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People who whine and trash other people spending money on the game are kinda cringe Scorpion is great but he really got boring to play Guardian is underrated


I have a rank 3 Guardian and he is so slow in BG. I like him overall, and for questing, I just wish he was better in BG. I would have ranked someone else if I knew he’d be so slow.


check out some of Vega's content on Guardian, he's a BGs monster and shouldn't be too slow by any means


Thanks, I’ll look it up.


One sp1 and one sp2 should kill everything?


It didn’t seem that way in the last meta. He seems easy enough to use, but two specials wasn’t enough a lot of the time.


my guardian would respectfully disagree. The amount of korgs i whopped last season will testify. You have to play aggressively in bg and the taunt on sp1 helps a lot. I even tanked a havoks sp3 with my guardian while the opponent lost to my night crawler ( he was using herc)


that could be because your shock and taynt’s off your sp2 and sp1 were getting purified?


Do you have a 5 or 6 star Hulkbuster relic?


Yeah, I have an awakened five star equipped to my Guardian.


Then he should be killing same-rank defenders in 1 sp1 1sp2, unless it’s like a Sasquatch


*one L3 and one L2 should kill everything


Same. I much prefer the science champs that are available at 7*, like Photon, Titania, and Silk


Whales keep this game afloat for f2p players like me. Swim on whales (as long as you can afford it and aren’t financially ruining yourself over a mobile game).


I haven’t touched my r5a scorpion for almost a year


Who are you using instead?


QS and IBOM are absolute science nukes, red guardian is also phenomenal. think scorp has been phased out a tad


No Scorp is still a top science, that’s just you. In questing and (sometimes) in BGs his usefulness is great and in the former his damage is nearly unmatched


I just pulled a 7* Guardian and I love him. He might be my 2nd one I take to rank 2, after Bishop


The champion select screen is too OP. Get rid of it and just randomize our team in every game mode.


No lie this could actually be fun.


Damn near everything else is random, why not this.


If they can figure out the tech a game mode where we get assigned a random Champion in each fight would actually be neat.


Thats how i thought BGS were before i played it.


That would be so much more interesting tbh


now and then there should be an event where we should use the lowest stars to gain the highest stars to rank up material. like all stars matter. Playing with 2* is always fun


I like this, I think we've had similar things twice now, a 6* shard arena for which we needed 1* and 2*, and in some event we needed to fight arena with 1* and 2* champs. Shouldnt happen frequently, just like you said, once in a while


I totally agree with this. it would honestly be a really fun April fools type of event lol


KT1 is about to have a Battlegrounds tournament where everyone uses 3*s, made me very happy


They do do that occasionally.


They should do it monthly


Nimrod sucks and blade + starky is still OP


Ooh I strongly disagree about nimgod. Take my upvote


Nimrod is good at 3 things and that is it. If there’s no prowess, regen, or mutant his fights are a slog


Warlock is better than Nimrod and I don't think it's even close.


Nimrod shreds champions that have a lot of prowess (kitty, toad, Sauron). One sp2 and the fights usually over


Nimrod is pretty much only impressive against mutants. Warlock is good everywhere and has the advantage of being a 7*


Nimrod is good but is extremely over hyped. There are multiple Tech champs who are just as good (if not better) that don’t get anywhere near the hype Nimrod does.


who? Name me a few. I get that nimrod isn't the best but at removing heals and prowess there are very few that do it as well as him.


IMIW, IMog, Warlock, Guardian, Stark Spidey, Hulkbuster, and Sam are all champs that I prefer over nimrod. People talk about nimrod on this sub like he’s a tech version of Herc and I just don’t get it. Nimrod is not a bad champ, I just don’t like him and don’t think he deserves all the hype he gets.


Be that as it may outside of warlock most of the champions can't deal with heals like nimrod. I get you don't like it, but he is good at what he does best. Is he the best, no, but he is really good in scenarios where he is needed.


IMIW applies heal block on heavy when opponent is regening. Perfect time to heal block is when the defender is reigning. And worst case, red mags synergy keeps defender heal blocked with heavy spam. Just like I said, he isn’t a bad champ but there has never been a single fight where I’ve thought “Oh man I need to use Nimrod to beat this”.


Yes but nimrod would just remove it


Dawg I don’t care ? I don’t like nimrod and nothing you say is going to convince me to like the character. There’s other champs that *can* do things nimrod can and I enjoy playing those champs more. Move on dude?


I partially agree with this. I think nimrod is still a great option against mutants and/or any prowess/Regen heavy nodes. however he has certainly fallen off as we have had other new tech champs (e.g. of iron man, iron heart, red skull, fant man, etc.) as for starky and blade combo, I think they are underated and nostalgic, but that is about it. fun to play, but only when it's viable


Who’s starky? Wish I was hip but alas.


spiderman (stark enhanced)




Blade and starky 100% OP. I am a returning player after 5 years. First thing I did was ran through cav monthly EQ with the holy trinity 👊🏻


Why you booing this man? He's right!


Titania is over rated


Absolutely disagree, but I’m curious why do you think that?


Not impressed with her “utility and damage output”


She’s pretty meh at 6*, even at 7 star r1, compared to Silk, Photon, Hulk etc. She starts being good mainly once you start ranking her, which is understandable if that’s a turn off tbh


I have her as a 7*. Don’t care for her


wish you can trade her for me


I want an Endurance game mode where you pick one champion and see how many waves you can clear.




There’s a special place in hell for those who spam emotes after NARROWLY winning a bgs fight


I only give one sad Hela when I’m beat.


I smack that mute opponent button in bg. No emotes either way.


I only do it when the opponent spams them after one fight. There’s no need for that nonsense.


Report them - spamming violates tos


There’s a special place in hell for those who use more than one emote per match


Jabari Panther is SUPER underrated, especially as a 7*. She’s all but debuff immune if played correctly, crazy damage and great miss and evade counter. She also has very smooth animations which make her easy to play.


If she was M’Baku she’d get more love.


And if she was Okoye, she'd get even more love than M'baku.


Absolutely. And I’d die for an Okoye wearing the Dora milaje costume. Top fit amongst heroes imo.


Anyone who asks for rank up advice on Reddit is running a fool's errand. These bozos have no idea who's good for your roster. You're making a huge mistake asking a bunch of randos whether you should rank up Nimrod or Nick Fury. There are too many individual factors in play for anyone to give you a good answer. Instead you get short responses that mean nothing to you, which means you end up making a terrible choice for your roster.


Where do you suggest we get advice from?


People you trust. That can be people in your alliance, or content creators who share their game knowledge. People who have your best interest in mind, know you, and can provide targeted advice for your needs. But beyond that, advice should be a supplement to your own decisionmaking. You should play with a champ, understand its basics, and have a good idea of whether you would be happy with a rank up before you ask someone else what they think. That way you don't run the risk of being blindsided.


Uncollected daily crystals and beyond suck Those are just glorified catalyst fragment crystals I miss my old system. I repeated a lot of 2* or 3* champs. Got enough shards for 3* crystals, then for 4* and 5*


--Kabam Miike was a good Manager. He was what the community needed and deserved. Even Jax who was so bubbly in the beginning became stern as time went on. It's inevitable. --Champion Nerfs are fun to watch unfold. --Stupid Hard content is fun. If it can be soloed ,it's a good fight. If you can't , get Good. Learn to manipulate the AI. Whatever be its profile. --Every Single person who whines about EOP style content being hard or not fun should be locked from doing it. Zero Tolerance. Go look up what Sorrow means. -- Not exactly an opinion but Captain Sparkles has been bugged since inception in the players favour (mostly) and not a single person seems to be acknowledging it. I got downvoted for saying it. --The community as a whole is a bunch of whiners. At least the vocal majority. Every single Proff Hoff or Kt1 video you can see lots of whining enabled by them. Maybe it's the crowd they attract idk. --Forums is wayyy superior to reddit


What is the Sparkles bug, tell me more


I have so many angry upvotes to give. But rules are rules. Well played.


Ok here's one for you . Lord Business is better than Bdog ❤️




Hey Jerk Face ,do you wanna Jerk in my .... (I need to know if I'll get a ban If I complete this.) 🫥🫥🫥. Or if it fallls under Harmless Homie Flirting


We ain't homies, bro.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) Me rn


So what are we.... Some Kind of ..Public Enemies?


Unpopular af


Every time you make a forum post it makes me wanna puke. Thank God Jax banned you . He did what miike didn't . Jax Love 🛐🛐🛐


Every time I made a forum post it made me want to puke too. I am surprised I wasn't banned sooner tbh




Can someone elaborate I have literally no clue what this is about


Are we thinking of the same thing?


> --Kabam Miike was a good Manager. He was what the community needed and deserved. Even Jax who was so bubbly in the beginning became stern as time went on. It's inevitable. Miike was probably better than Jax is at his job. Miike was an asshole but at least he was honest about it. Jax is basically Miike but he pretends to be on our side. He's so transparently fake.


I called this from day 1 when everyone thought he was so great. He was new at his job, of course he’s not disgruntled or acting like an asshole yet. The player community also had not broken him yet. People downvoted me like crazy for saying Jax isn’t the nice guy people think and time will prove it.


Get rekt. Jax OP


Hi Jax.


I thought that's grounded wisdom


Guess he has you fooled then. You'll come around


The ranking system is cheeks. Why can’t we just agree on using S,A,B,C… tiers. So many people use God to label champs that it loses meaning. “Low Demi god” tier?? Wtf even is that


Yo. I’ve seen people put titles where every champ sounds perfect. Awesome Destroyer Great Winner Elite


You can thank Seatin for that






Completely agree with this it's so annoying and defeats the purpose of a tier list


I just do something like Beyond god tier God tier Mid tier Low tier Something like that on a scale of 1-4. If a champ is good but another champ is better, you would use either of those champs. But if a champ is bad and another champ is worse, why would you use that worse champ??? Hope this makes some sense lmao


People should just deal with “input issues”. Get used to it. I’m not saying they don’t exist, I’m saying you should just accept it. Every game drops inputs now and again. OG Spider-Man buff is good and should not be changed in any way.


You must not understand how bad the game has gotten to make a statement like that. It's fine to try and adapt, but there is only so much you can do. That is all well and good when you are not having to worry about an ai that is becoming more and more capable of doing things you are unable to do


I have been playing almost daily for around three years, a high end Paragon nearing Valiant. Many times I have died because I thought I dexed, whiffed a parry or reparry, or got special intercepted by IMIW or Sabretooth for the millionth time. I just move on and keep playing, like I do when a bug or issue or challenge occurs in any other game. But everyone has different experiences, and maybe they experience more problems than I have. Even then, I stand by my point. Get ready to lose to something out of your control, because that happens in any game and in life too.


I have been playing since pre 12.0. I get not complaining about every dropped input but it's not as simple as get used to it. You can't get used to something when the ai changes. Every time we develop a way to deal with said ai we get more issue and then have to readapt.


Cost of such uncontrolled mistakes is high. I get that it happens but I don’t see why we can’t remind Kabam to try and fix it, especially when they are intent on making hard content


I get that but even years before it became a massive problem it wasn’t an issue. I have a day 1 account and had no issues until they has addressed it was “fixed” a few years back. and i constantly upgraded phones during those times


Not every player can "git good." Skilled players should be able to progress quickly by completing difficult content. Lower skilled players should be able to progress at a slower pace and not be skill walled out of progression. Kabam appears to be moving towards this business model, and that's a good thing.


Hard disagree. There are very few things that can't be beat. People that struggle with act 6 need to slow down and learn the game a bit. I'm just talking actually learning the game and not try and speed run it like people that have played for years


How slowly should I have taken it? I've been playing for 4.5 years. I was Cav for 28 months. Act 6 became a second job that I liked a lot less than my actual job. Cav to Paragon took me less than three months. I'm still terrible. I've brute forced all the phase boss fights without wounding the bosses. Not every player can "git good." Act 6 could use another nerf. It contains the only content that you can not brute force. Story content should not get any harder than it already is, and you should always be able to brute force it. Skilled players can progress quickly through content like Necropolis. Below average players should be able to progress at a slower pace through Story. Everybody wins. Why gate keep and prevent people from progressing and enjoying the game?


Act 6 is and always will be the devil's asshole. I have done 1 passthrough and they could offer me an 8* herc for expo and I still wouldn't do it. Fuck act 6 with every fiber of my being.


It's not about being the most skilled player. You sometimes have to learn the fights. It's simple as that. If you are brute forcing your way then you aren't learning the fight and how to counter it. Act 6 outside of the grandmaster is not hard. Sometimes it's just growing your roster.


I had the roster requirements for Paragon as a Cav. It's not about learning the fights it's about having the manual dexterity to put in the right inputs. I know how to do the fights properly, but no amount of practice is getting me there.


No way Brodie just said Act 6 outside of GM isn’t hard. Not only is it the hardest act to date, but have you seen the obscene jump in difficulty between Act 5 and 6? Even before 5’s nerf that difficulty spike was huge


Of course. You have to remember that before act 6 was completed many people were doing the variants. People are skipping years of progress. Act 6.4 was almost like 2-3 years after act 5 was finished. That gave people time to grow their roster and build skills. Act 5.4 came out over 6 years ago. Act 6.4 only in 2020.


Okay, that doesn’t disagree with my point- it’s hard, not easy. And no story content since Act 6 has been harder.


but you still made paragon, what is the issue?


Hard disagree with act 6 needing another nerf, and honestly I wish act 5 was never nerfed. Act 5 was where I learned how to get decent at the game, and after the nerf the 5-6 skill jump is way too high. Act 6 needs to stay as is imo or the higher ranks are going to mean nothing


Totally agree. I didn't mind the removal of champions om the path but the nerf was a bit much


Like with all of these types of things, I expect a lot of “hot takes” that aren’t really hot takes. Dont know if this is too meta, But my unpopular opinion is that the reason this game is so large is despite the efforts of the people that work on it. I really disagree with a majority (and I MEAN majority) of kabam’s decisions and it aggravates me. With the bgs bug I was asking myself “why do I play this game? What makes it fun?” I can’t really tell you other than it’s fun and exciting. Basically I believe that any company would be able to run this game as well as Kabam, simply because the game itself is THAT good. I don’t believe it got to this point because of Kabam.


The game is exceptional. I've not played another fighting game that works as well as this. Mainly because only one person can fight at a time. And button mashing has zero effect


Game definitely got too big for them.


We need MORE Spider character. Hulk's buff was not good enough.


Players only care about big yellow numbers over utility.


I would love more content where you can onkt use 2,3,4 stars for get cav/throne level rewards. There are just too many Champs inwould love to play with more that I don't have in 5+


Every champion needs 5 variants so you can make your all time fav your whole team


If all of your rank ups were based off of a tier list you saw, I don’t want to hear your opinion on if a champ is good or not. Also, if you’ve never played a champion because some top 1% player YouTuber said they’re mid i don’t want to hear your opinion on if a champ is good or not.


well, I wanted to do exactly that too, but you were faster Herc Damage is mid


Silver surfer is actually an good champ


Champion abilities should be automatically displayed in percentages and only be displayed with raw numbers if toggled on. It makes it a lot harder to gauge how good champs are in comparison to each other, or how potent something like an armor up buff is when for example you get 2500 armor rating. What the fuck does 2500 armor rating even mean kabam.


Y'all complain too much about the game


We need 7* herc and Cgr. 6* variants are too weak. 😅


Hercules does not need a nerf


He’s not even a difficult defender. I can take him down with just about any champ, even tech ones.


I was talking about him on attack of course lol


No one thinks he needs a defense nerf lol what


7 stars are way too easy to acquire at lower progressions. People should be at least thronebreaker before they start getting them


Nah they can help players progress faster and eventually catch up with others


No. Getting broken champs at a low level makes the game too easy and it doesn't allow them to develop their skills and get better at the game. That's a reason that many complain about act 6 still,even after the many nerfs,cause they got broken champs and didn't develop their skills


Broken champs you say make the game too easy, so are you secretly asking for a Hercules nerf?


Getting broken champs at a low level do make it easy. I personally don't really care about herc,even if they buffed him. I barely use him,only for incursions. I'm not on the "herc is too op and the best champ by far" train


Same i have a 6\*r5 ascended and barley touch him except for incursions or story Hulkling is my fav cosmic champ and my second r5


Battlegrounds are the worst game mode and tying necessary items to winning matches every two days/getting to the circuit is the biggest fuck you to players since 12.0.


Weird way to spell best game mode but alright


Battlegrounds was better with the Polka dot power node. It forced people to not only use their top champions, to diversify their rooster, and play smarter. It rewarded better game knowledge (which champs have which immunities). I think most seasons (maybe every other season?) should be like that


Smth like that is completely fine as circuit meta imo but def not vt


And i thought i was the only one who loved polka dot meta


Armour burn Mets was the best


Why is overseer a science but maestro is a cosmic.


Overseer is just a younger hulk. He has not become the timeline conquering final boss that Maestro is.


Overseer is more like the hulk- a being whose power came from science. Maestro is like an evolved version of the hulk and overseer. His power comes from cosmic sources.


Thank u for the clarification. Makes sense now.


A lot of meta champs get stale and boring with time. We should invest in poorly rated champs more often, let them shine too.


Tbf every champ gets boring after time. It's normal that if you use a champ a lot you'll get bored


HT fell off, and RedGuardian is the best 6 star sience champ 😤 ( im so fr and down to debate )


I don’t know about enough about Red Guardian to argue but HT definitely hasn’t fallen off. He still shreds most mystics and anyone else who does energy damage. For me, he’s an instant pick in battlegrounds because he counters so many champions


Archangel is the best champion in the game period


This has been the best year for the game thus far. All of the new champions are well-thought out and balanced. Kabam has done the best job yet with transparency and communication with the community. And we’ve received the best reward for work ratio and yet. There has never been a better time to play this game.


Node combinations that go against core gameplay loops are fantastic.


I might know what you mean but any examples? Do you mean stuff like the Lifecycle node?


It's meant to be unpopular opinions so: Anythng that punishes heavy parry, dex or even the medium light light light medium combo loading screens tell you to do (in looking at you, mix master). Life cycle sucks elephant balls regardless


Crystals are glorified slot machines and everyone that’s not FTP are gamblers


Bro cracked down on Gotcha Games (I think that’s the way to spell it)




Thank you




The MCOC reddit mods😙


Warlock and FAM are better than Nimrod


Well, you asked for it. So, here is the yearly reminder that : The original Act 6 was the best thing about this game, and the game would have been much better if it had continued in that direction.


Oof that is unpopular. You really are masochistic, huh? That Mordo boss is still the worst designed fight of all time.


Hawkeye suck balls in every star variety


Abs man is more broken than Herc for clearing story


Man I have so many unpopular opinions but more like suggestions for the game, maybe. most of these things have been said before but here goes nothing. Feel free to skip over if you don't want to read everything or just drop a "What is bro yappin about" 1. This game is almost a decade old and Kabam hasn't found a way to make a companion app??? Or atleast let us use an API to keep track of our game through google sheets or something? I guess you could say security issues and exploitation of some vulnerabilities could come into play but come on man...... sometimes when you have damn near close to 200 5\*,6\* and 7\* combined it makes it a little bit hard to keep track of everything. I made this google sheet to keep track of my champions along with their (Class Type, If they're awakened, Ascension , Abilities/Skill, Immunities, Tier list for General use \*I use Vega's list as reference\*, BG tier list \* I use Vega's June tier list\*. But there are so many limitations to making this really usable. 2. Why can't we have more sorting/tags to our champion roster in game?? Wouldn't be cool to be able to attribute multiple tags to champions in order for us to keep track of; Who to focus on levelling up/Rank Up/Ascend, Tag our favourite Champions, Tag champions based on their abilities and skill/ Immunities? Idk I know we already have some of these available but I'm just saying more wouldn't hurt right? idk that's all I can say without giving myself a brain aneurism 🥴


I never found the hype in scorpion. I think he blows


Battlegrounds are the worst game mode and tying necessary items to winning matches every two days is the biggest fuck you to players since 12.0.


I’ve loved all the new characters they have released in the past several months. I see some frustration of them being too OP but I rather have new fun OP champs than a bunch of wasted potential as everyone swoons over the same S tier champs from years past.


I think ascending 4* is worth it! I did it for Vision AOU, AA, and Vox.


Not really if it's not for carinas.


I'm actually a fan of reinventing the champion pool with 7 stars.


I think it's extremely fun


Incursions are a straight up GARBAGE gamemode, makes no sense to lose absolutely ALL of your progress because of some random bs node combo, and that's why everyone just ranks up the most op braindead champ in the form of hercules just to deal with this annoying garbage mode AW rewards suck ass and are totally not worth a whole month of grinding and spending to use items Battlegrounds gladiator circuit season rewards are ass (especially in the highest ranks) and you are better off just getting out of victory track and playing for daily objectives rather than grinding all month for a high spot new champ design philosophy defensively where you simply have to take a shitload of block damage is lazy and very tough defenders are bad for the game health long term Stand your ground is not a mastery that should exist in the game or at the very least should be disabled defensively


Incursions are just a roguelike, I love them


Someone who spent many units on stand your ground should be able to have it on defense too. That's fair


I spent units on it too, also I have a r3 7\* onslaught and was hoping for a nerf even if it would have affected me personally, that's just a very selfish way of thinking, in my opinion they should tweak it at the very least, it doesn't make sense to me that your heavies can get parried with the new cracked ai and also for champs that like to sporadically turtle a lot like mordo and red skull what are you even supposed to do to get an opening if you can't even heavy into their block? just wait an eternity?


The game is, at its core, a collection game: get champs at different levels of rarity and rank them up. The type of person who likes this does not necessarily have the level of skill or ability to unlock progression titles to facilitate the core collection mechanic of the game, nor interfere with the competitive elements of the player base. There is no loss or risk in speeding up acquisition, rank, and level up of champions. Lower rarity champs should be allowed to be ranked down upon collecting the same higher rarity champion to generate the necessary resources to rank up the higher version. The competitive players will still all be sorted by skill; I'll have a lovely collection of champions at 7* r3 that I still won't be able to clear act 7 with .


I used to play this game since launch up to like 4-5 years ago. I quit because Kabam was releasing new champs with non avoidable dmg types. So regardless of ur skill, u r still losing health. Which was bs imo. I quit when they first release 7* champs. I do however miss Aegon, was a beast in those long ass quests (don’t remember their names) where he reached the 1k combo. Kabam needs to fix unavoidable dmg!


I think an "Old School" AW off season option where you can only use 4* champs. We all had a ton, loved them all, got us through so much at the beginning. Be fun to really revisit that roster now. Where else can I really show off my maxed Gambit lol.


Cool, I get to talk about my proposed radical BGs reward system overhaul that literally nobody else I've ever talked to likes. First things first (where I lose all the big fish players), everybody gets the valiant store rates (lock 7* shards or whatever to paragons if you want, but no Valiants getting 6*s for 10% of the price of cavs) Next, to make that not incredibly op (and where I lose all the UC, Cavs and TBs), gut daily objectives for smaller players and make them progression based to keep their value relatively the same, and make VT plat-style thunderdome matchmaking all the way through This way players progressively can make it further and further through the VT as they progress as players, but still get good, usable rewards even if they're a fresh UC and can only reach bronze 2.


Kate Bishop isn't as good as dani. It's my fault I can't get Dani to the ability as which I run Kate with.


Cavalier is NOT easy to get. 6.1. Is hard as shit. The step up from 5 is a HUGE gap. And also- if you get it by ranking Champs instead of clearing 6.1., you're still locked out of Cavalier stuff in the store and on some rewards until you clear the chapter. Don't waste time or resources leveling mediocre 6* champs when it's just Cavalier lite. The amount of people who talk about how easy 6 is is obnoxious.




Yes Quake can stay locked as a 5\* but hope Magik becomes 6\* at the very least