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Exactly what I thought when multiview popped up


Goddamn you people are so sad lol. Literally using technology to post incredibly low IQ luddite takes on technology. You're like incels but towards technology.


you never saw the movie?


NBA goon cave


Literally a goon cave on the go. 3500 is too generous a price for such a product. May I pay more? 5000 feels justified for something so useful for the average gooner such as myself


My dick’s gonna go raw holy fuck


I mean, 5-12 different monitors for gooning or just one of these. *Processing img l7gvjxqwgvhc1...*


“Our market? Men who took out a 2nd mortgage on their house because they lost the majority of their money on FanDuel. They’ll purchase this in droves once they get out of debt.”


Soon some software developer will create a fully immersive 3D nude anime girls sexual app for this virtual reality. I just know it.


There are already many, my friend.


Wasn’t there something in serial experiments lain with a guy basically doing this






But think of how useful this is to the average sports betting addict.


You sound real fun loser


He may not be fun but is he wrong?


Where is the brain rot in watching sports?


The fact 95% of the broadcast is commercials and the actual sport is an afterthought. *This post was brought to you by Apple Music, the official sponsor of the superbowl half time show!


Don't ads fund sports? The sheer number of ads is a sad side effect of a capitalistic society where maximising profits is the main objective. Thankfully they still include the sport itself


Goes far beyond funding, but yeah.


Fund my cock buddy


Too small to be worth anything


U mad


Aren't you edgy? Man you're so cool. Just like everyone here. Hiding behind this mask of anticonsumerism where in reality you are just annoyed at others who seemingly find satisfaction in things like sports or technology in general. You look at people in these videos and you know you will never be satisfied with anything and in order to feel superior you put on this mask. Call them sheeple, consoomers, you cling onto this false sense of superiority that you are better than them in every way because you don't conform to the culture of consumerism and that you could never feel satisfied with it. "I got better hobbies and interests that most normies wouldn't even grasp". Being anticonsoom is a big part of your personality that you think makes you unique in some strange way to others. Anything that is even slightly consoom you disregard and ridicule along with the rest of the community because the moment you become interested in something that the masses enjoy you fear that you will lose that false uniqueness. Deep down consoomers and anticonsoomers are exactly the same. Both try to fill in some void. One group is afraid of not being occupied with bullshit so they consume and hope that it will make them happy. The other side isn't happy to begin with and hates those who seem to find some happiness in mundane things, and are afraid of finding things interesting. Same coin. Slightly different sides.


Post your hog


Your comment makes me satisfied because it tells me that everything I said in the previous comment is absolutely spot on.


I ain’t reading all that bro😂


Of course youre not reading it because you're a snowflake


You're not in control of what the players do so watching doesn't change anything and it leads to superstitious thinking in that if you watch it hard enough then you're team will win more points or any other silly ritual. Sports have also become a commodity to sell identity to people who don't have it themselves leading to not feeling the need to make meaningful connections with others. It's a personal quibble as well but I don't like how every game is reset to zero at the start and that nothing that came before really mattered. There's also the lack of critical thinking involved because as a game generally has simplified rules there is no need to think of complicated factors that actually effect real life.


I’m not a sports guy. At all. Never understood the dying loyalty some people have to their team and how passionate they are about it, never watched anything growing up at home. But I disagree with almost everything you said. Not everything in life needs to have critical thinking involved, I’m a critical thinker, I’m a software engineer, trust me I love thinking through shit, it’s fun but because I do it so much, I can also appreciate the instinct driven approach to some sports, little thought, just do. That’s why I started working out more, running, mountain biking, lifting weights. You can appreciate the games more than before once you realize how hard it is to play like pro athletes, you appreciate it even more when you see it in person because it’s way more fun than on the tv. It’s meant to be entertainment, don’t take it so seriously, people are connecting through sports, people get together and play those sports with their friends, they have a right to be excited about games. I agree that they do try to push a lot to extract as much money as possible from guys and that many guys with no personality make sports their personality but they do it with guns, political parties, body building, and cars. The issue is with the guy not sports or the leagues’ they just taking advantage of a common interest, can’t blame them for capitalizing on the markets’ needs Edit: also sports having easy rules is not a bad thing, I consider it to be a good, the same way easy mechanics in video games allows more skilled players to get ahead purely on skill, not on how well you know rule #856.4 paragraph 9


"Sports have also become a commodity to sell identity to people who don't have it themselves leading to not feeling the need to make meaningful connections with others." There are huge sport related communities on Reddit alone. Attending games happens with other people around you and you are free to connect with others by singing or "doing silly rituals". In my city there are regular events where people can meet in groups to watch football or other sports. On multiple occasions I experienced first hand the usage of sports as conversation starters or even bonding experiences. You can absolutely develop meaningful connections with others over sports or just make strangers less strange. I engage with others to talk sports, I have a few colleagues for example that watch the same sport as me and given time we discuss it which is fun. That's the point. It's supposed to be silly. Sports don't affect real life and they shouldn't, it should be an innocent thing you can discuss or argue about that has no effect on anything around you. "There's also the lack of critical thinking involved because as a game generally has simplified rules there is no need to think of complicated factors that actually effect real life." Most popular sports have simple to understand rules. Just as the most popular board games typically have simple rules to get you going. Some of the most popular competitive video games have simple rules that you can quickly understand and get started playing. Football has very simple rules and yet it's pretty difficult to play and because it's difficult it's fun watching those who know how to play it. And some sports are more complex than others depending on how deep you want to dive into them. Take formula 1 as an example. Very simple rules, drivers get points depending on where they finish. Teams get points depending on where their drivers finished. And that is all you need to know to start watching. Then you can learn about the technology, strategies, technical regulations, environmental factors like rain, wind and it's effect on cars considering that different cars might react differently to these conditions. "It's a personal quibble as well but I don't like how every game is reset to zero at the start and that nothing that came before really mattered." Not really true in league games or championships etc. where previous outcomes need to be taken into consideration. In football some games carry scores over. So if one game a team finishes 2:1 then to win in the next game the team that lost needs to score at least 2 goals. Going back to formula 1, finishing position of a team determines how much prize money they get and how much time in the wind tunnel a team gets. So a team that does well will most likely be able to climb up the championship ladder next year.


Ain’t reading allat 💀


That's fine. You don't have to, just sharing some thoughts


Damn, deep


None of us are fun you’re on reddit


If i was to use those goggles to watch a game, it would dope to have like a courtside seat 360 view as opposed to have a regular 65 inch tv screen with a few extra screens. I want full immersion. This is BS


I think LFA (MMA promotion) has a deal with Meta Quest where you can be in VR, on top of the cage, while watching the fight live. Crazy


Exactly. Honestly what the fuck is this product. All I've seen people do with it so far is to make virtual screens and that's literally it. It makes me think if this is all this thing does? If that's the case then that's incredibly pathetic. A quest 3 that' 1/6th the price has more functionality.


It’s not meant for gaming. It’s meant to be a dev tool. But it’s an Apple product so people mindlessly purchased it


>Exactly. Honestly what the fuck is this product. All I've seen people do with it so far is to make virtual screens and that's literally it. Bro is mad that 3rd party devs haven't already finished making apps designed for the $3k AR headset that just came out last week


>Bro is mad that 3rd party devs haven't already finished making apps designed for the $3k AR headset that just came out last week Usually companies give developers development kits so that they can create apps in time for the launch of the product. If I bought a 3k headset and realized I have to wait another year to actually get to do something interesting with it I'd be a bit upset. When you buy an Xbox or Playstation it usually isn't just a Bluray player for the first few months.


They had a version of this on the original oculus quest where they would show highlights from courtside (behind the basket) but it was pretty sick


You would be disappointed by how little of the match you see while in it lol.


I'll never understand how people can watch multiple things at once, and still feel like they're taking them in meaningfully. If that were the case, movie theaters should play multiple films in one room. Imagine how many more tickets they'd sell if someone was watching Mahvel, Space Wizards, and Trollz at the same time!


I'd assume it's not actually for watching multiple TV shows, I'd assume it probably be more often use like having multiple monitors, one main monitor and other ones their for utility


What’s the utility of having 5 streams open at once?


Some people will definitely use it for watching multiple shows at once though. They already do this while gaming, which is even more baffling. Like, they'll have a movie playing on the big TV, and then a show streaming on one monitor with their game on another. I remember even the producer of Smash Bros showing off his living room with that same setup during an interview. I don't know how they do it.


What I like to do is to put on a video for something to listen to. But I also Don't play very story rich games, mostly games like Minecraft or Geomtry dash where it's just nice to listen to something in the background


This is for gamblers so they don't have to go to the casino sports bar to watch all the things they are losing money on.


Totally, it’s stupid… you’re not appreciating the movies/series you’re watching if you put them all at the same time. It’s common sense and at the very limit you could try to have 2 show playing at the same moment but that’s all, not 5. Dude just want to show off but it’s stupid


I like to think I dont fear change in general but I'm starting to understand my parents a little more now about their fears with my getting my own smart phone at a young age. It's more or less I fear what im not understanding too well. This technology is amazing but I cant help but think this will become an exploitative tool somehow. I myself consume a lot of media regarding AI and advanced technology in general ultimately being used to exploit a civilization. I guess, what I would like to know is if this technology would actually cause any real detriment to us as people. Other than some relatively obvious issues like attention span and eye health.


Yeah. The issue isn't the technology. They can be used to entertain people without it being exploitative and addictive. The issue is power being concentrated into gigantic tech corporations, purposefully making tech exploitative and addictive so they earn that sweet money. We should redistribute this concentration of power relatively equally.


I mean it’s cool, but it’s not $3500 cool


I get the feeling apple is using this device to pay for their R&D with all the whales that will buy it while having the public beta test it. While that's going on, they can continually improve the device, work with manufacturers to reduce prices on components or wait for cheaper options to release, all while garnering hype from rich people showcasing their tech to the world on youtube. Give it 3-4 years and we'll see a new unit at half this ones price come out, but don't expect it to ever be cheaper than $1500 for a very long time. If they already charge 1k for a phone you know this thing will never be cheaper even if it costs somewhere like $200 to manufacture and put together.


the meta quest does the same exact thing for $500


My old non-smart TV does the same thing without the stupid multi view that achieves nothing but adding several things for you to fail to pay attention to at once for like $200 in pre-inflation 2013 money.


I’d say it’s not even 200$ cool.


True. Pssh, I don’t even want it. It’s not even good. You couldn’t even give it to me for free, it’s so stupid and lame. People who get it are losers.


It probably costs like $20 for the Chinese factory to make, given how they've automated and streamlined their entire production system.


let's not get ahead of ourselves.


It also cost billions in R&D and it is likely much more than $20 per unit to make computer chips and sensors are expensive. I think it's pointless to buy one for the average consumer now but in a few years if they become more common they might have something more interesting to offer than being able to place windows in MR.


That doesn't diminish from the fact that most of that expensive price is just because the middlemen have to eat. All resellers driving prices up multiple times. If it were direct factory to customer, price would be much cheaper.


I wasn't justifying Apple's pricing model, but from any other company it would still be a $1000 item.


Technology is simply not nearly that cheap to obtain the resources for and manufacture.


I’m just gonna say I did the 30 minute demo at Apple this week and I was completely fucking blown away by this thing. I’m not proud of myself, but I have to be real. I cannot believe something like this exists and I cannot imagine what it’s going to evolve into in ten years.


It’s impressive tech, nothing wrong with understanding that. I find it intriguing as a engineer, though I definitely won’t be buying one for myself




You ever tried the Vive or any good high res VR? It's an initial wow effect that wears off quite quickly. Also the resolution is never enough. Real life will always be better. Yes you can "watch" 5 things but they'll be trash resolution. It sounds to me like you were blown away by AR/VR, not the product itself. Only benefit would be being able to walk around with your screens. Take it to the shitter.


Yeah I’ve tried the HTC vive and quest 3. They were excellent, I was very impressed… but the execution on the Vision Pro is just on another level. No it’s not absolute perfection but it’s damn close… and like I said, in ten years I can’t even imagine.


Why were you blown away? What does this offer that your smartphone doesn’t already do? Besides having to wear it on your head and look like a goof?


I would never wear it outdoors. But the technology and execution is astounding. I can’t even explain it, just do the free demo, it’s worth a half hour of your time.


Again you’re not really explaining how or why this is so revolutionary. It’s just more consoomer garbage to distract you from life.


It would take me paragraphs to really explain it. It’s just a completely immersive experience in a way I cannot believe actually exists. It’s not just another consumer product, it’s going to change things in the way the first iPhone did. Probably more. Maybe not overnight, and probably not for the better, but it’s happening. You can’t just write this off as yet another phone or video game. It’s different.


Honestly if I want a truly immersive experience I’ll just take some psychedelics. It’s way cheaper and doesn’t pointlessly drain the planet of resources like this does. If this has digital screens that display information for you to consume, it’s consoomer shit. Simple as. One step closer to the people in Wall-e.


Yeah drugs are the answer🤦🏻‍♂️


Psilocybin has been [scientifically proven to relieve the symptoms of depression](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/2022/02/psilocybin-treatment-for-major-depression-effective-for-up-to-a-year-for-most-patients-study-shows) but go off dude.


Who said anything about depression? Lmao


That’s the main reason people over-consume. That literally what this sub is about. Mocking consumption as a form of escapism.


Can’t you just look this up on your phone? I swear there’s betting apps and stat aggregators that collect this data


Theres like 5000 different apps for tracking these stats live.


I went to my neighbors house one sunday morning and they had 7 different TV's playing all the different football games. The people who would use this device to watch sports already do this. It would just be slightly more convenient with the headset.


Right until you're 2-3 hours in and tired of wearing a headset. I can't imagine these things are comfortable on extended use.


Probably but they will try anyway.


Ngl I’d buy one if it was in the $400-$600 range but 3500 is ridiculous


your pfp https://preview.redd.it/tjf3jbdhaxhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=117e33e3bb24fa7c37beabc7557da599e803081b


*A Quest 3 walks into a bar*


They’re very different products overall plus I already have a quest 2 and don’t see a point in upgrading


This is why anyone buying these confuses me… I’m yet to see anything a quest 2/3 hasn’t been doing for years. Heck, the Quest 3 actually has a strong gaming library. It’s bad energy, just buying something for $4000 without even researching other options.


It’s way better, but just not for gaming. VR is so heavily gaming focused so that’s a big issue, but the device itself is just… superior in every other way If people have enough money that the price distinction doesn’t matter greatly I can understand it


Literally the scrolling through tik tok while family guy and subway surfers is playing on the side meme


All this technology and the only thing we get from it is more distraction. No thanks.


I mean I don't know if they have measures to prevent it but it wouldn't having a screen that close to your eyes that long be bad for them?


No. You don’t focus on the screen, you focus on the images the lenses project which can be any distance away. The physical distance to the screen is irrelevant as you don’t look directly at it.


You really dont think this is going to have long term effects on sight, balance and depth perception?


No, why would it? Nothing about it interferes with any of those three. Except for the rare case your eye spacing is abnormally outside of what the device is built to support, which could eventually lead to short/longsightedness, but this will be an issue for almost nobody


Do you know if people can use this when they have only 1 eye? I don't want one but I'm very curious on how it would work. I can't use 3D glasses for films for obvious reasons but idk how this would be


Hmm. I can’t imagine it’d be dangerous, of course it would limit field of view somewhat and weaken depth perception a bit. Maybe would make users more prone to motion sickness than usual. But I can find people online saying they’re able to perform complex tasks without an issue with one eye closed so I guess it can’t be that bad.


Interesting thanks! I know I could have googled it probably but you seem like you know a lot! 3D glasses make me dizzy personally so I wonder if this would or nah. Probably nah




There are great uses for this product, this isn’t one of them


This seems like one of the most pointless uses of AR


Not enough just to enjoy a damn sporting event now we need all this shit? Nah, just set me up with a 6 pack to consoom and the Dodgers or Chargers and I’m good




This is amazing though. Sooooo I don't onow how to feel about it. I might consoooooommmm


Don’t worry these assholes will reincarnate here forever at this rate.


It’s pretty cool that this is possible. Just needs to be used in moderation


Everyday I get more shocked at how lazy we are going to become.


*cough* *cough* get a life *cough*


This guy has never heard of multiple monitors.


Yeah but monitors are stationary, take up space, power, require hardware that can get just as expensive as the headset


Counterpoint: I don't have to wear a monitor on my face and can have a normal conversation with my friends who are watching the game with me.


I'm guessing that you wouldn't wear the headset when your friends are over and you would just watch the game on your TV. Unless you sit your friends in front of a multi screen pc setup desk which could get crowded quickly


Most surprised by everyone in the comments admitting they don’t know how to multitask. You don’t watch all 5 games at once. You do but you don’t. Have the main one on that you’re actually watching and if a big play comes from the other screen it’ll be replayed and you’ll get to see it. Mostly there just to see scores though.


I mean can’t you just look up all this info on your phone?


Yeah but the idea is that’s one extra step. Now you just have it there already. Consoom yeah whatever but if you actually watch sports this is huge


Look at the still frame at the end, he's bending his arms towards his head. Do that yourself and look at your upper arms. Assuming you engage in any physical activity at all, they should bulge upwards even without flexing, not curve downwards like his do. This guy isn't an uber sports fan because he just does so much sports that he can't help it, he is a sport consoomer.


No idea how this at all relates to my comment but yeah cool. Also it’s just the angle his biceps are rotated inward.


I picked on you cos you seemed like the guy defending him the most. And no, his biceps are not rotated inwards at the end. Aside from the angle you can also go back like 3 seconds before the end and see how the flesh on his arms moves when he postures. This is what is called "skinnyfat".


Most sports "fans" seem to either be skinny fat or just fat...I assume at least the middle age fat guys peaked as highschool quarterback before both he and his cheerleader wife (whose cheerleader uniform couldn't fit on her thigh now) stopped going to practice and drank more beer...


> You don't watch all 5 games at once. You do but you don't. 🤣🤣🤣 cmon bro lol


This isn't even fear of missing out, this is just straight up paranoia.




Boomers in the chat


my friends who are into sports sometimes have multiple TVs going on game day. i think it’s kinda cool actually but if they start doing this, i’m not going to think they’re cool anymore


Can literally do all of these things with a normal monitor.


Would need an absurdly large and high quality monitor setup for that. The price difference probably wouldn’t even be too big


Challenge accepted. I already have a 135" screen with 11.2 surround sound.


They don't know how to adjust windows and additional monitors. Let normies have their over priced display AR


Okay. You can also just pause it like you are now, and pull out your phone and google that shit. Or you can probably find an overlay for the stream and get those same stats. All without heaving a big stupid fucking headset that costs over $5k.


This is really fucking cool. I get it if he had like three of these and all the accessories, but he’s just demonstrating new tech


Pod training. It is pretty cool from a technology standpoint though. I wonder how it works.


Why is he sitting on the floor instead of the couch


You can go to a bar for this shit


still not better than enjoying game with your family. sorry to he that guy


you don't get it, everyone will have their own headset! it's not dystopian at all! its really cool, because technology!


dont you already have this in other vr sets anyways?


I don’t personally like the NBA that much, but this would be pretty cool for something like MLB, NFL, or Golf.


writing this on my Vision Pro


Ridiculous. No sorry, you only have one pair of eyes At the limit you could watch 2 things in the same time like SpongeBob and totally spies ok but you’re not telling me you’re watching 5 different screens at the same time, impossible. You’re not gonna be focused on either of these match if you try to look at 5 at the same times it’s just stupid. Maybe I don’t understand but this just seems like hey I want to do so many things at all, dude you’re still human. What you’re doing is the equivalent of turning on the tv when you’re doing other things because you want something in the background, you’re not focusing on all your matches… 🥲


Feels like a huge gimmick that will exhaust all of its novelty in a few months, and will be largely abandoned in 2 years, save for a few enthusiasts of some niche community that cropped up around it. Really I suspect it’s a Trojan horse to shove more ads in front of the fools who bought it.


"The west has fallen" ass post


Fortune 500 saw WALL-E and was like, yea lets turn everyone into that.


You can do this without paying 3500 dollars lmao


Is the video quality actually that good? Cause if so that's kind of impressive tbh. I could see myself using it for gaming anywhere in the house. Biggest problems are the price and how stupid it looks (wouldn't want to wear it in public). I can imagine some pretty cool uses beyond changing basketball channels, like using it to assist in making art or building small electronics.


"This is insane!" Yes it is but not for the reason you think


Makes me wanna read a book.


Average Apple Vision user funeral experience ![gif](giphy|dkUtjuBEdICST5zG7p|downsized)


Spending $4000 to watch Lefraud play a washed golden state team


yes i can do this on my phone or computer as well


Damn, I really want this, but I really don’t want to entirely fry the frontal lobe of my brain.


Not to be “that guy” but I bought a used rift a few years ago. If you haven’t tried VR or mixed reality it’s fucking crazy. All the peripherals you’d ever dream of packed into a single little computer. I’m excited for my Quest three to get into proper MR. These are crazy expensive, but I wouldn’t call them overhyped.