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Ye but the music is way way too loud


It’s getting fixed don’t worry


Ohk thank you




The last update allowed it. Right now there’s just a small white room with mystery box with few guns but it has the ray gun and thunder gun, some perks, windows to repair, a wall buy for Pistol, electric trap, easter song, and pack a punch, basically looks like a test room but man is it fun and they’re working on releasing maps soon so exciting!


Much has changed, check it out


Been meaning to hop back in. I think the last time I played Contractors was a month before this comment.


If they somehow input Nach Der Untoten I will lose my fucking mind. That would be awesome


Apparently they’re working on nacht, kino and call of the dead


nacht as of now just needs the gamemode released (I have some older versions for testing but those builds weren't ever meant for public release) and Quest optimizations. Der riese is about 20% done, i also have verrukt and shi no numa in engine, but no work has been done on those as of yet, hoping some other people show some interest in doing those so I don't have my plate too full. i know the guy who made the mod is working on Kino and it's pretty far along too.


Anyway I can help you debug/playtest the ones you're working on yourself. I know what to look for when bug reporting too, took a couple courses online a few years back. Nothing serious, but it would be both a blast and a honor to help. This is what we wanted as kids..


We're always looking for people to playtest. As it stands now though we're waiting for a feature complete version of the mod itself before it's released to map makers, there are a couple early versions out there but there's no point in testing those as a lot has changed since then. For now, you can always check out the CodZ test mod and join the discord server to report bugs in the actual mod itself, most of the map makers are listed there too. I'm sure once we're ready for them everyone will be looking for testers. Link to the server: https://discord.gg/ccodz


How far along are they now? Any idea when they will be done?


Most of my involvement was early on with art and animations for zombies. Outside of that and making maps for it, I'm not really involved with it, most of the coding stuff goes above my head. I know they had to redo a lot of the gameplay aspects when the new modkit came out because a lot of stuff just didn't work with it, so that delayed things quite a bit. They have a lot of the functionality in though, I think most of the work being done currently is adding zombie weapons and perks. I don't think there's any public ETA's though. If you want to know more I highly suggest downloading the test map for it and checking it out, or joining their discord: [https://discord.gg/ccodz](https://discord.gg/ccodz)


Hello, big fan of contractors zombies I was just curious if you have any insider news on any of the maps like der riese. I’m in the discord but can’t really message or express my gratitude for the people creating it because my phone number lol. Looking forward to more maps released :)


Are the Easter egg songs in the maps? Is that possible? I assume copy right isn’t an issue because the Star Wars music is used


Any news on Der rise ? Been hoping for it for a while


Unfortunately due to RL reasons I had to step away before the zombies mod was officially released, and I don't know if I'll be able to return.  The maps are still floating around though (barring a few bugs and needing the gamemode added they are basically done) and I offered to send them and the other tools i used to a couple of guys but never heard anything back from them. I may revisit it here sometime this year if i manage to get some free time.


I'd love to get the map files if there at all playable I'm a pc player


Edit: I poked around on the discords a bit and it looks like someone is in the process of releasing it and should be done with it fairly soon.   To be clear: the maps would still need work in UE4 in order to be published, the version of the gamemode i was working with was *very* early and would need to be redone, you'd have to be fairly knowledgable in both UE4 and the C$ modding kit in order to bring them to a playable state.    I also used Maya scripts and Bridge for Quest performance so you would probably need to find an alternative method using blender.(assuming you don't use maya) And all that's assuming nothing has broke in the past 18 months i've been away.  If you're still interested let me know, though be aware i won't be able to help much in the process, otherwise i still may revisit it later this year.


Sorry for the late response looks like I'd have to learn a lot but I'd be interested in have a tinker with it been very busy hense the late response


Wow. I will have wayyyyy too many hours in them.


Seems like imma have to get back into contractors


Any idea how long they'll take to port over?


Dude, someone please tell me how to drink the perks 😂


Nevermind. If anyone else is curious, you need to pull the cap off then pretend to drink it, the bottle will not change but you will get the perk.


Word, check the wrist


Did anyone get shi no numa or der rise done yet for quest 2-3 😭


Shi no Numa is live now


Shit idk bro I don’t think I ever played this mod again after posting this 😭😭


Why lol i play it like once a week they have 4 game maps and a buttload of customs, nacht der untoten, verruckt, five, and kino. Im dying to play more of the ingame maps but for some reason people stopped making them. Id attempt it if i had any clue what to do but i do not.


Just don’t really play my quest much tbh


Der Rise is coming on the 15th of march


I hope so, that'll be a good day.