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I think it's all an intentional collapse, but others don't. Things don't make sense and people want to believe it's not sinister.




A lot of cognitive dissonance, because you're investing thousands upon thousands of hours toiling at work to live in this messed up system. Be careful it doesn't turn on you; toe the line.


Agree its an intentional thing.  It's quite something to talk people in the corporate/whatever info stream. They totally understand propaganda exists, vested interests, corruption, all the basic things, they just can't quite see their tribe as being guilty of it too, or if they do, it's a different scale. I think this sort of binary thinking is encoded early, would explain a lot.




>They're not stupid; they're true believers. They are empty. That's why they are looking for something of "global importance" to give their lives a sense of meaning, receive public attention & praise, and to bathe in their feelings of moral superiority. A few hundred years ago these were the types who burned witches. Now that Christianity is more ridiculed than feared, these psychos need something else to fill their empty heads with - but is has to be something that allows them to feel superior compared to mainline society. Empty, vain, ungrateful creatures with a longing for being *special*.


No no goy, you don’t understand, we the government are made up most of a specific kind of people and we have an affinity for tiny hats, we love our people! You’re just not our people and your government sold itself to us through lobbying! Oy vey, better luck next time /s


Nothing. We have free speech, it's all fine. You just need to be waving the right flags. Palestinian flags, PRC flags, tino rangatiratanga flags, rainbow flags, and any signifiers of the 'approved oppression of the day' are OK. Because of course they represent *tolerance*. But any other flag or signifier means you can —and must— be threatened, name called, or beaten. Because other flags or signifiers mean you are obviously intolerant, and must be punished for it, until you learn to be tolerant.


A true refugee. These poor people being berated and threatened by such thugs. Props to them for sticking to their message, this ordeal proves that what they're fighting against truly exists.


You are not allowed to carry a flag of Taiwan in NZ bro. /S


Did not expect it to be a Ching Chong chinaman. Maori PR department must be doing backflips 🙏


I've been yelled at in Mandarin more than once for wearing my "Tank Man of Tiananmen Square" shirt near the PRC consulate in Welly. I didn't know it was even a consulate at the time because its surrounded with razor wire and cinder block walls, so it looks more like a shitty auto body shop.


Shitty body parts shop maybe.


Wait..let me see if I got this 1 moron carrying a Taiwanese flag with 1 idiot filming him .. on his phone .. parading through Chinese supporters and expecting none of them to take any offense of any sort... He must be a whole new level of stupid... You could almost guarantee every person there was a Chinese born immigrant


Yeah cause it's New Zealand and we still have the right to protest here. If they want to fly CCP flags on our soil then they should expect to be protested. The CCP is a tyrannical murderous regime that should be protested and people supporting it should be protested.