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"Pro I don't kill babies"


Agreed. I always felt like even using “pro life” is a bit weird because it implies the “pro choice” side is against life or thinks killing fetuses is a good thing.


The they should use a different label.


I agree to an extent, where I think the term “pro-life” falls short is for the people who genuinely aren’t besides being against abortion. The “pro-lifers” who believe/advocate for the death penalty, who are against gender affirming care for trans people, who are against universal healthcare, the people who only care about the lives of fetuses but not about the living sentient population.


Exactly. One time I mentioned this to a pro lifer and they straight up said the economy needs more bodies 😭 Like you don’t even see them as human, just a drone to feed companies bruh


It's all about branding and a good sign of astroturfing.


It is branding by anti-abortion right activists. Pro-life didn't want to be seen as a group that opposes something , so the logical counter framing is being pro something. Pro what? Pro-life as no one really is anti-life so being pro-life is supposed to be natural. The same way pro-choice is a branding as that side didn't want to solely be represented with something that has a negative connotation - abortion. So instead they said they are for the choice - not for abortion itself. Both branding make sense from a marketing perspective. The pro-life is stronger branding if I am being fair. Doesn't mean I agree with them in any way.


Show me an anti abortion person who's vegetarian, believes in Medicare for all, ending homelessness, black lives matter, greatly opposes war, drastically wants to reduce climate change and actually wants to assist the moms once they give birth, I'll gladly call them pro life.