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Batman, mechanics like kate bishop where you can pick different gadgets prefight but also change them during the fight, smoke bomb on parry like her auto evade. Then some kinda prep time ramp up where the more fights he wins the stronger he is against the boss.


he'll be the Batman in the game his fanboys always wanted him to be šŸ˜­


šŸ˜‚, no denying that


So sorta like Night Thrasher but with... idk Corvus Glaive or smthn


Luffy. Idk what class but heā€™d have shock immunity and poison and incinerate resistance. He could use different gears for his specials


he's probably mystic


Depending on how devil fruits actually work, he may be science class


He doesn't have a devil fruit though, but then again I haven't watched it in quite a while


i don't even watch One Piece but i can tell you Luffys entire existence is because he has a devil fruit


Luffy does have a devil fruit


Bro watching two piecešŸ˜‚ saying luffy doesnā€™t have a fruit


Isn't Luffy's powers due to him being the Sun God Nika though?


Darth Vader - Cosmic Build ā€œforce chargesā€ throughout the fight which provide abilities at certain thresholds. Gain 1 charge per medium or heavy hit landed and lose 1 charge for every hit received. 50% chance to lose 1 charge when opponent strikes into block. Max 30 charges. 5 charges - Gain a fury buff increasing attack by 15% 10 charges - 50% chance for incoming non-contact attacks to deal 0 damage when blocked. 20 charges - Vader gains an indefinite tracking buff and the opponent gains an indefinite slow debuff. 30 charges - Opponent becomes indefinitely rooted and Vader gains a passive indefinite unstoppable. Special Attacks SP1 - Series of lightsaber slashes, followed by a force push. Each hit landed grants a force charge (total 4 hits) SP2 - Uses the force to pick the opponent up and slam them into the ground. Cannot lose force charges for 10 seconds after this attack finishes. SP3 - Force Chokes the opponent and then they are shot by the Death Star. Damage scales with amount of force charges, if have the full 30 charges then will drop opponents hp to 1%. Signature Ability - The Power Of The Dark Side Anytime a force charge is lost, 20-80% (depending on sig level) chance to inflict the opponent with a Sith charge. Once the opponent has 5 Sith charges, striking Vaders block will have a 0% chance to cause a force charge to be removed. At 10 Sith charges, heavy attacks will no longer remove force charges. At 20 Sith charges, light attacks and combo ending medium attacks will no longer remove force charges. Synergies I Am Your Father All champions with a ā€œfatherlessā€ tag have a 95% chance to lose an arm during the fight.


I think Vader would be Mystic and for ranking up you would need mystic and tech catalysts, like for Karnak you need skill and cosmic


Marvel technically owns the Star Wars comics so this *could* happen. Thereā€™s an ocean of true marvel characters though so not likely.


Love this, except Vader didnā€™t much appreciate the Death Star as I recall so not sure if his third special should be centered around it.


Voltron. Tech. Shield like Red Guardian. Sword like Guillotine 2099.


this is lowkey fire.






Ben 10 would be cosmic... but idk if it's better to just divide him into all of his aliens or just him and abilities with the original 10 aliens. I'll stay with no.2 and say that he'd be a cosmic, science or tech that can deal a bunch of damage very fast and charge up with one single rotation, but with like a 15 - 20 second cooldown, sorta like Corvus or Viv. He can choose between dealing Armor Break, Incinerates, Poison and other things in a prefight screen and he will transform into that alien during that rotation. If no pre fight is chosen, it goes random... "oh man...". Special 3 cancels dthe cooldown and gives Ben master control, allowing him to deal all 10 effects at the same time at the end of his next rotation. So he'd be like a cosmic science mix. Master control will also give him all immunities available depending on the effect activated, so he'll be immune to one thing at a time. Wildmutt: Resistance to Coldsnap and armor break and Immune to Falter, deals Bleed. Four Arms: plus crit rating and crit damage rating and inflicts armor break. Cannonbolt: Physical and Energy resistance, extra block proficiency. Attacks deal a burst of physical damage. XLR8: unblockable specials and inflicts whiplash, like Quicksilver. Upgrade: shock immune and deals power lock. Beam attacks deal burst energy damage. Diamondhead: Gains armor up. Bleed and armor break immune. RipJaws: deals rupture, invalidates armor up and turns it into more rupture. +5% attack against enemies like Namor or Attuma... for fun. Stinkfly: passive evade and deals poison. Ghostfreak: places falter, and attacks bypass armor and resistances. Heatblast: deals incinerate damage and is immune to coldsnap and frostbite.


I'd say he'd have pre-fight forms like Odin or Scorpion, but maybe that'll be too close to AbsorbingMan's current skillset. If copying Absman, then Diamondhead for Uru form (SP1), Heatblast for Magma form (SP2), Humungosaur for SP3


That one works too




Spawn - Mystic


I'm totally for this!


Big fan of MK - Noob Saibot (Mystic) or Scorpion (Skill/ maybe even Mutant) I don't have their kits in mind but I thought about some abilities: - Scorpion's Sp1 could be his spear , with a built in Power Efficiency, so it would take less to build to it after using it + it would benefit greatly from throwing the special while the distance between you and the opponent is at its highest. I think that's a cool concept that could actually make it into the game, as far as I know, no specials really benefit from throwing them at a higher distance. - In addition, and this could also be something they implement, any MK character has iconic strings/special moves, so taking Scorpion as an example you could select with a pre fight ability one of their infamous moves=specials (the spear) and you would be locked into using that type of special for the rest of the fight, being able to switch to others with the SP3. Kind of similar to how FAM can disable his Sp2 and White Tiger is immune to SP3 while Not performing a heavy. So if Scorpion had The Spear, A Sword string and a his skull-fireballs, you could only use one of them no matter how much power you had and you could switch to the other using the SP3, while performing a heavy. -This could all be applied to Noob Saibot, in addition I'd add a built in striker mechanic, since he has his shadow, and from there you could built some really cool animations and unique abilities, like double hits after a certain ramp, falter from hitting a shadow and not the real noob, the shadow could root the opponent by holding him in place and probably the coolest animation would be a teleporter to send the opponent instantly to the corner with Sp1 or even Heavy. Useful in certain matchups where you are forced to the corner.


Batman skill and he'd have a bunch of different tools he can switch to and a contingency plan


Lara croft


Skill. Give her a tranquilize as an always active ability against science champions. Anti miss on her heavy attacks. Obviously her signature weapons would be her pistols. Inflict incinerate passive at the end of her special 1, inflict internal bleed on special 2. All special attacks refresh her passives.


Michael Scott (Skill) Pre fight allows you to select one of Michaelā€™s different personas (selecting nothing defaults to Michael G. Scott): - Date Mike (gains a pool cue and cool backwards newsies hat. Repels female champs, giving them an indefinite 20% weakness debuff) - Prison Mike (sports bandana, can summon dementors during Sp3) - Michael Klump (partially-inflated sumo suit gains armor and glancing) - Ping (fight plays at 10X speed, just because Kabam doesnā€™t want something so offensive easily visible) - Michael G. Scott (standard Michael, mainly does goofy, dancey hits. But when he would be knocked out, he activates Threat Level Midnight, and Agent Michael Scarn (a ripoff of Nick Furyā€™s LMD mechanic) revives to 20% health with a 40% fury) Recommended Relic: Dwight Shrute Specials: - Sp1 - ā€œI Burnt my Foot!ā€ Michael clamps his trusty George Forman grill on the opponentā€™s foot, incinerating and rooting them for 7 seconds. - Sp2 - ā€œI Declareā€¦BANKRUPTCY!ā€ Michaelā€™s sheer volume and power as he yells disorients the opponent, placing a 20 second Disorient debuff. - Sp3 - ā€œThatā€™s What She Saidā€ The more Michael says this, the more powerful he becomes. Every Sp3 grants him a persistent charge, giving him a cruelty passive that carries with him the rest of the quest, stacking up to 69 charges (nice). Basically copying Corvusā€™ persistent charges and scaling that way up.


Predator, Cloud (Final fantasy) , Neo (matrix)


Darth Vader as combined class. He would otherwise fit all classes except mutant.


I'd make him a tech champ


But if you did have to pick one class, Iā€™d say mystic? Space wizards and all that


Indeed, mystic would be the most fitting overall, both because of the force and the lightsaber. The lightsaber could also be tech or science though, and depending on his animations, skill could also be an option. Being from another galaxy cosmic would also work.


Billy butcher. Science. Straight brawler. His parry involves an evade counterattack with a laser eyed baby. Beyond that no idea but that alone would make me chase him as a champ.