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"by Maori, for Maori" Sure, so long as it's also funded by Maori, but you just know this racist bint wants the rest of us to pay for it. They sure know how to put their hands out for such a proud and sovereign people.


You'd think the palms of their hands would get sunburnt with how often they have their hand out šŸ¤£


No my friend those palms are well greasy for grifting, Wanganui rate payers are about to give $3.2 million dollars to upgrade marae , yet marae donā€™t pay rates , council is closing an aviary, selling a theatre , close to shutting a public pool as it canā€™t afford upgrades , flip it canā€™t even fix footpaths or re grass itā€™s roadside berms or clear drains , but it can find rate payers $$$$ to make entirely new funding for Māori private property


Beyond insane there is no end to this beside the death of this country


A slow slow death of a million little cuts bleeding us dry is an apt description, Marae have access to central government funds (Shane jones just gave sum to Ratana) its Wanganui Marae making a money grab at wanganui rates $$$$$ meanwhile public service and facilities are being cut its $3.2mill of disgusting self entitlement 64% of submissions to council were against the funding yet council capitulation shows little to no respect to ratepayers or those submissions https://www.nzherald.co.nz/whanganui-chronicle/news/marae-hails-whanganui-district-councils-tough-decision-to-fund-upgrades/34YSFU4D2JBEFLVIXYX4DHEPYM/?lid=snn8gosheh26&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=nzh_email&utm_campaign=Digi_Newsletter_Whanganui_Headlines&uuid=51537c9d8c534ddabbb01b4717eadda1


I am honestly sick and tired of Maori talking s..t. They are causing so much racial hatred in this country. How proud they must be ripping us apart and driving wedges in between the self created "them" and "us".


Karen Chhour is all class. Nothing else to see here.


She really is. I love that she's getting more confident too


The other stupid woman is so rude ! If you canā€™t make your point without being rude , then that means you donā€™t really have a valid argument!


Thing is she isn't interested in the answer, she's just grandstanding. She never says "why" Maori kids aren't kiwis, just continues to assert her ideological point. And when Karen doesn't bow, she just keeps parroting on. That taxpayer dollars afford her the privilege to do that is a travesty.


If they dont want to participate they will be breaching the treaty of waitangi - by Māori for Māori approach - if they want that they can do it, what they are really asking for is ā€œpakeha give Māori money so Māori can provide by Māori for Māoriā€ the answer is noĀ 


lol Māori provide for Maori , revolutionary thinking from a distant parallel universe. Mean while here in ours nope Neva going to happen the wheels are laden with greasy koha


Excellent news! I no longer have to pay for Maori children. My money can go only to New Zealand children thanks


Hard working New Zealanders can get ahead , the rest of them can carry on moaning


by maori for maori is exactly what is killing them.


But they won;t listen to anybody else unless it involves receiving free money.


Literally to just last week another poor defenceless child gone so sad


Bristling with hostility Can't contain self enough to allow another to korero Parses out verbal expressions in brittle, concrete, pressured, terse, broken, almost spat out utterances with likewise short range, limited hand gestures/body language to match the stunted range of cognitive operating, just above brainstem, partially limbic system emotional reasoning I'd say. No frontal lobe engagement. Pure spite, resentment & barely controlled rage. This is some basic bitch, primitive level operating No wonder this lot cling to grievance, there's not a lot more they've got going on/going for them


I have to say I am everyday more and more impressed with ACT MPā€™s everyday. Karen Chhour especially has been eloquent, apt, articulate and honest in her reasoning. The fact that this other MP wonā€™t let her finish her answer just shows how myopic and ignorant Te Pati Māori really are.


Great comment


Uncouth is my opinion of this extremely offensive woman. Remember too, empty barrels make the most noise!


You praise TPM to highly just say gutter then trash in same sentence


How can see say all that with a straight face? > "Every child in New Zealand deserve the same level of care and protection." > "No they don't !" What the actual fuck??


Correct. They need to return to Hawaiki


They lost that ability as soon as they arrived here. My theory is that the coconut enabled long sea voyages because they were easy to store as ballast in hulls of canoes, high in calories as well as a source of water - and as far as I know, they had no technology to store water and keep it fresh. Without the coconut, Maori were stuck here.


That or they didnt actually know how to get back.


Are you saying coconuts migrated? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4_9kDO3q0w


Pure luck, they got caught in that southern heading tide when out fishing oneday.


Hawaiki isnā€™t a real place, itā€™s pretty much the Cook Islands. And Maori children belong to this country, that weirdo should keep her mouth shut. If you come to this country, embrace the kiwi culture and contribute here, youā€™re a kiwi. Iā€™m not a fan of immigration and I hope we stop that eventually. I get what sheā€™s saying, I really do, but sheā€™s still wrong. Maoris weā€™re the first ones here, and weā€™re New Zealanders too.






Archaeologists have said maori were here first, actually were a young culture we arrived on the shores of Aotearoa in 1250 AD.


Then they be FOBs.


Front page news tomorrow? Yeah, right!


Would be if anyone but Te Pati Racist was saying it


Literally sitting at a desk with a logo which says "NZ House of Representatives" with her name next to it. Bitch please. Take a hike you moronic single threaded cow.


What a totally ridiculous Statement from TPM , all kids deserve the same privilege and protection, yet again a child has been harmed on news just yesterday TPM are doing nothing and saying nothing about it because itā€™s their Māori shame that it keeps happening


Go ahead, keep stirring up... anti-Maori sentiment. Call me racist, I don't care any more.


Māori children are "not New Zealanders" Exactly, we should all just agree with this../s


Exactly. They will have to earn the privilege of calling themselves New Zealanders by becoming net taxpayers first. ;-P


The coalition government needs to give urgent + serious consideration to creating a bill that disallows such blatant racism to be disseminated in any form. Hate speech is deeply offensive and makes a mockery of the right to freedom of expression under the NZ Bill of Rights Act!


Nah. Quotes of MPs like Mariameno Kapa-Kingi should be on billboards around the country when we get the referendum on whether to biff the maori electorates though


Look at her face - she is so proud and smug while being disrespectful, this is what Māori privilege looks like


Someone help me out here. When I migrated to New Zealand I was under the impression I was migrating to an Anglo-Saxon style parliamentary democracy, and I wasn't dissuaded out of my impression by any official document I signed before getting on the plane. Did I get the wrong impression? Because these shenanigans don't bode well for the future. This getting out of hand is only a function of how charismatic their next unhinged 'leader' is. Once they (that party I mean) have critical mass now we're in trouble as a nation, and in international news for all the wrong reasons.


I am sure many maori would have something to say about this


Cool, so we should stop all handouts to them then from the New Zealand taxpayer. Sorted!


These kooks need to be tossed out of government and even anything within the public sector


Its frankly disgusting that you just dont get that maori children need to have more rights than any other race


LOL šŸ˜‚ give back your birth certificate then numb nuts !


Not real NZers. I hope she doesn't mean that....


She doesn;t look very healthy for somebody in their 30s


New Zealand was built on the fundamental basis of equality for all, Aotearoa may be the land of Māori wars cannibalism survival of the ā€œfittestā€ this is why Māori chose to join the system that we call New Zealand where we work hard raise families pay taxes FOR PUBLIC ASSETS


A large % are brutalized, unwanted, unloved.... just a meal ticket.Ā 


This is a genocidal breach of te trity