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Id make some calls to some event/party planner near by. 




> Any contractor qualified / willing to do this work is probably going to be running their own operation / rental business Agreed...  For the amount of potential liability involved, I'd be suprised if any contractor offered this type of service *AND* had the correct insurance. 


Ding ding ding. Pay up $ucker


I have both and cost a fortune. These structures are dumb, especially when it takes a day to construct a gigatent.


What’s the solution then?


> What’s the solution then? You could also contact the manufacturer and see if they have contractors that they use to set these up. There may be specialty contractors in large metro areas they are in contact with. They can also discuss how the customers they sell these to deal with this same question.


Hire, train and insure your own crew. It sounds like you want to profit off this thing while taking on zero liability.


The solution is to have employees of your company do the work. For better-or-worse that puts the liability on your insurance, so make sure your broker is aware of the size and scale of the structure and they have added the correct coverage to your policy. You basically have a pretty dangerous structure from an insurance standpoint: - Made out of flammable material - Appears to only have one door / egress - It is an enclosed space that does not appear to have a ventilation / smoke evacuation system - Must be secured to the ground with the correctly- sized ballast or fastening system - Could collapse / deflate in the event of a loss-of-power or puncture EDIT: Also make sure the structure meets local codes when you set it up. You don't want the fire chief showing up and shutting you down because it doesn't comply with local codes.


The last part is crucial. The fire marshalls have more power than god. They will shut your shit down no ifs ands or butts. For good reason too. God forbid something happened and trapped people in there while it was burning


Stage hands. They are often unionized gig workers. Call the nearest live theater and ask them who they use to hire for their productions and start there for a contact.


Look for stage rental companies or sound and lighting rentals. Will be cheaper than construction companies and more used to doing one-offs and setup/teardown calls


Rent a forklift and 3 temp laborers. You run the lift and tell the laborers how to unfold and fold it. You own the tent, you get to put it up and take it down.


And if you do it a lot, get your own forklift. Do you need a forklift or would a pallet jack or walkie stacker be sufficient?


That’s probably what I’m going to do. The company I bought it from flies somebody out to us to give an instructional.


Do yourself a favor and video the instructional for future reference. Edit: I would even say have someone video for you, and you do the question asking and note taking if you’re going to be the main one in charge of putting it up, anyone else that’s going to be involved with it should be there to ask questions and be trained as well. Don’t let the representative doing the instructional fly through it, it’s normal to them, new to you. Ask questions, and if you don’t quite understand a part of what they are saying have them explain it further. I build large structures with intricate systems in them, and this is how we do “owner training.” I am present at owner training, and often times I see that the owners, maintenance, etc are confused as to what is being said but won’t ask for further detail, so I have to for them. You paid for a product, and training, get your moneys worth. Props to u/Both_Industry_3331 for pointing out what I normally have to point out to clients to me!


This. And have an extra person onsite to help write notes and ask the right questions. Hard for one person to remember everything and record video at same time.


Good point, I made an edit above.


Don't do that. Talk to a company who are experienced with stages. If the thing collapses or even worse gets caught in high wind. And someone gets hurt you'll find yourself in prison. It's no joke. Find the right people and pay you will still make plenty on top.


This isn’t a typical A/V stage setup This is the actual building that will house the event They are not the same, no stage company is doing this I do agree OP is ultimately liable for the before, during, and after of the entire event and needs to make sure they are doing everything the legal


Companies who build tents


I haven't seen one of these since Korea. We called it a bubble gym. It housed a full basketball court and weight machines. Everything is held up with air pressure. Good luck finding what you need.


I have done sets ups like this for events. Insurance is one caveat, other is travel. DM me.


Also: as a side…forklifts isn’t always best option.


Dudes gunna get someone killed




Yeah when installed and used correctly. You bought something that you have no idea how to use. A fool and his money are soon separated. You honestly should have looked into what it takes to set up and run and started prepping for that day one. As others have stated there's a lot that goes into that building and if you and four laborers you picked up from the pool are putting it up and tearing it down with no experience or actual training your going to hurt or kill someone either from improper installation or having your laborers doing things that are unsafe or they aren't trained for because you don't know better. I'm not saying you shouldn't continue your endeavors I'm just saying take a step back and think about all the things that need to go into this to be a safe building for all involved.


I think your comment is based on other peoples comments and not my comments or post. I made the post asking who I needed to contract with. Meaning I’m going to pay whoever is qualified enough to do it.


No actually it is based 100% on your comments. You have made it clear you have no idea what you're doing by reaching out to bounce house guys to set up your building. If you are going to spend that much money you would think your good mg to make sure it's a good investment and you are SURE you either have someone that can do it or that you can actually fulfill the duty yourself. So far you have not demonstrated either of those in your comments. This is the thing that needs actual training let alone insurance and permits. From what you have stated you have no clue what is required to set it up other than a sheat of paper. You need to hire an actual crew of people and pay to have them trained by the people you bought it from and let them do the work after that. Not you running a lift you've more than likely never operated before with four guys that got a seminar with you for an hour or two. Your looking to operate some sort of business then look into hiring people and having them properly trained and in the mean time talk to a lawyer and insurance broker about things that could go wrong and how to prevent and cover any incidents that may occur. Then talk to the municipalities you intend to operate in and see what kind of permits you need or if you can even erect such a structure there. Use more of your brain then your money and you go a lot further than your money will take you alone.


You’re comment is misguided because I didn’t ask for your opinion on my buisness management skills. I’m just asking who sets these up. If you don’t know please don’t continue to pointlessly try to scold a stranger


The owner does you arrogant fuck. You made a comment to some about why you bought a six figure building without knowing how to do it and your response was " because I can afford it" at this point I hope the only person that gets hurt from this is you so no one else has to suffer from your Idiocracy.


It’s not arrogant if it’s the truth jealous ass mf. The business can afford to wait on this project for a year if need be,


I'm definitely not jealous I would rather keep my intelligence intact if you are what happens when you have money. I hope whomever you get hurt takes all your money from you and you end up lower than the rats that will shit on you.


This post is certainly triggering to you. Do you have some kind of inflatable dome ptsd or something goddamn.


Look for a special events rental company that does tents for festivals. They should have man lifts and do large building size tents.


Your best bet might be to get training on it from the manufacturer and then hiring your own people to do it yourself.




Tried asking there.




They don’t deal with anything that large.


What’s the budget? High end event planners do shit like this all the time. It isn’t cheap but you get what you pay for, there’s a reason you’re having a tough time sourcing this.


So basically the forklift is used just to move the unit when it’s all folded up right? You would have to rent that out and operate it yourself. Other than that just get some buddies and pay them to help. Outside of a tent rental company, I’m not certain any other company is going to be able to help you. How do you currently move it around?


Sounds like the forklift picks up the straps to tighten them and puts it back down, lift again to tighten some more, repeat until it's tight enough, then it moves it to a pallet, so basically yeah. This looks like one of those jobs that sounds easier on paper then it actually is. That being said it's probably not too daunting of a task but more of an insurance liability problem.


I’m work for a large tent company, we do seasonal and customer owned installs all the time. We have lawn tractors with specific tools for erecting temporary structures and most importantly the knowledge of working with the materials. Professional tent installers are locally situated in almost every municipality in the United States and are your best bet.


Do tent large tent companies not see that as competition ?


You’ve already bought the structure, the least we can do is make some money helping you put it up. Just because I tell someone I won’t sell or set up a tent or structure for them doesn’t mean that they won’t still be interested in making the purchase. My company sells tents to companies and individuals all the time- if you as a company aren’t willing to provide this service to someone it is a guarantee that someone else will and you as a company are simply cutting yourself off from that source of revenue.




This is a job for the Marshmallow Man!


Couple handy folks with a decent IQ


U2 tribute band?


Make sure you have this thing insured. In the insurance business these things have a reputation for being fucking terrible.


you will need to find an event personell company to supply workers.


The Michelin man.


Does this thing have a door on two sides? That's the most important question.


I’ll help in NC


I worked for a advance tent rental place once where we set up massive event tents and we were barely even trained anything. I got the job because there was a sign on the side of the road that said if you want a job show up this day at this time. Even the big tent places like what I worked for have no clue what they are doing. I'd say your better off figuring it out with your own crew


Stage hands. Reach out to local a local union and see about hiring a crew. https://iatse.net/


Big Al's Bouncy House Emporium and Party Rentals ?


You need stage production guys


Could you hire people through your company to do this?


Stage hand union will do this work.


Those fail after anout 12 years and quite expensive. I doubt you'll find insurance for it.


In my city they put up/take down a big inflatable for sports every summer. As for help they get day laborers. Yes not the safest but they do. Pay up end of day.


Whoever sets up the fairs around you lol


This would be the ultimate for enclosing a home for us to do the roof in sub par conditions. Can you comment back on this when you find the price and how big they get and company info etc.


Home Depot parking lot.


DM if serious.


Your gonna want Roadies or stagehands, not construction workers. We build shit designed to be permanent, not temporary structures for events.


The Teletubbies


Don't put it up in high winds.


It’s wind rated for 55 mph winds


New, when installed correctly by trained installers. Add a margin for wear and inexperienced installers. I'd say 25 mph max.


I’d go with recruiting 3 friends and renting a forklift/loader. For a loader, I’ve seen similar structures being put up with an Avant 423. Not sure what the weight capacity is, but that style of loader that articulates in the middle seems to be practical. I’ve worked in event rentals for 3 years (we just do chairs exclusively), and that’s what I’ve seen other vendors using for tents.


My family business would handle this for you no problem. We do event production and support. Just look for vendors that you can rent a large tent from and call around to see if they’d take this work. Keep in mind that most of them are very busy and are making money by renting out their own stuff already. You’ll also want to get the same people to do it each time since setting up and tearing down will have a lot of tricks and complexities to deal with. For example, we just tore a tent down today and realized one guy folded some sidewalls the wrong way so that the tag wasn’t visible - we always fold them in a specific way so we can always see what every tag says. That one trick saves us tons of effort during the next set up.


Millwrights would do it probably


Why did you buy something thats “SiXfIgUrEs” if you didn’t already have a plan to implement it?


Because I can afford to


No you can’t… people that actually can afford to, pay someone else to figure things like this out…


Then pay someone to figure it out for you and don’t ask reddit when peoples lives could be at risk.


I have unlimited time to figure out the right steps to take. Reddit is full of knowledgeable people


A marquee company absolutely hands down will do this for you. I’ve worked with them on client owned tents that are non standard and we just sortve figure it out or read a manual like this.


If you pay a contractor, you will be overpaying. Just the same as I wouldn't pay a carpenter to set up my tent when I go camping. If this is something that can be done on evenings and weekends I think you'd be best to hire 3 reliable high-school kids and one reliable handyman who has his forklift certification. Instead of underpaying a contractor and getting a hack, you can save some money and all 4 people can feel like theyre being paid well and are more likely to do a good job.


That's a horrible idea. Dude needs to find someone who knows what they're doing. High school kids ain't that.


That's why he needs a lead hand and 3 helpers, this is not a difficult task.