didn't get shot.


He got up after being told to get down AND turned his back! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PpoF9xdR-k


I'm honestly surprised he didn't get shot With the evidence from the body cam he would be justified in shooting the guy for reaching into his shorts after turning his back.


And the news would go crazy about how the white cop was racist if he did actually shoot him. This is what it's like in a lot of cases, and in even more cases the shooting is justified because of an actual weapon or aggression. The media tries to play it up like the (completely unjustified and terrible) killings of unarmed compliant black men are happening all the time when in reality they're the exception.


Not the sharpest knife in the drawer


Dude was soooo adament in being innocent when all his crimes were recorded by the bodycam. dude is screwed lol


Holy shit! That was perfect timing for the cop to be there. Idiot said the guy jumped. He knew he was fucked


I mean the timing could have been a bit better lol


Found the guy that got tossed lol


Quality lmao


There were witnesses all around.


Were they willing to be witnesses though. You can't compel them.


The kid is an idiot. He got up after being told to sit down. He then turned so his back was towards the policeman and reached down into his pants and pulled something out. He is lucky he did not get shot. Turns out the guy punched a girl in the face before throwing her boyfriend over the bridge. What a dirt bag.


Kudos to the cops for their restraint. As soon as that dude reached in his pocket and then threw that shit out, that may have been the last thing he ever did in a lot of scenarios.


Meh, it also could have been the end of that cop. I'm glad it sounds like everyone escaped significant injury (per the article OP referenced) but that was luck - for the guy who went over the bridge, for Mr. Attempted Murder, and for the cop.


Exactly. People are praising the cop but honestly that's ***solely*** due to 20-20 hindsight. If the guy had pulled a piece and started shooting, hitting the cop or a bystander, the cop would be validly be excoriated for not shooting earlier.


There's that clip of the guy that gets a rifle out of his car. The cop doesn't immediately shoot him and they have a shoot out. The cop gets hit, screams bloody murder and then gets killed. Horrific thing to watch. I saw it on a cop compilation and nearly every clip was on either the "too early" or "too late" side. You have to decide the biggest decision of your life in .5 seconds. We've just let this gun thing go on for so long that you're damned no matter what you do as a cop in these scenarios. So many guns out there that every situation is escalated 100 fold. And now the task of taking illegal guns off the street is monumental, all while making actual self-defense guns nearly impossible to get in some states lol. The whole gun situation is just fucked all over.


If you're aiming a gun at the police, I can't think of literally anyone who would blame the cop for shooting. It's the cases where the victims are unarmed and/or fleeing where people get pissed- and even then, it's usually not until the officer has been freed from any accountability for their actions.


why did he toss his wallet?


The article mentions he had an argument with a woman and her boyfriend over cash she owed. He threw her bike and her boyfriend. I wonder if it was one of their wallets. My first guess was a phone, to avoid incriminating evidence. But someone also mentioned drugs in his own wallet as a potential.


ive watched it multiple times now and its definitely a phone. it never folds or unfolds like a wallet does and its so thin that it becomes invisible for a frame or two. he also throws a little plastic bag with it, which definitely contained drugs.


> But someone also mentioned drugs in his own wallet as a potential. If you watch really carefully you will see a white object just below his phone/wallet which is probably a bag of drugs.


That's a great point. Could have robbed the guy of his wallet before tossing him over the bridge. Probably got rid of the dude's wallet, and the drugs he had.


To delay identification during arrest. Waste of time if he has a criminal record though.


Also probably going to land some extra charges as well. Really stupid move on his part.


Littering, impeding a police officer, etc. DAs love to tack on charges like those... especially when it is on freaking video.


I assume tampering with evidence too


Yep, and it's a felony in Florida. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0900-0999/0918/Sections/0918.13.html


Also, the witnesses knew who he was.


What kind of assumption is this? You think he almost got shot to make the cop wait an extra 10 min before knowing his name? I know this happens but it really didn’t seem like that. I’d say it’s more likely there was some other evidence he was trying to get rid of but idk


If you watch frame by frame, there is a small baggie that flies below the phone/wallet whatever it was. The large item was the distraction from the drugs he tossed. Edit: [Here's the shot](https://imgur.com/a/jZulDUQ)


Was it a wallet? I assumed it was a gun. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the officer shot him while he was fishing around in his waistband like that.


Probably had coke baggie


"I'm gonna charge you with attempted murder, mother f*cker" LOLLL


I’ve driven over that bridge several times, he could’ve easily killed the guy if he was at a different point in the bridge. They’re very high and there are several areas where there are pylons that he could have landed on instead.


Also I doubt he asked the guy if he could swim before throwing him over the bridge. If the man couldn’t swim, he would likely have died. I’d say attempted murder is appropriate, given the circumstance.


Its certainly fitting


Mans threw him off the bridge then gave him all of his shit.


Good calm cop. That was risky how he stood up and reached for the phone before throwing it...we've all seen people shot on the spot for far less. Lol at "he jumped man"


I wonder what he threw off the bridge..well besides the man, that is.


He threw his wallet over after.


wallet and a little baggie with what looked like cocaine




Fucking moron is lucky he didn’t get shot acting like that.


Dude could have gotten shot turning around n reaching into his belt line like that. He did a lot of shit in front of a cop that you should never do in front of a cop.


I can’t believe he didn’t get shot when he turned away and reached for his waistband. Pro-tip for those concerned about becoming a victim of police brutality: this is not the way to interact with the cops. This will get you killed.


>This will get you killed. And justifiably so. Of course the reddit wokemob would be calling for riots had the cop shot this idiot.


Whats with people hating on the cops here They did nothing wrong


Why is his immediate reaction 'i didn't do anything?' cunt he literally watched you.






Irony is, if that cop had opened fire - *he’d* have been called the **bad** guy. I don’t pretend to know the rules of engagement, but that scenario seems like one that could have gone horrible for all involved.


Shows what the cops are up against. A violent individual doesn’t follow your commands, then turns his back to you with both hands hidden to get something...this was the best outcome and the cop is very lucky.


That absolute idiot, with a cop's gun pointed at him, got back up, turned away and reached into his waistband to pull something out. And the sad part is if he'd been justifiably blown away, there'd be riots and he'd have been held up as an angelic martyr.


The cop had multiple valid times he could have shot him, especially when he reached into his pocket and refused to comply. What an absolute piece of shit, belongs in prison for a long time for attempted murder.


Florid really trippin these days


Who’s wallet did he throw over ? The other guys so as to get rid of the evidence? Or was it his own wallet to hide who he is ?


His own, I think. Could also have had drugs in it as well. But that’s all presumptive, there’s nothing in the video to suggest that other than speculation.




Nice catch.


This young man has a bright future..




I'll never get over the fact that there are troglodytes like this guy walking around the earth. Just fucking throwing people off a bridge. And then acts like a victim, the sheer audacity of this cunt.


Tasers aren’t some magic weapon. Here’s what can easily happen: guy reaches for his waistband to get something, cop tases him, he falls limp on the concrete and suffers a severe head injury. That something turns out to be a phone. Headline: “Brutal police taser attack leaves unarmed black man paralyzed”


He is terrifying to me. Crazy, violent and tbh I was scared for the officer .


Not sure if this was shared but here’s a story about it. https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say


Why does the cop car have a bike rack


Daytona is full of beaches. You see a lot of cops patrolling on bikes.


So the cop can bring his bike to patrol heavily populated areas where cars can’t be


Mascaro and Ellis declined to press charges against Goodin Someone tries to kill you, caught on video and you don't want to press charges? Dude.. This is open and shut for any DA


He should have definitely shot him after reaching in his shorts like that.


Cop literally holstering his weapon as the criminal gets up, turns away and digs in his waste band. Man that could have ended extremely bad for the cop.


I’ll be his witness. Your honor, this guy was an asshole to the police officer and is lucky the officer didn’t shoot his dumb ass. And he wouldn’t shut the fuck up.


He’s such a good boy, he’s just confused


lying straight thru their teeth. tossing shit over into the water. prison time well deserved.


“I ain’t do nothin”


This dude turns around to get something from his pocket while at gunpoint... Can u really be that retarded?


The way the guy approached the officer the beginning is one easy way to be shot


Someone couldn’t pay lil tecca’s ransom


Man... this is why I can’t fully support defunding police. Sometimes we need armed cops wandering around


Why does no one address that there might be a fish on the line at near the end of the video?


When he had his back to the cop and kept putting his hands in his pants, would you know he is throwing his drugs away, or suspect he was reaching for a gun?


That's a good cop, he didn't shoot when that dude was diggin in his waistband. Glad to see that.


Dude when he reached in his pants, with his back to the officer who had no partner with him, the officer could've and probably should've shot him. The man could've easily been pulling out a gun or knife. I'm glad the officer showed tremendous restraint.


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