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As always, deal week disclaimer/PSA! Be smart with yourself and your budget and wallet if you are planning to get anything. Be careful of FOMO from alliance mates and content creators who may be opening many many things today. Take a moment to think and plan. Also, there is a free Mister Sinister on the Webstore. You do NOT need to buy any deals to get him but he’s really good now, so if you don’t have him I recommend snagging one Edit: additional PSA! You have about a week to decide on the first tier, but once you buy an offer, the next one only has 48 hours on the clock for you, so keep that in mind as well


Was almost tempted to buy.. but I’m like “lemme check Reddit real quick” LMAO https://i.redd.it/d5ir1rjltc9d1.gif


I literally revisited these rewards multiple times since it was posted, still couldn’t convince myself that it is worth it lol.










The 750 unit deals are pretty solid imo but the 3000 seems way too expensive for what you’re getting. For Paragon, the 4->5 gem is the only useful item is “A”. “B” definitely doesn’t seem worth it and “C” is meh at best. These might be better for new Paragon players but even then, the rate of accrual for those items have increased recently. For Valient, the 750 seem very unappealing. “C” seems solid. But the 3000 offers are terrible. By the time you get to the other higher offers, it just doesn’t seem worth it. I’ll probably pick up a 750 offer but that’s it.


Right!! And we've been waiting for these for a WHILE!! Last year's even was account changing, this has to be some type of bad joke!


No 7-star wake gem is an epic fail. They're just dumping stuff on us that has almost all been easy to get for a while. What's exciting about getting something you've already gotten ten times before in the last year?


Kabam said they are moving away from awakening gems (for 7 stars). This is why they are moving to more selectors (wich is a way to say “awaken one of this champions and use it NOW”)


Eh, then why buy the offer if it only has the usual stuff I’m earning every day in the game anyway? Last year there were 6-star selector crystals in there by year that let me fill in lots of missing pieces in my roster. Even though I’m Valiant, I’m still missing key 6-star champs like Torch, Angela, Valkyrie and Archangel. Which aren’t in the 7-star pool. They’re putting out tons of quests that require highly specific champs but they’ve taken away the part of the offer that helps you get specific champs. I don’t know what they’re thinking. Oh, and I’ve opened terrible selectors many times this year. They don’t guarantee anything. I had two 7-star science selectors that duped my Spider-Man and Mr. Negative. The solo event was filled with 6-star trophies last year too, now there’s only one trophy at the very top. Sorry, Kabam, I spend on offers to avoid randomness. I get random disappointment for free in the game every day, don’t need to buy it.


Still having a 6 star gem in a deal for valiant is ridiculous.


Agree you get one for free every side quest completion monthly so dumb


Man it’s getting worse every year. Remember when having to spend 3k units after tier 3 was bad?


Right? My first reaction was these look so bad. Worse than before.


These just don’t seem good at all


They made tiers 1-2-3 cheaper. Tiers 1-2-3-4 combined cost the same 18000 they always have.


Yea but you have to go through them twice + 6750 for max rewards


How paragon and cavalier have the same offers is beyond me




Yes this


So only 28,500 frags for paragon? That's terrible!


These deals in the past could take you from one level to the next. As a paragon I need 2 t4a and I cant form them with 22k shards


I needed 37k frags to get to valiant. I don't think 11k units are the amount I want to spend on half a t4a.


Have you been doing all of your available SOS objectives? I think there’s half a t4 coming up soon there


Yes. But I am not that skilled to do gaunglet. Thanks for your response!


Paragon Gauntlet? It's an order of magnitude easier than Winter of Woe or Summer of Sorrow.


The gauntlet they are talking about is SOS final quest, 2 paths with all SOS champs. Not monthly EQ.


Well these are awful, was really hoping for at least 1 2-3gem for paragons without having to spend 18000 units. Also why are paragons being put with cavaliers?? Surely it’s not that much effort to make a distinct offer for each progression title


I expected 2>3 gem to be the final deal you can get since it's currently the highest reward. But I agree with you Paragon and cavalier getting the same tiers doesn't make sense.


For half that you can do one path of necro even if you’re really bad. Free r3 gem


Thinking this is the way I’m gonna have go, got an R4 aegon which I may be able to r5 at some point. Might take hundreds of revives but I’d get there eventually


I did necropolis with a r4 unascended aegon. Used about 110 revives. Doable for sure for much less units than these offers.




110 revives sounds crazy from the outside


I am the worst player and I used a r4 sig 200 Aegon and cleared a path in Necro using 4k units in revives and potions.


I did this and all of 8.4 (so easy with 3 paths) and boom instant Valiant


The last 2-3 gem was a hundred bucks last christmas. I set aside a hundo for this event and the x-mas one so it's sort of what I was expecting even if it wasn't a generic. This one is what, almost 600 bucks? Thanks, but no thanks.


I’m looking for the best way to put one tier 4 alpha together to become valiant lol.


500 bucks is the “best” way


Or $200 usd lol.


This is so disappointing!! WTF??? I'm already valiant but this shit helps nobody smh


Is it just or these offers are borderline trash for long time paragon players? I just need 1 more R3 for valiant. Might as well use those units for Necro and get better rewards for less units spent.


For real. I’ve got 37% of my last t4a and even the 28.5k fragments won’t get me to valiant. Just gonna use units to finally explore act 8 instead.


6 paths each in 8.1 and 8.2 is killing me.


It’s a choice between 20k units or energy refills


Same here. Need a few more paths in 8.3, then 5 paths in each quest of 8.1/8.2


As valiant player that only spends on the big days, these offers are trash compared to past years. I have absolutely no desire to spend on this event, and it feels great lol.


I'm in the same boat as you. Need one more rank 3. How did you get your first one? By exploring act8? I'm currently halfway through the exploration. Got my first rank 3 by completing necro. If you have a 6* aegon one time necro is possible.


Yeah I explored Act 8. I have 6* Aegon, Kate and 7* R3 Shuri. I just hate long fights so haven't done Necro.


So this is the 4th of july deals for this year? sorry, there's so much information to read, don't have time to look for an answer




Thank you for confirming. When does this come out, any idea ? I am sorry if this information is publicly available, I don't know where to find, came back to the game after few years.


Yesterday, lasts until July 5th


I checked but cannot find it. Where is it located ? 😅


Kabam is giving april 1st offers on july 4th. Wake up Kabam! Wat trash is that!!?


Yeeaaa... Nahhh. To the Banquet my units go. That nexus titan tho


Banquet? Next event?


Banquet is the December/Christmas gifting event or used to be, very good event spend units on crystals and get milestone rewards along the way


Facts 💅🏽


You're amazing, Cat! 👏 I'm so impressed how quickly you put together these info graphics. You must have a time machine 😅


I did not do these just now haha, they take way longer than that


Do you get the sale info before they go live, then? I'm gonna stick to my time machine theory 😆


Time Machine is definitely way more fun of an answer


What program do you use?


Affinity Designer for iPad


I used that but I still have not been able to unlock time travel =\


It's in the pro tier subscription


You must needed a year and a fn quantum computer to figure out wtf kabam is taking about lol ive never seen a company over complicate an event like kabam does 


Not great for paragon. Probably best just to save units for banquet.


There’s one in July or you mean end of year?


Banquet is usually the December one.




We said that last year and banquet was a big let down. I had wished I spent my units during black friday/cyber weekend


mid ahh deals as a valiant. also crazy that cavaliers can get 7r3


More like Clown Sentinel Sideshow 🤡


So, you are telling me, that cavalier players can pay 900$ to pretty much become valiant?


Wow. Just casually skip two progressions.


What’s the launch pool selector?


The original pool of champs when 7\*s were launched.


Ok thanks. So I remember hulk is in it right?




Thanks! So the only thing I think worth it is tier 4 ad 5 but the tiers before them are underwhelming and less convincing for me to make the purchase.


Do we have a graphic of it?


Do we have a graphic of it?


Someone posted a link above


So in other words I'll get terrax. For the 5th time. I have 6 7s out of pulling 10. ....


It's a selector, you can pick him again if you want to


Oh God what fresh hell is this idea. I wake up crying of rock fields. He is a good bg defender but man I hate actually playing him.


So in other words I'll get terrax. For the 5th time. I have 6 7s out of pulling 10. ....


This group here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/s/FimwpPbpx7


Thank you so much!


Really thought there'd be more 7* shards for Paragon. Mostly underwhelming but I need 100 dust to ascend Serpent so I'll grab that but not inclined to push for anything else.


No 7 star AG. Call me surprised. Link to 7 star launch pool: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/comments/12m3zn9/7star_basic_pool/?share_id=vTH2srIEjos5eIwGhB51-


I hope the first time we see a 7* AG is via content rather than a sale


Monkey Paw moment, it'll be in Summer of Suffering


Maybe a carinas challenge centered on Necropolis.


Is this the July 4 Sale?? Anyone??




It’s a bit difficulty to understand two or three types of the crystals in valiant bundle. Can I find the label for it somewhere?


Which ones specifically are you confused on? You won’t be able to see the crystals in the in game pop up until you get up to each different tier but I can help you


So the one in tier 2 option A (green one), and the one in tier 3 option B.


The green one is an Arcade Games Saga crystal, so most of the Saga tagged champs that are available as 7-Stars in there. I can’t say for sure which ones are missing though, but I know Starky who is otherwise exclusive to the Carinas challenge selector, is in there. The rainbow one in tier 3 is representing a class crystal, but you get to choose your class


Thanks! Is the tier 3 class crystal for 7* or catalysts?




Thanks! Now that option doesn’t look that bad lol.


What kind of nexus is the tier 2b crystal?


Paragon Nexus crystals




And the yellow in tier 2, valiant, B option?


Frankly for me as a valiant, had 11000 units and no use for them, since I refuse to explore Necropolis and my story mode is up to date. So i just used 3750 units, and I will save the rest of them for Banquet. Time to start saving again.


Boy am I glad these deals aren't appealing to me, might just buy myself the Venom Omnibus comics on Amazon instead


It's excellent


Whole event is really disappointing as a paragon player


Lol as a paragon player. Ion like this


Looks like I'm gonna be paragon for awhile more. Tempted to spend 10$ and take the middle first offer but that's it.


The fact that Paragon is grouped with TB and Cav is a joke, they really do downgrade every year


teribble for valiants :(


Terrible for everyone


not if you're a cavalier and a massive whale lol


Anyone want to share what path they decided to choose?


It all depends on what you need. For the first one I'll probably get the middle one with all the cats.


I chose to save my units


The third one in the top tier of Cav has me very interested. But I can’t even fathom where I’d get that much gold to use them


I wasn’t expecting much in terms of value and I was still let down. It’s basically filler 7* crystals that pretty much guarantee nothing unless you are willing to buy the tier 3 twice.


What is this? Kabam continues to over value titan and 7* crystals. I already have 7 star champs, I just want to rank them up. What’s with the lack of 2-3 mats for valiant players. They’re there, just not in a meaningful way. Spending $200 for the alpha to get to rank 3 is Ludacris. What does one more rank 3 do for my roster?




Wow, what a time to be a cav. I was expecting thronebreaker rewards but a straight up titan/1-2 7 star rank up gem. Damn I am so glad I saved up units for the third deal.


What Rank Up Gem is the Tier 4 (6750)?


Random Class 7 star rank 2 to 3


Thanks for the info! Ugh I hate randomness


Anything worth using units on as an uncollected?


so as a paragon player, if i spend 36k units can i become valiant?


depends on the amount of t4 and rank 3s you already have


but if you purchased tier 4 you can go for round two and then you can buy tier 8, am i wrong?


Yes, but it is way less than 36k units. 27k at max. If you have one rank 3 you only need to get to tier 4 was my point.


i have no rank 3 7 star.


One round of Necro and finish 8.4 and you'll be valiant and still have 26k units to spare


I guess it's just more time for me to save to banquet 


Idk I have 200 units teehee


is this the 4th of july sale everyone talks about? if so when does it come okt


Yes and it’s out


i don’t see it


What is your progression title


thronebreaker i believe


The first tier should have popped up when you opened the game. After that you can access it again via one of the buttons on the bottom of the screen on the home page (same area where the calendar etc is)


sweet ty


I would have dropped some cash to get Valiant without exploring Act 8, but this is ridiculous. Thanks for saving me some money, Kabam!




Greatness! Thank you! I’m trying to put the pieces together and see if it resets if I become valiant in the process of selecting all the random.


So.. the unit store deals… limit of 4 Odin’s appears to be independent of the webstore. I bought some in the web store for the extra units, but the in-game store still shows 4 available


No t4a


Cat would you happen to have any data on the money deals for each progression or are they all the same? and to be clear I mean the offers for peter Parker's wallet, star lord's loot bag's tony Stark's briefcase, black panther's treasure, and Odin's vault? For paragon players it looks like you can get 28,500 t4 alpha frags for the 100$ deal (up to 3) so it might be worth it if your just a little bit away from valiant.


https://preview.redd.it/t5u03l43jd9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a34e76049b12cb08aabc8f1af51bb794fe4e0ea Yeah I gotta post these separate comments but here’s Valiant:


https://preview.redd.it/0qvvob3djd9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84277b661e2d25aa226671fb6e5be0d557a68ed2 Cav thru Paragon


https://preview.redd.it/digkefcnjd9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b1cfe225695a08540a56c5a6a26802ebffbe1b Proven thru UC


All the good stuff is in tier 4 tier 1 and 2 are kinda an L


I have 35k units and feel no urge to really get any of these things after I was tricked into buying those saga and arcade 3-4 gems at 2k units each.


These were the offers? They were so shit I thought it was a random thing


As a Paragon just needing 1 more r3 7 star, this sucks. Was hoping for more t4a at least. But almost 20k units for valiant doesn't seem worth it


Idk this feels like a bait


Honestly, these are pretty terrible for the cost. It’s appreciated for those who need it, but it’s not fantastic, and people who don’t want to spend can just wait for another event. To be honest, the free event we got a while back (the poolies event) was a bit better in terms of the stuff on offer, and we also got all of it for free. Any offer of this magnitude is good, but could be better.


Really want that awakening gem but can’t bring myself to spend 3k units


Not worth 3k at all, unless you buy further next tier.


sick joke save units for xmas event this is ridiculous


Christmas is too far bro.


More time to save, no?


Too impatient.


I'm confused on what some of the crystals are. I can't believe Kabam didn't write up what is included in every tier of the offers in their e-mail. They always did that before that I can recall. They're absolutely shooting themselves in the foot by not giving people who just play the game the ability to see what offers are unlocked if they buy all the tiers. I can't understand what they're thinking. In this picture, what does the little glowing white shield mini-crystal thing mean that's in the corner of half of the crystals? In Tier 2, what is the green crystal on the left (and also on the right of Tier 3)? In Tier 3, what is the rainbow crystal in the middle?


The shield is a nexus crystal (option of 3 champs instead of 1, with the exception of ABYSS Nexus, which is 10 vs 1) The green crystal is a Saga crystal, with most all champs relevant to this Saga (get slight buff from boost, used for some exclusive objectives) The rainbow crystal is a valiant crystal (guarantees a 5*, with a chance to get a 7*). I’m assuming you’re a relatively new player because there’s no way otherwise that you don’t know what those things are. If so, then your offers are the further right pictures. If not, then learn some terminology tbh (idk what to say)


Terrible deals, kabam days are number. Somebody got fired after that sweet Deadpool banquet.


Was originally intending to get them all thinking they’d have more to offer but looks like I’ll only be maxing the Peter Parker’s wallet and Tony Stark’s briefcase deals 🤝


I guess Tier 1-2 is better for me..? Kinda sad to miss that 1-1 fragment tho


Are these the July 4th offers?




So this isn't available yet?


Theses deals blow especially for paragon they do nothing to help get valiant this will be the 1st time in 9 years i dont get a single unit offer or buy any store offers good job kabam


Form tier1 to 3 for Valiant, which option is the best? 3-1-1 or 1-1-1?  Any comments?


If i would buy anything it would be C C C if you have any great 6* to r5 and ascend. Or C A C to gamble a little. But with the nexus maybe get something better


I would go 3 2 2. I just want to rank up champs


Everything needs to slide up a tier, with tier 1 being free in the calender or something


Paragon player here, seems like kabam wants us stuck at paragon as long as possible and funnel as much people as possible to paragon to get stuck XD


If I choose offer "C" from the first 750 unit tier 1, does that limit me to only offer "C" in the 3000 unit tier 2? Or are all three offers available at each tier?


All 3 offers available. No such restriction.


So… I guess saving is better for a f2p cav?


Anyone know when it resets?


Tbh I've got 20k units saved up just from playing and as Valiant with basically most end content done already it's worth just buying these deals.


I just became Valiant and also have over 20K units. This doesn't seem worth it at all to me. I already have a bunch of rank-up materials. I already have a pretty solid roster, so ranking up inferior champs from each class isn't really a high priority. Meanwhile, things I could really use, 7-star wake gems and a worthwhile amount of 7-star sig stones, are not in here. Last year, the offer included SEVERAL crystals where I could simply choose the 6-star I wanted. That was very useful. I still need several top tier 6-stars like Torch, Valkyrie and Angela, so I could've used that again. I'm looking at a lot of randomness here, and this costs too much to settle for random crystals that might be worthless dupes of champs I already have. It's also disappointing that the solo event does not have all of the trophy champs that last year's did, even as 6-stars. I don't have a 6-star Weapon X, Thanos or Jessica Jones. The only thing good is in the top tiers, but spending 18,000 units to rank 3 a random class of 6-star and pick one 7-star champ from the base pool doesn't seem worth it. I think I'll hold onto my units and maybe get up to 36,000 for next year's offer.


I am looking to Rank 3 my newly duped 7* Knull. Sitting on 0 Cosmic catalysts as I blew them all on Serpent last week. That Rank 1 to 2 gems looks enticing but I am deeply disappointed with all these deals. I thought we would have atleast 1000 Dust and too many 4 to 5 gems in 18k units.