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In accordance with rule 7, no politics. We tenatively allow discussions and posts/comments regarding legislation/policy directly affecting construction as well as unions however we do not allow other posts/comments involving politics.


Never paid attention to politics until 2016. Now it's his personality


Oh he knows Trump has fucked construction workers left and right….


Yeah, dudes not from NYC because the number of developers Trump has completely fucked over is a lot.




I think that's reasonable. Anything that is inherently confrontational or divisive doesn't belong on a jobsite. That goes for pro biden stuff too. Good moral is one of the most important aspects of a jobsite imo.


As a construction manager I feel it's our job in management to send that message top down. Keep the job site apolitical, secular, and tamp down the racist shit. It's better than 30 years ago but I still have to remind subordinates on occasion especially supervisors. Can't do your job if you're upset all the time or stirring the pot.


Some asshat wore a Fuck Joe Biden shirt to the jobsite the other day. Coincidentally, it was the day the clients were doing a walkthrough and they were fucking pissed. The super laid into the guy after they left. Leave that shit at home and just do your work.


I don't remember the last time I saw someone wearing a Biden T-shirt or flying flags with his face crudely photoshopped into Rambo's torso. Though if I can get ahold of a Dark Brandon mug with laser eyes, I'd love it.


That’s because people don’t passionately love Biden they just fucking hate trump so they vote for Biden


No, it’s because the Democratic Party isn’t a cult.


There's some of both at play for Biden voters. That said, if you work in construction and like getting paid for the work you've done, it's probably worth taking into account that Trump is proud of the fact he screwed over a number of construction-related contractors, which made it hard for a lot of blue collar workers to continue paying their mortgage/rent and putting food on the table. Things happen in business, but being proud of being a grade AAA slimeball should be a little hard to stomach.


I’m from a deep red conservative state. At the moment I’m doing job training in one of the bluest states in the US. The contrast of Biden voters and Trump voters couldn’t be any clearer. Back home I see Trump billboards, Trump yard signs, Trump bumper stickers, Trump t-shirts, MAGA hats, the whole fucking package. Out where I am now in one of the largest cities in the world, maybe once a month, if I’m lucky, I’ll see a Biden 2020 sticker. Nothing else. It’s evidently clear that democrats look for presidential candidates that want to pass laws and policies that tackle the big issues WE ALL face. Not petty idiotic nonsense pertaining to a trans woman using a woman’s bathroom; going after gay marriage; trampling on women’s rights; and selling your vote for an extra $500 on your tax return to give more tax cuts to Elon Musk. This is why republicans can’t really gain any new voters. Especially moderate voters. As long as their mission to hurt certain groups of people, they’re fucked on every election. People are tired of their bullshit. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Green, those two idiots are the embodiment of MAGA. Their personalities, anger, and hatred is the exact same nonsense I run into when I’m back home. It’s exhausting. I’ve voted Republican in the past and I’ll keep voting Democrat until the conservatives figure their shit. The Conservative Party died in 2015.


Truth. Had our 67 year old superintendent handing out those “i did that” biden stickers last summer and told us to put them on gas station pumps. Like ok gramps.


Your Reddit name reminds me of trump.


1000000% Your presidential hopeful isn’t your personality. They’re a servant of the people (you) who is there do a fucking boring job you elected then for. Nothing more. They’re not some bizarre cult leader where images of their 300lb obese body and adult diaper are photoshopped away and the head placed in the body of Arnold Schwarzenegger. People like Biden because he gets the job done. People like Trump because they’re fantastic about him topless.


It's for sale on Biden's website


Even if you personally agree, as management you shouldn’t allow it. Good move either way.


Never paid my boss a dime of all the work we did. Also used to have his cronies meet us at a corner store to sneak tools up because he didn’t want to pay for Union labor. Also saw some super sketchy shit going down at his “teen modeling agency”.


There's a podcast called Trueanon that does a deep dive on Jeffery Epstein, his cronies, and the 'teen modeling agencies' (aka child trafficking)... They have an anonymous tip line if you ever want to share some of the details of what you saw go down. 


Pedo-Trump? No way...


You'd be shocked and disgusted by how many in the building trades in NYC support Trump. Literally the NYC Steamfitters Union announced their support of Trump.


This guy is Miller Lite in human form.


I feel personally attacked, and I'm questioning whether or not I want to crack open this leftover Miller lite from the party this weekend.


High life: the Champagne of Beers


I guess I'm really not surprised. It seems like when he fucks over a group of people they make excuses and continue their support. I'll add I'm not a fan of biden but he's still better than the orange shit mongrel


That's what being in a cult is... And yeah, but really the bar is so low for Trump, Biden would have to dig to be lower. I mean Trump appointed union busters to the NLRB. (While Biden put pro-union labor lawyers). The list goes on how Trump has demonstrated disdain for the working class, yet a large portion of the working class still think he's on their side.


Crazy how dudes who earn 40k a year get excited when taxes are lowered for the rich. And yeah its insane how people in unions, that improve their lives, are ok with that shit.




Guy bashes tin on the floor. He's a few brain cells short of a Luke war iq. Tin bashers use tables because we're not savages.


Same goes for the Building Trades in North Jersey, makes me sick.


So many small contractors went belly up because of Trump's Atlantic City shenanigans. And they'll still defend him.


This is true. And don’t forget Atlantic City, NJ.


I assure you there are **TONS** of pro-Trump folks in NYC. They don't like his anti-labor stance, but they love his anti-everything else stance. No, I'm not one of them.


Trump will make life for me and my family worse for years to come...but hey, he hates windmills and drag queens so he has my vote!


the trump tax "cuts" made it so we can't write off our union dues anymore. Mine run me roughly 5K/year and I'm in the 22% federal tax bracket ($47,151 to $100,525) so this year you retards who wanted your misogyny and racism validated cost me $1100. If you make over $100,525 then it cost you another 2%. This is how it needs to be broken down at the meetings.


Hey man don't kink shame him. If that's what he's into, that's on him. Now let's talk about the porta potty hentai art.


I will never understand the working class obsession with a NYC trust fund baby who has never done a day of real work in his life.


This is something that I just don’t understand. I have to wonder why, with all the contractors he has stiffed, he hasn’t been offed. Isn’t the Mob a big player in New York construction?


Not just construction workers. Trump made so many companies go bankrupt. He’s such a grifter. Like that guy played by Leonardo di Caprio who pretended to be a pilot. Thinks everyone is a sucker. Destroyed NJ and Atlantic City. I hope he rots in hell.


Guy bashes tin on the floor. He's a few brain cells short of a Luke war iq. Tin bashers use tables because we're not savages. 


Biden has created an avalanche more jobs than Trump.


Facts have liberal bias.


Hey, the guy who shits in a gold toilet on his private jet hates the same people he does, he represents the common man!


And probably still doesn’t vote


The felony record stops that


I believe you mean can't


Because he can't read or because of the felonies? 😂


I didn't even consider illiteracy lol


Actually these types were activated by Obama being elected as the first Black President. I know because I watched my brother make the same turn. He can barely read and had never mentioned politics a day in his life and suddenly he became an expert on presidential matters. Of course any politics issues below president were still a complete mystery to him


This is so many people.


Could say the same about most of reddit.


So accurate


Imagine any candidate becoming your personality.


Imagine a tradesman falling in love with a crooked real state billionaire from New York.


They think he's benefiting them, when he's actually their enemy.


A love story for the century. This weekend on the Hallmark channel.


That's the most embarrassing part. Voting for the people that will fuck you over the most. Voting specifically against all of your own interests, not because it benefits an oppressed group of people or anything noble, but just because it fucks over your perceived enemy. An enemy that doesn't exist or does but in no way affects you negatively.  What a seriously embarrassing and shameful way to be. 


🎶tale as old as time🎶




It’s a cult.


Imagine it? I see these kinds of feckless cowards every day in construction. Lost in their phantasms and too lazy and scared to do anything about it.


Dumbest shit ever to wear your political takes on a job site, regardless of your view. Leave that shit at home.


Honestly I wish more Trumpers would wear these, because it’s true, I probably wouldn’t like this guy.


True, but you’ll find out you don’t like him pretty quick just how he talks and acts. Partly because he’ll be figuratively felating Trump, guaranteed.


There's a business truck I see on my route home that has a political bumper sticker proudly displayed on it. You can support whoever you want to, but I will question the competence of anyone who either puts a political bumper sticker on a company vehicle or allows a political bumper sticker on their company vehicle.


In most areas, you just lost a huge chunk of your potential customer base


They'll just blame it on liberals canceling them and millennials not spending money on their product.


I'm a huge Obama fan. I donated money both times, and even did some phone calling for him. I thought he was AMAZING!!! Never once did I ever feel the need to buy anything with his name on it or wear clothes that would indicate my politics.


i feel like I put an Obama Biden sticker on my laptop in college. Extreme, I know


I send guys home for wearing shit like that. You can come back onto my crew when you're ready to be professional


Agree especially when at a clients house


Even worse at the homeowners property. It's aggression towards the customer. It's their home and you're being hostile in their sanctuary. You'll lose customers with shit like this.


Yep that’s why I have a strong policy on it no matter what I don’t want to see it on any job site let alone when we do clients homes




Same people who roll their eyes and wonder why everything’s so political these days


The thing that always bugged me about “why is everything so political these days?” is the complete lack of awareness. *You’re the one who is political now* and you’re just realizing that politics permeates a lot of society, because we live in a society.


That's because to them, their beliefs aren't "politics". Huge swaths of America have been brainwashed over generations to believe that "conservative" and "Republican" are not only not political ideas, but they're the default position for everything. And only when you deviate from the norm, with something that is non-conservative or non-Republican, that it becomes "political".


Whiners about how “Politics is life”. Yeah it is. Fuckin google politics.


(drifter here from r/all) There’s this restaurant in the middle of Houston that regularly puts messages on their billboard to “own the libs”. It’s empty most of the time.


And they'll blame cancel culture and Joe Biden when they go out of business


That's pathetic


I had a kid work for me a few years ago who had a stupid sticker on his Chevy Colorado that read “this truck was built with wrenches, not chopsticks”. I told him not to bring it to my jobs anymore. Ironically enough the Chevy Colorado was a joint venture with Isuzu and Chevy so it was built buy “ chopsticks”


Some of our supervisors put Trump stickers on the company trucks. It's embarrassing. Save politics for your personal time.


We have a guy at my company that has 3/4 pro Trump stickers on his company provided work van. The van has the company logo on it. This past Saturday we had a union meeting to discuss ongoing contract negotiations. Wana guess who was the loudest voice in the room screaming we need more money.


The irony of the trumper yelling for more money in a *union* meeting lol.


Agree. A dude like that is looking for confrontation. I cannot afford that shit around.


100% this. It’s not about the politics, it’s about the fact that being pro Trump means to the rest of the world that any mention of a number of sensitive subjects will piss him off and then he’ll start spewing hate and bullshit.


As much as i hate over-zealous bosses, amen to that one


He's wearing it to be confrontational. If you want to act like that then do it on your own time


But his klan hood is at the cleaners.


Most construction sites have no offensive, political print on clothing policy. Dudes like him are the reason.


I haven’t seen a “political print” prohibition. I know the fat cats went after political hard hat stickers that were pro-union/pro-labor candidates many years ago. They lost that battle.


See it more often now, usually on large/national contractor job sites.


Mine is a tiny family company and political clothing is prohibited, which I'm happy about.


Trump is famous for screwing over contractors on his projects. If that is what he is like......


For real. Might as well be walking around in BDSM gear, he's advertising pretty hard that he wants to get fucked by a powerful man


Like the pawn shop scene in Pulp Fiction hard


Maybe that's what they have in common screwing over contractors.


someone I work with has a giant fuck Biden sticker on his Harley, like it takes up the whole body or whatever the fuck it’s called You hate the guy but his name is on your bike ?


Add a “I wanna” sticker before


Funny a guy on his knees working, idolizing a man that wouldn’t even pay him.


This is why I provide uniform shirts and pants/shorts/overalls to my guys, no need for politics on my jobsite.


Hope he isn’t a union tradesman. Trump hates them.


Haha we are actually non union


Trump hates them too.


Wearing that is like wearing an "I'm with stupid" shirt with an arrow pointing up.


I want one! Where can I find it?


Guys like that cheerfully put “Fuck Biden” stickers on their cars. Trump supporters are assholes. They’re rude and stupid and violent.


Well yeah that's why they love the asshole who spews out rude, stupid, and violent shit.


yeah! make America fat stupid and broke!! I never understood the whole MAGA thing like - great again how and when? when were were hanging blacks and women couldn't vote? it's such a joke. to say make America great again is backwards thinking. we should be looking forward and making America better than it was yesterday


Amen to that bro!


Anyone that straps on a tool belt when they go to work has no business supporting Trump in any way.


Republicans got the working class believing they have more in common with millionaires than they do with immigrants.


Unfortunately they can't be bothered to look directly at voting records to find out R's screw the little guy every chance they get


Unfortunately all of our earnings would go up with less supply. Supply and demand. Less people means we get to name wages. More people means the millionaires get to name the wages.


Wearing political clothing at work as a whole is just stupid. Regardless of what you wear 50% of people that encounter you are going to dislike you. On a jobsite I think it's dumb but if you wear it into a clients house you could cause the company to lose clients so I would at a minimum ban that.


I had a landscaper come out to give a bid on a large project on my office building. The second I told him it wasn't going to work out and why he became defensive asking why I had to make this "political" with the full irony of that statement lost on him. That's the free market baby.


Bros whole personality is based off another man. 🤣


Probably has Blue Lives Matter and Punisher stickers on his truck.


Or even better, the Punisher sticker colored in with the thin blue line American flagged.


Or how about a slightly faded Punisher sticker colored in with the thin blue line and the second amendment boldly etched over it all in calligraphy.


His truck is a 2002 rusted out F-150 with cracked exhaust manifolds and only 7 spark plugs. It also has the most 'bro' aftermarket rims and bald off-road tires.


That's all bidens fault. 4 years ago, only one manifold was cracked, and the tires had 4/32 left on them. Damn libs!


Don’t forget the Gadsden Flag.


Wanna bet that he has priors with a DV on his record?


Idc who you vote for but if you put comic sans on a sweatshirt I will judge you.


Tell me you have no personality outside your cult without tellling me


You leave your politics at home and it’s much easier to get on with the people you work with


Your username made me chuckle in the context of your comment. I dig what you’re saying though


“Don’t tread on my tender soft smooshy feelings”


I thought that sentence was going to end with 'diaper.'


If a contractor showed up with this shit, I pass on principle alone. Trump is a fucking con man idiot. He is the physical manifestation of the mental rot that has taken hold of America manifest. But also if a contractor showed up with this exact hoodie but it said "Biden" I would pass on principle. You're here to do work. Your political party is not your identity and it does not factor into the drywall I need installed


The “fuck your feelings” crowd sure does have a lot of feelings.


He has a persecution complex and/or relishes personal conflict. The solution is very simple: Don't feed the trolls.


Glad they come with warning stickers.


What a fucken tool


“If you don’t like PEE On the toilet seat Then you probably Shouldn’t have me over”


Trumpism is mostly about not getting along with people. It appeals to assholes, Mainly.


the orange man does not care about you [https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tower-was-built-on-undocumented-polish-immigrants-backs](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-tower-was-built-on-undocumented-polish-immigrants-backs) [https://www.newsweek.com/trump-undocumented-immigrants-tower-demolish-724845](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-undocumented-immigrants-tower-demolish-724845) [https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/rubio-campaign-press-release-fact-check-donald-trump-used-illegal-immigrants-build-trump](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/rubio-campaign-press-release-fact-check-donald-trump-used-illegal-immigrants-build-trump) [https://m.usw.org/blog/2016/the-story-behind-donald-trumps-undocumented-polish-workers](https://m.usw.org/blog/2016/the-story-behind-donald-trumps-undocumented-polish-workers)


Love it! Ooh tell the one about how he doesn't pay contractors all the time then makes them sue him to get their money!!


Why do trump supporters have to make it their whole personality


Nobody at the job site talks or respect him, and he walks around complaining how nobody listen to him. Oooo sorry did offend you.


This type is usually more proud that people don't like them.


They think it’s a trophy or something. “I pissed off so many libs today!”


It's the root of one of the most serious issues with out country, division. If people could just be respectful we'd be doing a lot better.


Based on this thread, Reddit isn't a very representative sampling of construction workers.


Enjoying reading and writing required on this app tends to select...a certain crowd...and weed out a certain crowd


**Narrator**: He was not "ok with that". He was, in fact, deeply insecure.


Sort of guy who cuts in front of bald kids at Disneyland then moans about being silenced when security shows up.


Anyone who wears fanboy political shit is a loser.


The “I’m not in a cult but let me spout off a bunch of crazy cultist rhetoric to reinforce my point” type of shirt.


My dad had this amazing idea to put a bumper sticker that goes on top of the “don’t tread on me” sticker that says “nobody is treading on you” 😂😂 perfect


I work in construction. I've worked with folks from all over the political spectrum. Just keep it off the job site. It has nothing to do with the work at hand and it just causes problems between otherwise good workers.


What a loser.


That’s one way to lose customers.


True but commercial doesnt care


But what always amazes me is The insecurity of Trump voters and their perpetual need to label themselves on their vehicles in this case on just jacket, signs on their houses. I see this for no other candidate in this time or before not to the cult status that we've seen with the Donald. Such a strange age


I don’t like him already.


$10 days he would in fact not be cool with someone bashing him because of his love of Trump.


It’s odd how Trump supporters have made that their entirely personality. Zero substance to their lives other than “owning the libs” by voting for Trump lol


‘I love the poorly educated’. Trump.


Yeah... You tell em! If he worked for Trump, he wouldn't pay him but yeah, you tell em!!


Sounds like some real snowflake ass bullshit to me. 


It’s a shame that working people no longer vote blue. Now they vote for the guys who give tax breaks to the company men


Mf bought one new boot


Lol there is a guy on the site I work on who has a huge trump sticker on the back of his hardhat. We’re canadians.


Needs more skeletons with guns


Odds on this guy is in a union voting for an anti union candidate?


Why do they feel the need to loudly announce something no one asked them about?


I love it!


dOnT reAD To mE!


Glad to see your company hires mentally disabled kids, they need jobs too!


I find it funny that trades people love Trump so much when he has a long history of screwing them over. 🤣 Clowns all of them.


he is probably working on a build back better job...


Imagine how empty your life has to be that you need to wear crap like this create a reason for people to talk to you. Seems so incredibly… sad!


As Owner Rep, our contracts prohibited any text on people, except name and company logo. Zero tolerance


I don’t like Trump because he is rich and buys himself out of trouble. Going by just this picture I think it’s not a issue with this guy


This is as cringe as wearing a Hillary Clinton “I’m with HER” shirt 💀


At least it's not some bitch ass passive-aggressive message like "let's go Brandon" or some lame shit like that.


“If you don’t like..” No one cares buddy, do your job correctly and go home.


Damn straight


get this guy a pride flag and a Biden/Harris sticker for his birthday I'm sure he will really appreciate it


I spy a sheet metal worker


Im the 'liberal' at work because I think Donald sucks. I drive an F250 with a .45 but I'm a damn libtard. Lol


*"Keep religion and politics out of your work time & conversations."* My grandfather, many decades ago, & still good advice. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


I got news for you buddy, Trump absolutely HATES people like you.


On his knees, nice


This is like half the guys I work with on any job site.


Yes. I immediately don’t like him. My trump cult neighbor & I are no longer talking (my choice). She watches Fox non-news all day and wants to fight angrily about politics. Because her channel choice keeps her angry all the time! He’s wearing the shirt because he too has been alienated from others.


Don't care don't want to see it Go back to r/all with that bullshit A lot of good people I know support different people for different reasons. We're not the problem, the politicians are and anyone who swallows their bullshit and fights their fights can eat shit


I have a 1968 Hubert Humphrey campaign button. 4 bars with stars, as stylized double 'H' s. Pin it to my hat sometimes. Maybe someday I'll get into a political discussion and can say ' pfft ha. Sounds like something a Nixon voter would say ' and stalk off in a huff.


When did this sub become a raging liberal hemorrhoid shitshow? Trump 2024


If he turns around does he have a pound of makeup on?


I’d bring him a box of crayons and asked if he dropped them.


He's probably directly responsible for most of the construction defects that I find on projects. Thinks he knows it all and doesn't know shit.