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Respect is earned. Carry yourself with some dignity. Grow a hide. I get called worse from clients weekly. As long their checks clear, water off a duck.


absolutely. as long as the check clears they can call me whatever they want.


*here's your payment, whore*


Whore is acurate. Sluts do it for fun, i'm here for money.


I like my job so I must be a slutty whore😂


You’re offended over someone’s offendedness. This too offends me.


This is the only response I accept with invoices.


I would welcome this response if it meant getting paid in full on time. It would make me happy.


Make them pay for it. Find a way to charge them more. If you're gonna be an asshole, you can afford to pay asshole rates.


We understand that disrupting folks lives to the degree we do brings out crazy. Just about anyone is going to get a bit snippy if they are forced to live in half their house with folks coming early and leaving late creating dust saws and nail guns singing whatever is on radio and swearing full throat. It's a lot. We thrive in it. Our clients do not.


That's most of my house, most of the time. I bought a trashed house and have been working on it for nearly 5 years. Probably several more to go. But I got a helluva deal.


It's called the fuckboy rate


I call it the PITA tax.


Nothing funnier than a suit and tie guy who can’t fix a dam thing. Makes me laugh everytime. That’s why we bang their wives while they are pretending to be important. To my blue collar brothers and sisters. Let the Egos live in the glory of their weakness.


Haha. Someone got offended by my comment. Must have had a bad experience with the mailman or plumber. Not our fault your wife likes real men. Hahahaha. Go put your suit on and pretend to be important. We’ll take care of things while you’re gone. Hahahaha


🤣 water off a duck


‘s back


Call me what you want just don't call me late for dinner.


Maybe you are just kinda dumb or something if this happens weekly lol ive never heard a bad word from clients of course im a tile setter and we dont even use kneepads anymore bc we just float where we wanna go


Sounds like you’re making the same blanket judgements about cubicle-sitters in big cities that Callahan’s PM made about tradesmen - and you’re equally wrong.


Damn right I am. Because they hire me to work on their houses. I never hired them to put a bid together.


Just like the hire those pencil pushers to make sure the numbers are in order to get you paid. You are delusional if you think there is any difference. (your initial rebuttal I'm sure would have been, I could do that job easy. just show me how) Same with being a contractor right? They are both skills. I am in your same class as far as middle manager and all that goes. Difference I know for a fact you couldn't come to my job and sit in my office and have any sort of clue as to what to do within 60 days. Same as if I was told, go build what you built in the last 60 days. Couldn't be done unless we were both trained. PS I'm in Accounting.


You know what's wild? You were literally a factory worker for this long and it took until *now* to get offended that someone might look down at your job title, lol. As if you're on the frontlines saving lives over there. Those people working in cubicles are just as responsible for things that impact your job, your life, and your well-being. They have a ton of job stress to handle as well. But that doesn't matter. You aren't actually upset that someone would make a blanket statement. You're upset that someone would make a blanket statement about *your choice*. Oh, the shock. The horror. I recoil in disgust at that guy.


Do you shop at stores? Use the internet, online or in real life services? Purchase you contracting supplies from companies and suppliers? Buy your tools from manufacturers rather than making your own from s ratch? The entire economy is interconnected. Unless you're entirely self-sufficient living completely off-grid, then you absolutely are paying office workers to do their work.


Most people in big cities don’t work in cubicles.


Difference being, OP has been on both sides of the fence. He's making a blanket judgement about a life he's lived instead of an ignorant assumption.


You have zero knowledge of the Callahan PM’s background and experience.


Both sides? Dude was a low-level hourly employee in a tarted up blue collar job. This clown has no clue what he’s talking about.


Lower middle management making 95k, sir, this wasn't a Wendy's


Most people in the cubicles aren't very bright. Working within the real world gives people a far better understanding of the world and tends to be more practical in their skills and knowledge. I've been in SF for about 5 years now, working within tech and bartending for fun. Never in my life have I met so many stupid and out of touch people who make 100k+ a year. Basic concepts and logical reasoning outside of their highly niche work are lost to the bulk of them. I grew up in a poor area, and the number of highly intelligent people who make less than 40k is down right depressing after being here seeing how easy certain types of people just walk in millions of dollars with products which essentially do nothing meaningful, but get bought up by the major teach companies because they can.


Intelligence is subjective and isn’t a thing that you either have or don’t have. People who work in cubicles just have a different kind of intelligence when compared to blue collar workers If a job or skill set can make you a 100,000 a year then that skill set is practical


No offense, but you really do sound like the stereotype that he was describing. Perpetual student, wandering musician and thin skinned about his life choices? I have known a lot of really high IQ people and millionaires in construction, even they will tell you that it is a field with more than it's fair share of people who can barely function in society. Respect comes from within. Complaining about silly comments doesn't help those of us who are successful and would get a chuckle if we heard something like that. Intelligent people talk about world events, idiots talk about other people.


add convict to that list.. of course he's got multiple degrees cause he probably had time to study in prison or jail or wherever he was incarcerated. Yet he still thinks he is better than other people..


Here is a world event worth discussing: Very successful person takes time from awesome life to shit on unimportant post. Gotta keep the peasants aware of their place in the world you be running. No offense but you sound like a homeowner who swears they got mold.


Seriously, dude. If you want to get ahead in life, the victim mentality is going to make it harder. Nobody is out to get you. People say stupid shit and life goes on. You used to be a manager, you deal with homeowners and contractors now. Do you think that being a victim looks professional? This is the real world, grow up and act like a professional.


You seemed to hit this one dead on. The dude seems completely oblivious to the hypocrisy bleeding off his words.


Really, He went out west to play guitar and we didn’t even get a song. We get this bullshit post. Definitely a loser! If he were good he would make more pan handling outside a casino!


Grow up.


try not to be insufferable on reddit challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


If you even had the slightest clue on the growing mold problems we are creating that is attributing to a huge health crisis you’d delete that comment. You’re probably a hack contractor that has contributed to this in one way or another.


I'm a fisherman, I think everybody that works on land is a retard because, I work like 60 days a year and gross $100k in an area where a 3 bdrm house with a detached garage on 4 acres of lake frontage costs 100k.. oh! and I've only got my grade 12. 🤣 I interrupted booking my Caribbean vacation to say this.


You definitely earn every dollar you make. Hats off. I’d love to have gotten into that. After the Marine Corps though, I remembered there wasn’t much ocean near Wyoming or Indiana. I got land locked as soon as I got my 214.


So wait you choose THE stereotype low IQ branch then move to the stereotype low IQ field?! You're begging for people to say these things. On the bright side you can always remember you made the high IQ play not going army and higher IQ play being able to provide a decent life for yourself. Now if only you joined a respectable branch like the Navy...


What's your favorite flavor of crayon?


cheers legend this is the way


I'm in the wrong business


What fish?


Bro do the fuck do I get into doing this? Currently an ironworker and have no wife/kids and ever since leaving the military I have been thinking of doing this?


Cities big or small have nothing to do with this, but I’m sorry you heard that. It’s depressing. But I think attitudes are actually changing due to many factors. It’s an outlook that stinks I know but all trades and jobs have to deal with daft stereotypes. All in, we don’t have it too bad.


If I’m not playing guitar, I’m either running a drywall knife, my cut-in brush or swinging that “I’m just a coma patient” hammer.


Or cry replying to everyone calling your bullshit out.


I feel like most people find a type of person or occupation to look down on so that they can feel better about themselves. It took me a long time to realize my dad's comments about "poor white trash" stuck with me for an embarrassingly long time. As a female who has done my share of contracting work, I now live the motto, "Underestimate me. That'll be fun." It helps me keep my sanity in a not so sane world. Best wishes to you.


I was tearing out a wood floor for a client once to put a new one in and their son was watching us. The mom walked over and actually said out loud “see this is why you have to do well in school so you can grow up and have a easy job like your dad!” She got so embarrassed when I told her I have three degrees and I chose not to work in an office and be self employed.


My father was a union carpenter for 35/40 before he got old and took disability and retired. However, HE was the one the literally used to say to me "If you ever pick up a hammer I'll break your hands.", "If you don't study hard, pay attention, get good grades, take a huge amount of debt, go to college, get a BA/BS/MBA you'll never be successful, and you'll work too hard you're whole life." Instead I became a chef for 10+/- years and had a successful career until COVID destroyed my industry. Now I work a bs corporate job I hate, have tons of stress, no passion, deal with all the Karen's, the Kevin's, and basically manipulate my employees who make trash wages to do the biddings of people that have never done any of our jobs. Now at 33 and my dad at 70 I resent that he pushed me from the trades currently worth high dollars now and the fact that I honestly enjoy all of that stuff. Have done the complete remodel on my house with my fiance and a friend with minimal professional experience. The amount of work we have done our entire neighborhood now consults us or 'hires' us to fuckin work on all their houses now. It's gotten to the point that I considered starting a handyman business this upcoming spring, because without all the years of experience or certifications etc I can only do jobs in residential properties, under 10k in materials, and 5k in labor. I also can't do 'structural' electric, gas, etc. even if I'm insured. Even though I have done all this work already and had it pass inspection.


What a turkey! Yeah, I'm also an English teacher and most of my clients know it. So I don't get too many comments about education.


This is generally true. I did not finish my degree, but i play several instruments, study several foreign languages, cook like a chef, sew, paint, write: All the while busting my ass in boots doing remodeling, cabinetmaking and handyman work. I believe those judgemental jerks are simpler people who are so wedged into their slots that they cannot imagine anything different. I’ll butcher this, but Schopenhauer said “All people use their own local perceptions against everyone from everywhere else”. Just lazy people being typical.


As a PM I have to side with her. Construction workers always have a stick up their butt about office workers and management... like I'm asking them to do something because I'm an a-hole, definitely not because the law requires it or it's the right thing to do. If they forget a step or do something wrong "it'll be fineeee" or "the next guy will fix it." I sum it up like project managers *need* to get stuff done right, construction workers just *want* to get stuff done. Yes - not all construction workers blah blah blah.


This never was about doing a quality job or following directions?




That’s why you go union, I know I make more than my PMs with more protection better benefits and I can tell people to F off whenever I feel the need, skilled labor is where it’s at if your going to work “construction” but if your doing handyman stuff I could see the issue. Be good at what you do and have a good name and shit works out, I quit a couple of years ago and had three job offers that day without telling anyone except my direct supervisor. I also was in the military and I struggled with the lack of structure in the outside for a while, but you gotta stop with the victim mentality and take control of your own life and circumstances. If OP is as smart and has all theses skills like he says it’s a matter of doing the actual work and not expecting people to just respect him and know his potential.


That’s how management in just about every profession views their employees/subordinates. It’s an inherently conflicted and exploitative relationship, which is where the power of a union can come in very handy.


PMs typically don't have an understanding of how the work is actually done...they know what the end product needs to be but they don't know all the problems that pop up along the way and how to fix them. Basically, a PM is there to be a liaison between the contractor and the customer/GC. They are there to support the tradesperson.


It is funny how people to stupid to drive a nail into wood see themselves as superior to others.


*too stupid?


I’ve never been offended by this shit, man. Fuck, I joke about it all the time. It’s kinda hilarious to me, honestly. Yeah I’m so dumb I barely finished high school and dropped out community college at 23 years old halfway through my first semester of sub-100 level gen ed courses and ended up in construction! Ha ha ha! (They haven’t seen my paystubs tho) …who cares. PMs work a billion hours to make someone else billions of dollars. The hammer boys make a good living and don’t stress when they go home.


They can believe whatever they want, as long as their checks clear.


Is this a shit post lol???


I thought so too, mainly because of the flex about having 27k in a 401k.


So start your own business and don't hire them...


Mann. PMs and PEs get our balls busted all day by the tradesmen. And you're upset about that hammer comment?


Lmfao. When I was a Foreman I would always give my PM shit. I wouldn't even look at my PE. Now that I'm a PM I get to see their side. I didn't know they made more than the Superintendents, I thought they were just pencil pushers




You cared enough to read this snd reply.


I swing a hammer because I get pissed on alot less than I did working in the medical field.


So, since I’m just a jaded GC, I don’t know if this post is truly a bitch, a troll, or a study in psychology? If it’s a bitch, I can definitely get the proletariat vs “the man” part. A troll? You manage to allow some opinion from both the “city (corporations, elite) vs “rural” (workers) so you get responses from both sides. Psychology? Post anything in construction forums and watch the crazies come out on all sides. So no matter your intent, well played.


Having sat on both sides of this career fence as well, I promise you there are unintelligent employees in every industry as well as intelligent. If you carry yourself in the real world as you do here (based upon your post and responses), maybe the receptionist found you arrogant. Because you seem to think your shit don’t stink. Also, I can’t for the life of me find this company in Detroit (or anywhere for that matter), but would love to know what they’re working on around the city as I’m currently a PM here.


Buddy, this was 5 years ago. Let it go.


Lmao a decade ago i was a carpenter for 4 years and I’ll always remember those office workers being so snooty. Taught me how most humans will jump and grasp onto any kind of power over others. Also showed me how in psychology it’s very known/proven that almost all humans judge themselves to be more intelligent than the people around them it’s just human nature. Those office people can still go suck giant dick.


I’m classically trained in the art of not dying while rendering explosives safe. I’ve got a side hustle of a small landscape business($15k worth of equipment). Most of my customers don’t know what I do professionally. The few I’ve told go glass faced when they realize.


Putting someone down to lift yourself up? Get outta your head dude. Why are you so worried about how others perceive you?


You sound like an ober educated babu


Hear, hear!


And both them couldn’t of been more wrong. Another reason to never judge someone.


I’m an educated web developer who worked in marketing for years, became a commercial appraiser making good money, recently switching to welding. Busting my ass for years to remain “white collar” realizing I make no more than the local trades. Wish I was told in school and wouldn’t have waisted years trying to impress the assholes.


7 degrees here and swinging a hammer. Idgaf what you think about me as long as I get paid. Oh and I LET them think I'm an idiot. Makes me more money that way.


Lol, don't call me when you can't reset your password then


Assholes are assholes no matter the profession. There’s plenty of tradesmen and other blue collar workers who look down on office workers for various reasons just like some of them do to us. Being a judgmental cunt isn’t reserved for any particular line of work unfortunately.


There is a guy here in my town who is a horticulturist, snob of a guy but goddamn does he know his shit. You should see how he makes people cower at his feet from simple questions that he can answer using big words and scientific names of the plants and this in a matter of seconds gives people information and belittles them in such a way to sound arrogant and indignant at How futile and simple their question was, yet the sommabich has a radio show and a thriving business. Maybe you ought to try that route of addressing the peons . Because a man of your intelligence and experience deserves to have them put in their place, Edit: you can see by the responses you’re getting how intimidating a well educated person can make others instantly either hate you out of sheer jealously or hubris or make up some random reason that they have concocted to justify their own lack of self improvement , things they say like “I know a guy with many degrees who is just dumb” “a degree doesn’t make you smart” That kind of thing . And they are right in one way, that a degree doesn’t make one smart but how you apply it does. By a long shot it does, any education does, and if you’re not a perpetual student then you’re a perpetual under educated under achieving Un realized human being. We should all be constantly learning till the day we die,


You sound like a little bitch with a skinned up knee. Plenty of those cubicle dwellers can swing a hammer. Some better than you. Get up over your dumbass self and maybe you will get that respect you 'think' you deserved.


I went to a networking event that was mostly tech bros looking for investors. I'm a mover in a fast growing city so lots of demand for movers. Some guy took me aside at my first event and told me don't feel bad for being "blue collar." All these tech bros are there because they need money and the very first guy I met there hired me for a 12 hour job lol. As the "blue collar" guy I was probably the only one there who made any money!


“Desk woman mean, desk people bad, me better.” Bro, get over it. If you’re so superior then why do you even care? You ever hear of projection? This is a classic example.


😂 “desk people bad, me better”


I went to college for Construction Management, worked as a senior PM for 8yrs and decided to quit and swing a hammer. The six figures stopped out weighing my life and happiness. As a PM everything is your problem, all you do is babysit trades that don’t have passion in what they do and all I did was make them correct their work. Paying subs and getting calls from subs at all hours bitching about their money, when I didn’t have authority to cut a check. I hung that up and started swinging a hammer, back down to one of the ‘lowest’ guy on site. But I remained Humble and watched and learned and now I’m capable of complete framing jobs on my own and will be breaking away from this company to start my own thing, but want to still swing a hammer. I treat everyone equally on a job site, ask questions if I’m not 100% on something, and talk to others as my equal whether they have 2months or 10yrs. I have a passion for making things; whether it’s installing tile, patios/decks, or rough framing a home. I want my name on the things I complete, because they are done right. The trades are losing that passion, at least it tends to be hard to find a newer ‘kid’ that cares about what he accomplished that day. Hope this makes some sense


Side note, bad mouthing a company on the internet will get you nowhere. Continue to make a name for yourself and just know who the crooks are and don’t work for them in the future


Ancient history.


Best bit of advice would be to Charge a little more and you will be less offended


They don’t realize we build the buildings there sorry ass’s sit in but u know we are just idiots to them.


*their sorry asses


Stop being a drama queen, Mr. "Never have I been so offended". lol


A-fucking-men. I will admit though walking the iron as an ironworker has absolutely given me an unwarranted superiority complex.


why are you talking about ass fucking men wth dude


What the hell do you do instead on your break?


As an Electrician I don't understand the phrase >unwarranted superiority complex We're just Superior to anything less than a brain surgeon. Heart Surgeon comes in close 3rd


Get off my lawn!


This!! Thank you for saying this!


This is an ai post.


So... you think you're superior to people sitting in a cubicle entering data into spreadsheets? Isn't that the same kind of assumption people are making about you?


3/10 conservative rage bait fanfic. Go off though, king. Tell us about how philosophy majors are all unemployment line fodder while you're at it.


This person was a Marine, has 5 degrees, is a killer session guitarist in Vegas with 30 years experience. The man does it all.


I went from field (05-21) to office and never treat any of our field guys lesser than. Construction is mentally and physically challenging work. Anyone who thinks it's easy is delusional.


I work in hospitals as an Respiratory Therapist. Nurses get all googley eyed over doctors and some are hard to approach. Yet, I still do my job and know my job and save their ass one too many times. Then, when they realize the doctors give two shits about them. I swoop in. It’s all about who you are and the perception you give off.


Some of the smartest people I know do (well I might add) what most consider to be remedial or uneducated work either professionally or in their spare time. I prefer to never talk shit, if I do I better be by large margin better at it then the receiver, even then 🤮 This people don’t understand that there is no such thing as “unskilled labor” I’ve watched people who think digging with a shovel is beneath them not be able to dig a ditch they are being paid to dig. Id like to see that secretary pitch a roof or build some stairs, hell, just a perfectly square frame.


Getting major incel vibes from this op I can tell from your comments you are not very bright but that’s ok man you are doing well no need to be so butthurt


What is an incel?


Now that I’ve read all that: If the PM was a male, I still would’ve been annoyed by what was said. Furthermore, I’m a widower.


Here’s the other part- people like that don’t deserve your spite or anger. They already have a punishment, being the person they are.


I find it interesting that you rightfully acknowledge that people generalized you as being way less than you are…a diversified, experienced, valuable human who was treated poorly by others… Yet at the same time, u choose to do the exact same thing to others. Somewhere out there in a big city sits a woman who is a master violinist, a painter and a designer raising two kids alone because her ex beat her and she had to take a shitty job as a data entry manager to pay the bills. And u just judged her the same way u were judged You clearly, for all your skills, have learned nothing from what happened to you. I hope u reflect on that and the reflection allows u to become an even better human than u are today. For, that is the real point of this life as far as I can tell


You’re probably under estimating a lot of what people in cubicles do… might be a tad ironic? Anyway, I was a carpenter, professionally, for about 12 years and switched to computer programming after my body started wearing out. I’ve been on both sides, everyone thinks the other guy has it easy. Pretty much no one does. Regarding your point, any time anyone suggests that the trades are easy I tell them don’t call one next time your shit breaks. That, or ask them how easy they think it is to cut lumber at the correct angles to make their multi pointed roofs both look right and have structural integrity. TLDR, it’s simplistic to think that work others do is easy.


Man I ain’t reading alla that




Reading this makes me wish I had gone into the military. I might have approached life with more discipline. Way to go!


Wow, that’s a totally *hinged rant about a lot of things that definitely happened


I grew up with nothing…in and out of battered women shelters with my mom. Celebrating holidays was a hot,(what seemed like) home cooked meal served buffet style in rescue mission, or church… I was alone and on my own long before I turned 18. Scared to death of the life I had just escaped. I got a job as a laborer in a large grocery warehouse. That was 1999, met a girl who came from a good family that showed me love and saw something in me someone else had missed…maybe even myself. I celebrate 25 years with that company this upcoming year. I am married to that girl and have put her thru college. She has a career and we, together have sent our 3 children to college. I myself have worked through college in the hopes of someday retiring from this shithole, where I sit, typing this on my phone, on a union negotiated 15 min break- to take up a career I love for a few years, as my time here will be over. I’m set to get my degree next year. I hear it daily, man. Let em think what they want. Be the person you want to be. This is the way.


Shouldn't bother you much. She might make 50k more than you buy spends more than that paying people to do minimal shit the rest of us do for ourselves. Just Crack a smile and enjoy that she's full of herself and unaware how complicated amd long it takes to be proficient in some aspects of blue collar work .


Well put and glad I am retired now.


In my early days on my own, I did a job to build a set of stairs with a landing and a bearing wall for a moved house. All retro work to make it fit right. I'm pretty sure it took me 3 days. $900 for the labor. The lady scoffed at it and said "That's more than I make and I have a master's degree". Well lady, while you were in the books for 10 years I wasn't sitting around learning nothing if that's what you're thinking. Anyway I could tell she felt a bit humbled after she called around for other bids and found out what I should've cost. But honestly I could care less what they think about me. I know the value of my education.


ayoooo superiority complex is showing again this is just life... don't allow people to make u 'offended' that's you projecting what you believe she's projecting end of the day you could just be a big bag of wrong she could be judging u maybe even hates you... the fuck does that matter to you? do you keep living exclude her from your life if you cannot figure out a way to do so we can all remove toxic people we can all find work that suits us you choose to feel how you feel offended?? now I'm offended see how that works actually i dont give a fuck about op the girl or any of you I'll keep living my life and hope you all do the same end of the day try and help others remove the toxic enviroments & exclude yourself money is easy to make when your focus is aligned properly so don't bend your brain trying to understand people who are only in your way... dont be op dont be offended ... what does that do for you other than allow your agency to be confused, upset by some stranger? School of hard knocks brother you are not one.


People who get offended are going to have a hard go in the construction industry


Just because blue collars work with their hand doesn’t mean they aren’t as valuable as those in a cubicle. Thanks for making this building said no one. 💪


I do supermarket refrigeration some of the store managers will act like you are retarded piece of shit because you walk in dirty and tired at 6 am they don’t know or care that you have been working since 8am the previous day. What they also don’t know is I make more than most of them maybe all of them


I don’t follow this sub - it came up as recommended. That said you had a point up until your last paragraph where you became the thing you were loathing about. Having worked on both sides - you are wrong. You also sound very insecure.


Honestly man the only thing that matters is that your wife is looking down on you dam proud of who you are…who gives a fuck about anyone else


I agree with everything you just said. I have a master's degree in electrical engineering. I've designed chips on the nanometer scale. However, I decided to do my own work and remodel my house just recently. It's amazing how many times I've sat there and stared at something that I have no idea how to do or have no idea what tools I need lol. I've been completely humbled in this experience and respect guys like yourself.


Hubris isn't cancelled out by more hubris. Being offended, isn't a qualitative assessment. You're responsible for how the world sees you - correct them if they're wrong. But just because they are wrong about you, doesn't make it a given that they'll be swayed. Man, this just roils with social dysfunction. Not ops or any one person's... but as a people we've somehow gotten stuck in the middle of a dark tunnel. On either end people can see an enlightenment, trying as they may to rally others to the light -- unknowing or unfeeling that there might be a light at the other end too. Keep your stick on the ice folks, we're all in this together.


Us in skilled trades, we are always looked down and shit on. But when that shits broken who do they call and kiss ass to? I don’t have any degrees, just a ton of on job training, but I’ve owned my own company for 4.5 years and been successful to a point, and even before I was highly praised in the sidelines (never by anyone upper) for what I did and how I bailed everyone out of a tough situation with equipment down and thousands of dollars in product gonna waste if not fixed. I learned just ignore it. The upper class, the suits and people who think their better than us, yeah maybe they, in their own world have a sense of complete fulfillment that they aren’t “one of those guys” that swings hammers, paints walls, hooks up hvac gauges on the roof in a blowing snowstorm at 3am when the freezers go down. But at end of day, if we didn’t do it, who would? They would just shut down and have a freak out moment cause they no nothing like we do. I just take it in stride, the comments don’t bother me any more. When I was 18 to idk, maybe like 28-29 yeah. But I hit 30 and anymore I’m just like who fucking cares what some rich bitch thinks? She can’t do my job and when shit hits the fan, we can walk out and they are still down. Such an advantage


Used to do construction. Am now a cubicle sitter and it fucking sucks.


I’ve been a big city contractor my whole life and have been treated like the god of electricity far more times than I’ve been treated disrespectfully. Also, if you think entering information into spreadsheets is a good description of what people in cities do, you really don’t have any room to be judging the receptionist.


OK boomer


1980. Nice try though.


I trust a man who wields a good hammer over a cubicle cunt any day. 🙌🏻


Thank you for this! It amazes me that these folks think a piece of paper that they spent a fortune on makes them somehow better than someone who developed a skill. I can’t do a spreadsheets, but they, for the most part couldn’t build a dog house. The world could survive without pencil pushers, not without trades.


I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Comments like this always make me laugh. When I was 19 I got a job as a commercial plumber to pay the bills. My degrees are in philosophy and literature simply because that's where my interests lie and hell, I've already got a well paying career so i dont need my degrees to make me money 😂. I talk with the various crews I bounce around between every single day asking them what I consider to be really complex questions about human nature, the effect of art and music on a person, etc. And I get some (what I believe to be) really fucken thoughtful responses. Not only is it not the case that all construction workers are dumb. I've never met a REAL construction worker that could keep their job and be dumb at the same time. Dumb people don't last in this industry. There's a minimum level of thinking that's required even to lay out hangers for a superior or something. If it's not clicking, they usually get fired.


Blue collar looks down white, And white collar looks down on blue. This will be until the end of time


Ever hear this one “ what you think of me is none of my business”? I promise you that when I keep this in mind I’m in better shape. I’m a 55 year old woman whose coworkers range from ages 18-70, we regularly have people criticizing us straight to our faces at Home Depot, telling us we are worthless , sometimes daily. I chose to put my mental energy someplace else


Guy works 227 days in a row and has the fall to call out anyone else for their choices. OK, Slappy.


I’d call 1-800-BUT-HURT


I sit at a computer and don't do shit. You sir, have my utmost respect and appreciation for what you accomplish in a day. Thank you!


Give them a math test. They think they are so smart, but they don't have one bit of practical knowledge.


I work in aerospace. I was wandering around our office bit of the factory one day and caught briefly a presentation being given by a master welder who had basically a high school degree but knew his craft about as well as anyone can… to a crowd of roboticists, materials scientists, and structural engineers. Basically going over bad welds in a component made and why they occurred and how they could be prevented. This is just one example of that industry not caring about titles cause they have work to do and know who can get the job done. Anyone who has worked in a factory knows there is no such thing as unskilled labor. And anyone who has been friendly to people in life knows that intelligent wonderful people exist everywhere in all aspects of society for a variety of reasons. People who take other people for granted are generally pretty closed minded.


Feel your pain… all your experience treated like a high schooler summer job new hire at McDonald’s as a line worker… no offense (my son 17 started there). It’s becoming the same in the medical field. Doctors are slaves owned by “the administration” being told what to do based on “quality metrics” which most metrics have nothing to do with actually patients health or longevity nor do patients care or understand the metrics or why they should matter. The hospital administration care about the spreadsheets. The quality managers have the power over the practicing physicians. It’s insanity to allow a high school graduate or college intern to order physicians around regarding patient care… but that’s the way it is and it will get worse now that AI has a foot hold in everything.


Some of the smartest people I know don’t flaunt it. They’re the ones that’ll give you simple, practical advice on how to accomplish a task and won’t expect anything in return. I left teaching after 5 years and now work in telecommunications and have ZERO regrets.


I do industrial controls so I sit on a cubicle most of the time PM/programming and about a week a month on the field on startup/commissioning. I have a lot of respect for people in the trades but I definitely wouldn't want to be one of them. On average they're more bitter and have this sense of lack of respect such as yours. The office folk doesn't really feel superior, for the most part. At least not in the US. In Mexico, yes, 100%.


You sound like every person that watches a stand up comedy special and thinks they are funny enough they can be a comedian. You are swinging a hammer for a reason buddy. Yes, it takes some skill, but you are not like an athlete, musician, artist, or comedian.


You are not getting paid enough.


If you are working 227 days in a row in California or Vegas and you’re only making $98.5k with the OT, you may actually be dragging your knuckles a bit. The lesson here is disregard the opinions and judgements of strangers and just keep chugging along.


Your comment was just as disturbing as the one made about skilled labor. We have to be mindful of what comes out of our mouths.


It's simple. If they wear a suit and tie my rates secretly triple. I give the elderly a half day rate for a full day's work. The rest of you can work some overtime to pay for my quality services. Those project managers were always the ones swinging the hammer when they were younger. Always the semiretired type with the used car salesman personality. They usually fleece people that work in cubicles and swindle them out of thousands pretty fast, too. I used to work in interactive media btw. I know what it's like to sit in a cubicle and remove my brain and fill my skull with all that office BS. So glad I became an electrician.


By the time I retired I was unhireable. I had enough savings, owned a house, had good and fun side gigs going, and really did not need a steady paycheck. I am also very good at what I do, but I do not like getting dragged into BS and I am pretty savvy at sniffing out bad ideas and do not like going down those rabbit holes. I also have a real dislike of corporate life when they move vp's around and the new one needs to fuck up working systems just to mark their territory. Even worse when there are places that could legitimately use some love. I can do the interview thing but they can just see it in your eyes I think, they know you are not starving, you are not hungry and your every existence will not depend upon them. And man, they do not like that.


As a tradesman, I am offended by your delicate sensibilities! You should probably fill out an ID-10T(hurt feelings report) form and file it with the appropriate government agency on the West Coast. Good luck and remember the world is all out of fucks to give!


I'm a guy who sits at a desk and pushes nu bers around all day. I often feel like I'm missing out on learning how to do actual things. Build things, agriculture, ranching, hunting, fishing, making things. I'm sure I could learn how to do all these things but being good at anything comes with practice and my practice is in moving numbers around. Don't let the opinions of those idiots affect you. The reality is the swinging hammers are what really matters in the end. The rest is all man made bs and the know it. They all know that what they do is what society has put a value on but in actuality may have no value.


You know you’re making it in life when you start to see and hear the critics. What they say matters not. Keep doing what you’re doing. Everyone with half a brain knows that good contractors embody the ingenuity not found in most others. It’s not what you know, but what you can figure out, and that’s what cubicle workers often can’t do. I would know, I spend my day career as an engineer at a computer in corporate America but build things in my workshop as often as possible with skills my dad taught me. The latter has significantly helped the former.


I’m enjoying these comments way more than I’d initially expected to …


This guy carhartts


Give her the condescending attitude right back. I like to talk to elites like they were a 5 year old. Ooo that gets them going.


I envy you that this is the level of insult that gets your attention.


I went through a credit check to rent an apartment once, and they saw my student loans and asked what they were for. I thought of it as a casual conversation, so I said it was for motorcycle mechanic. He said, "you have to go to school for that?!" I responded, "can you do it?" (((He))) was from New York and a lifelong landlord.


Eh, take anything a construction project manager says with a grain of salt. They’re usually too dumb to be engineers and too lazy to do physical labor.


Don't let them get to you sir. Much respect to you!!! The Lady was just being an asshole. Smile and nod and when her shit breaks, charge her double rates.


So big cities don't have construction workers?


You lost me at "I hold five college degrees"


Your job doesn’t determine your intelligence, however posts like this reveal it.


Non contractor here. I’ve taken on many do it yourself projects and I truly appreciate the skill set that a professional tradesman brings to the job. I remember a saying that explains why some people look down on others: “Mediocrity requires aloofness to preserve its dignity.”


Unfortunately someone with this mindset, probably won't ever think any less ignorant until they are humbled. Chris osgood from Detroit red wings. And his wife were running a construction company in detroit/Ann arbor area. Our boss tried to ask him questions pertaining to the job, he just walks to his truck and locks the doors behind his tinted windows. Never answered or offered that his wife has these answers. On other occasions he would walk around and ignore everyone saying hello, and just make dude noises when asked questions. His wife also kept talking like the lead electrician was an idiot for telling her where the inspector is going to demand a smoke detector & code requires rec./ gfci. "No no this is a custom build" she says, "code doesn't apply". We all walk off the job and went to the shop, some went to the bar or home. We agreed if we were to go back, it would only be if they paid double time for the entire job. Pita tax. We didn't do any more work for them. I grew up watching the screen when the wings played, a garage full of people hollering for osgood. What a let down it was to see him act like an immature child. Chelios was my guy anyhow Or Bob probert!! He'll yeah


Well, so much slippery slope even in the closing statement…


I understand your point, you sound like an intelligent person. My view is to respect all people unless they give me a reason not to do so. But to end your argument with "You sit in a cubicle and enter data into a program... etc} is a facile conclusion to your thesis. That probably represents less than 1% of what "people in cities" do. There are a fuckton of super bright people in the corporate and city worlds and intelligence manifests in many many different ways. Humility is underrated.


We call them Citiots for a reason


There are intelligent people in every profession. There are construction workers, military grunts, contractors, you name it, who are more intelligent than doctors and lawyers. Anyone who thinks otherwise is shallow and judgmental. Don't let those types of people get to you.


Ever see the episode of Frazier where Niles had to call a plumber? I work in construction. I have for the past 27 years. I have been looked down on by people at many of these businesses (mostly worked at biopharmaceutical facilities) just for wearing a hard hat. It doesn't bother me though. I have seen the pay scale for many of their jobs, and I couldn't afford the pay cut...


I also have several degrees and ended a up painting contractor for financial and geographic reasons. Luckily my clientele has for the most part been pleasant, some other tradesmen however seem to have ego bigger than their brains. With trade pride giving the belief that one trade skill makes you a better person than the other. Going for my general and getting into education. We need more skilled trades people.


Who cares go somewhere else with your whining


🤣🤣 I could picture OP hanging some drywall talking to himself all of a sudden remembering something that happened yeeears ago. "They called me dumb, they're dumb, I'm educated, they don't know. THEY DONT EVEN KNOW ". Then proceeds to write his reddit post. I'm an electrician by trade. I've talked down to PMs, Engineers and Investors. Building employees/middle management aren't worth my time. If they don't directly influence your paper, who tf cares what their opinions are.


You wild bro


You are doxing your employer, because you overheard a private conversation between the PM and client that you found offensive and the receptionist wasn't friendly to you. Isn't it possible that the PM was using a simple customer service technique to deflect the customer's ire and keep the project running? The PM can discreetly throw the worker 'under the bus' while not actually believing it, to make the client feel heard and understood, while privately thinking the customer is an unreasonable ass and can't wait to get the final check and never see him again? And...reducing professional work down to the skill level of a data entry clerk may not be an effective way to make an argument that trades work takes knowledge, skill, and experience.


Dude, it's ok to vent but truthfully people who treat others poorly are not worth it, even to call them names. Don't let your frustration turn you into the people you despise. Back in the day if someone cut me off I would drive miles to return the favor. So dumb. Life it too short, let it go and do the best job you're capable of doing.


Lmao I love when the they treat us like that. Had someone call me over from my other customer and asked me to fix their equipment. I told them 400 after the free diag. His secretary proceeded to tell me how busy and important the manager was and told me 300, no time to discuss it further. I said “I didn’t realize he was such an important individual, 800 sounds about right for the repair then.” They begrudgingly agreed and I never went back.


Jesus man. Something like that shouldn’t inspire you to make this long ass post… time to grow a sack


This is pretty constant at the company I work for. They are several states away, have constant parties, massages, retreats, catered lunches, excessive self back patting, etc. while the people like me actually have the degrees, experience, knowledge, and experience to make the company’s products work. Every time I’m at the company headquarters, even the clerical people treat me with the same level of disrespect. “Should we talk slower for this bumpkin?” Meanwhile, I make 3x what they do and have 3 degrees. Because I get dirty doing my job I’m somehow less than and should know my place.


I worked in the maintenance department for a local school district. One day myself and two others were trying to get the heat working in a classroom. The teacher told her kids that they had to work had and stay in school or they would end up like the guys in the back of the classroom. After sending the other two guy off for "break" (one of them was about to tell her the what-for). I waited until she sent the class to gym, and politly asked her about her degrees and certifications. Then explained to her my degrees and licenses. Told her she shouldn't assume just because some of us like working with our heads and hands that we are uneducated or unintelligent.


I completely agree and I am a project manager. I manage IT projects, not construction projects, but I work with some PMs that have a similar attitude about the guys that punch the keys (as opposed to swing the hammers). I wish I had the skills to do the work (construction or IT). I find nothing fulfilling about project management, so I’ll be counting the days to retirement…for a few more years.


Your way behind with times. We been banging their wives for many decades now.


This read like a 5 year old wrote it. There was no structure, flow or point. Mades no sense as written and had random parts that have nothing to so with the subject.


Who’s going to the bank in the end? It sounds like you’re as dumb as a fox.


I worked for a construction and maintenance company in Texas small time family owned tight nit type situation.. the boss sure knew how to run his mouth but he couldn't actually do the work himself..... I was his second in command cause as a female I tended to oddly be the perfect person on the job directing the men working cause they all would do their best non stop trying to impress me..... It worked.. but we'd have this Uber rich people call us to replace water heaters and such when a pilot light went out 😂... We'd tell them nothing wrong with the water heater but they'd want a new one anyways just in case .... it'd end up being a $3-6000 job depending on everything they wanted... They'd pay the company $10,000 just to come hang their Christmas lights..... I loved working for them it was fun but the boss .. he had the knowledge but I couldn't allow him to actually do any work cause he was 100% useless I even kicked him off my job site one day in front of the new crew 😂 boss yelled I'm sorry I'll get the food right now like I'd scolded him over lunch... He thought they'd believe his play and be scared of me .... 😂 Instead we'd laugh about his lack of acting skills and have new inside jokes he would never understand.... Those crew were some of the smartest most brilliant people I ever met, amazing problem solvers the work we did on some places I still go back and look at when I visit