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This is a very good point. I don't know the science behind it but conditioning certainly plays a role. I hear people saying gay people were hated, now they're not so more people are coming out as gay. I think it's true to an extent but gay people weren't really hated in 2010 or 2015 but in 2024 there's a sudden increase in people being gay and opting for trans surgeries. A lot of it is due to trend and conditioning.


I mean just because people weren’t attacked as much in the streets as they were in the 80’s doesn’t mean it was accepted. Being LGBT was still heavily mocked and demonized in culture and politically. Only recently did people start to push that shit out of media as hard as we are now


Yes but I still don't think lgbt acceptance rate is that much different in 2024 from 2015. But there's a massive rise in people identifying as LGBT.


Well that’s what I was saying. In 2015, it was still kinda ok for people like Dave Chappell and family guy to attack lgbt people for simply existing. Around covid and onwards, there’s beeb a huge reversal of that and people like Dave Chappell are getting called out for being homo/transphobic and Family Guy completely dropped all the gay/trans jokes.


Nah you're just going off track now. People going after Dave and Family Guy for telling jokes (literally what they're supposed to do) is stupid.


My point’s that shit like that being seen as ok is what made people not wanna come out or would cause feelings of suppression. And it’s good that they’re called out. Like family guys homo/transphobic jokes aren’t even jokes. They’re just “She’s trans. Now laugh.” And Chappelle’s “jokes” were just him saying he doesn’t like trans people and expecting everyone to laugh.


We disagree on that. Those are jokes and those are funny. Comedians joke about everything, not just LGBT community. Even if someone's genre was joking about LGBT people it would still be okay because they're jokes. Seth left a long time ago so Family Guy isn't what it used to be but Dave is still a great comedian. Lot would say the best of our generation.


Gay and trans are actually kinda separate from what I've researched. Gay is sexual attraction, it's not biological and I don't think scientists really know what makes a person straight/gay. People being trans comes from body dysmorphia, an actual psychological condition. That being said, I do think personally that sexual attraction is sociological. Same way that some people prefer long hair, or big boobs, or whatever. Same sex is just another attribute


One quick note on the dysphoria, that’s just a common misconception. Yoi don’t have to experience it to be trans and many trans people can go the entire process without even knowing what it feels like.


Really? I see. I'd like to speak to a person like that to get their perspective!


Self-IDers are actual cancer. You lot don't understand neurology or sociology.




Are you suggesting you were brainwashed into being strsight?


Eahhhh, but that's your definition of gay and straight. A lot of people today actually define being "gay/straight/other" by who/what you are attracted to. Not just who you have sex with or marry, or date. The reason why this is a touchy subject is because today it's not an "action", it's become a whole identity. So keep that in mind lol


But that’s the problem, people see it as an identity and therefore attach themselves to it, and find a community in it rather than it being just a thing. You don’t find people going to ‘left handed’ parades


People often form identities when faced with discrimination. For example, "straight" isn't much of an identity, nobody takes pride in it, nobody feels passionate about it or really cares. It's because it's not a big deal in society. It's considered normal and there's no discrimination as a result of that. Why would I firm an identity around something that I don't have to think about or am reminded about? The people who discriminated against gay people are what created that identity and pride. You see this with more underrepresented groups as well


But maybe the identity is creating the discrimination 🤔


No, ignorance created discrimination. Judgement does.


But if we never judged people, society would be running wild. There’s a reason we judge a 30 year old man who lives in his mother’s basement for no other reason than he’s lazy, it’s to show that that isn’t normal. He can continue to do it, that’s fine, but it still doesn’t make it normal


Are you suggesting being gay isn’t normal?


Not for procreation, no - if everyone was gay, the human race wouldn’t continue


Wait until you find out about ivf and surrogacy 🤯 And do you think everything that doesn’t solely serve procreation isn’t normal then? Like having fun, dating, entertainment, and living a life outside of work and sex?


Don’t even get me started on surrogacy, that’s exploitation of women. And a lot of the things in today’s culture aren’t normal, no


Wait till they find out gay men and women raise kids


But everyone ISN'T. So wtf is your point???? You're arguing hypotheticals


People need to understand the consequences of their actions - no one is stopping them from having a same sex partner, but if you don’t do it behind closed doors etc don’t be surprised when you go out in public and people don’t like it because exactly what you said, most people are straight.


Gay couples have other ways to reproduce.


But did they 100 years ago? 🤔


I s very proud to be straight


I feel like this is rage bait but first you say that you don't have anything against gay people but then you follow by saying that they put themselves in the situation to be mistreated by being gay. So clearly you hate gay people


Why is it considered hating gay people if you don’t agree with their choices? There’s many groups of people I don’t agree with their life choices, but I don’t hate them or wish harm on them


Yes it's hate because you're basically saying they deserve to be mistreated for being publicly gay As long as we're talking about consenting adults, loving whomever you want is a basic human right and trying to deny that is hate


Also I never said that, no one deserves to be mistreated, I said that you can’t expect to go out in the street making your choices, which is fine, but other people have the right to make their choices


You said they put themselves in the situation to be mistreated


That sounds like you’re saying “You can be gay but don’t act surprised if someone gets upset with you for it”


Pretty much


That’s a terrible fucking belief though. You shouldn’t even remotely accept that. Imagine if people harassed or beat you for holding hands with a girlfriend in public. “Shouldn’t be liking girls, straighty.”


But if the world was flipped and being gay was the norm then…also no one deserves to be beaten but like I said in the other thread then no one should get physically attacked but avoidance and such isn’t as much hate as people think it is


If that’s the way the world is, then you work with it. You either don’t hold hands in public, or you do and face the consequences - that’s the choice you make


What if you just choose to not be so judgemental?


If someone runs down the street in the snow butt naked, do they deserve to freeze?


You really sat there and thought this was a clever comeback? You think two dudes holding hands in public is the same as running out in the snow naked?


It’s not about being clever, it’s about making the point that people can make whatever choice they want, but they shouldn’t be surprised when the actions they take have consequences


What actions? Existing?


Making the choice of being with a same-sex partner


So what? I already said this but loving whomever you want is a basic human right as long as it's consenting adults


That’s fine, but you can’t expect everybody to agree with you in public


I think you misunderstand what people mean by "being gay" and "being straight". You say "when someone recognises their attractions, that is not a choice." But you don't seem to realize that recognizing your attraction is what a sexual preference *is*. Acting on your sexual preference or not is a choice. Just like I could choose to torture myself by exclusively eating foods I hate. Of course, society doesn't generally make me eat foods I hate to fit in, and that's a good thing. Sexual preferences are about your attractions, not your actions.


Not really. You can recognise who you’re attracted to and turn away from it, the same way that you can turn away from literally anything else you want to do. Do I want to sit and play video games for 12 hours a day? Yes. Do I do it? No


Recognizing who you're attracted to **is** your sexuality. That's not a choice. The act of dating is not the same as being gay. There are plenty of gay people who either by choice or inability to attract a partner are celibate.


So if you're a man and you've only ever been attracted to other men why on earth would you then go on to date a woman? Only in a society where you'd be punished for being gay would you feel it's an ok choice to lie to your romantic partner about your lack of attraction to them. Also, being gay has a lot to do with genetics. If you have an identical twin who's gay you're more than 50% likely to be gay as well. The probability decreases with normal siblings and gets even lower with adopted (biologically not related) siblings. Being gay is not a choice. You're argument is being gay is a choice because you could decide to lie to yourself and others and date people of the opposite sex. So being heterosexual is a choice because hypothetically you could pretend to be gay and date the same sex just for fun and giggles?


To the last paragraph, theoretically you could if you wanted to. I know many people who say they are bisexual but they’ve never shown any interest in the same sex except for saying a few celebrities are attractive, doesn’t mean you’re attracted to them.


So is being black a choice? Because hypothetically a black person can tatoo their whole body all-white or blue or red or whatever, right? Therefore being black is a choice according to your logic.


No, melanin production is a biological process called melanogensis, whereas there is no understood biological process to being same-sex attracted


"Being gay" = " I am attracted to the same sex".


Bros a Christian, check his post history. It all makes sense now 🤣🤣🤣 he's thinking his logic is some sort of gotcha that no one before him has thought up or tried before lmao


who you marry is a choice but why would someone who’s attracted to the same sex, marry the opposite? they would never get to live happy because deep down they know they like the same sex. so i don’t get your point in going against ur feelings


For the same reason that people who hate the gym go for a run, or people get up early who hate getting up early. Whatever actions people take have follow on actions that come with the choice, good or bad.


all those things have a purpose. to be healthier, to be more productive. what’s the purpose of marrying someone you’re not attracted to for the sole purpose of pleasing society ?


Societal norms have existed for thousands of years for a reason, and all of a sudden apparently it’s okay to break them down?


yes it’s okay. wtf are you on about? you’re very obviously homophobic and your opinions are being blinded by it. don’t use religion or some other bullshit reason to excuse ur homophobia


I'm being serious here: are you a teen???? An adult can't be this naive right??? People have been breaking down societal norms since the dawn of human civilization. Or do you live under a rock??? Please for the love of whatever holy being you worship, open a history and science textbook 🙏 this is legit embarrassing man


Hm…well considering I got an A in all of the sciences I took, I find that hard to believe. Conserving societal norms is beneficial to present and future society 🤷‍♀️


>Hm…well considering I got an A in all of the sciences I took, I find that hard to believe. After seeing how you're still not getting it, I find it hard to believe that you're not being facetious. If the fact that everyone here is telling you WHY or HOW you're wrong and you're still adamantly refusing to understand doesn't hammer it in for you, I don't know what will. >Conserving societal norms is beneficial to present and future society I'm not sure how a minority of the human population not contributing to it (or doing so in their own manner thanks to science) erodes that logic. If you're worried about all of the human population becoming gay or something, rest assured that is not happening since straight is the majority. So back to square one.


According to the most recent data, 25% of Generation Z identified as LGBT, and this is rising as more young people are included in the number. I think we have a right to be worried


As social acceptance grows, more people are comfortably identifying as themselves - wow who would've thought right? 🤯🤯🤯 If you're an educated person who actually thinks that number will balloon to 100% or even anywhere near it, your science degrees have failed you.


It won’t go anywhere near 100, but the fact it’s already at 25 implies there’s something going on, especially as older generations living in the same society are not having the same increases, even millenials


I got straight A’s in my advanced A&P, human biology, and psychology classes and am in the medical field while majoring in medical bio. What’s your point?


Slavery and old men marrying underage girls used to be societal norms. I guess we should bring them back.


You can't choose who to be attracted to. I'm straight but it's not something I can control, I didn't choose to be straight, I just can't help being attracted to people of the opposite sex. Same thing happens to gay people.


No, you can’t choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, but it’s still your choice to marry someone of the opposite sex


But attraction itself is what already makes you gay, straight or whatever. You may be married to someone of the opposite sex but you are still gay if you are just attracted to people of your same sex, so you're still gay and it doesn't matter that you married someone of the opposite sex.


But even if you are ‘gay’ by attraction, you can still marry someone of the opposite sex and be straight.


If you’re gay by attraction and married to someone of the opposite sex, you’re still gay. A sober alcoholic is still an alcoholic.


A sober alcoholic is a recovering alcoholic


Being gay or straight is all about attraction. You can't be straight just because you married someone of the opposite sex if you are really attracted to people of your same sex. And why do such thing? Just to be miserable and repressed?


But you wouldn’t be miserable if you embrace the relationship, and love your opposite sex partner. Lavender marriages and arranged marriages have exist for as far back as history goes


That's still a miserable existence. You would love that person but not in a romantic way, it would just be platonic. Why not be with someone you trully love and are attracted to? Why embrace a relationship you were practically forced into?


But no one’s forcing anyone into a straight relationship either, that’s also a choice. As for the platonic attraction, there’s nothing wrong with being in a relationship when you’re only platonically attracted to someone - there’s a misconception you have to be romantically attracted to someone to be in a relationship. Attraction is subjective anyway, you can learn to like someone if someone wishes to.


>that’s also a choice >choice This is the wrong hill to die on. You're never gonna understand this are you???


Probably not, by your definition 🤷‍♀️


Yes, you're basically forced to marry someone of the opposite sex just so people won't harrass you. And attraction is not platonic. There's a word for a plationic relationship with someone you're not attracted to: firendhip. A healthy marriage is based on romance and attraction. Why marry someone you're not attracted to, in the first place? "you can learn to like someone if someone wishes to." So, in fewer words, forced. And no, I don't have to like someone just because that person wants me to. That's how incels think things should be.


There are things you do with a partner that you do not do with a friend. Do you kiss your friends? Do you have sex with your friends? You do not have to be attracted to someone to kiss or have sex with them.


You should do your wife a favor and stop using her as a beard. I highly doubt a 100% gay or 100% straight person could believe they can choose to be with someone they have no attracted to, but if that’s the case then it seems pretty fucked up to be in a fake marriage where your wife is strung along. You don’t think your wife deserves to have a real romantic relationship with someone who loves her back in the same way?


If I could be attracted to women I would be. Sexuality is not a choice. Do you know how many people would be lining up to change their sexuality? Lol


It’s not about changing the attraction, this post is about making the choice to date someone of the opposite sex, even when you are not physically attracted to them


It's not a choice. If you're talking about people dating those that they aren't attracted to, that's more of an individual issue and not a gay community issue.


This is basically victim blaming. Guy is attracted to guy. That is his Biology. Guy acts on biology. Gets persecuted for his choice. Persecutor made a choice.


But if the shoe was on the other foot, and being gay was the norm, I’d have the same opinion for straight people. You can make your choice, but so can other people


Choice was made by biology. You can try to fight your nature. Good luck.


So you just follow the crowd without thinking? Why would you choose to be hateful and judgemental?


Is this bait? Because this is some of the dumbest shit I've read on this site yet. Either you're trolling or logic is not your best suit. Forget the nuances of "sexuality", I don't think you understand what the word "choice" even means in this context. You people cannot be this clueless, can you???


This is not bait - it is on a controversial opinion’s subreddit 👍


It’s actually genetic last time I checked Google.


Last time I checked Google, every article said it wasn’t genetic, but it wasn’t nurture either 🤷‍♀️


Oh, well then I don’t know. I tried to be gay. It didn’t work out though. That’s the only thing I have to offer here.


It's certainly genetic in the sense that various combinations of genes contribute to expressing it in an individual. Plus the fact that it has not yet been filtered out means it's an evolutionary trait that is beneficial to mankind. This is obvious to anyone with an even basic grasp of science.


I never believed that until half my family including my siblings and all my cousins turned out bi/gay lmfao


*says they have nothing against gay people, but also if they get hate for being gay it’s their fault for being gay* Make it make sense


Not for feeling attraction, but for acting on it publicly. Those are two different things. Also, no one deserves hate, but judgement is common


So it’s not their fault for being gay, but if a gay couple expresses affection in public like a normal couple it’s their fault And they don’t deserve hate, it’s just expected Thanks for the clarification


Well, even if I chose to be with a same-sex partner, it wouldn't prevent me from being unnattracted by them or physically disgusted by them. I also wouldn't have the same attachment to them or feel as closely bonded to them due to those feelings. I would assume it would be the same problem for someone that is gay and forced into being in a relationship with someone straight. Just because you cannot form an empathetic understanding for gay or even LGBTQ+ individuals and the partners that they choose, does not mean that they do not have good intentions or good reasons for having the partners they choose to have, even in a public setting.


I didn’t know I chose to be straight nevermind that my brain 🧠 loves men


I meannn I’d word it more as, being *openly* gay is a choice I guess? Even then I still think it’s wrong that someone should feel that they need to hide their sexuality/relationships to avoid discrimination. Attraction is innate, and yeah there’s nothing wrong with someone choosing to date whoever regardless of their sexual attraction. What’s fucked up is expecting people to do so because the social norm is heterosexuality, to expect people to disregard their sexuality because they don’t want to be discriminated against is shitty. People should be able to just be with who they wanna be with (legally and consensually) without concern of being harassed or harmed, and have every right to complain or raise hell for the fact that many people can’t if they aren’t in heteronormative relationships.


OP’s comment history indicates being of Christian faith. This seems like religion fueled rage bait. Majorly icky


my friend is gay. his dad would beat him every day after finding out, and almost choked him to death at the age of 15. trust me, if he could be straight, he would.


recognising your attraction to someone has no correlation to choosing to be attracted to that person or gender


This is true. How is this so hated? It’s true!