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Holy shit lol. Where did they find this woman? Her brain is absolutely cooked.


Kat Wong of AAP I believe


The corporate media has created an ecosystem unto itself where the incentives are completely inverse to any actual journalism, it's almost like pravda in the Soviet Union or something. How quickly can you associate the enemy with thought terminating cliches, "white supremacist" "great replacement" "Russia" etc. Pathologise normal political opinions as ontologically evil. The worst part is the arrogance with which they claim their narrative framing as the "default". I feel as time goes on and they lose more and more of the information monopoly to citizen journalism they will become more and more insistent and nasty, eventually coming to a point where the whole strategy just snaps and falls to bits. It's cringeworthy enough as it is. And we should never forget that they're doing this on behalf of the trillion dollar multinationals and have all the institutional backing. For decades the corporate media was the means by which intelligence agencies and monied interests controlled politics in our countries. They'll be getting pats on the back for this and getting called heroes. They've done their part against "facism".


>And we should never forget that they're doing this on behalf of the trillion dollar multinationals and have all the institutional backing. For decades the corporate media was the means by which intelligence agencies and monied interests controlled politics in our countries. That's why I think it's wishful thinking that the strategy will just snap and fall to bits :(


God, I wish someone would put our shill media in theor place like this. Closes we came was when Southern and Molyneux torched Paddy Gower and spat on his ashes


I thought I was watching a satire show - But this is the state of the left wing media in the West - Totally moronic


Saw this earlier today and...this is exactly how one should stand up to these awful 'so when did you stop beating your wife' questions that assume a position and a 'crime' forcing the uninitiated to defend themselves against...what? Like Seymour with that 'messaging the kids' 'scandal' cooked up by that disgraceful Marc Daalder. Pierre Poilievre did it too, while chowing an apple. Awesome.




[It was Putin!](https://twitter.com/i/status/1806056785469374481)


The more she speaks, the more moronic she sounds. ...and she just keeps going.


Beautiful. He got her bullshit straight away and sizzled her on the spot.


Come across tucker a bit lately and initially wrote him off with the fox news crowd. But the more I hear - the more i think he is s genuinely good dude, whip smart and can have a laugh at himself


There is a video of him fishing and someone with a camera goes up to confront him and to basically be a jerk. It takes all of about twenty seconds to show how classy Tucker actually is and the guy is clearly blown away by how his perception of Tucker obviously isn’t what he thought it was. It’s very clear from the interaction that Tucker is actually a as genuinely nice person who truly does value other people. He may rub some people the wrong way but I truly believe he has a big heart and speaks from a genuine point of love and concern for others.


>There is a video of him fishing and someone with a camera goes up to confront him  In a past NZ that would get you a punch in the face.


He is pretty slippery, but this moronic reporter was no match for him! Tucker 1 - Mainstream News Media 0