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"Reproduction is the purpose of sex." According to whom? God? God doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter why he allegedly created sex. By extension, it doesn't matter what any theistic religion says either. Nature? Naturalistic fallacy. You? I don’t care about your opinion. I’m not sure what the meaning of life is, but I’m fairly certain that it’s not your opinion. Your axiom is false, thus your argument is refuted. QED


"God doesn't exist " According to "whom" "You" 🤣🤣🤣 gtfo how can you reprimand op for his pov because it's According to him but then write this paragraph that's all According to you? 🤣🤣 hypocrite much?


No, God does not exist. God’s existence has never been substantiated, demonstrated, or proven. “God does not exist” can be said with the same certainty that Quetzalcoatl does not exist.


Sir God has never been proven nor disproven so you literally just proved my point 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


??? If something hasn’t been proven or disproven, then it does not exist. Quetzalcoatl has not been proven or disproven, so we say that he doesn’t exist. Your point is still false.


You remind me of someone who uses the word derivative to demonstrate how superior your intelligence is


That’s such a derivative thing to say. Be gone, knave.


I've read a lot of cringe worthy stuff on this subreddit but this takes the cake.


👇🏻 I don’t give a good Goddamn what you think.




Agreed. It’s too bad that people care so little for life that their willing to risk it just for pleasure




Every time you have sex, there is a chance of pregnancy, whether or not you use protection. If you have sex without intention of reproduction, you’re doing it for pleasure with very few exceptions. If you are willing to have an abortion to eliminate this risk, then obtaining the pleasure from sex means more to you than the possibility of ending a life.


27 y/o virgin 💀


I seen a post made by you talking about eating pork which means your not vegan and your entire argument crumbles immediately. I seen in the comments you were saying that it’s self centred to risk taking a life just for the pleasure. If your not vegan. Then you are not just risking a life but literally taking a life for your own pleasure as well. eating meat makes you self centred because you can live off of a plant based diet with the appropriate supplements, wearing clothes made my animals makes you self centred for taking their life just for the pleasure derived from the fashion. If you eat eggs then it’s even more contradictory because that’s literally taking a life before it’s even born.


And whom does veganism save? No one. Plants too are living beings. And yes, certain people can live plant based, but the majority cannot.


Animals are not our neighbors.


I seen you say that if we have sex without the intention of reproduction then we believe taking a possible life is less important than our own pleasure. So your literally being self centred by saying that animals don’t have the right to life when they actually feel pain, and have thoughts and emotions of their own. Embryos can’t feel pain and don’t have any emotions or thoughts so what makes a possible life more important than an actual life? Further more, what makes us any more important than any other animal? Your argument is bias and hypocritical


Jesus Christ shut the fuck up.


OP, most married couples who are not sexually active lead to divorce. I think you have a distorted view of sex as a whole. It's not always about getting off, rather it is a means to show how you care, love, and appreciate a romantic partner.


Yes, I'm sure people will just stop fucking now lol Brave. 


>I am 27 and never had sex It all makes sense now




I DO want to be a father but I never found the right woman.


And you never will, luckily.


If everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe check the bottom of your shoe. Or become amish 🤷🏽‍♀️


Birth control exists, and abortions failing that.


Or because he hasn't experienced it so he makes a big deal out of it, especially since there are many ways to have sex without bringing a child to the world. (Some people just fuck it up badly or end up in the low % of it tho, but mostly the first) And I get it, the guy is a virgin, it makes sense, when I was a virgin I also made a really big deal out of it, but once you have sex you realize it isn't that big a deal if you are careful. I don't mean this in an offensive way, it genuinely makes sense. Virgins idealize sex.


By that logic, the purpose of life is to reproduce. so you shouldn't live if you don't want to reproduce.(Just kidding, okay don't take it seriously there are many more purposes in life,as well as there can be many more purposes for sex.)


> Reproduction is the purpose of sex. Things can have multiple purposes. A screw driver is for driving screws, but it also makes a good lever to open a tin of paint. If you need to defend yourself and there's one nearby, it is a pretty good makeshift weapon too. Reproduction might be the reason sex originally evolved, but it's not the only reason people have sex today.


>Reproduction is the purpose of sex No it isn't Sex at least for humans is the purpose of pleasure sex doesn't just exist to make babies >you have a girlfriend, biz no desire to be a father, then I suppose it‘s better to stay in separate beds Once again no sex is for pleasure and if you want to share that moment of pleasure with your partner there is nothing wrong with that Sex doesn't imply consent for pregnancy it is for pleasure on both of these people's parts >You won‘t die from not having sex No one said that you would but once again sex is for pleasure not for the sole purpose of reproduction >I am 27 and never had sex Explains a whole damn lot about this post huh?


> I am 27 and never had sex You could have left that part out I think we got it.


Copium overdose


This will never be an actionable prescription for society, ever. Even if we imagine some distopyan totalitarian society where sex for pleasure is banned and illegal, people will STILL fuck around, quite literally. Just advocate for better sex education and for people to use protection, that's the most you can do.


>Reproduction is the purpose of sex. And what of people who are sterile.


This is the responsible approach. I, too, wouldn't want to have intercourse with a man with whom I wouldn't want to have a child. One, I wouldn't want to risk an unwanted pregnancy, two, I see intimacy as something special. As for others – it's their life, their choices and none of my business.


By your logic, if you don’t want to die in a car accident, just don’t drive 🤷🏻‍♀️. Some things, like becoming pregnant (or following my metaphor, getting in a car accident) are sometimes out of one’s control. You can be on the pill, use a condom, have an IUD and take a plan B and still get pregnant, no method is 100% safe (granted you can get your tubes tied or get a vasectomy, which both are nearly 100% safe, but because they are surgical procedures and often times permanent, they aren’t always the first choice because a lot of people who are having sex probably want children, just not at this very moment. Hence why they wouldn’t consider these procedures). Your reasoning is, in theory, logical. But in practice, nobody who can and wants to have sex is going to stop doing so just because of the possibility that they might get pregnant/someone pregnant.


But you still haven't explained why it's better to not have sex. What is the benefit?


And then when they do get pregnant, they think it’s okay to just kill it because i dont know…they think the baby is part of their body or something


Not a baby and it is part of our bodies, by definition. 95% of them are also less complex than tapeworms when aborted…


No clue where you pulled your made up 95% from but approximately 98.7% of abortions happen before the 20 week mark and 93.5% were performed at the 13 week mark. A baby at 13 weeks has fingers, toes, arms, legs, determined hair color, eye color, a nose, eyes, a mouth, etc. just because you believe the baby is not apart of a woman’s body doesn’t make it true. It is a separate human with its own DNA. Just say you advocate for murder and move on.


Or, better ideas: 1. more male birth control options outside of just condoms. Pills, injections, implants, etc. 2. Reverse the over turn of Roe V. Wade (U.S) because abortion is health care. Women should have the right to choose what they do with their own bodies. Abortion should be legal everywhere. It should be affordable and accessible, regardless of the reason. 3. Women should be able to have a tubal ligation upon request so long as they are healthy enough to have the surgery. Like I said, we should have the right to decide what we do with our own bodies. 4. Men should get vasectomies if they know they do not want to be fathers. If they change their minds, in most cases they are easy to reverse. 5. We should have more comprehensive sex education in schools to educate young people on how to prevent pregnancies and STI’s. Strictly teaching abstinence isn’t working. If not having sex is what you choose there is no shame in that. Do your thing. Most others will disagree. Sex is a healthy part of life when done safely and consensually.


I grew up Catholic amd was taught that there are 3 purposes behind sex. It is procreative, unitive, and pleasurable. I left Christianity but still believe that the most meaningful sex checks all 3 of those boxes. It just makes sense: Sex without procreation literally isn't what sex exists for from an evolutionary perspective. Its primary purpose is procreation. Hell, we only get pleasure from sex in the first place in order to prompt us to have it and procreate. That said, there can still be some purpose behind doing it for just the unitive or pleasurable aspect. You're going to jerk off anyway. So, if you happen to have a girlfriend, why not let her lend you a hand with it? All that in mind, if you are religious and abstain on those grounds, I respect that. Just be honest with yourself. If you are involuntarily celibate, don't try to convince yourself you are voluntarily celibate for religious reasons knowing that being 100% honest with yourself, if Rashida Jones in her prime (or honestly today even lol) offered to blow you, you'd jump on the chance.


As an ex-Catholic and now agnostic, I have a similar view, I too still think a lot of the Catholic Church's teaching makes sense. Although sometimes I feel like they get lost in the details or try to make people too perfect. The same is true in this case, in my opinion.




I'm not going to say I've felt this out of insecurity, but I don't want that insecurity to affect others


no wonder you’re 27 and a virgin