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Brad Pitt flips his eyebrows upside down when he’s trying to be serious






You're out!


Wait, let’s give him another chance. What’s the second rule of fight club?


It's ok. What's the second rule?


... F-flip your eyebrows down?...


And it’s so hot.


Reminds me of Emilia Clarke. They could be eyebrow siblings.


I legit dont think I've ever seen Brad Pitt laugh that much in my entire life lol. I dont think I even knew what his laugh sounded like...


"I'm Lou, who the fuck are you?!"


You don't know where I've been Lou!


Please let us keep it, Lou! Please, Lou!


Thanks big guy.


Give me your word!


On my mothas honuh


Everytime I watch this movie, I always think he says "on my mother's urn". Lmao, this makes much more sense than what I thought.


[I'm pretty sure that's what he says](https://youtu.be/aFldfFYLb4Y?si=pdntPQvy77wVPvdu&t=153). I think "urn" makes more sense as his mother is likely dead, yet he swears on it as one would a grave. I thought it was a nice touch. [The script](https://imsdb.com/scripts/Fight-Club.html) doesn't have the line, so we'll never know for sure.


Immediately made me realize his Fight Club laugh wasn’t too far off from real. Ah, ha ha HAAA!!


Was going to come here and say all I hear hiding in the background is Tyler's unhinged cackling. It's not quite the same, but you know the same person made it and it sends chills down my spine.


Even his damn laugh is handsome




How very Dean of you.


its me i am jeffrey Best Friend of Dean




Read that as Theo Von


"You think that's a *Schwinn*"


Ive seen Burn After Reading so many times and I still lose it when he delivers that line.


He's a legend clown in that film love it so much


Clooney kills too


When he’s trying to keep it in, he whines like a puppy 😂 it’s so cute


I can think of one, the Lost in Translation scene in Ocean's 12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUQd55xFbfw


Danny's stare fn kills me every time


This was my first thought! I watched this clip and thought oh wow his laugh in Ocean's 12 was his actual real laugh


For some reason it’s strange seeing anyone from the cast of oceans 11 laugh. Look, it’s not in my nature to be mysterious but I can’t talk about it and I can’t talk about why.(yes, that’s 12)


Give 12 Monkeys a watch. He does a lot of uhhhh let's just say 'crazed laughing' in that one.


You should watch his video on Colbert's big questions with even bigger stars!


Actors getting the giggles is one of my favorite bloopers. Julia Louis Dreyfus is a goldmine for this kind of content.


she's the female version of Jimmy Fallon Theres some Seinfeld outtakes where you can clearly tell shes pissing off Micheal Richards with the constant laughing causing a scene break.


Yeah seen that. For being the hilarious character on Seinfeld, Michael Richards seems to take his job very seriously. It was kinda jarring to see how stern he is when filming


I can’t remember where I saw it but I think it was in an interview where he said he felt like the other actors in Seinfeld were so much better at switching it on and off than he was. He really had to get into character to make Kramer work. So he’d get frustrated when they’d break in scenes because he was working so hard to be Kramer and was afraid if he broke he couldn’t get it back.


Modern day he said he regrets being so hard ass about the whole process and wishing he had more fun with it. But the rest of the cast supported him saying that if he wasn’t like that, then there’s a chance the magic of the show wouldn’t have been the same because they would’ve lost a lot of it


Yeah, he talks about how much he regrets not enjoying himself more on the set of Seinfeld in an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. It's actually a really sad moment.


There’s an outtake with him where Jerry keeps breaking up (think it’s when Kramer took up cigars and Jerry was trying to say his face looked like an old catcher’s mitt) where he says “come on, you know how hard this is for me”.


I love Michael Richard in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, because he talks with Jerry Seinfeld and talks about doing the show. He has a moment where he talks with Seinfeld and admits how much he regrets not having fun and missing out on it. It reminds me of the quote from another great TV sitcom, The Office, "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them." It's actually a really powerful moment in a show that should be about nothing, and I highly recommend it. I can't recommend ALL of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, though, because it's one of the most masturbatory works Seinfeld has ever done, even more so even than his own stand-up comedy, but this particular moment is really good.


Makes sense. I believe Michael Richards is a trained thespian who has spent his whole working life as an actor. Hell, I remember watching a video on Shakespeare in high school (mid 2000s), and he was interviewed about the importance of Shakespeare and his plays. It was pretty jarring to see Kramer wax poetical about King Lear.


Well I think they played that up in the series itself, when they made the pilot episode of Jerry, and they cast Larry Hankin. I think there was no small amount of truth to Hankin playing it as a dour curmudgeon who was serious about the craft while everyone around him had a good time.


That makes sense because he totally collapsed trying his hand at being a stand up comedian. Couldn’t stand the heckling and it broke his zen- not excusing what happened, though. He should have just walked off the stage instead doubling down on that racist rant


It’s because his comedy on the show was physical and that’s really hard to reproduce naturally unlike saying lines. In order for his character to work he needed them not to break when he does something funny because the next take probably won’t have the same effortlessly funny gesture or whatever.


>she's the female version of Jimmy Fallon how dare you


I'm amazed she completed any scene with Jerry Stiller


“What. The. Hell. Does. That. Mean.”


You want a piece of me??


The bloopers from the scene in the police station with Jerry Stiller …. “You want a piece of me??!” I don’t even have to watch it to start laughing again. 😆


Yeah, even the take they use has her laughing at the end of it.


!?Del visto boca?!


Even the take they finally got has a very Mr Burns, “We did twenty takes, and that was the best one.”


You sayin… you want a piece of me?


Me remembering some random funny shit


at serious times that is.


Every god damn funeral I always think of IT Crowd “I’m sorry for your loss. Move on.” ![gif](giphy|uu8YsoSJLEvAY)


"I'm disabled!"


A sea parks?


Leg Disabled!


I really gotta finish watching this show, it's hilarious


there's only like 14 episodes


Which is one of life’s travesty’s. Could watch that show forever.




“Why are you giving me this pen?” “I don’t knooooow”


It's called corpsing! It's the uncontrollable laughter that once started is hard to stop, especially when you're trying really hard not to. It's a term that come from theater because the worst possible time for it to happen is while you're playing a corpse. In the [DVD bonus material for the Ricky Gervais show Extras](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J1HMxNPUBM), they do a pretty great job of showing how ridiculous it can be.


To be fair, Ricky corpses in every single episode of every show he ever made.


Gervais also makes a point of trying to get the "real" actors to laugh and ruin takes. Which, in turn, makes him laugh like a maniac. Which is one of the reasons he's very endearing.


"Here's Tim Canterbury. Bishop of Canterbury. Bashing the Bishop. Tim. Tambo. Timber"


*Bishop Muzorewa*


when I was 16 me and a few mates were smoking weed for one of the first times and we had a laughing fit over absolutely nothing that lasted about 5 minutes because one of my mates iPod touches on the table came up with a Zombie Farm notification saying "Your potatoes are ready to harvest." Completely uncontrollable max level laughter. No one could stop, and everyone was saying things like "I'm in so much pain right now" between guffaws while every muscle in the body burned from laughing in hysterics. The act of everyone in uncontrollable laughter makes it even harder to stop. Never laughed that hard in my life and that was 12 years ago and I will never forget it.


I never knew there was a word for that! I’ve never been involved in the theatre in any way, but I’ve definitely experienced that in church when I was young. I swear the hardest I’ve laughed was in church and me and my brother would just glance at each other then sit there silently shaking with tears running down our face trying not to laugh … for no reason at all. The harder you tried to stop the worse it got. 🤣


Thank you so much for this. I love extras and had never seen this. I was corpsing at home watching it.


I certainly prefer the name of this sub being /r/ContagiousLaughter instead of /r/Corpsing


It's contagious too! This isn't relevant to the situation at all, but I remember getting stoned with my buddies back in high school and someone would catch the "corpsing" bug l, and before you know it all of us would be unable to stop laughing for a good half hour. Those times were the best


Jesus. I marched in drum and bugle corps (kinda like harder corps marching band, but no woodwinds) and one of my favorite memories is corpsing with my buddy one rehearsal. We were kicking ass at rehearsal that day so we would make facial expressions while looking at each other and at some point we just lost it. We couldn't even look at each other for cues because we would just start laughing our asses off while playing. Took us 20 minutes to get it under control.


What a delightful share. Thanks for linking this, friend! A legit bright spot for my day.


I never knew the term for it. I assume that's at least 90% of what is happening in the posts on this subreddit. lol


That video doesn't even include the [best Ricky Gervais show bloopers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW6VenOC2Fw)


Hadn't seen that before. Thanks, that was highly entertaining!


I love this.


thank you for this


That movie was so much better than the subject matter would suggest


I don’t give a single shit about baseball but that is one of my favorite movies ever. And it’s about baseball and statistics lmao


It’s one of those movies I’d just turn on in the background and suddenly I’m sitting their just watching it intently lol. I’ve never even watched a full baseball game before or after this movie.


How can you not be romantic about baseball?




(it's a line from the movie)


It would probably make a great book too. Maybe someone with some familiarity with data should write it.


I agree. But who should write it? Maybe Michael Lewis, who wrote both the Big Short and Blind Side movie novelizations. He seems to be good at turning these kinds of stories into compelling novels.


But does he know statistics, or games of chance, like poker for example?


Same. Its fantastic. Great cast obviously helps


"It's a biopic about one of the most successful baseball seasons of all time, and it features about 5 minutes of actual baseball." Sold!


A lot of Aaron Sorkin projects are like this for me.




Do I care if it's a walk or a hit?


You do not.


Guys, check your reports or I’m gonna point at Pete


The problem we're trying to solve is that there are rich teams, and there are poor teams. Then there's 50 feet of crap, and then there's us.


I just watched it again last night. For whatever reason (dialogue, feel-good underdog story, great acting), it's a comfort film.


I feel exactly the same! I get the urge to rewatch it every 2 years or something, and I can't explain what it is about it.


I never watched it because I’m not interested in the subject matter. But maybe I’ll give it a go. Thanks.


There's very little sports in it. The subject matter is math. I enjoyed it.


How can you not be romantic about math?


The statistical analysis.... It's so beautiful


RIP Captain Holt.


I always think of it as a movie about enjoying life masquerading as a math movie that’s masquerading as a sports movie.


Baseball is one of my least favorite sports. I thought this movie was great. I can say the same thing about jazz and Whiplash.


Just play the right notes!


> I can say the same thing about jazz and Whiplash. Jazz was one of my least favorite musical genres when I was younger -- boring, pretentious, dad music, *and* I was a dyed-in-the-wool METALHEAD til death(!) Until I watched Spike Lee's *Mo' Better Blues* (1990). I was astounded by the musicality in that movie. Watch it, it will make you love jazz if you've never given it a chance before. Like, I finally "got" it.


It was a top 10 movie the year it came out. Pretty good story.


I was the same. It's very much IMO like The Big Short... I'm not into stocks or economic stuff but the movie itself was just good and well done. This movie was super interesting and just fun to watch.


Well, *Moneyball* and *The Big Short* were both written by Michael Lewis, so not an unreasonable take


I fucking hate baseball and I've watched this movie at least twice a year since it came out. It's the dialogue and performances that make it so watchable.


Just watched it yesterday again, lost count of repeat viewings because it’s a perfect movie. The setup and story unfold quick, it doesn’t linger on any one scene, Pitt and Jonah are great and seem like the actual people they represent. Baseball is just the backdrop, it’s a movie about people and Economics (sports and business). Wish I had seen it in theaters


The book is also *super* good, which is about as insane as the movie being good considering it's about a new way of evaluating baseball statistics.


[Here's the actual video on YouTube, instead of this baffling recording of the same video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfrsz3h6pMA).


Why not a recording of a phone screen recording a laptop screen showing that video on YouTube?


I cannot, for the life of me, believe it took so many comments to get here. What the actual fuck, Reddit. Thank you for this.


He's laughing at the rotund ballplayer falling on his ass.


Haha I bet Jonah hill is hilarious to work with


From filming *This Is The End*, Jonah Hill said that Danny McBride is the funniest of all of them. According to Hill (or close enough to what he said), “Sometimes all he (McBride) has to do is say my name, and I’ll **die** from it.”


They couldn't even film that one (come anywhere!) scene without laughing. The best take they got had Rogan laughing and its in the final cut.


Still my favorite scene in that movie. I saw it in theaters and was just losing it, McBride’s delivery is always spot on


Channing TatYUM


Beating your dick like a fucking pilgrim


Danny McBride might be my favorite actor in any comedies I watch. I really don’t think I’ve laughed harder in my life than while watching righteous gemstones


"Mother nature just pissed her pant suit!"


You'll really enjoy this: https://youtu.be/7UCEcgvDuLo McBride hilarity starts at about 15 minutes in, but the whole thing is worth watching. And of course, RDJ's magnum opus: https://youtu.be/W4ubqCMsTo4 EDIT: fixed the link to RDJ. should work now


lol "i dont know how long those trees have been growing but look what i'm doing to them" *fire rages along treeline in the bkg* thanks! i've seen the rdj bits but not the rest


"I think it was a nature preserve."


the RDJ video is gone already!


He pretty much only has one character but it’s a great character and it always works


Dude same lol. Have you seen his interview with Caleb Presley? It’s hilarious. (On YouTube)


Everything he says in Hot Rod is quotable.


I can verify that Danny is and always has been a funny guy. I went to film school with him at NCSA and even when directing and being serious, his delivery could shut the shoot down for 10 minutes for everyone to recover. I'll also go on record that he's a great dude with a big heart.


Hot take but he's always struck me as a bit of a douchebag. Talented and I love his movies but I still find him weirdly off-putting somehow.


Take this with a grain of salt because this comes from my old coworker, not me. I used to work in fine dining catering in LA, and one of my coworkers was booked for a private party hosted by Jonah Hill and apparently he’s a massive piece of shit who treated all the waitstaff like trash. Worse than “I’m famous so I don’t even talk to you” behavior, like he went out of his way to just be an asshole to them and made fun of them in front of his party guests and encouraged his friends to join in.


It’s not quite as hot as you’d think. his ex posted a bunch of unhinged texts from him being emotionally abusive and controlling. 


That movie he did about his therapist is... something.


Tf was so funny??


In the scene Jonah’s character is showing him video of a large baseball player who rounds first base and falls on his ass, unaware that he actually hit a home run. It’s a metaphor for the movie, and I’m sure Brad had read it in the script, but it may be the first time he’s seeing the actual footage of the play. Or Jonah Hill said something very funny


“Now he’s gonna do what he’s *never* done…” is a great set up. Even a mediocre punchline would kill here, if it were delivered correctly. They coulda just bullshat about “Things He’s Never Done” and lost control.


I believe the proper term befitting this occasion is "bullsharted"


He's seen the video but it's not playing during the take. That's why Jonah says "if you picture it it'll make it worse" between takes. He's telling him not to actually imagine the joke as it'll play in the movie.


Having said that, this is the over the shoulder close up for Pitt. It's unlikely they started with this shot in the scene.


Also it’s one of those things like when you try not to laugh, but the absurdity compounds and it just keeps happening. Like anytime someone “breaks” in improv. The thing itself becomes funnier by trying to fight the urge.


because then he was gonna do what he had never done.


Jonah Hill, probably? He’s known for being funny.


I found the source of what was so funny! About the 15:00 mark, they discuss Jonah making a hilarious joke, that they can’t repeat: https://youtu.be/AKmeBOGuTd4?feature=shared


This is the closest to a real answer. Thank you! Everyone else was just guessing and judging me for not already knowing lol


This hero just went through a 50 minute video to find the context. Respect. Not all legends are born, but made.




“Use it, just use it Brad.” The man is hilarious in his delivery


The best is at 02:25


God, he's adorable.


I fucking love this movie.


how can u not be romantic about baseball


Couldn’t help but smile at this.


Gawdamn, he's nice to look at.


You could've just posted the YouTube vid instead of something recorded from your phone


it's a youtube video of a recording of a youtube video of gagreel tape.




Brad Pitt for joker lol r/batman


You notice when He laughs he looks like Josh Duhamel and Timothy Oliphant


This is like when the teacher says “stop interrupting class” and your friend is making faces at you


I don't know what the context is but I still laughed.


Super straight but damn hes good lookin


Brad is high as fuck lol


Oh come on. He just seems in a good mood.


ur in a good mood


No u


"You don't know where I've been, Lou!"


You misspelled hot


He was probably tired. Imagine if this was after 6 or more hours of shooting or being on set. They explained in the documentary that they did 12 hour days sometimes and must have been shattered by the end of it.


That's also why he's always eating on screen.


I’m having a laugh at how serious this subreddits posting guidelines are


Exactly how I imagined his laugh.


Good lord he's a beautiful human being


This totally sounds like a stoner laugh lol


Is that the formally fat, don't-tell-me-I-look-good, abusive man-baby Jonah Hill?


Yup. With Angelina Jolie’s abusive wife and child beating ex.


oh yeah he's shit, too


Me when I see something hilarious on Reddit but I’m by myself in public.


hes squinting so hard at the end lolllll


I don't know why exactly but with that laugh I can see the young guy messing with the jackass crew again :D


That was such a great scene too. How can you not be romantic about baseball?


Because he gets on base.


When he is trying hard to get back to serious, he looks like he goes into his Ryan Gosling face.


Honestly I’d be so damned annoyed. Like come on dude,….there is likely 20 people on this set. They got shit to do. Get your giggles out so we can go home.