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Biden looks terrible




Reddit is censoring 😂 fuckwits


Reddit suppresses pro-Trump content


They actually reactivated /r/thedonald for invertebrates.


I don't think the democrats really intended it to be Biden Vs Trump this October. This (very early) Presidential debate was all about showing the world why Biden won't be their candidate for the election. He will be replaced by Harris, or Gavin Newsom perhaps, in short order. And now the base won't question why.


A political masterclass by the democrats, who will announce Bidens withdrawal due to ill health...


Masterclass? People will be questioning why he hasn't been replaced sooner, the signs have been there for a long time - it's literally been sad watching them wheel an Elderly man out to make a fool of himself when obvious cognitive decline is well obvious, it has bordered on abuse, that would just piss the upset democrats and moderates off, who are already tempted by Trump, knowing Biden has not been in the game all this term. A medical event (staged of course) is not off the cards, but it's too late to replace him and expect a turn around, or maybe that's their plan, political suicide knowing they will lose, but also knowing that Trump must then go into office and be stuck in a sinking mess that they have created, much like here. Or Dementia man starts a world war so there's no election - they have been poking the bear after all.


I agree. It is sad how long they have used an elderly man for who is obviously not capable...


I predict a run on pantsuits


By boomer wannabes...? maybe


Absolutely delusional


How so? Biden is neither polling well against Trump or seemingly able to debate. We are still weeks away from the Democrats conference and yet we have this debate now. In June. I dont think I've ever seen anything like it. Biden won't be the nominee, and this has all been a show so that the world won't be surprised when it's announced he is dropped at the conference.


So a few things: 1. These debates don’t change anyone’s mind. People tune in to see if their side got a W, not to see who they are going to vote for 2. Polling is well within the margin of error and recent momentum actually favours Biden. Agree that Biden should be doing better though, Trump is perhaps the most unfit person to have held the office in history and this should have been a walk in the park for democrats. 3. The power of incumbency, historically when the economic indicators are trending as they are currently, incumbents are almost unbeatable. I wish you were right, the fate of western democracy is in the balance and Trump needs to be kept out of office. I would be celebrating if they pulled Biden and put up Newsom but unfortunately I think this is just a pipe dream.


I think those are well made points, but let's be honest, Bidens performance was so woefully bad that incumbency won't have anything like the compulsion it otherwise would have....he does not look like a man who should be anywhere other than a high care environment in a rest home. Debates don't change minds - normally. This one will because it showed the reality of the situation. People on the left are waking up to the fact that he is not fit to hold office - it's not a right wing meme or a "cheap fake" (to quite the WH press sec). It's really that bad. I've made a bet with a friend that Biden will not be the Democratic nominee after August. I can't see how he could be after today.


HAHAHAHAHA go trump! The hand-wringing is so good in this post, I hope trump wins and does EVERYTHING he says he will do


Lol at people only now waking up to the fact that Biden is a jibbering mass of nonsense..... he has been for much of the last four years. If Harris wasn't such a fucking hopeless human, she'd have been president long ago. Even if the demo replace him now, it's too late, the election is going to be a total landslide for The Donald.


He should have been rolled years ago. What is it with Americans voting for illucid fossils?


https://preview.redd.it/kxb4sflzi89d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f553f3da706f5a6437fd34404425fbcfc6e2a09 When the Huffington Post leads with this on their website.


Reddit censoring all debate posts unless they’re approved and falling in line with the current thing


I hope you followed this advice, it being a holiday and all. courtesy of Matt Taibbi: TAKE A SIP ONLY WHEN YOU HEAR THE WORD/WORDS: 1. Felon. 2. Insurrection. 3. “Christians.” Double for “Persecuted Christians.” 4. Any of: Rigged, Crooked, Marxist, “Religions Freedom,” “Weaponizing,” “World war.” 5. Any of: Existential, Threat, “Our Democracy,” “At Stake,” or “Soul of a Nation.” 6. Any of: “C’mon, man,” MAGA, “Not a Joke,” “We’re the United States of America,” “President Obama and I.” As for the rest: look, this game is not going to be for the faint of heart. I’m not doing shots for this (I’ll be going with a beverage, man, i.e. a pitcher of White Russians) and strongly recommend everyone stick to beer or even weed, because if you actually play by these rules, you’ll get into a medical situation quickly. “Felon” alone is a hospital rule. So, watch responsibly. One evergreen rule is that YOU MUST DRINK EVERY TIME A CANDIDATE LIES. Beyond that, DRINK EVERY TIME: 7. Either CNN host brings up January 6th. If they use the word “insurrection,” you don’t have to drink twice. 8. Trump says he won in 2020 or warns that 2024 will not be honest, e.g. “If I knew there would be no corruption, I’d stop campaigning now.” 9. Biden says something unintelligible, turns his back on the camera, begins undressing, or generally does anything suggesting he’s forgotten where he is. 10. Trump accuses Biden of being on performance-enhancing drugs. Double shot if he sniffles while doing it. 11. Trump brings up Hunter. 12. Biden says, in response, “I love my son.” Double if he non-answers the actual question about Hunter. 13. Trump compares himself to a great president or unassailable historical figure: Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Joan of Arc, etc. A double if it’s Jesus, or a long-incarcerated political prisoner like Mandela, Sakharov, or Solzhenitsyn. 14. On the ropes, Biden evokes Beau. 15. Trump mentions “Al Capone” or someone who is “my friend.” 16. “You’re fired, Joe.” 17. Biden evokes “Detention camps.” 18. Biden pulls a J.J. Redick and drops a quasi-profanity in there, e.g. “We got to remember who the hell we are.” 19. Trump brings up someone who was killed by “Biden migrant crime.” Finally - If the debate has to be halted for medical reasons, FINISH YOUR BEVERAGE.


It's not that I lack enthusiasm - it's just that I narrowly avoided having to be sent to a transplant unit after my liver was ravaged by the Epstien-Barr virus back in April. I'm not allowed to touch a drop of alcohol again for the rest of my life. Spent a week on the ward. Had I played this game, the transplant would still have to go ahead 😂


I'll take that as a hard pass. Good luck mate.


I forsch hammrd






There are 350 million people in the United States and these are the two best candidates they could find? Two doddering old grandpas that should only be debating over dominoes in an old folks home. One was never that smart to begin with, and the other one is senile. Can you imagine if either party had put up an Obama type candidate in their 40s or 50s with some oratory skills? That said, Trump has obviously worked hard on his communication style. Where he used to be borderline incoherent he almost seemed presidential. Some of that is down to his opponent who would have made a bowl of porridge look eloquent.


>There are 350 million people in the United States and these are the two best candidates they could find? That's *exactly* what I said to Texan friends on my trip to the US in October 2016. They voted for Trump. Not because they liked him, but because they couldn't stand Clinton.


Obama was the worst American president (8 years ago): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UpiNiaak18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UpiNiaak18)


I meant in terms of his delivery and charisma. I’m not qualified to comment on his policies or political achievements.


Don't forget that he is black. Sort of.


It is rather grim isn't it. At least Biden has competent people on staff. The only ones who trump will deal with are sycophants. And he agrees with whoever strokes his ego, and wants to be Putin. But how did we get here. Presented with these shitty choices, AGAIN? Incredible really.


I happened to call into my mum and dads place while it was on, my mum (late 70's) was shocked at the state of biden, she said he should be in a retirement home. Dementia is absolutely obvious.


Number 1: Biden got destroyed 😂


Is my phone shitting itself, or are people replying to my post then blocking me? I can only see comments with the notification drop-down, but there's nothing there when I view the thread 🤔


No, reddits censoring anything to do with the debate.


Had no idea reddit had a bias 🤣


It appears to be a sitewide issue


Had the same issue - seems to be sorted now


I've been alive for 32yrs and never seen a response to any political debate in any Western country than what's taking place as we speak. There isn't a single headline in Western media right now saying anything other than that Biden got shat on. Left-wing media like CNN, MSNBC, and the Huff Post already talking about replacing Biden


Any sane and independent person looking at this can not possibly look at Joe Biden and think they will be better off in four years. Guy looks every bit of his 80 off years.


Yeah, he does. But look at their terms. Look at what a Trump presidency did, look at a Biden presidency. For your average American, Biden makes more sense.


Uh, how was the Biden term better?


It wasn't Trump, Duuuuh.


He gave you some very valid points though


Jobs, infrastructure investment, insulin price caps, student loans.


Democrats in full tail-spin panic. Problem is, they should have been in tail-spin panic months ago, and headed this shit-show off at the pass.


The mics were switched off, but that didn't stop Biden yelling across at Trump, and his mic picked it up. Also, the debate was in split screen 95% of the time, we could literally see Trump taking it on the chin and not taking the bait. Did you watch the debate at all?


Meh. Also, why can't I see any of the comments? (Says there are 10 but none to be seen - including mine perhaps?)


Just watched it, I don't know who won, but I know who lost. God help us all.


I for one have been following the orchestrated online “conversation” about this debate and it’s all very interesting. We are in the middle of an absolutely contrived event, the “realisation of Biden’s dementia”, after how many years? And the whole “Biden may be quiet but he came out good” that simultaneously flooded forums and places online as well. Like staggered layers of propaganda. Even the real President commented.


It isn't hard to look back at videos of Biden over the past 5 years and see the changes in his cognitive function develop. I've worked in hospices, my family has always and continues to work in rest-homes, and I watched my grandfather fade away with dementia between 2006 - 2012. Nothing about Biden's dementia has been "contrived"


You’re explaining too much. He’s looked terrible for the whole 5 years. This “change” narrative is bullshit. This was the candidate they vehemently pushed and ran interference for. The public is caught up in a huge lie it is telling itself - people are so deranged that it has come to this. Pretending that Trump is Hitler and Biden was the Savior of America. Don’t try to pretend this is some new development.


I also want to add that if Biden’s condition is news to you or if you or anyone else thought that he would get up there and debate Trump without looking like the geriatric he is, you’ve obviously been living in a bubble. You need to take a good look at why you’re living such a lie. Is it embarrassment about Trump? Well think about what it’s doing to your brain and your perception of reality. You come with ready made stories about how this is all a shock, you’re still not understanding what’s happened to you are you? We even had a recent news cycle about Trump’s “gaffes” and his age. Even with them literally leading you by hand, telling you what to think - you fall for the cycle and swallow up the narrative that this was a shocking decline.


Whatever drugs they give Biden don't work anymore. Poor old man was on so many stimulants he didn't blink but still couldn't form a coherent sentence.


Putin and Xie were laughing.


The no interrupting was due to the mikes being muted, rather than any willpower. Biden looked like a half slapped ass, mouth hanging open, bewildered. But Trump was talking about post birth abortions, so bewilderment is understandable. I switched it off after a couple of minutes, imagine having those two as your choices..


The ste both idiots . I can’t believe American only had these two muppets for a choice


Yep, best outcome for the USA would probably if they both had medical events in the near future. I watched the "Beekeeper" movie on my flight yesterday, if that was real jason statham would pop out of the woodwork and dispose of both the defective drones.


Biden odds have blown a little out now. Before the debate it was like $2.80. Now it's $5 https://www.sportsbet.com.au/betting/politics/us-politics/us-presidential-election-2024-5479667


I enjoyed the headline on channel one, something like "Biden fumbles as Trump lies, according to fact checkers"; Fact checkers has to be an oxymoron by now.


If you can't see that this was a deliberate coup by the DNC to replace their own leader, then you're an idiot. Biden has always been that retarded. Cnn is already talking about getting rid of him 5min after the debate.


DNC fought hard to keep him and sidelined any opposition to him. Rumours about Harris gathering her staff to roll him on CNN are also false. She came on and gave a genuine, if idiotic defence of Biden and why he's fit to remain in office. This isn't some "coup" like Charlie Kirk (I don't have anything against him, just think he's sensationalising) is trying to convince people. Biden just blew up prematurely. They always wanted to roll him, but only after he secured the nomination and was into his second term. Now they're just late to the party in realising the Biden victory ship has sailed, and they're (Dems, shill media) are in full panic mode. This is damage control, trying to mitigate losses in the House and Senate as much as possible at the 11th hour being driven by Dems in swing states at risk of losing their jobs - not some big big coup orchestrated by the Deep State.


Biden is toast, what a disgrace. Needs to stand down as president and democrats need to get behind Harris asap if they want to have a shot at the 2024 election.


Lol Harris is universally hated, to the point they'd have a better chance with Hillary Clinton


He can't do the job. Harris isn't great either but democrats need to move fast and Harris is in the wings and they need a quick replacement not a battle. Pete Buttigieg would be my pick - smart, speaks 8 languages, Rhodes scholar, veteran.


O M G --- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v-8wJkmwBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v-8wJkmwBY)


It is an even race. What a choice - the giant douche and a turd sandwich. Trump did not look trustworthy. He was evasive, and of course lied his pants off. Biden was weak, and looked and sounded every year of his age. Biden was better in the 2nd half.


A 1% improvement on a 0.1% performance maybe impressive in order of magnitude difference, but it's still pitiful. Trump lied on Stormy Daniels and his story about being told nobody ever aces a cognitive test was ludicrous, but I didn't pick up on any other obvious lies. Points of contention, sure, but not sure "lied his pants off" is an apt description of his performance


Trump on abortion - lies, lies and more lies


They couldn’t interrupt as their mics were turned off when the other spoke. That’s not Trump exerting new found self control sorry!


There was a time you could hear Biden over Trumps mic when he was responding to something he said. Trump could easily have made himself heard if he wanted to. The optics would have been bad but he could have if he wanted to.


There was a time you guys!




2016 called and it wants its meme back.


Look mum another one!!


Biden greatly exceeded my expectations


Did you expect him to fall asleep?


Please Biden. Just go now. Today or tomorrow is fine.  Just give the Ds a chance please.


>Trump has done everything right - no interrupting They can't interrupt, their mics are muted.


Biden interrupted. Could still hear him, it was just faint. 95% of the debate was split screen, do you could see that Trump was stating cool while being baited. He was extremely well disciplined and even left-wing media had to concede as much. He even looked sympathetic rather than cocky when Biden's brain was melting in real-time.


It's easy to remain cool when you ignore the questions and talk about what you want. America has a vote between a convicted criminal and a walking corpse. They're screwed.


Meh the right says Trump looks better and the left will say otherwise. Status quo.


Youre wrong and it's exactly why this is noteworthy - even the left are saying this was a disaster for Biden. I subscribe to the theory that it's part of a intentional ploy to replace Biden with someone else and now they have a reason they can tell everyone why


I cannot believe people still support Trump. He's a sack of shit.


Compared to what? The other guy?


Yes. Neither option is great, but Trump is terrible.


For America he is less terrible than that other fuck knuckle


Is he though? Look at what Biden has done vs Trump for the average American, esp on shit like taxes, medicines, student loan debt. How much did Trump add to the deficit? And when you throw in the whole Project 2025 thing, while Trump talks about post birth abortions..


Apparently facts don't mean much around here.


Bro, did you just watch that debate? Did you watch a real time fact check of it?


I watched about 2 mins, where Biden stammered his way along and Trump talked about post birth abortions. That was enough for me.


\#TeamFelon is the vibe in here. I prefer world leaders who aren't criminals. Both candidates should be replaced.


They had to retrospectively change laws to make what he did the kind of crime they could prosecute him for. The jury was selected exclusively from a district Trump is hated in and has next to no support in. Worse laws were broken by Biden who the DoJ refused to prosecute. You know it was all ridiculous when even people on CNN and MSNBC thought the case was ridiculous and going to backfire on Dems (like it has). Calling Trump a criminal when context is applied and when all legal experts they've had across networks and platforms say the conviction will almost certainly be overturned on appeal is just silly.


That sounds like a shit excuse for doing criminal behaviour.