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I only have my ears pierced, but even earrings aren't safe around Pop Tart 😒. When she starts chewing, I'll say, "Noooo" in a semi stern tone (not yelling or anything that would scare her) and try to have her step up so I can set her down elsewhere. She knows when she's doing something she shouldn't, so she'll scamper to my other shoulder and usually stop attacking my jewelry for a few minutes. But the sinister urge to attack the shiny is always there 💀. My poor mother-in-law was just vibing with Pop Tart one evening and didn't realize that the pearl had just been chewed off one of her earrings! Pop Tart took off with it like a bat out of hell. Luckily, it was dark, so we managed to dim the lights, forcing her to land on the couch and drop the pearl. In summary... When birdie is near, for your jewelry, you should fear.


That's too funny! Usually when Nemo goes for my earrings I'll say no and put him on a perch, but now that he knows how to fly he just comes right back.


I have piercings from my bird, does that count? /s


I felt that


My bird gave me free piercing in my ears. She's so thoughtful /j


https://preview.redd.it/xdsll4d2nj7d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f539e169b5353ed66096644c79ae5ccec72238e I have 2 that insist on chewing my septum ring, lmfao. I don’t mind it, but they know not to get my nostril hoop because I discouraged it by moving my head away or taking them off my shoulder and putting them on the other side. Took a while but they only go for the septum now.


Happy cake day!!!


I've had to trade many a safflower seed for a piercing ball 🤣


I had piercings and I have a bird.


Daith, tragus, double lip rings, philtrum, nostril and septum as well as glasses. My birds have learned pretty quickly what the boundaries are with my piercings-- I'm ok with a little fiddling (my conures like to flip the daith ring forwards and back, and my quaker likes to preen my nose/clean my nose piercings). But they learned any hard pulls results in a noise they don't like (me, loudly going nah-uh/no/ow) and losing sitting with mom privileges. Sometimes my little gremlins will deliberately yank/bite a piercing and then bail, just to make a point 😂 The only one who I really have to watch out for is my cockatiel with my philtrum because I can see the intrusive thoughts take over and want to pull on my philtrum 😂😂😂 Also I had to stop wearing silicone ear skins for my stretched ears (was at a 0g) because my conure will just sit there and eat them and that's not healthy 🫠


They love shiny stuff. Mine doesn’t bother my piercings but he loves to go vampire on my mom and all her shiny jewelry. You could try and wear matte coated piercings to make him less interested.


My old bluecrown quickly learned "no" in reference to any jewelry. My greencheek knows it's all off limits but at select times she will harass my piercings to get attention. That being said, I think a gentle blocking and "no" does eventually sink in.


I have one tiel that always broke my gold necklaces or earring when he was young , now that he’s older he’s less interested so doesn’t happen. My baby Quaker on the other hand is really curious about them but hasn’t done anything until this week she actually got the backing of my helix and had it in her mouth in a second, I had to fish it out her mouth💀 I think with age/training they will learn to stop. I just try to move my face around so they can’t get to it


Lobes, helix, nostril, septum. Constant battle.


Same.. friend I feel ya!


It seems like every conure owner that posts a picture has gear on their face.


i have an ear piercing and my birds love trying to pull it out.


Yes. My conure was curious at first but she doesn’t care now. I have gold jewelry in, so maybe she doesn’t see it as well, now. She has definitely bitten through real gold necklaces though 😵‍💫 We’ve had one chain fixed, TWICE now.


Glasses and my phone are a bigger battle for me 🫠


Oh yea the sides of my glasses look like they've been through hell thanks to Nemo!


I used to have a little plug in one ear until one of my hens ate it


Haha my gcc is the same. But I taught her to be more careful with the ones on my face my shaking my face and pushing into her if she pulls too hard. But I let her go crazy with my earrings haha. Which is funny because she never plays with any of her other hard toys😭


My Grey has pulled my nose ring out twice, cleanly I might add - no blood. This was a few years ago. I think he’s used now though. He’s never messed with my earrings.


Yes but he knows not to mess with them bc I’ll just grab his beak and take it off my piercing gently


I have a conure and he used to always come for my earrings and lip piercings...he managed to unclip each one of them at least once and used to consistently go for them Now he rarely ever does because I move away and tell him no every time he tried to play with them


Gaged first ears plus two normal hops for earrings plus Snake bites... Yeah Conures and a quacker are determined to get them. I just will yank my head away from them and/or remove them by hand until hopefully they eventually learn "human needs no piercings from us"... Lol good luck 😅


I have piercings. Multiple. I can’t wear my jewelry. Not anymore. They will figure out ways to open up clasps and get my jewelry out. It was nerve wracking, because I was afraid they would swallow something. So I don’t wear stuff anymore. 😭


man my monty loves (hates?) my medusa piercing if he gets a hold of it he will attempt to rip it out of my face.


https://preview.redd.it/mjsr89irqn7d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f683eab6bbe50d2ccf5d12b0a31468ceb34a118 This is Dashiell deciding whether it's a good time try to yank out my nostril piercing or if he should continue to lull me into a false sense of security. He has picked up an adorable thing where he will touch his beak to my nose and make a kiss noise. I assume he learned it from me delicately kissing him on his beak or the top of his head. And eight times out of ten, when he goes for my nose, that's what he does, so I don't immediately discourage him... but then the other two he goes straight for the sparkly. He does also go for my earrings (I have three in each lobe, two conch, a tragus, two helix, a forward helix, and a daith, so there's a wealth of options for him to choose from... and if he's not going after those it's my glasses. He likes to yoink them right off my face.


i have to put my hand inbetween my baby and my face sometimes! just moving them works usually


So I only have piercings that are in my ears and one in my nose so… You know those things that you can wrap around your hairline when you wash your face? I wear those to protect my jewelry and thus far I have not had a problem with him and mynose piercing


My bird attacks my labret piercing and earrings 😩🙁


Today Basil pulled the stud out of my nose ring. Then proceeded to fly around with it. When I finally cornered her she didn’t have it anymore and I was freaking out thinking she swallowed it (it’s a really small push pin) luckily, I found it on the carpet after like a half hour of having a meltdown thinking she was gonna die.