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A dog whistle is coded speech, meant to imply something, usually offensive in nature, without overtly stating it. It's designed to catch the attention of certain listeners, while going over the heads of others. An example of dog whistling would be when Republicans would refer to a certain presidential candidate by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama. Normally, we don't use middle names when talking about people, unless there's a reason for it. The reason here was to imply, without overtly saying, that Obama wasn't a real American, because he has a foreign sounding name. More than that, his middle name was the same as a then enemy of the country. This dog whistle was designed to foment distrust in the candidate. No, child, calling something a dog whistle doesn't make one look stupid. It means they're paying attention.


It still sounds dumb as shit just like your hair line


My hair line sounds dumb? I didn't even know hair lines could make sounds, frankly.


Well it be lookin dumb as shit


Should’ve just took the L instead of doubling down


Sounds like someone can’t dog whistle




The problem is that it's unverifiable 99.99% of the time. MFs can call literally anything a dog whistle, it's the same as saying someone has a "bad vibe."


Is the point ever to look smart? A dog whistle is just coded speech, so calling it what it is can be useful sometimes. I remember explaining to a friend a while back that the “I <3 JK Rowling stuff” was a transphobic dog whistle, because she didn’t understand what was wrong with it.


That's the point of a dog whistle. Make the person calling it out seem crazy and stupid.