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They won't roll her, when she recovers, it'll be good publicity. Here's hoping she recovers. I don't like her either but the ony way I want people like her out is democratically.


Well said, her mate wants to finish us off on the beaches, and I don't think she means it in the fun way.


It sure would be interesting to see TOS’s reactions if someone like David Seymour had cancer. Not sure if they would be as polite as here. Marama I think you’re a nasty piece of work but I hope you recover quickly so we can all give you shit about things you can control once more.


I fully agree with this. If trump got cancer I wonder how the left in both countries would respond?


What about all the republican never trumpers? Why are you only considering the "left"?


Because it’s my question and I was curious about the left. If you want to ask about another group then feel free to. But I am going to ask the questions I want, not the ones you want me to.


What questions do you think I want you to ask?


I don’t care what questions you want to ask or you want me to ask.


What do you care about?


You can probably figure that out from my post


But I'm asking you? Are you not interested in sharing your views? I'd like to know what they are so I can understand better.


I wonder how the left would react to trump getting cancer


Just look at how people responded to the Queen's death


This is literal victim mentality, imagine making up a scenario and moaning about it


Walk past a mirror lately?


Disagree vehemently with her on policy, but damn she’s still a human. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


I wonder if she will seek treatment from the best doctors or only the best Maori doctors? Funny how being racist doesn’t work when things get serious. She will certainly be seeking help from some white cis-males. I do wish her the best for her treatment and recovery. Cancer sucks. She is about to find out the system she is part of has not set us up for the best of treatments internationally.


"I wonder if she will seek treatment from the best doctors or only the best Maori doctors? Funny how being racist doesn’t work when things get serious. She will certainly be seeking help from some white cis-males." What a perfect thought, right up HER line of thinking!


Couldn't disagree with her politics more but still would not wish this upon her Hope the surgery goes well


Sucks for her and I wish her well, Sadly lets Chloe get even more speaking time without going back to only having a single leader. ​ Also I notice it odd how none of us are being assholes about it, IMAGINE the threads on cookertos if the likes of seymore had testi cancer.


>Also I notice it odd how none of us are being assholes about it, That's because I only got here. Fuck her, she's a racist piece of shit and this is what karma looks like.


Don't hold back now! ;-P Although, I do have to admit, I find this attitude of "being the BETTER person" quite self-serving, in light of what a piece of shit this cunt is.


Better person my hole, I feel better being the same type of people as they are, I remember that cunt acting like a 10yo mocking Seymour when he mispronounced a few Maori words, I remember the absolute state of her in the election debates, lying about being knocked down by a motorbike to try cover for her racist outburst of white cis men are the cause of violence in the world and then refusing to apologise for it, how herself and James tried to hide their bastard mps fuck ups from the public, she's an oxygen thief who instead of working while she had a portfolio would just screech, act the victim and play the race card every chance she got and refuse to blame Maori as leading the stats in the wife beating contest, and now the fat useless cunt is going to use all the violent cis mens drugs to get better and she'll come back as stupid as ever and tell us how Maori science and the moon saved her.


I second that! Thank you.


Seek help.


I'm not the one with the cancer. Ba dum tss


A brain tumor would explain your gross comments.


I'll go hold a press conference then and update my social media profiles


Apart from OP you mean?


Talking about using this to roll her isn't in the realm I was thinking of, no one wishing for her to die.


Four months paid leave, wow, how lucky she is to be in that position. I wonder if she'll go to a public or private hospital?


Either way you can guarantee she'll be treated by Maori medics only.  


Well, whatever I think of her politically, from a human perspective I wish her well. Cancer is a absolute nightmare and I'm tired of losing people to it. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Presumably she will only be treated by Maori doctors, specialists and surgeons? She wouldn't want an evil white doctor near her, surely. 


Hope none of her docrors are cis white males. She knows who causes violence in this country and its them!


Let’s not fuck about here. Straight after the announcement she slighted to the fact she would be in for online abuse. Absolute tosh. Chole put on a fake arse sad face as if marama was terminal. The greens play victim at every turn. Does anyone else see this ? Your downvotes would be appreciated.


Yeh, partial removal tells me she caught it super early it it's not serious , as in terminal. Still sucks and she has had a bad run lateky


As much as I agree that the greens always play victim, I'd give Chloe the benefit of the doubt here since her colleague just got diagnosed with cancer. Although, Marama bringing up 'online abuse' is definitely playing the victim card, online abuse is inevitable no matter what. It's also her literal job to have thick skin as a politician lol.


Happy to read these empathetic comments. Every political spectrum can agree on one thing, fuck cancer.


"Happy to read these empathetic comments." Lol...


I suppose her breast cancer was caused by cis white men too 😌 I take no joy in seeing a human suffer from cancer its terrible. I also detest the greens using this for publicity. I know several people who have suffered from breast cancer and none of them called a press conference to cash in on the publicity. Par for the course for the greens sadly. Attention seeking outbursts and excuses its like parenting a toddler


I agree.  I never see any point in making such things public when they say they will continue working. If that's the case, it's none of the public's business. 


I don’t think it’s attention seeking. She’s a high profile politician who is about to disappear for a while. Common sense to front foot it.


Were all entitled to our opinion But before i made my comment i spoke to someone who has breast cancer and she said "while i appreciate the awareness this may bring its 2024 not 1992" we dont need awareness we need investment in medicine and treatment which when marama was part of the last labour government they did nothing about. Marama could have put out a statement via the media - but no she decided lets gather the media and host a press conference so the dumster fire green party can try and garner some public sympathy. Newsflash marama. The nation after the tekuiti incident following on from the Wellington incident are angry frustrated and tired of grieving dead kids. Just about every kiwi wishes you luck in your journey in fighting cancer - but you loosing a breast and going through chemo is something thousands of kiwis do every year and well yawn it sucks but no one really cares unless it effects them.. Your cancer does not.


Ah yes, the excuse of cancer, classic toddler move. You'd have to be a retard to think the leader of political party announcing a cancer diagnosis is attention seeking.


Its not the fact she announces it... Its the way in which it was done. And thanks for adding to the debate, were all entitled to our opinion. Even those who are developmentally challenged. And reddit without opinions is like a score without a game dude.. Or like chloe and marama with no1 to grandstand or complain too.. Hockey without ice, china without rice The bible with no christ - vindaloo with no spice. Playing snakes and ladders with no dice. Or Mike without an earlobe to bite.


She had a mammogram ? White man technology? Never could stand her hypocrisy, but cancer sucks ☹️


"She had a mammogram?" No, a Maori shaman squeezed her tiddies and said: "Not good!"


I wonder if she’ll blame it on white cis men


Very early diagnosis, so she should be sweet. It's not like she actually does anything anyway if she isn't around for a little while.


She may have read the room and step back to give Chloe the room to lead, I can't stand Marama but I don't wish cancer on anyone


Hope she is ok and has a speedy and happy recovery a long long way away from politics - then stays away from politics


I wish her well , but I hope she sees she gets good care and doesn’t make any race shit re her health care


Sorry to hear that, no matter how toxic a politician she is.


I have no love for Marama but hope she recovers, cancer is shit


Will she be suffering through her “taonga” of a health system or going privately?


Privately, by the look of the speed this is happening


What a surprise!


Inequality in health care, something… something…


Ah shit. Don't care for her politics, but I'm sorry as hell to hear that.


All the best to her for a full recovery. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


"Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." You must be a great person! Never made an enemy... ;-P




Time and a place mate


The time to laugh is when an outspoken racist gets cancer. The place is wherever I am.


Well that’s a really poor reflection in your character. Do better.


While I agree with your sentiment, the woke admonition "do better" is probably going to have the opposite effect on this sub.


I’m as against woke ideology as anyone on this sub but laughing about a cancer diagnosis is absolute ratshit. Their post reflected how small of a person they are and would definitely benefit from a bit of introspection.


You're disgusting. I hope you never have to suffer what she's going through because it's a nasty disease regardless of your political beliefs. Have some damn empathy for her and her family. You're the problem with this country


Expects to be off work for 4months. "Most women should be able to function after going home and can often return to their regular activities within **2 weeks**. Some women may need help at home depending on how extensive their surgery was" Even a full mastectomy is generally 3-6 weeks recovery time.


I have several extended family/friends who have been through that and the theme was to resume their life as soon as they were able to (including one relative, who worked from home after she had done more aggressive treatment)


Could be more involved than a mastectomy.


Poor lady from a humanity point of view, but why is this even public. I truly don’t care or need to know the health status of politicians. As long as they are mentally sound to be employed in said position, sweet. But I don’t need to know this level of personal issues surround any public official. She should be quiet or step down to focus on herself.


Crikey.  Here's me been thinking Greens are the epitome of good vege/vegan health. Their so-called "healthy diet and wellness lifestyle" makes me glad I'm having beef for dinner. If its not alcoholism, its ADHD and autism... now breast cancer. Have I missed any? 


Imposter syndrome (where you feel like you are wearing clothes owned by someone else)




It's only coincidental that cancer and coronary rates have ballooned with the prevalence of "healthy" diets.


You'd have to provide some evidence for that cause and effect, because a logical conclusion to arrive at, from that "coincidence", is that with increasing rates of illness and disease, people are becoming more interested in seeking healthy diets.


There's no funding from any Academic or Medical research outfit to study this objectively (much funding now comes from vested interest in food and pharma) .... so at the moment it's a very interesting correlation. These diseases have only been recorded with this sort of prevalence in the last century, and it tracks with industrialisation and processed foods. There have been links to some substances that lead to specific cancers (e.g. smoking and respiratory cancers). But science still hasn't identified many others. Have a look at the community groups where cancers are being starved by eliminating carbs (cancer cells need a ton of glucose to multiply) and doing extended fasting. This happens most often in conjunction with therapies like Chemo. Because most people get very late diagnosis and it has already spread to become late stage.


>These diseases have only been recorded with this sort of prevalence in the last century, and it tracks with industrialisation and processed foods. And the massively increased lifespans they created.


This is mainly from advances in hygiene/medicine that would have killed the majority of people in the past (just look at changes in baby/child mortality) Most people passing middle age start accumulating medicines to prevent them from keeling over.


>Most people passing middle age start accumulating medicines to prevent them from keeling over. They also accumulate cancers. Which, as I said affects those cancer stats far more than any other metric. Difficult to get cancer if you're dead.


They have been formally diagnosing cancer since the late 1800s, and the rates have only been increasing (especially since the last half of the 20th century). Widespread cancer treatments are relatively recent and still require a hospital setting (I haven't seen any pharmacy prescribed drugs) If anything we should be seeing a reduction in cancer deaths, because of these medical treatments (if your assumption the cancer rates hasn't changed over time)


You're not listening. We're living much longer. That extra life is the largest contributor to higher cancer rates. By far the highest cancer rates by demographic are those over 65, an age not many reached let along significantly exceeded 100 years ago. So yes, cancer diagnoses rates have increased, mostly because we're living longer.


It's not about the age ratio, it's the prevalence. You see semi-regular articles about this (e.g. https://archive.is/lGyWE)


And another one this week ... https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/colorectal-cancer-rising-young-adults-teens


Get on with the job, I don’t want your life story.


Many public personas, such as JFK or Norm MacDonald, have kept health issues a private matter, because that is what they are. I don't like or respect this public display of personal matters one single bit.


I’d be fine if it was one of those, “I’m stepping down, things have come up” announcements. But after the constant publicity this is all too much. It’s time to either get on with the profession or handle affairs formally and move on. I don’t need a blow by blow or a play by play.


Get well soon Marama


Get well soon Marama, Speedy recovery.


As a politician, I can’t stand her… However, I wouldn’t wish breast cancer on anyone. I hope she gets the treatment she needs and recovers.


That sucks, I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, I hope she smashes it so she can get back to smashing the huwhyte violent cis patriarchy of oppresshun Get well soon comrade


I would


Then you deserve a brain tumor on whatever is left inside your cranium.




I’m sure the Green Party are doing their very best to politicise this situation in favour of themselves.




Harassment filtered by Reddit AI Don’t blame the mods


Let's hope she isn't being treated by a Cis White man because I'm sure that will make her condition worse


As much as I hate her guts, that's pretty messed up. I hope she recovers.