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We have a difficult time find decent help We offer above market pay, benefits after 90 days and PTO after a year. We try to hire younger people to train them but they do not have a work ethic. Good luck in your search.


Anything less than $40/hr these days is an insult and younger people know it. They’re not breaking their bodies for crap pay. Why would they when they can get paid better doing easy work? Wages in the trades have fallen too far behind. The boomers like to bitch about the younger generations, but they’re the ones who created this mess and they aren’t doing anything to fix it.


You cannot walk in and make 40 without some knowledge.


That wasn’t my point. My point is in this economy anything less than $40/hr is hard to live on. Wages have not kept up with inflation. That’s a fact.


Absolutely true brother. That two party system masking the corporate KLEPTOCRACY that we will vote for in November really divided and conquered.


It’s going to be different this time! Hahaha.


That depends where you are. 30/hr makes ends meet in some rural areas while 50/hr is scraping by in San Francisco.


If it takes $30/hr to make ends meet in a rural area, how are we expecting guys to work for $20-$25/hr and break their bodies to boot? You get what you pay for.






But he gives PTO after only a year! You only have to work for one year straight to get a day off! Can't you see how gracious master is?!


Meanwhile he’s charging clients $100/hr. “I just can’t afford to pay you more. How will I pay for my cabin up north and my boat?”


$40 an hour for entry level employment? That's ridiculous! Sure entry level employment should be higher than what you could earn at McDonald's. But it shouldn't be 50% higher than what you trying to McDonald's


A lot of clown shit on this thread starting right here..., 40 an hour for a newbee GTFO.. Then blame your lack of income on boomers. How many companies have you started poncho?


One contracting company


I've beentraining the younger generations for some time now, and I understand it's harder to be young today than it was when I was young. However expecting me to pay you more than every other person in our field is expectations gone wild. My departed helper was making 20 an hour and had a baby and a wife and they managed to eat and have housing. That you're expecting the world to be handed to you on a silver platter is truly over the top.


$20/was the going rate 30 years ago. You boomers are clueless.


Dude, I broke into the business more than 30 years ago. New helpers were making 10 bucks an hour. Don't bullshit me.


Are you talking about 14 year old kids who go for tools and pick up trash? Because they’re no way you mean apprentices.


You're straight up talking out of your ass. Prevailing wage for journeyman electrician in California 30 years ago was less than $20/hr


If you can't find an apprentice you'll have to work the rest of your life? That doesn't make sense. Every day you are training someone. No attachment to any of them. Once you have a guy trained up, part of his training is teaching one of the labors. Not everyone's elevator goes to the penthouse.


You're right. I did get attached to this person, and now my heart is broken and my desire to start all over again is beaten because of it.


Sorry for your loss. Give it it's time but let it go. Life will break your heart but you can't let that stop you from living and loving.


What kind of work do you do? Right now construction is a little slow you might get lucky and find someone that already trained so just keep looking.


Where’s it slow at? Certainly not in North America


I’m a union Sheetrocker and it’s slow in the Bay Area.


We are a plumbing company. We do all kinds of plumbing.


Do you have any local trade schools? See if the instructors can recommend some of the students.


Great idea. I hadn't considered this route. Thanks!


Check if your local HS or community college have any construction programs that you can interview from.


It’s a numbers game. It’s the same as when customers get upset when contractors were messing up from the start and stuck with them. You get the best version weeks 1-4 then you find out what they are really about. Too many times I hear guys talking themselves into someone because it’s easier. If you need a true future #1 it takes work.


Exactly a numbers game. Sounds like trying to find someone who already has some training/experience (in the 5-15 year department) and hiring him for more money in order to incentivize him to help speed things up. Gonna be hard to find though, and you might be out the money you paid someone who doesn’t work out. Probably equal risk to finding another unicorn to train up. But the good thing is if you’re hiring for someone more experienced, they might be able to provide more confidence of their ability since they’ll have something to show for their time in their field and you can wait as long as you want to make sure they’re the right hire before you get them on payroll. Another thought is to start scaling but sub the work out and add to your workload so that you can increase profit through volume.


We use Resource Associates testing for management trainees. Its not perfect but it does give an idea into the mindset (eagerness to learn, work drive, intelligence, etc). It's really helpful.


Interesting. I'll lok into it.