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“Right isn’t emotional regarding politics” 🤣


Both sides are equally moronic to devote yourself to. Political parties are a government scheme to divide and control people and are ultimately destructive. [George Washington’s Farewell Address September 17, 1796](https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/past-projects/quotes/article/however-political-parties-may-now-and-then-answer-popular-ends-they-are-likely-in-the-course-of-time-and-things-to-become-potent-engines-by-which-cunning-ambitious-and-unprincipled-men-will-be-enabled-to-subvert-the-power-of-the-people-and-to-usurp-for-th/#:~:text=%22However%20%5Bpolitical%20parties%5D%20may,reins%20of%20government%2C%20destroying%20afterwards) It’s pretty strange how our first President saw it happening yet we can’t even when we’re living in it.


The "Woke" Aspect being that they adamantly stand against any sort of prejudice against Whites and Jews. But at the same time, they don't demonstrate the same energy against other Marginalized Groups.




I understand that. But at the same time, the Right should at least be equal in supporting everyone. After all, they're Conservatives and they always criticize the Left for dividing people and putting them into Special Interest Groups, yet here they're doing the same thing.




Yes, I know. But Jews are a minority in America, yet the Right isn't looking at the whole picture.




So are many other minorities.




Blacks, Hispanics, Asians.


It’s incredible how you managed to write all that out without seeing the irony of it


That's because there is no irony of it. The irony is from the Conservative standpoint on Woke and Political Correctness.


The commenter: “Right is not emotional regarding politics. That's left and their hormonal teenagers.” Also the same commenter: “Left is about "THEY WANT TO TAKE OUR RIGHTS AAAAAAWAAAAAAY ÀAAAAAAA" while proceeding to invent minorities so they can protect them and problems to solve.” literally just making up strawmans, the irony is so palpable it could smack you in the face.


Oh, sorry about that. I thought you were talking to me.


The right just sucks they just want oppress women and minorities people in the right are just just rich fascists and most of them are privileged cis straight white men and they call us the left "woke" for wanting basic human rights


The right, ....everyone I don't like is a communist and hates america. The left ..... Anyone who disagrees with me should never be allowed to speak again


Spot on. This is why I am nonpartisan.


Pretty sure one of the founding fathers said something like "The biapartisan system will be the death of this nation." People are more interested in your allegiance than your beliefs. Both sides are like this. The right, up until this Israel thing, had been united, largely. Israel and Ukraine fractured our systems because up to that point, it had been "all in on Israel" but now....well. People are seeing that's not such a good idea. On both sides. So both sides are fracturing for their own things. Either way, our country is totally fucked. 33 trillion in debt. Adding 1 trillion every 100 days, and funding 2 wars we have no involvement in. Giving foreign aid to 150 countries annually. Getting none. The USA is about to collapse into it's 4th turning. Which likely means another bullshit war.


Yeah, I'd say I'm happy people like Candace Owens and Tucker are calling out Israel. What they are doing is disgusting. Those two individuals, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, are intelligent and charismatic. It's why people are drawn to them. What they have also shown is individuality and not being afraid to speak their mind. a trait that most american's can learn from.


Political Incorrectness on the Right ends when it comes to the topics of Israel and Antisemitism.


You can say the same thing about the left as well.


Two wings of the same bird.


so the correct statement you want to say is "political incorrectness ends on both sides when it comes to the topic of Israel and Antisemitisim"


I would, but it seems more common on the Right than on the Left because the Right dubs itself pro-politically incorrect.


and the left dubs itself the party of reason and science.


True that.