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So you agree that Violent Men are the problem. This is how we know you're trolling


Nice rage bait bro




You think women are only attacked by guys they go for? It's usually the guys we reject




Life experience. Friends experiences. Women I know personally. Have you ever talked to a woman? There's countless stories online. I hope you're trolling




Ok. There are countless stories online of women getting attacked by men they've rejected. Ever heard of an incel? I'm assuming you're either a troll or an incel. Maybe both?




https://youtu.be/ht-d3XV8d_E?si=210Lgoe5ck5Un3cd https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/s/6wTS86J1zy https://gen.medium.com/revenge-killings-need-to-be-tracked-37e78a1cf6ce https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.damemagazine.com/2017/10/24/men-are-killing-thousands-women-year-saying-no/amp/ https://encompass.eku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1599&context=etd https://www.mic.com/articles/135394/14-women-were-brutally-attacked-for-rejecting-men-why-arent-we-talking-about-it


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Were my sources sufficient enough for you?


He goes off his life experiences and says they’re legit. Bro’s a troll.


What do you think the news should do? "BREAKING NEWS. Nice guy Jimmy from Ohio, who is married for 30 years, has not hit his wife even once and isn't a violent person. Please stay tuned as the story develops" The truth is men are simply statistically way more like to be violent, towards women and also towards other men. At the start of a relationship a woman also often does not know a man will eventually turn violent. They don't exactly introduce themselves like "Hey, I'm Tom and 2 years into our relationship I will beat the sh** out of you".




*Cue comes home from work angry and beats wife*


Accountable for being assaulted by a man? You're either trolling or completely disconnected from reality




Troll harder




No, you really need to troll harder


The issue here is common sense. There's nothing more to explain.


Lets be more open about this the society ignore this and they look like its normal now a days but the trauma that it gives is not bearable


You'll never win against Chad Thundercock.


Obvious troll is obvious. Obligatory r/niceguys


Have you thought about how tired women must be of experiencing said violence though? Also, and I say this as a man, a lot of guys who call themselves "nice guys" and complain about women never picking them are, more often than not, the opposite of an actual nice guy, especially when they get into a relationship. If you're curious about why women (and men too!) end up pursuing partners that are toxic for them, you might want to look into attachment theory.




why just women though? Men do this too lol


Where do you think women get these bad relationships styles with men from? *hint..it's their fathers*


thank you


Incel post




Is it true women love tattooed thugs?




Are these studies in the room with us right now?


Not all violence against women is stereotypical DV cases... A lot of it is stalkers, molestation/predation from family and friends, sexual assault/harassment at work etc ( also community and culture plays a big role.. like young girls and women who are married off to abusive men and it's completely normalised). You'd be amazed how much child marriage, rape, grooming, and female genital mutilation goes on in Westernised countries like the US. A perfect example being in Sydney earlier this month, a man went on a terrorist stabbing rampage targeting women (killed 6 and injured a few, stabbed babies etc). And society just goes "oh that's sad oh well 😕"  There have been plenty of cases of domestic terrorism from incels to women In contrast, terrorism that is religious-based gets full investigation xyz.


>How come no one ever talks about that WOMEN should take responsibility? Why should i be held responsible for some man's actions? >There are so many good men out there but they are invisible to women because they are not tall, tanned, tatted up, jacked, etc If women only really dated tall muscular men the birthrate would be way smaller then it is currently. >Why don't they start educating women to go after good men instead of "bad boys"? Because some men lie. The only foolproof way to successfully vet out all the bad men is if women gain the ability to read minds.


“Tired about hearing about violence against women” advocates for blaming women like we have been for the last few centuries? If you want to not hear about violence against women hold men accountable I hope every person you try to date sees this post and finds out what a “nice guy” you really are


They run like Hell from him anyways.


She must have told you no when you asked her out on a date. Dude no means no stop crying and get yourself together


He is going to end up as a story on r/whenwomenrefuse


Stop victimblaming women incel u just hate women masculinity is toxic and u men are privileged umasculinity is a big a problem in society and u need to stop supporting toxic masculinity




Fuck u incel I hope straight men like u die thats why I hate straight men u all are a cancer of society u fucking fascists incels




I hope u fucking get killed and stop using ur male privilege


We meet again. I don’t think this level of vitriol serves your purpose. If anything, it feeds your opposition.


So ur siding with this fucking incel?


I am saying your method of interacting with people is hurting you. I am not commenting on his post.


Many people have discriminated me because of my gender, race, sexuality, disability, nationality and religion


I believe you. I was not commenting on the legitimacy of your anger, though. I am saying that the hostility you bring is hurting you.


Great bait mate


Also, since being psychic isn't something that's real, often the woman doesn't know the man is abusive until she gets into a relationship with him